Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 173.4: Chapter 173 Part 4

Chapter 173.4: Chapter 173 Part 4

Edited by gingercat

Jin Wang pulled her to lie down. “Let’s go to bed, so we can get up early tomorrow.”

“I don’t need to get up early tomorrow!” Since she didn’t need to report for work or offer morning greetings to anyone, she could get up at any time she wanted to.

This was blatant provocation!

“You don’t need to go see your natal family?”

That’s true. Yaoniang and Huiniang had made an appointment to meet again tomorrow.

“How do you plan to settle your natal family?”

“What do you mean by settling them? They will go back to Jinzhou in a few days.”

“They will go back?”

“This…” Yaoniang realized that it wouldn’t go so smoothly with Zhu-shi, but it wasn’t like she couldn’t deal with it. The capital was full of muddy waters, so the Yao Family and the Su Family shouldn’t stay for a long time.

“Have you ever thought that since they entered the capital and the Jin Wang Manor gates, they wouldn’t be able to easily leave without repercussion? Even if they left the capital, if someone had the intention to, they could still easily find them.”

Yaoniang was first shocked, then at a loss. “Then what should we do?”

“It’s easier to keep them under your watch when they’re close rather than a thousand miles away. But let’s not worry about it now. We should observe the situation first.”

The night passed by uneventfully.

Early the next morning, after Jin Wang and Xiaobao left, Yaoniang ordered someone to bring Huiniang over.

Yao Cheng knew what his wife was doing, so he naturally helped to cover up her disappearance, letting Huiniang stay with Yaoniang for the entire day. The two talked about the things that happened after they parted. Nothing special happened on the Yao Family’s side, but the series of things that happened on Yaoniang’s side made Huiniang dumbfounded.

But as for matters that were more delicate in nature or harder for outsiders to find out, Yaoniang didn’t tell Huiniang. Sometimes, it was better to know less.

Huiniang was very happy for her sister. Of course, she also scolded Consort Jin for daring to make a move on a woman about to give birth. She deserved to be sent away. Huiniang also felt that Jin Wang wasn’t without merit. At least he was really good to Yaoniang.

It wasn’t until she saw Xiaobao return from the palace that Huiniang returned to the guest’s courtyard.

As soon as she walked past the door, she heard a commotion inside.

In the courtyard, both the Yao Family and the Su Family were there. However, none of the children were outside. They were all inside the house.

There were a few servants standing to the side. In the middle of the yard, Zhu-shi was grabbing Su Yucheng’s ear and swearing loudly. Fallen to the ground next to them was a decently dressed maid.

“You stupid shameless man! As soon as I turn around, you dare to hook up with this little maid. Do you still want your face anymore? Does your Su Family still want your face? Shameless!”

Su Xiucai was so furious that his beard trembled with anger, while Yao Cheng stood there helplessly. Mrs. Li smirked and stood by as if watching a play, while Wu-shi anxiously wanted to go up to persuade the pair, but she didn’t know what to say.

“Hurry up and let go! If you don’t let go, I won’t be polite!”

“Polite? What are you going to do huh?!” Having said that, Wu-shi still withdrew her hand. She turned her head and started scolding the maid sitting on the ground. “You shameless little vixen. How dare you seduce my man…”

The maid was thin and pretty, tender, like a budding flower. Zhu-shi was a stark contrast to her. Not only was she fat, but she was also fierce like a shrew.

Actually, Zhu-shi was quite good-looking in her early years, but after giving birth to three children, she gained a lot of weight. Su Yucheng doesn’t dislike it, but whenever Su Yucheng dared to bring up even half a word about losing weight, what awaited him was a fierce round of scolding. Zhu-shi scolded him for being devoid of conscience. If it weren’t for the sake of giving birth to his children to continue the Su Family’s lineage, how could she have become like this?

“Madam, you really misunderstood. He said that his cuffs were a little torn, so this servant helped him sew them up,” explained the maid while crying.

Zhu-shi didn’t believe her at all. Although she had caught her sewing sleeves, if she didn’t catch them, they’d be already in bed. These servants and maids are all desperate to climb into their master’s bed and live a new life. Although Zhu-shi came from a regular family, she often hears gossip from the Mao Family and Old Man He. She naturally knew how scheming these maids were.

As she continued to scold the maid with utterly vile words, she suddenly stretched out her hand to hit her. A few other maids came up to stop her, but they weren’t as strong as Zhu-shi, so they were pushed to the side.

Just as the scene couldn’t get any more chaotic, Su Yucheng suddenly exploded.

“Have you had enough? I already told you she was here to mend my sleeves. The sleeves of my clothes have been torn for so long, and I told you about it several times, asking you to sew them, but you ignored me. My mother is already getting on in age and her eyes aren’t as good anymore. I have a wife so why should I still ask my mother to mend my clothes? You have no shame, yet you still have the face to scold others. Look at you. Are you acting like a proper person right now? You shrew!”

Su Yucheng pulled Zhu-shi over and flung her to the ground. Zhu-shi was stunned to the spot.

Su Xiucai stomped and scolded, “What a disgrace!”

Wu-shi stood at the side and cried.

Huiniang was also furious. She walked in and scolded: “Sister-in-law, don’t you know to control yourself a bit? We’re in the capital city, Jin Wang Manor. What are you making such a big fuss about? Do you realize how bad you’re making us look?!”

When had Zhu-shi ever experienced everyone going against her? It was also because she was too narrow-minded. No matter what, she shouldn’t have made trouble in the prince’s manor, much less beat up other people’s maids.

The furious Su Family all left to go inside because they were too embarrassed to stay outside. As for the remaining maids, they helped bring away the maid who was almost given a beating, likely to comfort her.

Zhu-shi sat on the ground and no one paid any attention to her. Just as she reached the peak of her anger and anxiety, Mrs. Li approached her to pull her up.

“From what I can see, that little vixen definitely wanted to make a move on the master. You must be careful. With their slutty appearances, it’s easy for him to lose his mind over these maids.”

“He dares!” said Zhu-shi sharply. Although she said it fiercely, she wasn’t so sure on the inside.

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