Joy of Life

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: A Real Man Loves His Children

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Things had settled down in the Qing diplomatic mission. It was others’ turn to worry. Shopkeeper Sheng came by frequently to deliver wine, obediently passing on greetings from Xinyang. Shen Zhong also sent a number of invitations to Fan Xian, who found various excuses each time to turn them away. Shen Zhong had no way of expressing his anger. Instead, it was Chang Ninghou who was pained by the revenue that had been snatched away from him, sullenly urging Shen Zhong to press on.

Perhaps there was some kind of agreement between the Eldest Princess and Shang Shanhu, but Xinyang did not have a particularly established base in Northern Qi. They had always needed the strength and support of the Overwatch Council. Persuaded by Fan Xian, Yan Bingyun had finally agreed to his plan, and they were preparing to utilize the network that had been built over the past four years.

News from the south suggested that all was peaceful in the Qing royal court, but a report from the Overwatch Council mentioned a number of particularly strange recent cases at Shandong Road; although those killed were commoners, the methods used were particularly violent. It was a case for the Ministry of Justice, but they had turned up nothing, so now the Fourth Bureau of the Overwatch Council had taken up the case.

Fan Xian didn’t pay much attention to this case, and neither did Yan Bingyun. After all, matters in Shangjing were enough of a headache as they were, and the two of them were busy making their plans.

The reasons Fan Xian had for turning down all his invitations were sufficient, because over the past two days he had been chatting with that country girl. Thanks to that country girl’s identity, whether it was Shen Zhong or Chang Ninghou, no one would dare steal her guest away from her.

In Shangjing’s quiet alleyways, the pair strolled and chatted, their words flowing freely, causing a swarm of butterflies perched on a nearby shrub to scatter.

“Nature is composed of heaven and earth. Man is part of heaven and earth. When we say that man is part of nature, it means that human affairs must follow the path of nature. Then both will be in harmony.”

“Harmony is merely appearance. What do you believe to be the difference between ‘man being part of nature’ and ‘man being in communication with nature’?”

“Oh, on that, I am unsure. I simply feel that if man follows the law of earth, earth follows the law of heaven, heaven follows the way, and the way follows the law of nature, and thus all can be in harmony.”

“Is that still harmony?”

“The greatest harmony.”

“What you have said today is quite enlightening, Master Fan. I am in awe.” Though she professed her admiration, the country girl Haitang still stuck her hands in her pockets and elongated her steps, walking down the city streets like a lazy rural woman without the slightest hint of admiration on her face.

Fan Xian rubbed his nose, laughing at himself. He thought it was lucky that the streets were quiet, because if he copied Haitang’s sweeping steps like he had that day in the palace, anyone looking at them might have died laughing. Seeming to have guessed what he was thinking, Haitang spoke. “I just feel it’s more comfortable to walk this way. As for how other people see me, I don’t really care.”

Fan Xian thought for a moment. She was right. People love comfort and hate work, and this way of walking was indeed more comfortable than walking with one’s head high and chest stuck out. The question was, if you really were lazy, why not lie in bed? As he thought about it, he found himself speaking without thinking. “I still feel it’s more comfortable to lie in bed. If you wanted, Haitang, we could lie in bed and discuss literature...”

Haitang looked at him.

Fan Xian laughed, embarrassed, and explained nothing. He didn’t feel any particular attraction toward Haitang, but he didn’t know why walking and talking with her always made him feel so relaxed.

After he was reborn, Fan Xian had always wanted to experience many interesting things and meet many interesting people. This trip to Northern Qi was taken, to a large extent, in order to fulfill this psychological need. Although he had come as part of an assassination plot, things had not been all that interesting. But having met Yan Bingyun and Haitang, both interesting people, he felt it was quite worthwhile.

“Master Fan,” Haitang began calmly, “I hear that you met with Shen Zhong the other day?” She extended a hand to pull a branch off a tree. Summer was slowly arriving, but the past few days’ dense rain meant that the temperature was still cool, and the branches and leaves still remained as they had been in spring.

Fan Xian nodded. “We did not part on good terms.” He knew that although Ku He considered himself above court politics, it seemed that he was more inclined to lend his power to the Empress Dowager’s side, so he guessed why Haitang had asked such a question.

“Not on good terms?” Haitang smiled, her ordinary face looking particularly gentle. “I was just curious. If you retract your proposal so hastily, do you not fear the effects it will have on your reputation as an official when you return south?”

Fan Xian’s heart skipped a beat, but his face did not change. “I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

“The Empress Dowager was quite intrigued by your proposal,” said Haitang.

Fan Xian’s face dropped slightly. “Haitang, you should know that these past few days, I have been turning down all invitations. The reason why I am speaking and walking with you is entirely because I feel that even though you attacked me at Wuduhe, you are an extraordinary person, and we would not talk about such mundane business affairs... Haitang, I must admit I am rather disappointed in you.”

“If I did not talk of such things, perhaps you would feel even more disappointed, Master Fan.” Haitang’s mind was set, and she would not be dissuaded by Fan Xian’s flowery words. “The Empress Dowager wishes to invite you to the palace.”

Fan Xian laughed and cupped his hands in salute. “I must thank you for passing on the message.”

“Master Fan, you said before that truth is the way of Heaven, and achieving truth is the way of man.” Haitang’s eyes sparkled like jade as she fixed Fan Xian with a look that made him feel distracted. “Since you know the way, how can you not follow it? Would it not be easier for you to achieve truth?”

Fan Xian took a deep breath, and slowly circulated that strange and powerful zhenqi through his body, resisting the pressure that Haitang put on it. He smiled. “There are greater and lesser ways for man to achieve truth. Truth toward people is the lesser way. Truth toward Heaven is the greater way... If you wish to be truthful toward people, Haitang, then why not tell me of the secret that Xiao En holds, if it is something that can spur even one as great as your master to action?”

“And what of being truthful toward all that is under Heaven?” Haitang’s lips curled into a smile. “My master is truthful toward All-Under-Heaven, and thus he cannot say much. But if the secret that Xiao En has kept for twenty years were to reach the masses, then I fear decades of chaos would beset the world.”

Fan Xian was somewhat stunned. He knew something that others did not – what danger could the temple hold, according to Haitang?

The two returned to discussing the way, and the mysteries of theology and philosophy. In any case, Fan Xian had knowledge of the fundamentals of philosophy from his previous life. He drew from the theories of Dong Zhongshu, Lu Jiuyuan, and Wang Yangming, leaving Haitang quite surprised. Only many years later, as Haitang reflected on it, would she begin to collate the theories of the gifted scholar Fan, and realize that the young man had said nothing of value.

For some reason, as spring turned to summer in Shangjing, the rains were plentiful. What had been faintly warm spring sunshine turned to cold winds, and the raindrops fell from the branches and splashed onto their heads.

With a whoosh, Fan Xian opened up his canvas umbrella, holding it over Haitang’s head. In ordinary circumstances, someone of Fan Xian’s status would have a subordinate hold an umbrella over them when outside. But at that moment it was only the two of them, and purely in terms of status, it was only right that he hold the umbrella for Haitang.

The water slowly drenched the street. Fan Xian looked calmly at the people around them hiding from the rain. In fact, he was carefully observing Haitang’s steps. The ground was wet beneath their boots, and Fan Xian had long since given up on copying the country girl’s steps. Now he wanted to see how she would walk.

Haitang walked the same as before.

Fan Xian shrugged helplessly. He discovered that although Haitang’s feet dragged across the puddles, it seemed that there was some kind of invisble strength below her boots, dragging her whole body along, so that the bottom of her boots did not make contact with the water at all! This was a kind of power that Fan Xian thought he could never achieve. He couldn’t help but laugh at himself. “Haitang, you float upon the water.”

Haitang paid him no mind and carried on walking.

Fan Xian sighed. “There is no way walking that way can be comfortable.”

“I don’t like that Yan Bingyun fellow,” said Haitang suddenly.

“I think that since you’ve always lived deep within the mountains and the palace, you must not have had much contact with him.”

“Deceiving women for his own benefit; I think it is rather shameful.”

“We are officials. We are not ordinary people.” Fan Xian was explaining on Yan Bingyun’s behalf. He did not want young Master Yan to be remembered by this powerful upper-ninth level master for all his life. “For the benefit of the Kingdom of Qing, there are some things that we have no choice but to do.”

“Ugliness is ugliness. Don’t try to cover it up with the excuse of being an official.”

Fan Xian smiled. “Although he who is without mercy may not necessarily be a true hero, if one’s heart is too soft, how can one survive in this chaotic world?” [1]

“Do you believe that this world is chaotic, Master Fan?”

“Man’s thoughts are chaotic.”

“Do you believe that a chaotic world may produce heroes, Master Fan?”

“One should not seek to establish a legacy as a hero; one should merely seek to be a man of character with a clear conscience.”

The two chatted some more before stopping outside a small temple. Oddly, at that moment, the rain seemed to have stopped. They were far on the outskirts of the city, and all was quiet, with no one around them.

Leaves fell upon the stone steps of the temple.

The temple door slowly opened. Fan Xian saw a woman inside, sitting before a shrine. Somewhat despondent, he bowed. “Lady Si. It has been some time.”

Haitang smiled. “Master Fan, you wish to be a man of character. Who would have thought that it was just as I expected? You have tender feelings for the fairer sex.”

With a swish, Fan Xian folded up the dripping umbrella. He looked at Si Lili, who had gotten up to greet him, and smiled. “He who is without mercy may not necessarily be a true hero, but a real man is one who loves his children.”

[1] Fan Xian quotes from Lu Xun’s Riposte to a Friend – “He who is without mercy may not necessarily be a true hero/but a real man is one who loves his children. Even the tiger who roars with the wind/turns back to look at her own tiny cubs.”

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