Infernal Hero

Chapter 895 Thick Accumulation and Thin Hair

Chapter 895 Thick Accumulation and Thin Hair

"This is a perfect cemetery. It was originally prepared for us, but now, I want to ask, my brothers, do you agree with this statement?" Gu Tianyou raised his voice and asked, "Your Excellency, do you agree?"

Luo Yi stood at attention and shouted loudly, "Eight hundred super-brained warriors are willing to follow His Majesty the Saint and bury those bastards!"

The Laws of Galactic War had a clear division system between legions and their numbers. The number of legions that reached more than one billion was larger, and the number of legions that reached more than fifty million or less than one billion could be a legion of a certain type.

Project Super Brain was the highest-level elite project in Sacred Leaf Town. Each of the 800 superbrain warriors had passed at least 40% of the brain limit development experiments. Most of them came from the Lang Huan Dao Realm and Gu Tianyou's own Dao Spirit Dao Realm. It could be said that each of them possessed peak Origin Saint combat strength. With the highest level of technological battle armor, they could even contend head-on against a Star Grade Saint Sovereign. In terms of combat power, it was probably even more powerful than any other legion in the galaxy.

Therefore, even though the numbers were far from enough, they were still labeled as corps. As the chief engineer of the Super Brain Project, Luo Yi was determined to become the commander-in-chief of this super corps.

Gu Tianyou nodded in satisfaction and turned to Huang Yong, "Your Excellency Deputy Commander, are the 500,000 Dragon Horse Mecha Regiment ready?"

Huang Yong punched his chest with one hand and said, "The Dragon Horse Mecha Corps is already waiting for the day. With its tassel in hand, it is ready to pierce into the enemy's chest at any time!"

Dragon Horse, as its name implied, was a divine beast created by the combination of dragon and horse genes. His innate strength was boundless, and he even possessed an innate divine ability. Half demon, half beast, extraordinary intelligence. After the genetic modification of Sacred Leaf Town's Biotechnology Experiment Base, his strength became even stronger. It was matched by the elites of the Heavenly Wolf Immigrants who had undergone three levels of evolution.

The Dragon Horse and the evolved Heavenly Wolf Race elite formed this 500,000 strong army. Each of its members was armed to the teeth with the most advanced technology weapons. After observing the display of the Dragon Horse Race's combat strength, Bai Nvbao once said that this was a terrifying army that could trample on the Star System.

Such a strong army naturally had to be commanded by someone with enough prestige to match it. Apart from Brother Ah Yong, Gu Tianyou was the only commander.

Gu Tianyou shouted, "You have morale!" He turned to look at Xin Jisi and asked, "Are the Orc Corps and the War Magical Beast Corps ready?"

Xin Jisi knelt on one knee and said, "The 10 million orc corps has completed the second level genetic modification. We are full of strength and are willing to die for His Majesty at any time!" Derek, who had just recovered from his shock, reported, "The War Magical Beast Army has long since completed its rank two evolution. They are ready to destroy the city and uproot the stronghold for His Majesty!"

Luo Yi came up with the so-called hierarchical evolution theory. This kind of activity of using technology to raise the level of a warrior's strength started from the very beginning of the establishment of the biochemical laboratory. Luo Yi divided the experimental level into four levels and formulated a set of scientific and rigorous experimental procedures. Only those who had reached the eighth level of combat power were qualified to undergo the first level of biochemical transformation. A rank 1 warrior could reach rank 9. On this basis, he continued to consolidate and temper himself. After reaching the peak of the ninth level, he would be able to accept the second level transformation.

After the second level transformation, the actual combat strength of these warriors had already reached the tenth level. In short, after these soldiers wore general-class mecha, each of them could be called a battle general on their own.

The elimination rate of this kind of experiment was actually very high. Gu Tianyou had ruled Sacred Leaf Town and Wood Ancestor Spirit World for many years, investing a large amount of manpower, material resources, and Dao Yuan Spirit Qi. Among the billions of orcs, he had chosen this number of millions. The amount of resources consumed was equivalent to the entire Origin Realm.

In comparison, it was much easier for the warbeasts to evolve through the second level. It was a pity that such gifted magical beast trolls were too weak in reproduction. Even with different time flows, it would be difficult for them to cultivate too much in the short term. The War Magical Beast Legion led by Derrick, known as the legion, was actually far from enough. Among them, the most elite gold was no more than a few hundred gold coins. Most of them were ox-headed trolls.

Even so, once these tens of thousands of war beasts that were comparable to the Earth Scorpion King Beetles were released together, they could still be said to be heaven-destroying and earth-destroying.

Gu Tianyou nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very good, you've all worked hard." He turned around and looked at Kun Peng Wanli and A Yuan, asking, "Is there a problem with the demonic beast elite squad?"

The Kun Peng transformed into a human and stood side by side with A Yuan. He said in unison, "Nineteen level ten demonic beasts from the Demonic Beast Elite Brigade have passed the Superbrain Transformation Plan. Nineteen Grand Sage Origin Saint level demonic kings are willing to risk their lives for His Majesty at any time!"

Back then, when Gu Tianyou first arrived at the Skyquaking Origin Realm, there were nineteen demon kings among the demon race. Every single one of them was at the level of the Supreme Saint Great Demon King of the Mighty Origin Realm. As the Earth's surface and the Axis merged into one, the saints left the mountain one after another, and the standards of the Nineteen Demon Kings became less prominent. When Jun Tian Yuan Sheng followed Grand Saint Xi Huang and left, he took four of them with him. The remaining fifteen great demon kings of the two worlds of the sea and the earth were left behind. Then, the Kun Peng searched the entire world for the demon race for thousands of miles and gathered together to return to the nineteen demon kings.

The demons all possessed extraordinary talent in terms of origin souls. The only thing that was lacking was the development of the Divine Soul Brain Domain. That was why the nineteen great demon kings had undergone a superbrain transformation. His actual combat strength had increased by leaps and bounds to the peak of the Origin Sage realm. Individually, he even surpassed the members of the Super Brain Corps commanded by Luo Yi.

"You can use this battle to your heart's content and devour it at will!" Gu Tianyou turned around and asked the Black Dragon Emperor, "Are the dragon brothers ready?"

The Black Dragon Emperor shouted, "The 36 Sacred Dragons of the dragon race have undergone a superbrain transformation and are equipped with Emperor Grade Dragon Armor. As long as His Majesty gives the order, the other brotherly forces can rest first. Old Mie is willing to bring 36 blood relatives to set up a Heavenly Dipper Slaughter Formation and devour all the demons on the other side!"

"Praiseworthy morale!" Gu Tianyou nodded his head and said, "But please calm down, brother. The lion and rabbit have to go all out. Moreover, the other party is prepared. Even if we are confident, we can't forget about it. Not only must we win this battle, we also try to avoid unnecessary losses. The universe is vast, and we still have a long way to go."

The Bai Nvbao said, "I still have eighty million Tiger Corps in the Origin Realm of the Star Region. I can be at His Majesty's disposal at any time!"

Gu Tianyou waved his hand and said, "Forget it. You and I have already displeased Saint Sovereign Miao Huang. If we add another 80 million Tiger Corps troops, this dowry would be too big. We are already intolerable since we first arrived, and we cannot offend all the elders of the Galaxy Alliance at this moment."

"Your Majesty is deep-thinking, this servant understands," the Bai Nvbao said with admiration.

Gu Tianyou finally turned his gaze to Long Jianmei and said with a slight forehead, "I'll leave it to you!"

Long Jianmei clenched her fists and bowed without saying anything. Turning around, he spread out his hands and soared into the air, stopping only when he reached the edge of the universe. As she ascended, her body grew bigger and bigger, and in the end, she was truly above the heavens and above the earth!

The Bai Nvbao looked at him in shock and said, "There is actually a freak like you in the universe, who can actually cultivate a human Dharma Aspect to a level comparable to a dragon's body and soul?"

This sentence was not difficult to understand. Under normal circumstances, regardless of whether it was the dragon race or the demon race, due to their reduced origin soul endurance, they would have to give up their divine abilities in the form of demon bodies after transforming into humans. This is an almost unbreakable truth in galaxies. However, Long Jianmei had clearly broken this so-called iron law.

Bai Nvbao thought of the powerful divine nature of the divine soul foundations in the human form. The demon race's innate divine abilities were extraordinary. Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to have both of them. In Long Jianmei's body, the two were actually able to combine so perfectly. If she used this human form to fully display the innate divine abilities of the demon race, she would definitely be able to challenge a formidable enemy at a higher level.

Gu Tianyou's figure flickered as he instantly arrived high up in the sky and sat directly on the shoulder of her Aspect True Body. He raised his hand and pointed at the foreign demon army that had already surrounded him from six directions. "Didn't these little demons treat me like Tang monk meat? Step on it!" He said.

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