Inverse Sword God

Chapter 279: Step martial arts

Chapter 279: Step martial arts

The air shook, and the quaint pattern on the cyan giant sword began to decompose slowly. ]

Time passed slowly, and the cyan giant sword also constantly changed, and finally formed a jade Jian and a sword pattern.

call out!

The blue sword pattern quickly fell into Lin Xuan's eyebrows and disappeared.

Lin Xuan's body trembled slightly, the cyan light flashed in her eyes, quickly absorbing the information in it.

All sorts of confidences, such as the exquisite move theory of Speedy Chasing Electric Sword, flooded his brain. Fortunately, Lin Xuan's soul strength was strong enough to barely accommodate this information.

Otherwise, I am afraid I will be fainted by this information when I change to another person.

In this way, Lin Xuan stood quietly and realized the mystery in it.

The jade bamboo slipped under his feet, exuding a faint light.

Outside, Lingwu Mountain is full of light, constantly rushing and glowing, like a fairyland on earth.

Everyone waited patiently outside, especially the Heifengzong, Mujia, Yuhuazong and other ancestors.

Time flies, half a day has passed.

Just before everyone waited in time, a peak of Lingwu Mountain once again inspired a bright pillar of light.

There, a figure burst out quickly, and the breath on his body became stronger and stronger. The ordinary half of the fused spirit warrior could not lift his head completely in front of him.

"It's Brother Zhao Jie!" Yu Huazong's disciple exclaimed, with an expression of excitement on his face.


Zhao Jie flickered and hurried up.

"Brother Zhao Jie, your breath is strong again!"

"Brother, did you get martial arts on the ground?" Yu Huazong's disciples kept asking questions, and everyone around them also curiously raised his ears.

Level martial arts, but the legendary martial arts, if Zhao Jie can get it, he will surely lead Yu Huazong above many gates in the future.

At that time, maybe there is still a chance to impact the Four Star School.

However, Zhao Jie shook his head: "I didn't get tiered martial arts."

"What grade do you get?"

"Lingjie advanced martial arts, the power is equivalent to the current Lingjie top martial arts." Zhao Jie slowly said.

The martial arts in Lingwu Mountain are all left in the ancient times, and they are extremely powerful, far from being comparable to the current martial arts.

Many people are a little disappointed. Although the martial arts that are comparable to the top-level martial arts are precious, they are not yet. At least in the Samsung School, there are some top-level martial arts.

However, Zhao Jie was not too disappointed. At first, looking for martial arts had a chance, and he was more satisfied with his martial arts.

It wasn't long before Zhao Zhuai came, Lingwu Mountain once again saw a huge beam of light, and everyone held their breath and looked nervously.

This beam of light is stronger than the one just by Zhao Jie, just like a huge sun, shining on all sides.

This momentum seems to herald the extraordinary martial arts among them.

A figure, fluttering in white, calmly came to the disciples of Mujia.

"Brother Muchen!" The disciples of the Mu family cheered excitedly.

Seems to know what everyone wants to ask, Mu Chen said indifferently: "Spirit-level top martial arts."

The top-level martial arts of the spiritual order, that strength has surpassed the top-level martial arts of most sects in reality, only some of the top-level sects of the sect can be compared.

"Congratulations to Brother Mu Chen!" Many martial artists congratulated and wanted to get closer to the Mu family.

Mu Chen gave a small smile, all he saw was Zhao Jie, his face slightly changed.

There were three people who didn't come out, which was beyond his expectation.

You must know that the top-level martial arts of Lingjie is already the best martial arts under layer-level martial arts, but there are still three people who have not yet come out, which makes him a little worried.

"Is there really a martial art of order?" Mu Chen's eyes flickered.

Beside, the five brothers of the Sun family also whispered, discussing the situation of martial arts on the order.

"The study of martial arts on the terrace is too slim, it has never happened once in hundreds of years." Mu Chen shook his head and looked at Lingwu Mountain.


Lingwu Mountain once again spewed a dazzling beam of light, which also carried a hint of glow.

The violent winds trembled around it, just like the sword chopping on the body. The pain was hot. You must know that these warriors are all above the seventh level of Linghai!

It's only Fengfengzi who can make Qingfeng so destructive.

Sure enough, when everyone opened their eyes again, they saw the figure of Lingfengzi.

The eyes of the crowd were fiery, and they did not know what martial arts he had obtained.

Even Mu Chen and Zhao Jie looked at each other with a dignity in their eyes.

"Lingjie top." Lingfengzi said coldly, apparently he was not satisfied with the result.

However, he also knew that the probability of the emergence of step martial arts was very low.

"There are two people who haven't come out yet. Do you think anyone will get the martial arts between them?"

"How did I hear that they were from the same family?"

"Oh my god, that's terrible!"

"I haven't come out in such a long time. Maybe I really won the treasure."

"Huh!" Lingfengzi sneered. "The length of time in it doesn't tell you anything. If you don't choose, you will stay in it for a long time!"

The crowd was silent, not talking loudly, but those eyes were staring at Lingwu Mountain tightly.

Although neither of them is a disciple of their ancestors, or even a warrior in their area, this does not hinder everyone's expectation of martial arts on the order.

Time slowly flowing, Lingwu Mountain seemed to fall asleep, no more movement, only a dim light flashing, reminding people that there are people inside.

"Fuck, it's been a day, why not come out!"

"Grandma, it's so troublesome to choose a martial art? Wouldn't you dare not choose it!"

The group was impatient and could not help but complain.

Of course, although they complained, no one left and even looked forward to it.

Lingfengzi's face was somber, with cold flashes in his eyes, and Mu Chen's face in the distance was not good-looking.

At this moment, Lingwu Mountain once again glowed like a sleeping beast awake and made a sound of vibration.

A sky-high beam of light exudes bright glow, with golden light around it.

"It's a terrible scene, even more powerful than Lingfengzi. Is it really a martial art of order?" Everyone muttered in a low voice.

Ling Fengzi's face was ugly. UU read the book and stared at the figure, Mu Chen playing with the folding fan in the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

The light and shadow trembled, and the void was reflected in red, and a sword stalk pierced out of it, flying quickly.


Lin Feng, who is in white in white, fell to the ground with a confident smile on his face, and his spiritual power surged like a river.

"Huh!" Lingfengzi snorted coldly, stepping out, and numerous winds blew, like the tens of thousands of swords.

"Step martial arts?" Mu Chen asked not far away.

"Natural!" Lin Feng was arrogant without any concealment.

The crowd was boiling around, and there was really a martial art of ranks. The news was so explosive!

"Don't hit my attention, you are not qualified!"

After all, Lin Feng's eyes were dimmed, and an extremely powerful sword surged out, as if to tear the world

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