Inexorable Chaos

Chapter 118: Wraith

Chapter 118: Wraith

So thats what happened.

At the most easternmost side of the floor, on a floating island closest to the entrance to the ninth floor, is where the boss currently resides.

Midnight black scales, elongated body, sharp claws, and forward bending crystal horns that look as though they could rend steel with ease; the boss of the eighth floor is clearly meant to be the apex predator of the skies and it would be, if not for its destroyed wings.

On its back are three pairs of burnt stumps where one might expect to see wings. From the bony protrusions, one can easily infer that the wings were brutally ripped off and then the wounds were cauterized to halt their regeneration.

Thats horrible. How could they do such a thing? Jessica voices aloud.

I dont know, but whoever did deserves to pay dearly, Alba adds as she folds her arms.

The [Hero] rolls his eyes as he looks at the two.

Its smart, he says, immediately getting glares from the two, but he continues. This is a boss monster that is created by the dungeon to kill and hunt. When it dies, it will return stronger and then slaughter again. My guess is that the [Conflagration Wyvern] was strong enough to overpower it and smart enough to keep it alive. If you take a good look, the boss is starving, but the fresh wyvern corpse near it reveals that it has been fed enough to live and nothing more. It cant heal and it cant leave the island.

So, what? How was it overpowered? Orlan asks as he kneels, gazing at the monster which returns their looks from a distance. Specifically, the black dragon focuses on Quasi.

Quasi licks his lips as he stares at the monsters information.

Bahamut, the Guardian of the Eighth floor. Level 239

Bahamut is the defender of the Eighth floor. This monster was created to rule the skies. Its several wings and ability to create and utilize potent poison and gasses give it unmatched mobile destruction. In addition, Bahamut has a body that can react instantly to changes in temperature, either cooling it down or raising it up in a manner of moments.

Bahamut was most likely created to fight the wyverns and keep them contained on this floor. Its flying ability is probably better than the wind wyverns and the ability to change body heat makes it almost impossible to burn or freeze. On top of all that, none of the wyvern species are able to deal with poison, at least not normally.

Quasi pauses a moment as he raises his hand and a dozen [Missiles] form up overhead.

The problem here is that the [Conflagration Wyvern] was too hot. The poison was probably destroyed by its extreme heat and was never able to take effect. This made the fight rather one-sided, which resulted in the boss getting turned into a captive animal.

With a flick of the wrist, the missiles accelerate. Bahamut sees the attack and attempts to react, but it is too weak and slow to escape. The missiles impale the weakened boss.

Sorry, but I need the experience. [Corpse explosion].

An explosion goes off, followed by several more, all until a message pops up on the [Necromancers] screen.

Congratulations! You have defeated Bahamut

For being the first [Hero] to kill this boss, experience gain has increased.

For single-handedly killing the boss, experience gain has increased.

Level up x 1

Congratulations, you are now a level 208 [Necromancer]

Stat gains postponed until class [Necromancer] has evolved.

Please visit a system stone to obtain an evolved class.

Level up x 2

Congratulations, you are now a level 101 [Hero]

Level up x1

Congratulations, you are now a level 100 [Bonelord]

New skill obtained: [Wings of Bone]

[Wings of Bone] [Very Rare]

Sprout wings of bone from your back and take flight at will.

The [Hero] waits expectantly for the message. For the class upgrade. But nothing happened. All he got was a skill and nothing else.

Jessica. Im a level one-hundred [Bonelord] now. Why arent I being offered a class change?

Jessica perks up, Um, leadership classes like those only change or improve based on your surroundings and what you do. Or, by classes that outrank you.

The [Hero], hearing Jessicas explanations, promptly drops to his knees as remorse spreads through his entire being. It takes a great deal of mental control to keep his tears at bay.

The others look at Quasis display, rolling their eyes at his overdramatic antics. It's not the first time that they have seen him saddened in such a way, after all. He has cried over burnt meat or a slightly weaker enchantment. His reaction now is tame by comparison.

Are you saying that my class has different requirements? That it evolves differently?

Jessica slowly nods, Yes, unless it is fused with another class. Then, I think it can upgrade normally.

Quasi rubs his face and groans rather loudly at the injustice of the systems caprice.

What makes the [Hero] class different from the [Necromancer] class, which is different from the [Bonelord] class?

He asks the question mentally but gets no answer except for a hypothesis that is getting more and more support with each passing floor.

Fine then. Fuck this shit. Rapeball, get your ass over here. I accept class upgrade to [Necrotic Mindlord].

Class upgrade request accepted.

The [Hero] frowns as he stands up while everyone stares at him in confusion.

Consuming class [Necromancer], [Bonelord], and legendary skill [Mental Overmind].

Adding class [Necrotic Mindlord]

Class upgrade commencing...


You are now a level 208 [Necrotic Mindlord]

Adding the following Attributes.

+3 Mana Regeneration

+600 Vitality

+300 Mana

+10 Strength

+20 Perception

+20 Endurance

+10 Stamina

+10 Dexterity

+100 Intelligence

+500 Willpower

-Immunity to negative mental afflictions obtained.

-Minion control cannot be circumvented.

-Minion Soul cost decreased by 99%.

[Aura of Death] has been upgraded to [Horror of the Shade].

[Corpse Explosion] has been upgraded to [Mass Death Explosion]

[Undead Modification] has been upgraded to [Greater Undead Modification]

[Advanced Analyze] has been upgraded to [Eyes of the Reaper]

Activating species change protocol...

Species change activated...

Species Lich selected

Changing species of entity Quasi Eludo to Lich

Error [Hero] class restrictions do not allow species change.

Attempting to circumvent class

Class circumvent failed requires administrative authority

Activating administrator SAS #11

Quasi folds his arms, even as the world stops, and reality freezes. His gaze is upwards, watching as the ceiling of the dungeon disappears and a clear blue sky takes its place. Not even a second later, and a giant floating eyeball appears in the air.

Rapeball. Your system is fucking up. Who the fu-

Immediately, the [Hero] stops speaking as his mouth closes and refuses to open up. The [Hero] gives the dirtiest silent glare he can possibly muster.

Since my creation, never has a mortal knowingly summoned me. I have only ever been called for due to mistakes and accidents. You, however, have knowingly summoned me, all on a hunch that you should not ever become a Lich. A hunch that, though correct, has caused me great frustration. Quasi Eludo, I despise you and your entire existence. I truly hope that you die, so I may ferry you away from this world.

Like a flick of a switch, Rapeball disappears and reality returns to normal. Sounds and movement resume as though nothing had actually happened.

Species change has been canceled by SAS # 11

You have gained the legendary skill: [Undying Apparition]


I blink, feeling the sights and sounds around me change. My body feels stronger, faster, healthier, and just outright better. The stat bonuses were rather significant, so much so that I feel better than I ever have. Ill probably need to practice moving to get a better understanding of my body.

My eyes widen.

That fucker just ignored me. That piece of eyeball shit ignored me! I yell out, shouting to the heavens, knowing full well, in the back of my mind, that nothing will come of it. That my efforts do nothing but make me look like an idiot.

Quasi, are you okay?

I turn to find a worried-looking Jessica. Even the others look worried. It takes me a moment to realize they aren't concerned by my actions.

What do you mean? I ask.

Your eyes are glowing purple, Aldonis says.

I blink, unable to understand why that is. Im not rushing any mana to my eyes, so that shouldnt be happening. I wonder if it may be from one of my new skills.

With a mental flick, I open up the new skills.

[Eyes of the Reaper] [Very Rare]

When you gaze forward, nothing is hidden.

[Advanced Identify] is always active.

[Advanced Analyze] is always active.

[True Sight] is always active.

[Greater Perception] is always active.

Damn. That explains why everything seems clearer and the constant floating stat boxes. I wonder what [True Sight] does. Maybe it lets me see invisibility. Well, this skill will take awhile to get used to.

[Horror of the Shade] [Very Rare]

At will, your aura extends around you, enhancing all capabilities of undead under your control by 20%. The undead will also slowly regenerate any damage they have sustained and have all decay halted.

A useful skill, especially when I leave the dungeon. Undead decay naturally under sunlight. Dungeons, at least the one I am in, seem to block sunlight completely.

[Mass Death Explosion] [Very Rare]

Target a corpse. Its body will degrade and create a mana bomb at its location. When cast, you can detonate as many corpses as you desire. For each additional body, explosive strength and mana cost increases by 10%.

-Explosive strength varies with corpse type and level.

-Cost varies with corpse level

-Self-controlled undead cost 90% less

Finally. Casting [Corpse Explosion] dozens of times is annoying. This skill should make it easier and even more powerful if I can use it on an army.

[Greater Undead Modification] [Very Rare]

Modify the structure of undead equal to ten-pounds per highest level class.

Fuck. This would have been so useful, especially considering it improved on the older skill by a good tenfold.

[Undying Apparition] [Legendary]

You are one who cannot be easily killed. When your body is no longer capable of sustaining your life, then your mana will do so instead.

Upon death, as long as your body structure is not significantly compromised, you will turn into a [Wraith].

As a [Wraith], your mana regeneration is removed and you will consume one mana per second until you run out of mana. While you are a [Wraith], the potency of dark skills are improved by a percentage equal to 25% of your total mana.

[Undying Apparition] ends prematurely if the casters body recovers enough to sustain life.

Holy shit, I say, reading the last skill.

I cant even. Geeze.

I reread it again, trying to accept the skill, but the whole thing just sounds like it is overpowered.

Well, maybe not. It clearly says that my body cannot be significantly compromised. Which probably means I cant allow my skull to be crushed.

Your eyes are still glowing, Jessica says.

Oh, yeah. Glowing eyes. Hmmm, none of my other skills seem to be causing it, maybe [Eyes of the Reaper], but I don't think so. Usually, I get glowing eyes when I am sending mana to them. Im not doing so now, so it must be my [Undying Apparition] skill. Maybe a side effect of having it? Could be, though it doesnt make sense why. I mean, my undead glo- oh.

With a mental command, I use the [Lightless Undead] skill on myself and quickly find everyone relaxing. Of course, Im a walking pseudo undead. Glowing Violet eyes are practically my trademark anyways.

So, commander Did you get any good skills? Darrow asks, and all I can do is smile.

Yes, yes I d-

Enemy swarm incoming!

I hear a loud screech so I look up and find Anemone turning and growling into the distance. The other wyverns turn as well, their bodies tensing as they prepare for immediate combat.

I blink, stare in the distance, and gawk at the thousand strong swarm of ice wyverns. They are led by a huge wyvern that is as big as Anemone.

And then I chuckle. I giggle and giggle until my attempts to stifle my laughter fails and I fall to my knees while I hold my stomach.

Hanging from the bottom of that wyvern, in a webbed hammock, lounges Peter, waving his leg at me.

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