Infinite Comprehension by Taking In Disciples: Martial Uncle, Please Ascend!

Chapter 83 - 83 Don’t rush, it’s kind of interesting!_i

Chapter 83: Chapter 83 Don’t rush, it’s kind of interesting!_i

Translator: 549690339

Heavenly Mechanism Sect, when Li Cheng returned, he only saw the Sixth Elder meticulously perfecting the Formation of the Eighteenth Peak.

At his side, Qi Jingtian was assisting him.

“Thank you for your hard work, Sixth Elder!”

Li Cheng descended in front of the two and smiled.

“Sect Master!” Qi Jingtian exclaimed with great joy.

The Sixth Elder’s expression turned awkward as he hastily bowed, “I’m just showing off my meager skills before an expert, I’ve made myself a laughing stock in front of you, Uncle!”

“Not at all, it’s quite good. It seems that the Sixth Elder has already become a seventh-level Array Master, congratulations!”

“Greetings to Sect Master!” Yun Tianqiong and Ling Xi hurried over together, unable to hide the joy on their faces.

Li Cheng glanced at his three disciples and nodded with satisfaction, “All good, your cultivation progress is very impressive!”

Receiving praise from Li Cheng naturally filled the three with joy.

The three disciples each had their own strengths. In terms of the rules and laws, only Ling Xi had come to understand the Law of Life on her own, while Yun Tianqiong had inherited a great deal of the Sword Path Rules. Qi Jingtian had not mastered any laws.

Suddenly, Li Cheng felt he needed to find a way to imprint various laws onto something, leaving traces of the laws to guide his three disciples in understanding the rules.

Having mastery over rules brings boundless benefits.

“Uncle, you’ve finally come back!” Mu Xingzhi flew in, letting out a long sigh of relief.

Li Cheng smiled, “So eager for my return? What happened? I also wanted to know how the Artifact Sect was dealt with in the end.”

Speaking of the Artifact Sect, a smile couldn’t help but appear on Mu Xingzhi’s face, “For the next thousand years, the Artifact Sect will give us fifty percent of their earnings each year!”

“The other dozen or so forces have become our subordinates, affiliated with us,” Mu Xingzhi explained simply.

Upon hearing this, Li Cheng was somewhat astonished. Fifty percent? That would be a tremendously large benefit, especially over a thousand years. The Artifact Sect would likely have a hard time catching their breath in the coming millennium.

However, Li Cheng looked at Mu Xingzhi, “Have you considered, what if an Immortal descends to the Lower World for the Artifact Sect, how will you respond?”

Having suffered such a major setback and struggling for breath for a thousand years, if an Immortal descended, they would certainly not let matters rest!

Mu Xingzhi gave Li Cheng an assured look and smiled, “We’ve thought of that, which is why we made the Artifact Sect swear an oath to the heavens. As long as the Artifact Sect exists in the world, none of its people may provoke our Heavenly Mechanism Sect in any way.”

Li Cheng nodded slightly, not delving deeper, but he understood that everything had its loopholes.

But what of it? As long as he was present, even an Immortal’s descent was of no concern.

Unless it was an unparalleled powerhouse who came down either by the Ascend to Immortal Platform or the Sky-reaching Road, that would indeed be troublesome. But since the whereabouts of the Ascend to Immortal Platform and the Sky-reaching Road were unknown, there was no need for excessive worry.

“Uncle, these days so many forces and powerful beings have wanted to visit you, I have done my best, but there is still one force that cannot be sent away and probably requires your involvement, Uncle!” Mu Xingzhi added.

“Just ignore it, what force could be so persistent?” said Li Cheng.

Mu Xingzhi gave a wry smile, “I have still invited them over, it’s best if you meet them, Uncle!”

Li Cheng felt puzzled, sensing that Mu Xingzhi seemed rather aggrieved.

“Uncle, you should meet them. Otherwise, the Sect Master might not be able to withstand the pressure,” Sixth Elder said with a playful tone.

Mu Xingzhi glared at the Sixth Elder and then looked expectantly at Li Cheng.

Li Cheng nodded, “It troubles the Sect Master so much? Then I shall meet with them.”

Mu Xingzhi was overjoyed, and then he took out a storage ring, “There’s also a Loose Immortal, quite an unusual one. He left a storage ring for you, saying that after you see what’s inside, you will definitely want to meet him!”

On the storage ring, there was a seal placed, which Li Cheng sensed for a moment and roughly guessed was probably the work of a Tribulation Loose Immortal.

Easily breaking the seal, Li Cheng looked into the storage ring and gradually, his expression turned to one of astonishment.

“Uncle, what is it?” Mu Xingzhi and the Sixth Elder were both immensely curious about what could make Uncle show such an expression.

Li Cheng looked at the two of them and passed the storage ring over to them.

Mu Xingzhi quickly took it, looked through it, and was equally astounded, “This… is even more outrageous than Ning Qianqiu back then!”

The Sixth Elder was also examining the storage ring and then looked at Mu Xingzhi with a playful gaze, “Sect Master, you’ve been fooled!”

Mu Xingzhi shot the Sixth Elder a disgruntled glance. He had tricked him once before, and this guy was still holding a grudge!

“Ning Qianqiu? Right, let me take a look!” Li Cheng suddenly thought of something and took the storage ring again.

The incident with the brick Ning Qianqiu had given him was still fresh in his memory, but that brick was no ordinary one; it contained array pattern stones and a map inscribed with the location of the Qi Jingshen Secret Land.

Li Cheng took out the items from the storage ring, a seemingly ordinary iron pot, a spatula used for cooking, and a fire-poking stick.

No matter how you looked at them, they were objects of the mortal world.

Li Cheng carefully examined the iron pot but couldn’t find anything like array patterns inside; it indeed appeared to be quite ordinary.

Mu Xingzhi and the Sixth Elder also examined the spatula and the fire-poking stick, respectively, eventually agreeing that they were indeed mundane objects. “Playing with us is one thing, but daring to make a fool of Uncle? Sect Master, is this person still within the sect? I think we should let him know what it means to mess with iron pots!” the Sixth Elder said angrily.

Mu Xingzhi’s expression darkened. He had accepted the storage ring, which resulted in Uncle being mocked; he could not shirk responsibility!

Li Cheng waved his hand, “Don’t rush; this is interesting!”

Li Cheng suddenly discovered that this iron pot could actually carry the laws he had comprehended!

Just now, when Li Cheng used the Space Law to sense the iron pot, he found that the pot had inscribed the Space Law he comprehended!

Other laws poured into the iron pot, and it inscribed them as well!

Li Cheng ran through all the laws he knew, and without exception, it inscribed every single one!

There were a total of three hundred and ten different laws, not one less!

He tried the spatula and the fire-poking stick as well, and it was the same!

It remained uncertain, however, how long they could preserve these inscribed laws.

“What has Uncle discovered?” Mu Xingzhi, seeing Li Cheng fiddle with the three items, couldn’t help but ask doubtfully.

Li Cheng nodded, “There is a discovery. Wait until after the meeting with the power you mentioned; we’ll go and find this person ourselves!”

Mu Xingzhi and the Sixth Elder exchanged glances, both detecting the playful look in each other’s eyes.

Go and find them personally? Heh, someone dared to play a trick on Uncle; this time, that Loose Immortal was going to have trouble!

Mu Xingzhi understood now. No wonder that Loose Immortal said that Uncle would certainly want to see him after seeing the items. It turned out that it was at the price of being cleaned up!

“Then I’ll send a message now, asking them to come over!”

Li Cheng nodded, curious to see what kind of power could trouble the Sect Master so much.

Before long, at the foot of the Eighteenth Peak, a group of twenty-one people sped their way.

The leader was a Loose Immortal, appearing to be around twenty-four or twenty-five years old, with a graceful figure and delicate features.

The twenty people behind her were equally stunning, with ten dressed daringly, exuding boundless charm, while the other ten were more conservative, though the skirts they wore seemed to provoke even more imagination.

Seeing this, Li Cheng looked doubtfully at Mu Xingzhi, “People from Bliss Palace?”

Mu Xingzhi nodded deeply, “Exactly, people from Bliss Palace have been flocking to my place every night. If you don’t see them soon, I’m really going to be devoured by them!”

The Sixth Elder cleared his throat, “In fact, they have also been running to Eighteenth Peak every night, but fortunately, Uncle Tieyi is there to keep watch.”

He emphasized the word ‘fortunately’ heavily!

Li Cheng stroked his chin, his gaze shifting back and forth across the faces of Mu Xingzhi and the Sixth Elder, “Why do 1 feel like something’s off with the two of you!”

“What do you mean?” both asked in unison.

Li Cheng shook his head, “If you had said earlier they were from Bliss Palace, I wouldn’t have agreed to meet them. But now that they’re here…”

After a brief pause, Li Cheng said, “Sixth Elder, keep them company for a while, please ask them to wait here for a moment, the Sect Master and I will go and find that Loose Immortal first.”

Before the Sixth Elder could respond, both had already vanished..

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