Irresistible Romance

Chapter 242

"So it is But it's really amazing to see that Jiang is always under control. " Finish saying that, they several people raise a toast together to Yan Xi.

"If it wasn't for my younger martial sister, we wouldn't see Mr. Jiang for a long time."

Yan Xi held up the Champagne Cup with a smile. These people are all famous celebrities in the circle. They call her little sister-in-law so kindly!

She has always regarded them as her role models in learning acting. It is a rare opportunity for Yan Xi to get in touch with them so closely today.

One of the men with metal frame glasses noticed the special ring on their hands. He knew that they had a relationship, but he couldn't help looking more when he saw that they dared to wear such a keepsake with each other.

Yan Xi noticed his eyes, and did not deliberately hide their hands, she calmly face their eyes The man also noticed Yan Xi's expression and immediately took back his sight with a smile. "When the younger martial sister needs help, you can come to us at any time. Sometimes, we can say a few words in the circle."

Contacts are also what Yan Xi needs to manage.

She nodded politely, "then I'll thank the senior brothers first."

No one thought that Yan Xi would appear in such an unexpected way.

At the beginning, everyone thought Zeng Jianing won, because Jiang Mochen came as president of Dahua, that is to say, he chose to maintain the balance of Dahua, but he brought Yan Xi with him. Tonight, no one could get in the distance between them. Of course, around him were big movie stars with big names in the circle. They said hello to Jiang Mochen At the same time, will also notice his side Yan Xi.

In a way, Yan Xi is the winner. She only needs to stand by Jiang Mochen, and she can successfully get to know many big names in the circle.

"Did you notice the ring they were wearing? Does that brand seem to be the most famous for making wedding accessories? " Someone started gossiping.

"Well, I remember that the brand was endorsed by Yan Xi, and she didn't have any problem wearing it. That's what President Jiang said The pattern is also different from Yan Xi. It may be a coincidence. "

"When did Jiang always wear a ring! I don't think so. "

"If you really wear it with Yan Xi, it's too spoiled! Although Yan Xi didn't wear a dress tonight, she was so close to the president that the picture of two people in the same frame was really enviable. "

"Standing by the president's side, Yan Xi's charm seems to be more eye opening."

From the moment they walked into the hall together, all preparations of Zeng Jianing became insignificant.

No matter how sexy she is wearing, no matter how amazing her shape is tonight, she can't compare with the influence of those two people in the same frame, because in everyone's eyes, it's the ultimate winner to be able to make that emperor of the performing arts circle fall in love with. What other people can't do for several years can be achieved in just a few months after Yan Xi's comeback.

After being reviled by others, she regained her position step by step.

Perhaps her future development will be even more amazing, because the men who escort her, but Jiang Muchen, President of Dahua Group, will condescend to be a broker for her, and of course he will put on a more important crown for her.

Is it just luck?


Yan Xi's every step is under the attention of the outside world. She has never given up her dream. All the way, she has come to this step relying on her efforts and strength. Therefore, she has been treated so specially by Jiang Mo Chen. There are too few women who can have such dependence and don't wantonly publicize.

Another two female stars from the film queen class came to propose a toast. They raised their glasses in a graceful manner. The object they wanted to toast was not Jiang Mochen, but Yan Xi. "Younger martial sister should come to get together often in the future..."

Yan Xi has been around Jiang Mochen, no matter who comes to propose a toast, she will take her, so she has drunk a little bit.

Jiang Mochen has long noticed the red face of her face and blocked them. "I'll be the black knight and drink for her."

They looked at each other and touched a cup with Jiang Mo Chen. It seems that Yan Xi really found a rare happiness in this circle. There was such a black knight guarding her everywhere However, this will not cause their jealousy or antipathy. As a female star, they can better understand how much effort Yan Xi needs to make today.

Compared with the newcomers in the performing arts circle, Yan Xi has no age advantage, but in the top circle of the performing arts circle, Yan Xi is definitely young.

And it has unlimited potential.

Yan Xi twisted her eyebrows and pulled Jiang Mo Chen's sleeve. "I don't need the black knight to show up, I I can still drink it. "

After she was drunk, she was still a little overbearing. On this occasion, she directly took Jiang Mo Chen's arm and put her head on his shoulder.

Jiang Mochen took Yan Xi to the other side for a rest at the first time.

All the people present have seen this scene. In addition to their praise, they are deeply blessed. Although they have no public relations now, they all know this state in their heartsThere is no doubt that Jiang Mo Chen is just playing, because Yan Xi is the first woman around him, the first one who is loved!

No one can replace this position!

"I just had a look, Zeng Jianing was about to collapse in anger."

"If I had been her, I would have gone long ago, dressed so solemnly, and as a result..."

"In Dahua, everyone will play such a careful machine behind their backs and use their shapes to pressure the artists of the same company. Without saying anything else, I think that Zeng Jianing did the work of shangguanli."

"I hope she can leave Dahua early. She can compete openly and must use such bad means."

Zeng Jianing couldn't hear their comments clearly, but he could clearly see their mocking and sarcastic eyes. All the attacks were directed at her.

She used to be a star of great concern to Dahua. How much did she pay to be the first in the performing arts circle!

What makes Yan Xi a bad person.

Zeng Jianing bit his lip and stared at their directions. As if he had made up his mind, he walked through the crowd to Jiang Mochen and Yan Xi. "Mr. Jiang, I asked myself that I had never had a second heart in Dahua for so many years, and had not done anything sorry for the company It's not me, it's Dahua. "

"In Dahua, we always rely on our strength. When we lose to those who have the ability, no one will complain, because you have never made an exception for anyone, even me." Zeng Jianing sneered and pointed to Yan Xi and said, "but what can she do?"

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