Infinity Armament

Book 3: Chapter 2: Arc Trajectory

Book 3: Chapter 2: Arc Trajectory

Book 3 Chapter 2: Arc Trajectory

After opening the box, Shen Yi went to the Slums Districts trading market.

Compared to the Common Districts trading market, it seemed more deserted.

Those weapons and skill scrolls which were sold here were mostly Non-rank. Because selling to the store, one needed to pay 40% as tax, many adventurers chose to sell in the trading market to avoid unnecessary losses. Adventurers like Shen Yi didnt want to waste time, so they sold directly to the store.

Robbery, working, and squatting in the trading market was an adventurers way to gain more interest outside the mission world. Although the harvest was less, it had the advantage of being in a safe and reliable environment. It is said that from Difficulty Level III, there would be a special trading point where you could directly mark the price and list it for sale. As for now, adventurers could only spend time instead of BP.

As Shen Yi took a stroll in the market, perhaps because he was seen by many people in the bar, they knew that the newcomer performed well and had an extraordinary harvest. So, a lot of adventurers took the initiative to sell goods to him. But Shen Yi, after reading information on most of the goods, shook his head and sighed.

Because of the limited number of slots in his skills bar, Shen Yi absolutely didnt want to buy ordinary skills. After searching and finding nothing good, he was going to leave, but suddenly, he saw someone take the initiative to come over to his side and open the energy screen.

Arc Trajectory (Gun Skill)Can create a curved bullets trajectory, and because the bullet flight path is strange, the target will have difficulty in avoiding. Requirement to learn: Basic-Level Firearms Forte, MP: 15.

Shen Yi looked and only smiled faintly.

As the adventurer saw that he was not interested, he got worried, Buddy, this is a Skill Scroll I got from Wanted (1), it cannot be bought in stores. If you already watched that movie, you know that Im not charging you a high price. This thing is a Rank D skill, valued at 3000 BP. Im selling for only 2500 BP, how is it?

Shen Yi said, Shooting scenes only appear in Difficulty Level I worlds. To Difficulty Level II worlds, it is mainly fantasy scenes. The effect of guns will become smaller and smaller, why should I learn gun skills? I dont think my skills bar is enough for that. Not to say the store does not necessarily not have good things, right? This skill doesnt add damage or effect to the bullet, what is the use of turning? As long as the bullet can hit my enemy, a curved line, a straight line, is there a difference for me? Its only a flashy skill.

The adventurer was greatly discouraged.

In fact, most of the adventurers were very rational in choosing skills. This was a matter of life and death; no one dared to abandon practicality for style.

Shen Yi put it very reasonably. Buying a skill with no damage or special effect wasnt a wise move, not to mention that everyone thought that gun skills had no future.

The adventurer apparently had also been trying to sell this for many days, but no one expressed interest in his scroll.

Haiz, it seems I can only it throw to the store. This skill doesnt have any use against your enemy, is it used to deal with your allies?! Anyone who gets it will have a headache. The adventurer complained. In order to sell this scroll, he had wasted a lot of time.

However, his phrase to deal with your allies, suddenly made Shen Yis eyes brighten.


He had a special bullet like the Healing Bullet and Smoke Bullet, didnt he?

Although Arc Trajectory had no additional damage, but its use was very flexible. If you used it with special bullets, it would inevitably bring great results. Since the Bloody City has special bullets, it would certainly have other kinds of special bullets. These bullets were worth a lot of BP, so it would need some effective gun skills to support them.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi quickly said, Well, Ill give you 2000 BP. If it doesnt have good results, it can be counted as my loss.

The adventurer was overjoyed. Although he only earned 2000 BP, in the Bloody City, they only had 100 BP of income per month.

After the transaction, he had 2000 BP; this adventurer was finally relieved. In a good mood, he patted Shen Yis shoulder, Thank you sincerely. In theory, all skills and equipments which arent sold in the stores are relatively good, its practical value is higher than its value. But I dont know why this skill is so rubbish. But some things, if you dont learn, you wont know its real effects. You first try learning it, if you are not satisfied, I can teach you a few ways to get rid of it.

What ways?

The adventurer very seriously replied: One: Use Scroll of the Forgotten to forget the skills, but this approach is equivalent to a waste of that skill and also scraping the price of a Scroll of the Forgotten. The benefits are that the Scroll of the Forgotten is sold in the store, and its not too expensive. Two: Use Printing Techniques to reprint the skill you want to give up back to the blank scroll, so you can re-sell this skill scroll, but the Printing Technique is a high-rank skill. A blank scroll itself is also worth a lot of BP, so earning BP is not possible. Three: When you complete some high-level missions, there are often some special rewards. One of them is expanding the skills bar. Four: Class system, I heard that when we have a Class, Class skills dont occupy the skills bar. As for the specific situation, Im not very knowledgeable about it.

Shen Yi was stunned.

This adventurer said the four methods, and except for the Scroll of the Forgotten, which he already knew of, the other three he didnt know. Especially that the Bloody City even had a Class system, it was beyond his thoughts.

Do you know any Class in the Class system, and how to get it?

The adventurers spread his hands, I dont know, I heard it is difficult to obtain.

Shen Yi thought a little, then nodded, The information you said to me is also valued at 200 BP, thank you.

The adventurer smiled.

Scroll in hand, Shen Yi directly confirmed to study it.

Youve learned Arc Trajectory.

When you use this skill, you first need to visually lock onto a target, and when you do, it will always appear in your field of view. Regardless if the target is moving, hiding, or disguising itself in any way.

Visual Lock duration: 5s, Distance Limit: 100m, Costs: 1MP. Cooldown: 10s. Skill effect Priority: 10.

After locking onto the target, when you shoot the target, the bullet will automatically find a trajectory to bypass obstacles to attack the target. After the bullet leaves the muzzle, the visual lock will automatically disappear.

Arc Trajectory has a total of seven levels. Each level up can lock onto an additional target, extends the lock-on time by one second, and increase the field of vision of the lock-on distance by 100m.

This skill works with most gun skills.

Shen Yi stunned.

He knew that he hit the jackpot.

If that adventurer knew Arc Trajectory had such effects, he would regret. Even giving him 5000 BP wouldnt be enough.

The true value of the Arc Trajectory was not a shot arc bullet line, but the visual lock and being able to use it with other gun skills.

With the visual lock, in battle, you could place the opponent in your own direct vision to see the opponents every action; especially those who went behind you to sneak attack. And when using it with other gun skills, it was equal to enhancing the threat of gun skills.

Arc Trajectory was actually a full complementary skill, but the practical value was very high.

Shen Yi had seen the Wanted film before. One thing he felt depressed at that time was that even the arc bullet line was understandable, but the peoples vision was still a straight line. How did they ensure that their arc bullet can hit a target they did not see? And even hit the fatal points?

Many ignored this strict logic.

The Bloody City, for this Arc Trajectory, added a visual lock, and made it explainable, but also made this skill have a real value.

In particular, this skills consumption was very small, only 1 MP; the cooldown time was also short. The benefits were quite large, both in combat or out of combat, it could reflect the value of Shen Yis great satisfaction. Unfortunately, this skills Priority was too low. For those adventurers who had the ability to conceal themselves, the effect was limited. But for a Rank D skill, one could not expect it to have a better performance.

At the next moment, Shen Yi regretted that he still didnt solve the problem of his weak attack.

He now had three skills, and they were all support skills. Against strong opponents, he still lacked an adequate means of attack.

It seemed that he still had to buy a strong melee attack skill.

Shen Yi sighed.

Taking a look at the remaining two skill slots, Shen Yi started to feel a headache.

Walking a round in the market, he didnt see any good skills, so Shen Yi decided to look at the Common District.

After paying 100 BP, Shen Yi came to the Common District market.

Oh, are you that kid?

After Shen Yi heard a sound from behind his back, he turned to see the face of his newcomer instructor standing behind him.

Scarface turned out to be a Common District adventurer.

Scarface looked at Shen Yi and said, The last time, when I received 1000 BP, I knew you came out alive.

Thanks for your help. In the Beginners Mission, if I didnt have that gun, I would be dead. Shen Yi was very sincere.

Scarface impatiently waved his hand, That thing needs no mention, you have given me a return, so we dont owe each other. Kid, you better remember, in the Bloody City, there is only interests, no favor!

Thank you for the remind.

A month passed, you should have just gone through a formal mission, right?

Yes, so I come here to see if there is any skill I need.

What do you want?

Shen Yi said his general requirements for the skill.

After Scarface heard it, he shook his head, You require not only a one-hand skill but also the potential to be upgradeable, while at the same time to be a Rank D skill. That is not realistic. That skill, even if it exists, is very difficult to find. But if you are in urgent need, I have an equipment that may be able to temporarily make up your needs.

When speaking, Scarface opened an energy screen.

Thunder Gauntlet (Rnk D): High-Quality EquipmentAfter wearing, Strength +15. Item Skill: Thunder StrikeCosts: 3 MP. When attacking the target, it deals a damage equal to your own attack damage plus 45 points of additional damage. With a 10% chance of stunning the target, Stun duration: 3s, 10% critical effect, and double attack damage. Requirements: 15 Strength, Basic-Level Fighting Forte. Value: 3000 BP. Priority: 20. This equipment cant be leveled up or upgraded.


TL note:

  1. Wanted

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