Inverse Sword God

Chapter 217: Does your monkey sell?

Chapter 217: Does your monkey sell?

Traveling hundreds of miles, Lin Xuan stopped.

A cloud of volcanoes towered in front of it, and several of them were still emitting smoke.

Feeling the rising temperature in the air, Lin Xuan's eyes were slightly condensed and he became careful.

With the Ziling pupil, he can clearly see that there are many warriors at the foot of the volcano, among which there are several powerful breaths that make him feel a little palpitated.

"It seems that the news is probably true." Zhao Xue whispered softly.

"Let's go and see!" Lin Xuan shook his feet and ran quickly forward.

At the foot of the volcano, the ground is cracked and hot, like a huge furnace, burning everything.

There were many warriors nearby, the most powerful of which were the Xing and Lie families.

The two families each held one side and looked at each other with despair.

There are also many idle warriors hovering nearby, waiting for the opportunity.

"With Xing and Lie's home, we have no chance at all!" Someone whispered.

"What do you know!" Another warrior drank, "These treasures have long alarmed other forces in Huozhou. Don't talk about Xing and Lie's family at that time, I am afraid that even the entire Flame City is not enough!"

"How is that possible?" Someone couldn't.

"If Di Huozong comes, are you afraid?"

Many warriors have shut up, but that is the Sanpinzong gate, Xia Guo's giant, who can not be afraid.

"Well, someone's here!"

Many warriors woke up from meditation and looked towards the entrance.

I saw two figures coming quickly, and the speed was very shocking.


The two stopped, walking cautiously towards the Quartet.

Everyone looked at the silver robes on them with a look of shock.

"It turned out to be the inscription league." A martial artist took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, many people exclaimed, and some even stood up.

Because they saw one of the teenagers painted with two golden patterns on the chest.

"Second Master of Inscriptions!" Many martial artists were shocked. They could not imagine that a teenager would have such a terrifying identity.

At present, someone from the Xing and Lie families stepped out and clenched their fists at Lin Xuan.

This young man is naturally Lin Xuan. He returned a gift and took Zhao Xue to find a clean stone and took a short break.


The snow-white monkey jumped out, and the **** gemstone eyes curiously looked around.

Suddenly, his nose moved and his face was intoxicated.

In front of Lin Xuan, a lot of gestures were made, and the little white monkey disappeared.

Lin Xuan didn't care. The snow-white monkey was far more savvy than he thought. He was very relieved.

His eyes flickered, and he looked at the volcano ahead.

A little bit of time passed, and the bald man of the Xing family came here.

Not long after, Lie Wu and Ru Xue also felt quickly, the latter stared at Lin Xuan, the chill in his eyes became stronger.

Lin Xuan ignored the provocative look. If the other party really dared to take action, he wouldn't mind giving the other party a layer.

"Here is the inscription league!"

Suddenly, someone whispered.

Silhouettes flashed, more than a dozen warriors in white robes appeared in front of everyone, and an outrageous pressure immediately appeared in the air.

Elder Song didn't come. Deacon Wang and Meng took the lead. There were some young disciples such as Huang Shanshan behind him.

Deacon Wang saw Lin Xuan on the boulder with a joy on his face, and led everyone over.

"Two seniors," Lin Xuan laughed, and then greeted Shanshan.

"You are already a second-class inscription master, and we will be commensurate with our peers in the future." Deacon Wang shook his head and smiled.

Lin Xuan smiled. This is a world of strength and age, and the issue of age can almost be ignored.

That is to say, if Lin Xuan is a warrior in a spiritual realm, then these people will respectfully call his predecessor.

Without tangling on this issue, Lin Xuan asked quickly: "I don't know what is going on here?"

"It should be the birth of the elixir, but other possibilities are not ruled out!" Deacon Wang said, "I don't think there will be a strange monster in the spiritual realm."

"Oh?" Lin Xuan moved.

"The strong ones are too destructive. It is estimated that with one shot, the entire mountain is gone."

"Also, there is a strong person in the spiritual realm behind almost every force. If you want to do it, everyone will do it. Instead, you don't want to do it.

"In this way, you can also exercise the younger martial arts."

Lin Xuan nodded in agreement. The destructive power of the warrior in the realm of spirits was indeed too strong, but he had a deep understanding.

The following time, more and more forces arrived, and a scent of fragrance was blowing in the air, and half of the volcano was shrouded in haze.


Suddenly, a white figure flew across the air and ran straight to Lin Xuanhuai.


Behind it, there were several sharp-smelling figures.


She flickered, a cute-looking girl appeared, her big eyes stared at the little snow-white monkey in Lin Xuan's arms, and frowned slightly.

"Hey! That monkey is yours? Can it be sold?" The girl asked coyly.


The snow-white monkey jumped out, with a very scornful expression, constantly gesticulating.

"What is it talking about?" Everyone was puzzled.

"I'm heaven and earth, unique, not price measurable." Lin Xuan shrugged and translated for the snow-white monkey.

Many people looked strangely at the slap-sized monkey and couldn't help laughing.

"Little monkey obediently, I have the fruit for you to eat." The cute girl took out a fist-sized fruit and shook it constantly at the snow-white monkey.

The fruit is so clear and clear that it is not ordinary at first glance.

At the moment, many people's eyes flickered and they looked at the cute girl poorly.

The cute girl didn't seem to feel those eyes. She saw the snow-white monkey walk two steps forward, and then took out an agate-like fruit.


Many people have a short breath, most of them stare fiercely at the fruit in the hand of the cute girl.


A cold hum came and rang in the ears of the crowd, waking up many warriors.

I do not know when, a cute old man appeared behind the cute girl, with a dangerous breath on her body.

Everybody trembled, UU read the book www.uukanshu. The evil thought in com's heart disappeared.

The cute girl seemed to know nothing, still calling for the snow-white monkey.


The little monkey could not stand the temptation and jumped directly to the cute girl, smiling and holding the fruit and eating.

Everyone looked different, with envy in their eyes, many people wished they could become monkeys themselves, and rushed up.

The cute girl glanced at Lin Xuan provocatively, and hummed softly in her delicate little nose.

"If it's willing to follow you, I won't stop it." Lin Xuan shrugged.

The little old man behind the cute girl looked at Lin Xuan in surprise and seemed to think that this teenager would be so refreshing.

The cute girl was sitting aside holding the snow-white monkey, and her expression was full of joy.

At this time, a lot of people arrived, among them there were a few strong breaths that made everyone a bit shocked.

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