Jobless Reincarnation - Mushoku Tensei

Chapter 192: Before Traveling to the Asura Kingdom

Chapter 192: Before Traveling to the Asura Kingdom

Part 1

A cabin on the outskirts of Sharia.

My third meeting with Orsted there.

Ariel successfully persuaded Perugius.

I report that to him, as well as the news that the magic circles to Asura Kingdom are broken.

Orsted smiles when he heard the news.

A wicked smile.

Or maybe that's his normal one.

"I see, well done."

I was praised.

But problems remain.

"About the magic teleportation circles, what do you think?"

About the magic teleport circles he seems to doubt me momentarily, but soon looks convinced of my innocence.

It's expected that he would suspect [What's he hiding] from me.

"It was probably Hitogami's doing. That idiot made a bad move for his opener. Let's hope that continues."

Orsted seems to have realized something.

Quite merry.

Murmuring [With this, just one more] or something.

What he means by that, I hope he will tell me.

"If possible, can you explain the mistake?"

"Mm, indeed."

Orsted sits back down and stares at me.

His glare is blinding.

Any more and his eyes might start glowing.

"Perugius confirmed that he can't use the magic teleportation circles?"

"Aye, boss."

"Boss... In Asura Kingdom, there are not many magic teleportation circles available. They're mostly emergency escapes for the nobility and royalties. Some of which are defunct, which Perugius takes advantage of."

I see.

Royalty's escape route.

"And that's where the error is."

I see, that's how it is.

No, I don't.

"What is? Explain a bit more! Please!"

"... Basically, magic teleportation circles are not places regular people would have access to. They're protected by soldiers. To enter and hinder the magic circles, only royalty or upper nobles have the power to do so."

"Oh, of course. And then?"

"... Think a little on your own."


The power of royalty.

For them, stopping magic teleportation circles is equivalent to cutting their own life line.

Because of the possibility of Perugius using them, the defunct magic circles were destroyed.

The chances are high that this happened under instruction of Hitogami.

Which means chances are an apostle exist among the royalty or someone who advises them.

And he is?

"So First Prince Grabell or Senior Minister Darius are likely Hitogami's apostle...?"

"Indeed. Moreover, the manpower necessary to destroy all the magic circles within the entire Asura Kingdom, there isn't anyone but Senior Minister Darius who wields a private army of that size."


So that's how it is.

Him wielding a large private army is news to me.

"Basically, [Senior Minister Darius is an apostle of Hitogami] has been confirmed?"

"Yes. The possibility exists for the First Prince as well, but... that doesn't matter. He's a target to kill either way."

The First Prince is an enemy to Ariel, so kill him.

Part of me doesn't want to be involved with regicide, but...

It can't be helped.

If it ends up being something I have to do, I'll do it.

"With this, there's one more person."

"You mean... Luke is also a sure thing?"

"No doubt about it."

"What about Ariel?"


Enough with that kind of joke.

"What do you base that on?"

"There are people Hitogami can't manipulate."

"Ariel is someone he cannot manipulate. You have a way to determine that?"

"...My intuition after many years."


But it seemed like he said it after thinking, so he might have some certain basis that he won't say to me.

I won't ask for an explanation for now.

There are more important things to talk about.

"If we're wrong, and that Ariel is an apostle, then what?"

"If that happens, I'll take responsibility and settle things."

He'll settle things?

Well, that's not necessarily killing.

Anyways, for now I will ignore the possibility that Ariel is an apostle.

In that case, maybe I should inform Ariel of Orsted's intel?

Ariel seems to have some resistance to Orsted's curse.

If she isn't an apostle of Hitogami, wouldn't it be better if we gain her full cooperation by telling her everything?

...Oh, never mind.

Sylphy as well, they both trust Luke.

They believe Luke would never betray them.

Luke, also, might think he's working in Ariel's best interest.


Manipulated by Hitogami, that possibility exists.

He may have convinced himself that, given the situation, he's making the best move, but only makes things worse.

How troublesome.

Orsted is thinking that Luke has the role of intermediary.

Luke's role is to inform Hitogami of my movements.

But there's a possibility that when push comes to shove, Hitogami will give him advice that appears to benefit Ariel and actually leads her to ruin.

Very troublesome.

I can understand why Orsted wants to kill him immediately.

"... Orsted-sama."


"I want to confirm our fight against Hitogami. Just to make sure I understand the situation. Is that okay?"


I begin to recite.

Summary of Hitogami's and Orsted's battle tactics.

First, Hitogami can see the future.

The future he sees is both extensive and detailed.

And he has the power to change that future by manipulating someone.

But he can't see futures that are influenced by Orsted.

Compared to Hitogami's foresight, the Dragon God's secret art is stronger.

When Orsted influences things, Hitogami ends up seeing an incorrect future.

When he discovers something out of place in that future, or possibly when there's a clear change in the future, Hitogami knows Orsted is interfering.

But he cannot see how Orsted changed that future.

He can only estimate.

So long as he does not know what Orsted is trying to arrange or what Orsted's objective is, Hitogami does not have a sure fire way to change the future as desired.

Because of the curse of being hated, Orsted is able to take action with Hitogami not discerning most of his hand.

But also because of the curse, Orsted has few help available to him, limiting his reach.

But now with me in league with him, his reach increased.

My existence could be called an invisible chess piece.

But if this piece moves too brazenly, then Orsted's intentions would be exposed.

So I should act prudently.

And avoid leaking information to Hitogami's spy – Luke.

And also those that trust Luke, that would confide to him, Sylphy and Ariel.

You can't stop people from talking, so it would be better if I talked about this to others as little as possible.

Do what I can to hide Orsted's intentions and actions.

I might look suspicious again.

But it's fine as long as we succeed.

Our goals here are to not let Hitogami know our intentions and defeat Hitogami's apostles.

I will work until I die and help bring Orsted victory in a hundred years.

"Is that... right?"

"Yes. It is."

Orsted nods heavily.

Got it... Now I know what I must do.

Perugius may call me timid, but...

No matter what, we'll move towards our objective.

Likely candidates for Hitogami's apostles.

Luke and Darius.

That's two.

"And the final one?"

"Unsure. But, based on Hitogami's habits, likely someone with talent with the sword or magic."

"Talented in sword or magic..."

Well, they can't be someone from my family.

So no Sylphy and Eris.

So maybe like my diary said, North Emperor or Water God at Asura Kingdom?

"How about the North Emperor and Water God?"

"Auber and Reida... Indeed, very likely. On the way to Asura Kingdom, stay vigilant."

"Orsted-sama is not coming along?"

"Of course, I'll be tailing you. We won't be taking the same actions, though."

Following behind us...

That really sounds like I'm manipulated from the shadows.

Well, since I can consult him as needed, that doesn't sound so bad.

"Understood. Then... Luke, Darius, Reida, Auber. I'll pay attention to those four."

"Right. Darius, Auber, Reida, are fine to kill... Observe Luke, if necessary, kill him."

"It's okay to kill him based on my judgment?"

"Yes, your judgement."

He really trusts my judgement?

He probably thinks I can kill easily.

Since my fight with Orsted was a rare occasion when I was relatively serious...

That's fine.

I'm serious this time.

Part 2

Next day.

Sylphy and I, after waiting for Norn to return home, held a family meeting.

Feels like that's all we do together these days.

The trip will take 3~4 months.

The destination is Asura Kingdom.

Because it's work related, Sylphy will go to help Ariel.

The family reacts nonchalantly to the announcement.

"Ah, do your best. Can you leave some soil for the garden?"

That was Aisha's response.

She's more worried about soil than me.

"Ariel-sama is leaving school, so... should we have a farewell party...?"

Norn is more concerned with school.


The previous time was... gloomier.

I want to have a wet farewell like that time.

I thought Aisha would be in tears, and I'll hug Norn and say I'll be back.

"But Onii-chan, every single time you say something like, [I'm leaving and won't come back...] yet you always come back, don't you?"

Ah, I see.

Even at death's door I come back every time, so my sisters have faith in me now?

Or maybe they are putting up a front to reassure me?

Regardless, if Aisha and Norn feel safe when I try my best, that's fine too.

"Also, you keep bringing back new women."

"Hey, I'm worried too, but this time Eris-ane and Sylphy-ane are going too, so it should be safe."

Eris-anesan too?

Speaking of her, as soon as she heard Asura Kingdom she went back to her room to pack up.

Unilaterally declaring [Oh, I'm going too!]

Without any hesitation.

"Who do you think she'll be this time, Norn-ane?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe Ariel-sama's attendants? Kleene-senpai, also Elmore-senpai?"

The impolite conversation continues, but... there won't be more.

I want to loudly declare, but, my lower half no longer has any credibility.

It's not my fault I'm so popular in this world.

... But I think it should be fine this time.

Sylphy and Eris are coming.


I can't go alone.

Because I'll back up.

So as protection against me backing up.

I will ask Eris and Sylphy to be my reservoir.

That way, I should be safe even against the flood.

"May the fortune of war be with you."

Lilia and mom are the same as always.

Speaking of which, I forgot to consult Orsted about mom's memory.

I have my doubts that he can help since he couldn't do anything about his own curse either. After we're done with this maybe I can check again?

"Lilia-san, then, I'll leave Lucy in your care."

"And Madam too. Leave everything to me."

Sylphy probably doesn't regret her decision, but she takes a deep bow toward Lilia.

"Leaving the girl behind is probably not a good thing, but this time..."

"It's fine. That's what a maid is for."

Recently Lucy added new vocabulary.

Simple words like "mama," "asha," "lila," "oki," "bibi," "jiro."

She looks so endearing when she tries to pronounce them.

But still no "papa."

She says "Ru- di-" once a while...

Recently I haven't been paying attention to her, so she'll surely remember me last.

That girl's parents are both going on a long journey and leaving her behind.

I'm aware that we haven't been proper parents for her.

I don't know when we'll improve.

Lucy is so cute.

She's an angel in my eyes.

But feelings alone aren't enough...

"It'll feel lonesome these four months."

Only Roxy looks lonely.

I feel guilty about going on a business trip and leaving behind a pregnant woman and her child.

"Sorry, we'll try to hurry back, but..."

"Take your time. Even though Lilia-san and Aisha said Rudi doesn't need to be here when I go into labor... but remember to bring me souvenirs. I want fruit candy, that sweet and sour dessert. Okay?"

Roxy looks deadpan as always.

She is nervous about her first child, but she isn't showing it.

"Don't make that pitiful face, Rudi. I'm concerned, but men hunt; women protect the home and children. That's the Migurd way."

Roxy proudly explains.

She's a reliable woman.

It's okay if you leave.

So go without worries!

"Still, I finally got a long vacation, so it's a little unfortunate. I was hoping to spend some leisure time with Rudi."

"Yeah, that's right."

Looks like Roxy took a maternity leave until she goes into labor.

This country's tradition allows for a leave of absence during pregnancy and childcare.

But Roxy does plan to continue her teaching career.

She persuaded Vice Principal Jinas and took a long vacation.

She probably dropped my name for that.

It might be after the fact, but if my name can help Roxy do what she wants to, she's free to name drop as much as she likes.

For the time being, before we head out, I decide to spend more time with Roxy.

Part 3

That night, in Eris's room, a noisy exchange can be heard.

Sylphy's and Eris's voice.

Eris argues against something Sylphy had said.

Eris's loud [Why?] and [Why should I?] sandwich Sylphy's calm responses. Slowly Eris's voice quiets, and finally she ends it with [I get it.]

And later that night, Eris came to my room.

I was in bed, ready to sleep.


She quickly hides herself in the bed.

And made me her hug pillow.

The area around her chest presses tightly against me.

Pressured by such a matter at night, even a gentleman can hardly sleep.

Well, tonight I'm also a gentleman.

I don't mind doing it either, however.

I want to check something before doing the deed though.

"You... got in a fight with Sylphy?"

"We didn't."

"Is that so."

I didn't hear any actual fighting.

Well, if I leave right now and check Eris's room, I might find an unconscious Sylphy there.

But I'll trust Eris for now.

"Starting tomorrow, we'll be working with Sylphy. After Ghyslaine has her audience with Ariel, we need to prepare for the journey together."

Introduce Ghyslaine to Ariel tomorrow.

Sylphy said [Let me handle it] for that.

Sylphy can probably take care of this by herself, but considering Ghyslaine's aims, it's better if I make the introduction myself.

I thought about refusing Sylphy then, but either way she'll be alongside Ariel.

And Eris should come too.

So it ends up that tomorrow, the four of us will visit Ariel together.

Sylphy really wants to introduce Eris and Ghyslaine.


"So she said, now that it's settled, Rudeus wants to spend more time with Roxy."

"Is that what Sylphy said?"


That's the reason?

It was for Roxy?

If my responsibility decreases, then Roxy gets more time... I can understand her reasoning.

Sylphy was being considerate.

Say, Sylphy actually persuaded Eris without resorting to force.

No, Eris has grown up.

Before, she was a girl that let her fists do the talking.

If you lay out the reasons, she would listen.

"That's why, she gave tonight to me."

Oh, so she made her demands.

But I can understand, Eris has needs too.

This selfish side of her is rather nostalgic.

That inconsiderate girl died.

The Eris with fangs is gone.

She is no longer a wolf and lion...

Well, maybe only for today.

It wouldn't be strange for Sylphy to have her own needs.

Or has she put herself aside for now?

Well, I can appreciate her properly in our journey together. So I will.

Putting those thoughts aside, I return a hug to Eris.

And Eris, in frightening speed, strips me naked.

"It won't do if you're found pregnant in the trip, so let's hold back..."

"Worry about that later!"

The night was messy.

Family Planning isn't part of Eris's vocabulary.

Part 4

Next day, preparations begin.

While packing up for the trip, I also try to spend more time with Roxy.

Of course, I can't always be with Roxy.

Introduce Ghyslaine and Eris to Ariel, meetings with Orsted, carefully making preparations.

What skills North Emperor Auber and Water God Reida possess, and how to counter them.

How to approach Tris and her band of thieves.

Just in case, memorize the general geography of Asura Kingdom.

And the layout of Asura Royal Silver Palace.

Help Cliff begin his research on Orsted's curse.

Doing everything I can.

With that thought in mind, days passed.

Part 5

One day.

Roxy and I sat together on the sofa in the living room.

Recently, we always spend the end of the day chatting there, just the two of us.

The conversations are endless.

From what happened at school for Roxy, to recent research in magic tools.

To what happened in our individual journeys after the Metastasis Event.

Nothing of importance, just relaxing conversations between Roxy and I .

"Well, Rudi. Before you head out, decide on a name for the baby."

Today's topic is the baby's name.

"Deciding on a name before going on a journey, isn't that bad?"

I respond after hearing Roxy.

"Is that how heroic tales go for Human Race? That doesn't matter to Migurd Tribe."

How frank.

In other words, a jinx is a jinx.

But if my god says so, then there's no need to worry.

This is God's command.

"For Migurd, the village elder decides the name, but... our village head is Rudi. So please make up your mind."

"Can I really make the decision?"

"Of course. Every day I can rub my growing belly and say the name Rudi picked. Those will definitely be happy times."

Roxy rubs her growing belly as she said.

I also put a hand on it.


I met Roxy over 10 years ago, and she now carries my child.

Sylphy's was unbelievable too, but Roxy's even more unbelievable.

Joy wells up in my chest.

How amazing, this feeling, I can't get enough of it.


"What is it, Rudi? You laughed like Sylphy just now."

Like Sylphy?

"Oh, Roxy's tummy is wonderful."

"It's not as small as Sylphy, and not as tight as Eris, but... if you like it, enjoy to your heart's content."


As instructed, I begin to enjoy rubbing it to my heart's content.

"Inside, half of it is Rudi's."

"And the other half?"

"... The outside belongs to Rudi."

"So it's all mine?"

"The child is half mine. I won't budge."

How straightforward.

Roxy-Sensei sure is smart.

Yes, the child is ours.

But Roxy is mine.

"The child's name, what should it be..."

"Well... a Migurd name... should roll off the tongue."

Migurd names are generally based on initials.

But since our child is mixed, we don't have to follow tradition too strictly.

"Then, how about we base the name on Roxy and Rudeus?"


"Our affinity can't go wrong."

We can't just copy them though.

No "Ru-" or "Ro-," so "Re-" then.

Let me think about names starting with "Re-."

Re-, Re-, Re-

Sounds like a kid that likes to sweep all day.

Liking to tidy up isn't bad.

Then a name that rolls off the tongue as Roxy suggested.

Reminds me of a girl who desires a fiery love.

But that doesn't feel right either.

Something with more Roxiness.


"La," "Ri," "Ru," "Re," "Ro," which of these sounds more like they would suit a child of Roxy?

That would do.

"If it's a boy, Rollo. And if a girl, Lara?"

"Alright. Rollo and Lara. Both sound easy on the tongue."

In that case.

Will he or she end up kidnapped by a demon lord, or become the rescuer?

Roxy still has the exterior of a middle school girl, but her face is of a saint mother.

It's divine.

Why so divine?

She'll definitely give birth to the child of God!



"I know what I said a few days ago, but... please come back safely? I want Rudi to hold this child together with me."


That goes without saying.

The day to leave arrives.

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