Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 281: Volunteer

Mr. Jiang himself is embarrassed to bring up this matter, but if someone gives him a step down, he should be able to choose other candidates along the way.

"That's right, Jiang Chenxi just got married. He still has a wife and child at home, and the child is still so young. If he is allowed to go, wouldn't it mean that such a young child will lose his father? Old Marshal Jiang should think about it." Third Legion The Marshal also followed suit.

"You can't say that. Who doesn't have a wife and children at home, but now is the greatest crisis facing all mankind. If you can't make it through this time, you won't be the only one who lost his family." Marshal You You of the Fourth Army Said.

"I will tell Major General Jiang about this matter. This time we need everyone to work together to face the Zerg. If I find out that someone is making small moves in secret, I will never let you down!" Old Master Jiang said in a deep voice, and glanced at Yang. The old man is full of aura. Even though he is old, the iron-blooded aura of a soldier is still there, which still makes people feel majestic.

The Zerg temporarily retreated, allowing the soldiers finally a chance to catch their breath.

Mr. Jiang found Jiang Chenxi with a heavy heart. Looking at his proudest grandson, he was thinking about the granddaughter-in-law who was still waiting to give birth at home, but he couldn't open his mouth when the words came to his lips.

"Grandpa, there is something I want to discuss with you." Seeing that Mr. Jiang didn't seem to be planning to speak, Jiang Chenxi said first.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Jiang asked.

He decided to listen to what his grandson had to discuss with him first, and then tell him his decision.

No matter what Jiang Chenxi wants to say, or what he wants to accomplish, he will help him complete it, because once he goes to the rear of the Zerg this time, it must be dangerous. not 100% confident

"I want to lead the Sirius team to the rear of the Zerg. The Zerg's large-scale attack is obviously unusual. There must be a commanding Zerg in the rear. Only by finding and destroying it can this war end." Jiang Chenxi calmly Seriously.

He has actually been thinking about this matter for a long time, before the Zerg had a large-scale war, and now he has finally made up his mind.

But he didn't make this decision blindly. Looking at the entire Federation, the best person who can complete this task is no one else but himself.

Not only in terms of power level and strength, but more importantly, he also has a secret weapon that no one else has, and such a secret weapon will definitely save his life at a critical moment.

It was precisely because of this secret weapon that he made up his mind to lead the Sirius team to the rear of the Zerg.

Mr. Jiang didn't feel that surprised. After a moment of silence, he nodded, his eyes full of pride.

This is the son of his Jiang family, who is not afraid of hardships and difficulties, and goes forward bravely!

"I'll send you some more people." Mr. Jiang said.

If possible, he would even like to send more people from other legions, but in order to avoid someone taking the opportunity to stab him in the back, he could only send them from trusted subordinates like the First Legion.

But Jiang Chenxi shook his head and said: "No need, there are too many people, the goal is too big, the Sirius team is enough."

Seeing that Jiang Chenxi was so persistent, Mr. Jiang didn't say anything, but just patted him on the shoulder encouragingly.

After getting the approval of the marshal, Jiang Chenxi conveyed the news.

The Sirius team is a team that belongs only to Jiang Chenxi, and is also an elite team of the First Army, which is the team composed of Zhao Ziqi, Lin Wu and others.

Usually, any difficult tasks in the military department are usually handed over to the Sirius team to carry out. Every time it is extremely thrilling, but they can solve it perfectly.

I believe it will be the same this time!

After the Sirius team got the task, they had a few days of rest to make sure they adjusted to the best condition.

Jiang Chenxi also took the opportunity to send a text message to Mu Yan, and made a video call to let him know that he is safe now, and he can also see his lover and son whom he has not seen for a long time.

Jiang Chenxi didn't tell Mu Yan that he was going to perform a dangerous mission, even if Mu Yan wasn't pregnant, he wouldn't tell him, he didn't want him to worry about him all day long.

And Mu Yan didn't notice any abnormalities, because the time when Jiang Chenxi sent him text messages and video calls was always irregular. Jiang Chenxi hasn't contacted Mu Yan for a while, and Mu Yan won't find anything.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Chenxi made a video call before leaving this time.

After the two chatted sweetly about their daily life, Mu Yan asked Qiuqiu to say a few words to his father, and showed his bulging belly. At this time, Yihao, the baby in her stomach kicked and waved mischievously, like It was as if he was greeting Jiang Chenxi, looking at Jiang Chenxi's eyes with infinite tenderness.

Happy time always flies by quickly, and before I know it, the video chat has been playing for almost two hours.

"Then I'll hang up first, and I'll call you next time I have time." Jiang Chenxi looked straight at Mu Yan, as if he wanted to deeply remember his appearance in his mind.

"Okay, Chen, the baby and I miss you very much, you must return safely." Mu Yan said softly, as if he had noticed something, but also seemed to have noticed nothing.

"Okay, I will go back soon." Jiang Chenxi hung up the video call after finishing speaking, because he was worried that he would not want to hang up after talking, and would impulsively want to go directly to the central star and Mu Yan's side.

But he knows that this mission can only be successful and cannot fail. He must quickly get rid of these Zergs, and then return to the central star to accompany Mumu in person and give birth with him. This is what he gave him. promise.

Although Mu Yan and others didn't tell him, and he didn't point it out, he knew that at this time, it should be time for Mu Yan to take the children out. However, Mu Yan's stomach is still bulging

He could vaguely guess the reason, and it was precisely because of this that he should drive out the Zerg completely and give Mumu and the child a safe living environment.

Jiang Chenxi, who hung up the video, didn't have the previous tenderness, like Shura who crawled out of hell, his whole body was full of hostility and sharpness.

After three days of rest, Jiang Chenxi led the Sirius team to detour away from the Maya planet, intending to avoid the battlefield and go around to the rear of the Zerg.

As expected, the Zerg came back after a break, and the war was imminent again. The scene of the raging war continued a few days ago.

In the past two days, Mu Yan has always felt a little uneasy, feeling that something is about to happen, but everything around him is normal, and nothing happened.

"Sister-in-law three, what are you thinking about?" Jiang Xuexi came to Mu Yan's side, seeing his pensive look, she couldn't help asking.

"Ah? It's nothing, I just feel as if something is about to happen." Mu Yan murmured, still immersed in his own thoughts, and didn't notice Jiang Xuexi's expression stiff for a moment.

She remembered what her second aunt had told them before. The war between Zerg and humans broke out completely, and the front line was chaotic and dangerous. She didn't know what happened to third brother and the others now.

But she must not tell the third sister-in-law about this matter, at least she must not tell him before the third sister-in-law gives birth, otherwise it will easily make him emotional and even tire angry.

However, the relationship between the third sister-in-law and the third brother is really good. She always thought that the word "teaching heart" only existed in books, but she never thought that reality could really allow her to see this scene.

"If something happened, it really happened." Jiang Xuexi said suddenly, with a very mysterious look, intending to divert Mu Yan's attention.

Sure enough, Mu Yan was attracted by Jiang Xuexi's words, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Xuexi didn't hold back, and said, "The fourth brother told me just now that our snack bar branches have opened in 16 planets, and they are very popular with the local residents. They are full almost every day, and the vegetable and fruit supermarkets have also been opened one after another. It's on the schedule, and the vegetable and fruit supermarket of Central Star will open in a few days, and many fans on the Internet have asked me to tell my sister-in-law to make more videos on the Internet, and they all want to learn how to cook based on the videos."

"Really? That's good." Mu Yan said with a smile.

In the past few months, because Mu Yan's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, it is inconvenient to do many things, because Jiang Yuanxi is alone in the snack bar.

Since the opening of the snack bar branch of Central Star, the snack bar branches of other planets have also opened one after another. They are very popular with the local residents. The situation is exactly the same as when Taohua Village opened the first snack bar. People line up every day You can go around several streets.

It can be said that the grand view of the snack bar can become an iconic landscape of their planet.

And the fruit and vegetable supermarket was quickly put on the agenda and planned.

As for the videos Jiang Xuexi mentioned, they are some videos about cooking that Mu Yan recorded.

Because my stomach is getting bigger, I can't directly broadcast live, because clothes can't cover the growing belly, so Mu Yan thought of recording and broadcasting, first record it, then cover what needs to be covered, and then post it go online.

Of course, the job of recording the video is Mu Yan's job, and the post-processing task is left to Jiang Xuexi.

Moreover, after five months of pregnancy, Mu Yan's morning sickness has improved a lot, and he will not vomit after eating the cooked food, so he usually eats a little bit, of course, mainly nutritional supplements .

After all, to provide nutrition for two little babies, the little food he eats is far from enough.

After the morning sickness subsides, Mu Yan can cook in the kitchen, but his family still loves him, so they will limit his cooking time.

However, Mu Yan can understand everything, and will not feel uncomfortable, or go against the good intentions of the elders.

"That's right, when the vegetable and fruit supermarket really opens, I think there will be many people who want to try cooking by themselves, but there should also be many people who are as savage as me, haha..." Jiang Xuexi thinks of herself every time At the beginning of the scene when I was practicing cooking in the kitchen, I couldn't help laughing.

I'm afraid, when the time comes, so many people in the Federation learn to cook, half of them will fry the kitchen. I hope they can have a mental preparation first.

Although Jiang Xuexi thought so, she had no intention of reminding them at all. After all, thinking of such a scene, thinking of everyone staring at a smoking chicken nest and looking at the kitchen with a confused look, it must be very pleasant.

Mu Yan also smiled softly when he heard the words, obviously thinking of the scene when Jiang Xuexi first started cooking

It has been five days since the last news that Yang Wenyao and Lin Jiayu were coming to Central Star, and they will arrive here in a few days.

Zheng Xueyan had already ordered someone to clean the guest room and make it ready. After Yang Wenyao's family arrived, they could move in directly.

Although Yang Wenyao is the youngest son of the Yang family, he has severed ties with the Yang family more than 20 years ago, and everything he owned before has been taken back. Therefore, when he returns to Central Star this time, he can only temporarily live in the The Jiang family is gone.

What's more, the main purpose of their visit this time is to take care of Mu Yan, and it would be very convenient to live in Jiang's house.

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