Irresistible Romance

Chapter 189

"You are a madman, you do things very quickly, but at the same time you block your own retreat!"

At last, she never knew why she was an inch of Yan!

No matter how you look at it, it's all caused by Wei Lang's conceit. He thinks he can control the situation perfectly, but

Cheng Yun finally framed Yan Xi so many times, produced a trace of hesitation and regret.

That's murder!

I don't know when I can wash it if I'm splashed with dirty water.

The comments on the Internet are constantly refreshing.

"Bai Xiaoxiao's good friend has already posted a post saying that when they went to find Yan Xi, Yan Xi directly asked them to die."

"Don't say that again. Be careful of getting into trouble!"

"I think it must be after Bai luofan split up, Yan Xi changed her mind and wanted to revenge the white family!"

"The damned man is Yan Xi."

"Yes, she doesn't deserve to live."

Those people's totally unconscious speculation and wanton comments had a very bad impact on Yan Xi. From the beginning, Yan Xi almost let Bai Xiaoxiao have an accident, but Yan Xi wanted to revenge and kill Bai Xiaoxiao.

Moreover, those who once joined the fan group as fans of Yan Xi exposed the date and flight of Yan Xi's coming back home, saying that they would let Yan Xi repent at the airport.

Everyone is waiting to see Yan Xi's jokes to see how she can withstand the coming storm.

Under the arrangement of Jiang Mo Chen, Yan Xi returned home one day ahead of schedule, avoiding all reporters and media and returning directly to their villa.

Jiang Mochen had been waiting for Yan Xi at home early in the morning. As soon as she entered the door, he gave her a hug.

No matter what happens, no matter in any corner of the world, this home will always be Yan Xi's haven, and his arms will always be open for her.

Yan Xi was moved to hold him with emotion. When he raised his head again, his eyes were full of tears.


She was not afraid, but moved.

At this time, she will be strong in the face of everyone's criticism, because she knows that someone will always support her and believe her, that person is Jiang Mochen.

Jiang Mo Chen's hand gently patted Yan Xi's back, "I'm here, no matter what, I'll be by your side."

"I know you didn't tell me about Bai Xiaoxiao in order not to distract me. Mo Chen, it's hard for you." Although Yan Xi doesn't want Jiang Mo Chen to work hard for her every time, she can always feel the silent dedication of this man to her.


"I I promise

They looked at each other. At this time, Dahua was indeed Yan Xi's best choice.

She has no reason to refuse Jiang's proposal.

"I'll give you the fairest chance." Jiang Mo Chen touched her long hair and said softly.

"I'm just worried that one day, other people in Dahua will feel unfair, which will affect the position you have established for so many years."

"You deserve it. Everything you have today is on your own. I didn't give you special care."

If you don't smile with me, will it happen

Jiang Mo Chen half squinted his eyes and pondered for a few seconds, "the company is fair to every artist. This kind of thing rarely happens."

Moreover, on the basis that Dahua treats everyone fairly, Dahua pays more attention to artists' self-planning. Everyone has the opportunity to compete for resources, and the best resources belong to the strongest people. Therefore, the biggest enemy of artists is not other people, but themselves.

"But I still have one less agent."

"Do you have a candidate?" Jiang Mo Chen asked.

Yan Xi thought for a moment and shook her head. She knew her current development direction and deductive positioning. She was qualified to enter Dahua, but she was not qualified to pick and choose among agents. There are many people in Dahua who have more strength than her.

Jiang Mochen gently kisses her forehead, takes her hand and says, "now the first thing you need to do is to have a good rest and face the future work with the most stable mood."

Yan Xi answered with a smile.

She is not afraid of any wind and rain, as long as she holds his hand, even though the difficult situation, she also believes that she can get through.

"I'll tell Xia Jie to formally propose to ole in your name to terminate the contract."

"Well, I'll listen to you."

When Jiang Mo Chen turns around, Yan Xi drags his corner again, "Mo Chen, I come back one day in advance, also want to see Xiaoxiao."

"I understand. It's arranged. You have a rest. When you wake up, I'll send someone to take you there." He will always stand in Yan Xi's position for her.

This is the place where Yan Xi feels warm.

She turned around and walked into her familiar bedroom, and soon fell asleep. During the past few days when she worked abroad, her work intensity was very strong. Even if she saw the development of the whole thing, she didn't have time to grieve. The attacks of those netizens and keyboard warriors were really bad, but these people didn't even dare to reveal their names. They abandoned themselves for what they said, which was the bearing of Yan Xi It's too weak.The best way to solve this problem is to preserve our strength and give a strong counterattack at the most appropriate time.

Watching Yan Xi fall asleep, Jiang Mo Chen dials Qin Huan's phone, "find the best lawyer in the industry and ask ole to terminate the contract in the name of Yan Xi. After that, let the artist director of Dahua, Rick, announce that Yan Xi has officially joined Dahua."

"Directly? Now the rumors... " Qin Huan asked as he drove.

"Only by announcing can we solve this matter better and faster. After the announcement, let Rick hold a press conference with the directors of the legal department and the public relations department to clarify the whole matter."

"What's more, find out the background of some of the most mainstream media. I want to let them know that the consequences of chaos are beyond their ability to bear!"

Qin Yu knew Jiang Mo Chen's style of doing things. When Wei Lang responded, he would be mad. He deployed such a big situation, but he pushed Yan Xi to a higher position in Dahua.

"What about the lady's agent?"

As for Yan Xi, Qin Huan of course wanted to make sure that the president was not satisfied.

Jiang Mo Chen is silent for two seconds, thin lip pour out, "I."

Qin Huan stopped holding the steering wheel. This is not a small matter! His surprise was all written on his face.

Jiang Mo Chen of course looked at the newspaper in his hand, "in addition to me, other people I am not at ease, temporarily confidential, do not tell Yan Xi."

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