Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 971 - The Mist of Rebirth

Chapter 971: The Mist of Rebirth

The Path of Creation had a total of nine tests. The first six posed no danger to one’s life and were standard trials. The last three were completely different. Each of these tests was rather dangerous. If one was even slightly careless, they would end up dying.

The final three tests of the nine were known as the three trials. Those who attempted the trial would face disasters once they entered them.

However, not just anyone could make it through the first six tests. Most people would drop out during one of them. Those who could make it through the first six tests were usually geniuses among geniuses. The more of a genius one was, the easier it was for them to die. It had been that way since ancient times because they were too brilliant and pursued things that were different from ordinary people. However, it was this sort of person who could make it to the end and become a strong practitioner.

The Huatian Palace had controlled the Path of Creation for more than ten thousand years. During the years, countless geniuses had died on the Path of Creation. Only those who succeeded could make it out alive.

The third test was a normal trial.

Mo Wen was standing in a huge open area. In front of him was a flight of stairs that kept going upwards. Layer by layer, it reached the top of the clouds. He did not know how high up it went.

“Rumor has it that the top is connected with a heavenly palace. Being able to reach the heavenly palace means that one has achieved the highest standard.”

Mo Wen raised his head and looked up into the sky. He could only see clouds and the stairs that led up deep into them. He could not see what was at the end.

Mo Wen stepped onto the staircase and began to climb it step by step. A pressure appeared in his body and kept growing. Suddenly, a gale swept up. High up in the sky, it was as though a heavenly gale had swept up everywhere and plowed past Mo Wen.

“Such an incredible heavenly gale.”

Mo Wen’s figure trembled, and he felt alarmed. The key of the third test was to withstand the baptism of the heavenly gale, fight against it and keep heading upwards. After a participant passed a certain level, they would pass the test.

However, this heavenly gale was rather extraordinary. It swept straight into the body and corroded the internal organs. The entire body, be it bone or flesh, would be slashed by the heavenly gale. It was like a person was slicing away inches of flesh from one’s body with a knife. It was painful beyond belief.

However, this test did not simply challenge one’s ability to withstand pain. Instead, it tested whether one’s body was strong enough. If one’s body was strong enough and they had the willpower to make it through, they would be able to endure the trial until the end.

Of course, even those whose bodies were not strong enough could also pass this test. This was because there was a lot more to the heavenly gale than met the eye. Although it was slashing away at the body, it was also constantly honing it as well. One’s body could constantly become stronger under the influence of this power. Of course, in such a situation, the pain that one had to endure was far greater than that of those who had strong bodies. It was very difficult for such people to be able to withstand it.

Mo Wen could not describe in detail how strong his body was. The moment he stepped onto the staircase, the effects of the heavenly gale on him were minuscule.

He ascended the staircase step by step, seemingly without stopping. However, the further up he went, the more powerful the heavenly gale became. He had barely climbed a few hundred steps when the might of the heavenly gale had doubled. Not knowing how far up these stairs led, Mo Wen was not confident that he could reach the end.

However, this heavenly gale was a great help to Mo Wen. His body was very powerful, but the more powerful it was, the more pure and tempering his training had to be. Only then could he have space to further improve and advance.

Very quickly, Mo Wen walked for an hour. The heavenly gale that descended upon him had also reached a rather terrifying level. The pain was also constantly increasing. Half an hour ago, Mo Wen had reached the standard of the third test. He merely needed to think about it, and he would retire immediately and head towards the fourth test.

However, he did not even think about ending the challenge and continued upwards. He had passed the first and the second test with the highest results. There was no reason for him to retire from the third test halfway through. If he did not reach the heavenly palace in the sky, how could he possibly be satisfied?

Moreover, with the strength of his body, he would be considered one of the strongest participants there had been in the Path of Creation since ancient times. He was far from reaching his limit.

Mo Wen had also discovered that the heavenly gale that descended seemed to be the reward for the trial goers for this test. No matter who it was, a participant’s body would become stronger to some extent when faced with this heavenly gale. Also, the longer they kept at it, the greater the strengthening effects were.

It was not that the heavenly gale had a miraculous body-changing power. It was more like being a lump of iron. After constantly being forged under heat and stress, it would become steel. Under the effects of the heavenly gale, humans were like lumps of iron being constantly forged.

Of course, different people had different levels of potential. Those without enough potential would reach their limits. No matter how the heavenly gale forged them, it was useless.

However, Mo Wen’s figure not only cultivated the Celestial Body but also absorbed the power of the Pool of Rejuvenation. It was rich but unrefined. It was precisely at the stage that required forging.

Time passed by slowly. Mo Wen had already reached the part of the staircase above the cloud layers. Gales kept howling frenziedly. They became stronger and faster.

Above the cloud layers, Mo Wen could see the sun in the high heavens. Its brilliant light shone down magnificently. There was a palace hall floating in the sky above that was bathed in the sunlight. It sparkled brilliantly and emanated a mysterious but noble aura.

“Reaching the heavenly palace seems to be the highest result for this test.”

Mo Wen ground his teeth and continued to head upwards. Right now, the pain from the heavenly gale was getting more and more intense. The intense pain caused his body to tremble uncontrollably.

One step, two steps, three steps... a hundred steps, a thousand steps, ten thousand steps. Near the end, Mo Wen felt himself going through another trial of walking. Every step he took seemed like a struggle for life and death. Right now, what allowed him to endure it was not his body, but his willpower, his steel-like willpower!

Finally, Mo Wen took the final step, slightly trembling as he arrived at the empty area before the heavenly palace. Instantly, all the pressure vanished without a trace. The fierce heavenly gale also turned into a calm breeze that blew past him.

Mo Wen slumped to the ground, panting heavily and deeply. Fortunately, he had not fainted along the way. Otherwise, he would not even be able to think about standing in this place. The first six tests of the Path of Creation were relatively easy to pass, but it was rather difficult to achieve the highest result. Was his body still not strong enough? Was his willpower still not strong enough? Even so, he had nearly failed.

As Mo Wen stood there panting, a beam of light descended from the sky. The light was blurry and had a misty beauty to it.

The Mist of Rebirth!

A look of joy flashed in Mo Wen’s eyes. He had finally encountered the legendary Mist of Rebirth. This item was even more miraculous than the Pool of Rejuvenation. It had unbelievable effects on one’s body. The “rebirths” that he had gone through previously were just relatively speaking. It meant that the essence of his body went through rather large changes.

However, the baptism of the Mist of Rebirth was a rebirth in the true sense of the word. Rumor had it that this item could change a person’s most fundamental potential and cause someone with low to no talent to become an astounding genius.

Unfortunately, the Mist of Rebirth was just a legend. Usually, people could only think of it but could never possibly obtain it. Mo Wen knew that the Mist of Rebirth was in the third test heavenly palace was because of a secret that Mo Qingge had told him. In history, there had only been one person that had received the Mist of Rebirth here. However, the identity of this person was special and only a few of the highest figures in the Huatian Palace knew about it.

The Mist of Rebirth rained down and merged with Mo Wen’s body, strands of power entering him silently. It was rather warm and comfortable, like soaking in a hot spring.

The fatigue he felt in his body, as well as the soreness, disappeared bit by bit. Even the injuries hidden away in his body completely disappeared. His entire being was like a piece of jade that was gradually being removed of impurities and became rounder, more delicate and crystal clear.


Under the effects of the miraculous power, Mo Wen could not help but let out a long howl. His body was changing incredibly quickly. After a short while, he had grown to a height of five to six meters. Also, right now he had two heads and four arms. They were an actual head and two arms, and not the initial masses of energy.

Two heads and four arms!

The Mist of Rebirth had caused his Celestial Body to reach the level where he could form two heads and four arms. He was reborn, his flesh and blood reconstructed. What was originally a rather difficult process was instantly completed!

Two heads and four arms! Only now could he say that he had cultivated the Celestial Body, taking the most important and most crucial step. If he had not received the Mist of Rebirth, it would probably have taken a hundred, even a thousand years before he could flesh out the two heads and four arms.

Endless power kept forming inside of him. The power of Qi and blood in his body shot up to the heavens. Mo Wen felt that his current body could destroy an entire mountain range.

After a long while, the Mist of Rebirth finally dissipated.

Mo Wen stood before the heavenly palace. He looked spirited and exceptionally satisfied. The Ancient Age Creation Sect had made the Mist of Rebirth a reward for trial goers. It was incredible.

After all, such a thing was a divine object that was born of nature. After it was used, it was gone. It was a priceless treasure, and it was impossible for even Heavenly Path absolute strong practitioners to endlessly obtain the Mist of Rebirth. Placing it as a reward for a trial was luxurious.

However, the Ancient Age Creation Sect was different from the current day. Mo Wen also did not know what the situation was like during the prime of the Way of Immortals in the Ancient Age. Maybe the Mist of Rebirth back then was not as scarce as it was in the present day.

However, one thing was certain: reaching the heavenly palace in the third test was very, very difficult. There were most likely not a lot of people in the Ancient Age who could manage it. After all, those who could enter this place were only cultivators below the Primordial Soul Realm. How strong would the body of a cultivator who had not even reached the Primordial Soul Realm be? In such a test, even a Tide Changing Realm cultivator would not dare say that he absolutely could reach the heavenly palace, Let alone a Primordial Soul Realm cultivator.

If Mo Wen did not have the Celestial Body, it would have been impossible for him.

A beam of starlight flew out from the heavenly palace and dove into Mo Wen’s palm in a flash. In an instant, another ancient rune appeared on Mo Wen’s hand.


Mo Wen was not surprised by this. This was already his third rune. It seemed that they would get a rune for every test they passed. It was nothing out of the ordinary.

After getting the rune, Mo Wen felt a mysterious power appear once again. It pushed him out of this space and made him disappear from his original spot in an instant.

When he appeared once again, Mo Wen discovered that he had appeared in a palace hall.

The palace hall stretched inwards layer by layer. He was currently in the outer hall closest to the outside. Between the palace halls, there was a white shroud of light that separated the two palace halls from each other.

Mo Wen glanced around at his surroundings and understood everything. His eyes revealed a look of joy.

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