Jobless Reincarnation - Mushoku Tensei

Chapter 174: Resolve

Chapter 174: Resolve

Part 1

— Sylphy's perspective —

Recently Rudi has been acting strange.

He locks himself all day in the study, and his face looks pale when I thought he was going to come out.

What is he doing? Even though I'm worried, but he won't tell even if I asked. Last night when I try to break the question, he instead takes me to bed.

Well, if taking me helps his distress, then that works too.

When I ask Roxy about this, she said.

"Sylphy has noticed too... Rudi when troubled rarely likes to talk about it... Let's just try to help him when the time comes."

So she's worried too. But if this continues, maybe I should take the initiative and try to force him to explain what's going on.

With that in my mind, after dinner, Rudi pleads with some difficulty.

"Ah, Roxy-san, Sylphy-san, can you come to my room after dinner?"

A strange tone, feels a little like Rudi that time when he had Roxy and I together.

But that's nothing to feel guilty about, he shouldn't feel like he's imposing.

That's the kind of guy Rudi is, even I have no choice but to forgive him.

Roxy doesn't seem to mind, and she takes good care of me, so I don't really mind doing it together either.

Why is Rudi so worried.

Regardless, since he asked, Roxy and I are busy preparing ourselves.

We went in the bath together, and spread on perfume specific for this occasion.

For panty, I picked one I recently bought, and nightgown... the high exposure one. Rudi really likes it soft and with sleeves, so I picked that one.

Also, I left two buttons unbuttoned in the front.

Even though I'm a bit flat chested, so that isn't very sexy... But even if just a little, I want him to cherish me.

Wait, will he think I'm too naughty... No no, Rudi won't think so. It's fine, it's fine.

A few days ago I caught him peeking when I had two buttons unbuttoned as well.

Even though I caught him, since that seems to delight him, I let him have his fill, and that night he took me too.

Roxy wears her usual one-piece nightgown, but she isn't wearing any panties. That's her method of attack as well...

Regardless, since we're both ready, we head towards the bedroom all fired up.

Rudi sits on a chair in the bedroom, waiting on us. Roxy and I sit down side by side. Me on the right, Roxy on the left. There's no particular reason for this, that just seems to be the way it works.


Usually, Rudi will with a perverted face squeeze between us. But today, something's different.

He sits solemnly on his chair, his face serious. Like searching for a way to break the ice before Rudi said [Ah!] and faces Roxy.

"Ah-, Roxy."


"How's Norn doing in school?"

Feels like he's reciting someone else's line.

Roxy can only smile wryly.

"... Nothing in particular. Didn't you ask Norn herself a few days ago?"

"I thought it would be better if I get your judgement of it."

Rudi sounds off. I snicker slightly.

"Ah... Makes sense. Her studies and sword practice are so-so, but she's working hard for the Student Council. She's being recognized for her work on Public Morals. Even though there are many cheeky students, but they'll generally give her way when they cross paths. That might have to do with being Rudi's sister. Mostly, since she has many upperclassman admirers, no one gives her any trouble. She seems to have many friends, so I don't think there's anything Rudi should worry about."

"I see. Thank you."

Yeah, Norn is a hard worker. I haven't been to the school much lately, but I have heard some news from other Student Council members. Rarely do you see a kid so diligent.

I don't get to act like an older sister very much...

"Roxy, how about on your side?"

"Huh, what is it?"

"Anything in particular that's bothering you recently? Right, for example, feeling hungry so you sneak out for food or something?"

"Recently Rudi has always been sharing your meal with me. I'm actually worried that I might get fat."

"How about at school?"

"... School has been whatever. Once in a while someone will make fun of me because I'm small, and some students don't pay attention to class."

"What? How dare they? Who are these impudent imbeciles that don't pay attention to Roxy's lessons. I'll teach a lesson so the only thing they'll say from then on is [JesusBABUCHAAAHHH]."

Roxy bows lightly, a little shocked.

Feeling a little embarrassed, she plays with her hair.

How nice.

Having Rudi respect you so much. It makes me jealous.

"Well, there's one thing I'm worrying about..."

"Go ahead."

"That thing, I want to be sure before I announce it."

"... Then I look forward to it."

Ah, I think, I know what Roxy was going to say. Now that she mentioned it, her body has been acting strange recently.

Maybe I should prepare to congratulate her soon? No, she needs to confirm it still.


"What is it, Rudi?"

Suddenly getting asked, I try my hardest to look cute by tilting my head. Rudi's eyes focus slightly below my head, good, operation successful!

"Recently, em... Lucy, how is she?"

"Doesn't Rudi check up on her often? She's doing well?"

"She hasn't suddenly started yelling [I am my own Lord throughout heaven and earth.] or anything like that right?"

"Heaven... What? Ah, but Lilia-san said she'll start to crawl very soon."


All thanks to Lilia-san, parenting has been going smootly.

Even though Ariel-sama has said to leave the child care to the maids, and that mothers don't need to be involved. But grandma said to give as much loving care with my own two hands as possible.

So I have been following grandma's advice. Rudi seems to want me to take good care of Lucy, so I will.

"Sylphy, anything in particular that's bothering you recently?"

"No, but if I can be honest, it's that my husband seems to be hiding something."

I finally said it, but I feel like I didn't say it well.

"Oh, ohh, sorry."

Rudi looks visibly shaken, sheepishly averts his eyes.

So he's hiding something.

But would he tell...

Right then, Rudi recovers.

Looking focused.

In these moments, Rudi looks so cool...

"That's actually what I asked you to come for today. That was it."

I sit back straight and stop unbuttoning my gown.

Roxy while puzzled also straightens up.

"Em... Next, I don't know how I say this but... a few days ago, I met someone."


"Yes, a miko that can predict the future... someone like that."

What Rudi said next even made us sense the impending crisis.

How a bad person has been eyeing Rudi and the family (us).

How that bad person might cause all sorts of misfortune on the family (us).

How because of that, Rudi might start doing many things that look very strange to us.

Honestly speaking, I'm worried that he's over thinking it, but Rudi seems to have some definite proof. He must have thought about the situation before talking to us, about what he can say, about what he can't.

Even though some of this doesn't make sense, but it'll be too late once something happens. I can understand Rudi's thought process here.

"I see. Then, is there anything we can do to help?"

"Not that there isn't, but for me, I just want you to stay as safe as possible."

That again, recently that's all Rudi says. When did this start... Was it when Paul-san passed away?

I know he's just worrying about us, but isn't he being too protective? I'm not a kid that can't do anything anymore...

"But what if Rudi faces danger while we're not looking?"

"It's too early to tell, but it's possible?"

"I don't want that..."

Rudi was hit hard during the Atofe fight.

Even though Rudi is strong, he doesn't actually enjoy battle.

Even though he still traveled far and wide, fighting, dying...

Even though I don't want to, I can only stay home and wait for Rudi, comfort him, encourage him...


"I understand."

The person that said this is Roxy. Still twirling her hair, she looks at Rudi in the eye, smiling.

"When Rudi isn't home, I will protect Norn-san and Aisha-san."

Straightforward she answers. Like she wants to confirm her mission to Rudi.

"Roxy won't mind?"

Doesn't Roxy want to follow him? That's what I actually wanted to say. Roxy nods.

"Because Rudi would be more upset if his family fell to misfortune than himself."

"... But."

Speaking of which, Roxy was with Rudi when Paul died. I only heard about how depressed Rudi was by Paul's death. They said Rudi was at the worst he had ever been, so the situation must be really desperate for him.

Desperate enough to break our vows... Ah, I'm a terrible woman, forget it.

Rudi came back to me, that's all that matters.

"Sylphy, of course I don't want to just watch on the sidelines if Rudi is in danger."

What does that mean? Roxy will stay home?

"If we feel there's a time we have to lend him a hand, then let's make our own judgement on how to help Rudi, when the time comes."

Ah, so that's what she means. That makes sense if I think about it.

We don't need Rudi's permission to help Rudi. We should do it, as long as Rudi is safe.

"... You're right. Em, I understand."

Rudi can only smile wryly at Roxy's words. Not with rebuke, but looking at her with eyes of trust.

"Rudi, don't look back, please just do what you think is right. We'll protect you from behind."

Roxy said with a smile. Rudi's eyes sparkles. Roxy is amazing, to have Rudi's respect like that.

"Then, when I have it bad, please come to my aid."

With a sigh of relief Rudi finally smiled. No matter what, as long as it helps Rudi calm down, that's what's important.

If Rudi faces danger, I'll decide on my own to help him. Yes, that's right.

Maybe it has always been like this for me, be his support when he's in trouble, and be a good wife when he isn't.

That's fine.

"Then, there's one more thing."

At that moment I was clenching my fist with enthusiasm, when Rudi said in a meek voice.

Somehow the atmosphere is different. The stuff said earlier was difficult, but was with wording. This time it feels like we're back to the topic he has been avoiding.

"... This, is there even a good way to say this?"

"Is it really that bad?"

Roxy carefully prods Rudi. He nods forcefully.

"It's hard for me to tell you two."


What is it? Now I'm feeling anxious. Is it about Rudi looking unwell recently?

Don't tell me he has some incurable disease that even Detoxification Magic can't cure?

"I'm not sure yet, but, we might have to add another person."



Eh, add a person, so a girl? That's what he means?

Even though I told him to not add anymore...

No, I never asked him not to, forget it.

But Rudi doesn't keep his promises! What is he even thinking?

But I won't ask, I am the good wife, a good wife won't object to her husband.

"Who? Nanahoshi?"

I try my best to stay calm, pretending that I'm angry. I think I'm successful.

Speaking of the wench, Nanahoshi. She doesn't feel right to me. She doesn't seem to like Rudi, at most the only thing she feels for. If Rudi pushes the issue, I won't object to her. But just because I won't object doesn't mean I will welcome her... Em–.

"She's not Nanahoshi."

Rudi denies it, but Rudi furrows his brow, like he feels particularly apologetic.

"A girl by the name of Eris."


Eris, who's Eris? I think I heard of her before, but she's not someone from school.

"I remember her. Rudi was her home tutor at Fortress City Roa back then, right?"

Quickly, like coming to my rescue Roxy answers. Now I remember her.

"... She's the one that gave Rudi that illness."

"Yes, ah, something like that."

Has Rudi already forgotten, what happened when we reunited?

It wasn't clear to me back then, but from how much Rudi changed after we got married, I know now how much that illness destroyed his pride as a man.

That pain, was that woman, even though I don't have a solid grasp of her, I know that to be the truth. Even at the start I suffered as well.

"Rudi suffered so much back then, yet, you still like her?"

"The person I like now is Sylphy."

He stares straight into my eyes and said bluntly. How embarrassing.

Ohh, Rudi is so cool, I want to roll around and yell.

If they're still here, I want to go show off to Rinia and Pursena.

No no, right now there's this person called Eris. I can't lie to myself.

"Then, since she left Rudi, will she still have any lingering feelings and want to make up with you?"

"No, leaving is my misunderstanding. Lingering feelings and such, I don't think her heart has changed."

"... But, Rudi suffered so much."


"I still remember how savage Rudi felt in those days."

"Back then, not only could I not forgive Eris, I was even afraid of meeting her."


So it's different now? Is this the future-predicting miko's doing?

Maybe he gives those sorts of prophecies. Em, still, something feels wrong.

Well, if someone told me [In the future, you'll marry a boy name Rudeus and have 5 children] I'd look forward to it.

But for these things how the person in question feels is important. Getting married even though Rudi obviously doesn't like her. How does that work?

"If Sylphy objects to marrying her, then let's just stop here. But ultimately I still want to clear the air with her."

Rudi said, but he seems to come to some realization from his own words. What is it?

"But apparently, Eris, for me even till now, has been training at the Holy Land of the Sword. Isn't it pitiful for her if I reject her when she returns?"

"True, it might be as you said."

Always working, but finally get rejected. I can sympathize with that kind of fear, because back in Buina Village, I too was doing the same to chase Rudi.

"I'm not really objecting..."

If the Metastasis Event didn't happen, and Rudi never came back to Buina Village, I might have gone to search for him. If I saw him married with another girl... Then it would hit me hard...

"I have never seen her... but... well..."

Yes. I have never seen her either. Because of the way she treated Rudi, I always thought she was a terrible person.

But, a misunderstanding, in other words she has always loved Rudi, in other words she never meant to hurt Rudi like that.

After some thought, Roxy finally speaks.

"Why not wait until you finally reunite with Eris-san before deciding on this?"


"I got a feeling that even Rudi doesn't really know where you stand on this. Until you meet with her again, there are a lot of things that you won't know."

What is Roxy thinking? A third player has appeared, yet she doesn't show any objection. Yet all I can think about is all my own concerns...

"After meeting Eris, if I can see no way for this to work, then... I might object as well."

Ah, so that's how it is, the same idea as before. Just an agreement. As expected of Roxy. She has thought this through.

It feels like she's a much more reliable wife than I am.

"Of course, this doesn't involve just us alone. We need to talk with the rest of the family as well... But for me, I'll support Rudi's decision."

"Thank you."

"As long as you won't forget about me, even if you add 3, 4 more, I won't mind."

"Forgetting Roxy is impossible."



Rudi's complete trust, smart...

She makes me so jealous.

No, I have to work to be like her too.

My goal as a mature woman.

"Sylphy, I'm really sorry."

"No, rather, seems like all I do is complain. Sorry."

Rudi and I both lower our heads in apology.

Roxy laughs quietly at this sight.

This feels a little different than with Luke and Ariel.

It's a pleasant space.

But if there's one more.

How will it change...

It makes me anxious.

Will she steal Rudi?

— Rudeus's perspective —

Afterwards, the three of us sleep in a row. Even I'm in no mood for fun after those heavy words.

... Still, in my head I can't help but remember Eris's face, no matter how hard I try.

Even though I have long put her behind me, but from the depths of my guts I feel something rising.

Just like Roxy said, I don't even know what I really think about her.

No matter what, I need to settle the score with Eris.

But, to be honest, I'm scared to meet her. She'll definitely kick my ass. She seems to have become impossibly strong.

That Eris, if she saw Sylphy and Roxy beside me, what will she do?

... Well, the diary didn't mention anything about her attacking Sylphy.

But the diary might not always be right. Depending on how the topic and mood shifts, things can easily go out of hand.

Unease. The way it is, if I meet with Eris again, what will actually happen?

With my mind running in circles I eventually fall asleep.

Hitogami appears.

Part 2

A white space. A place where people travel through using teleporation magic. In there, I stand, the body the same as from my previous life.

According to the research of my future self, this is the Void World. Like a 4th dimensional space in the center of the six worlds.

The old man said coming here is impossible. Yet, here I am.

What does it mean, based on my appearance, maybe only my consciousness is here, like a soul summoned.


Hitogami standing there, wearing a smile as usual. No, no smile.

Unhappiness streams from his mosaic body.

"This sucks."

He murmurs unhappily.

"You sure made a mess of things."

That frustration and attitude is almost completely unimaginable from before.

"Coming back from the future, isn't that cheating? Why the hell. Even though I almost won."

Looks like, from how unhappy you are, everything that old man said is true?

You lied to me? You killed Roxy and Sylphy?

So my future self found a loop hole?

Got you in a bind?

"Are you serious? Loop hole? Me in a bind? Pssh, really? The future you seems to have misunderstood quite a few things."

His words might be full of contempt, but I can hear some helplessness in his voice.

I can't let him lead me by the horns. I have to keep him talking.

"What's this [Keep him talking]? Even though you're second rate, you think you're so clever."

Are you done? Even if I'm second rate, I still have a brain.

Hey, you, tell me.

Why my family, why me, why do you have to harm us?

"Indeed, why? Maybe I just enjoy watching you squirm after killing your entire family."

Hitogami is off his game today.

He had me playing in the palm of his hand until now, but I made a complete mess of the board without thinking, and now his motivation is gone.

"Yes, it's all your fault. Not thinking about what you're doing is your fault."

Hey, answer me. I don't care about your goal, and I won't go interfering either.

My future me has said, I can't beat you, so even if I have to suck up to you I won't make you my enemy.

I plan to do that.

Up until now... well, I'm just dancing to your tune, playing in your hand, but up until now has been smooth sailing.

It's fine if I'm being taken advantage of, or you want me to be your arms and legs, I wouldn't refuse. But, at least, spare my family.

"Well, aren't you brave."

Since you really haven't done anything to me yet, or at least, as far as I know.

Relationships are important. Even though you tried to kill Roxy and her baby, but that was aborted. I can pretend aborted things never happen. Let bygones be bygones.

Before I feel I can forgive you, at least we should build a working relationship.


Hitogami seems to have thought of something. His mood changed, then he said.

"What if I say my goal is world peace? Will you believe me?"

Ah, world peace, very noble, I approve.

LOVE and PEACE is my motto, and if my sexy time can contribute to that all the better!

"No sexy time."


"You know that Dragon God, that Orsted, right? His ultimate goal is to destroy this world."

Really? I can't tell.

"That guy has been in the background making various moves. When I die this world will also break apart. That's why Orsted has been working to kill me."

Maybe you did something to anger him? Like with me, kill his family or something?

"Didn't I say before? I cannot touch him, so, I do not recall."

Whatever, and then?

"Orsted is strong, but he's only one person, because he carries that curse. Moreover, as long as he's alone, he can never beat me!"

Then just ignore him?

"I thought so too... until you showed up!"

What did I do?

"Nothing... But it appears that Orsted's curse does not affect your descendants. They'll come to Orsted's aid, and I'll be defeated by Orsted, your descendants, and their allies."

I see... That's why you took aim at the pregnant Roxy?

Say, Luke taking Sylphy to war, that was your doing too. Since you didn't get rid of Lucy, then the problem was the elder son and second daughter? Was that wrong? But if that's the case, then why don't you get rid of me earlier? Why not?

"After realizing your existence after the Metastasis Event, I made various attempts unsuccessfully. Your fate is unusually strong. Nothing I can do about it."

Fate? Why is that?

"Where do I begin? I can see several major paths towards the future, and at some levels I can make small adjustments. But when fate is strong, even I can't do as I please. You do not die against Orsted; no matter how much I interfere, you'll reunite with Roxy, get married, have a child."

Is this cause and effect?

Even if you go to the past to change the future, it'll end roughly the same way?

"Eh, something like that."

Really? Roxy and I getting married is also fate. That makes me happy.

"But that doesn't make me happy."

Ah, sorry. Well then, why do you have to kill my descendants? Why not wait for the distant future and get rid of my descendants... I mean the brats that help Orsted then?

"Those descendants that have direct contact with Orsted also have strong fate like you. Not just you and your descendants, Sylphy's and Roxy's and Eris's existences are also very strong. Their children, well, likely the same. But women's fates becomes particularly ambiguous at times."

The time when strength of fate turns ambiguous... Don't tell me.

"Indeed. When they're pregnant with a child."

Right now, my entire body is a whirlpool of desire to punch this person in front of me, but I force myself to hold back. Even if I fight him here, I don't feel any chances for victory.

"But that too was a failure."

But why did you kill Sylphy, even though she's not pregnant and already had a child?

"Is that what the diary says? Well, I haven't got that far yet, so I don't know either. Maybe I was just exterminating the weeds? Or maybe it had nothing to do with me, rather that Sylphy is fated to die if she's ever separated from you."

That's why... so she has that sort of fate.

"My plan was perfect, to bait you, who has strong fate, bit by bit, and at your weakest use the most effective tactics for the best result."

ARGGH... stay calm.

Don't get angry.

Roxy and Sylphy are both safe.

Good, good.

"Just go ahead and say it. You don't really think you'll win like this? Let me be clear, your children's fate is not as strong as your wives, you, or your descendants. I will not give up. I don't plan to die."

So you don't want to die, eh? So that's what it is. But, is there another way?

If it saves my family, I'll do anything. How about I make it my family motto [Do not cooperate with Orsted] or indoctrinate my children. Something like Hitogami-sama is great, Dragon God sucks.

"Useless. That alone won't change fate."

Then help me out here. My fate is strong, right? Then there has to be something I can do?

"... Ah."

You thought of something?

"No, I'm not even sure if it's possible. But it might... You say you would do anything right?"

... Yes, yes.


Like he just came up with a new prank, Hitogami smirks.

"Kill Orsted."

Part 3

"Rudi, it hurts, Rudi...!"

When I woke up, I was tightly hugging Roxy. My throat dry, my body chill, and for some reason only my back is warm.

"Ah... Sorry."

"Cough... Cough..."

After I let go, Sylphy places a hand over my face and rubs my forehead. It's covered in sweat.

"Are you okay, Rudi?"

From my back comes a voice. I turn around to look. Roxy's face before my eyes. From behind she hugs me tightly. My back feels warm.


I sit up, it's late night. Was that a dream? No, that wasn't a dream. Without a doubt, it's Hitogami.

"Cough... What's wrong, Rudi, are you okay?"

Sylphy sits up as well, wiping my sweat with her sleeves. Still Roxy has me in her embrace, and now rubbing my chest.

"It's nothing... Just, it was a, strange dream."

Kill Orsted. That's what Hitogami said. But what does he mean? What was his plan? I need to think this through.

Orsted and Hitogami are enemies. But Orsted is one person, and one person can't beat God.

I don't understand why even someone as strong as him cannot beat Hitogami. Perhaps reaching him requires several companions.

Thus my descendants become Orsted's companions, and as a result Orsted finds Hitogami and beats him.

That's why Hitogami wants to kill my descendants, kill Roxy, kill Sylphy, to erase this entire line.

With that, Orsted can never reach Hitogami's location, and Hitogami wins.

Orsted is the mastermind, my descendants and Orsted, as long as one disappears, Hitogami wins.

But, can I kill him? Hitogami says my fate is abnormally strong, but the same must go for Orsted.

Even though, he makes Hitogami his enemy, and has always been fighting him.

Why will I kill him? What must I use in order to kill someone as strong as him... Is there anything?

My diary records several magic my future self has used.

Magic Armor, that item I can make right now, and once made it will probably be very useful.

My future self used several magic, gravity magic, teleportation magic, even electric magic.

Gravity and Teleportation I don't know... But in our previous fight, even Stone Cannon managed to deal some damage.

Electric shock can even paralyze Atofe, so I have some weapons that can work. Then, I just need some defense, enough to blunt the damage.

... Why am I seriously considering killing Orsted?

"Hey, Rudi, if it hurts, please tell us. Please say something?"

Sylphy looks like she's about to cry. With my right hand I embrace her head, and with my left hand I grab Roxy's hand.

Why else? To protect these two.

"There's, there's a person, I must kill him."

"... Eh?"

"Rudi... What are you even talking about?"

I did not answer Roxy. Separated from them two, I left the bed. Instantly warmth disappears, only chill remains.


With that, I head out the room. My lights lit, my head heavy, I head to my study.

Right now all I can think of is rereading the diary and trying to find inspiration from that old man's battles.

Kill Orsted. Kill him to save my family's life.

Even if we're to perish together, even if my family would grieve, I'll do it.


Suddenly, I saw the letter I planned to mail together.


On that letter I added another line.

... Maybe I won't even get a chance to see Eris.

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