Joy of Life

Chapter 289

Chapter 289: Shutting Down

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The security guards outside the room were already knocked out. Fan Xian was standing alone inside, looking at his younger brother, who was only 14 years of age. His face was devoid of any emotion.

It was then that the fighters and the teenagers of the room awoke. There were people who did not know who Fan Xian was yet, but they still looked at him with nervous uncertainty. The young boy whose hand had been the recipient of a crossbow bolt recognised him as the “Mister Chen” of the previous night, and so he screamed aloud, ordering a number of his men to attack Fan Xian directly.

Fan Sizhe was unable to formulate a single cohesive thought as his mind raced; all he did was grab a teapot and went to beat someone with it.




The fighter that first passed Fan Sizhe on his way to attack Fan Xian had received a whack on the head with the glass teapot. Within a second, the man crumbled to the ground, his head bleeding.

The teapot in Fan Sizhe was holding was in pieces, and the boiling hot tea that splashed upon his hand scalded. As for the man that was now on the ground, his head was was emitting steam. Fan Sizhe’s eyes were full of shock, and as he looked towards the doors, his right hand was holding the handle of half a teapot. His hand began shaking, and with a change in his tone of voice, he spoke.

“Big Brother, why are you... here?”

Fan Xian did not answer him. The people in the room were currently in extreme shock, pondering why the big boss had knocked unconscious one of his own men. They looked at Fan Sizhe with a combination of consternation and fear. Only the young third prince held a simple, naive look that was not directed at him. He looked at Fan Xian.

The people in the room who were quick to catch on, remembered the title “Big Brother”, and from that title, they now understood who the man before them was. His identity was at last clear. The reason why the Bao Yue house had been so arrogant in its operations was because they thought that the Big Boss’ owner could lean on his big brother, Fan Xian, the commissioner of the Overwatch Council. They wondered if this man was indeed the one from the Overwatch Council whom they believed they would gain support from.

Fan Xian did not believe he had what it took to be the support of a whorehouse. His eyes looked down and he asked, “Are you coming back?”

Fan Sizhe did not have time to question the consequences he were to face upon his return. He bit his teeth and the cheeks of his chubby face began to wiggle. With an extremely quiet voice, like a whisper, he uttered a single word: “Yes.”

He walked to Fan Xian’s side with his eyes fixed toward the ground, like a child who had just been told off. Fan Xian looked at his little brother and it only just struck him by how much his little brother had grown in the past two years. His was almost up to Fan Xian’s ears. Deep in his heart, he sighed. He then told him, “First of all, yes, you did something very wrong. And secondly, you are not a child anymore. Don’t give me that pitiful look.”

“Yes.” Fan Sizhe dishearteningly groaned.

Fan Xian ignored him and now scanned the room and its dozen fighters/inhabitants. He noticed that there were a few of the noble kids present that he saw amidst the crowd he beat up last night. These were the ones who had run away from Fan Xian, however, so they had not sustained any grievous injuries. Fan Xian squinted his eyes and still recalled their faces, for he had a tremendous photographic memory that most others lacked. Now that the kids knew of who their assailant “Mister Chen” was, however, they had no choice but to bow before him.



“Greetings, Big Cousin.”

“Greetings, Uncle.”

“Greetings, Uncle Fan.”

The two young owners of the Bao Yue house now wore a face of profound sadness, and they approached Fan Xian, bowing as they came. Hearing these people talking of which families they hailed from, Fan Xian was fuming on the inside and could not help but feel disappointed. He thought to himself, What is this madness? I was just going to investigate this big case, and the case turned out to be about me.

It was no wonder why Sang Wen said that the carriages always came from the shangshu lane. These people before him were relatives. If they were not from the Fan family, they were from the Liu family. Fan Sizhe and the third prince were leaders of this place, and by opening this brothel, it was inevitable that they would have to get involved sometime.

Fan Xian shook his head and released his pent-up anger. He hoped that he could throw both of these bad seeds into the pond behind the building.

A while later, he managed to quell the fire in his heart once again. He used one hand to grab Fan Sizhe sleeve like it were a chicken and walked towards the exit of the room. While the two brothers were about to step out, the third prince seemed to at last recover from his thoughts. As he did so, he ended up beaming with a wide smile. He called out, “Mister Fan? Big Cousin?”

Fan Xian turned around and looked upon the youngest prince of the kingdom, and his face also possessed a gentle appearance. “Third Prince, please never try to pretend you are an adult in front of me. And one more thing, I am not interested in having a discussion with a little spoiled brat.”

Everyone was aghast. From the day the country was first established, Fan Xian must have been the first person ever to have told off and called a young member of the royal family a spoiled brat. This was most certainly true of the third prince now before him. Everyone was shocked and taken aback by how much tenacity Fan Xian must have possessed. They also wondered that, despite how much the Emperor had taken a liking to Fan Xian, how an officer like this could so easily talk to a member of the royal family in such a manner. The third prince looked at Fan Xian, and the rage that now built up inside him was enough to make his lips quiver.

Fan Xian’s demeanor relaxed, then appeared quite polite, and he said, “The way your mouth quivers and moves like that is a nice act.”

The third prince almost passed out at the overwhelming anger he was now feeling. But he then thought of what his mother once told him, that when his Big Cousin was bearing such a large smile, it meant he was absolutely furious, and that it was a good idea not to make him any angrier so the third prince settled for the private grinding of his teeth and said not a word.



It was currently the afternoon, and as such, there weren’t many customers around. That which had been occurring upstairs was made known to those who were, and so they all moved to the floor where the commotion was coming from. They actually thought it was quite the poignant sequence to watch; a big brother teaching his little brother right from wrong. Those who were aware of what happened the night before also now knew that the elusive “Mister Chen” was none other than the widely renowned Fan Xian. Due to his status, no one would dare interrupt what was going on, but that still didn’t quell their ardent desire to watch, experience pangs of worry about what might occur next, in their hearts.

Some of the ladies and security who did not understand the situation were whispering amongst each other; their eyebrows indicating their excitement as they discussed what had been going on. The chubby man who was grabbed by the arm like a chicken... Was he the boss?” they whispered. “He doesn’t look like the ruthless and cruel man that was said to own this place.”

And who was that “pretty young man” grabbing their suspected owner?

Fan Xian proudly walked forward, dragging the “owner” of Bao Yue. His face didn’t show any particular expression, but from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Lady Yan’er, who appeared to be fraught with worry.

His eyebrows jumped. He knew that the situation was steadily escalating, and these events were now laid bare before the citizens of the capital. Still, while he never planned on hiding this entire affair, but he had other methods in mind.

After exiting Bao Yue, they stood in the middle of a quiet and long lane. Parked on each side of the road was a single carriage. Fan Xian was to take the carriage to the west, but the carriage on the eastern side of the road was seen not bearing any markings or emblems of identification. Then, all of a sudden, the curtains inside were lifted: Crown Prince Hongcheng appeared in the window with a look of absolute regret. It was a look that seemed to suggest there would never be sunshine again. He waved at Fan Xian.

The sun began to sink in the west, and its setting was making people uncomfortable. In autumn, the leaves danced on the breeze, away from their trees. From the tree that shadowed him, the sun pierced through the thicket of branches and twigs to illuminate Fan Xian. It seemed as if it blinded him for a while and while squinting, he looked as if he were annoyed by its presence.

Teng Zi Jing appeared as if from out of nowhere and quietly spoke, “Your father knows you have something to do, so we he wants me to deliver your brother home first.”

Fan Xian did not turn around, and through the slight movements of his jaw, replied, “Later, there will be someone from our family going into our manor. You make sure that the guards maintain extra watch, and do not allow any of them to leave.” He then looked t Fan Sizhe, whose face was robbed of its color and said, “The next person to secretly slips out from the manor next, I will break their legs.”

The words were not true, but they were said so convincingly that it drove fear into the hearts of those who heard them. Teng Zi Jing could clearly sense the anger boiling within Fan Xian at this moment, and so with great, near-muted caution, said, “The master said something. He said that you can sort this out. Today, the manor will close in anticipation of your return.”

Fan Xian nodded and walked toward Crown Prince Hongcheng’s carriage. Fan Sizhe was behind him, and then he started to cry. He yelled out, “Big Brother!!”, but received no response. Fan Si Zhi was then made to enter his family’s carriage.



Fan Xian stood outside the other carriage, with the Crown Prince Hongcheng at its window; they didn’t seem to be involved in cautionary negotiations, but rather, it seemed as if they were idly chatting. Fan Xian laughed and said, “why are you in a rush to bring back Lady Yuan to Liu Jing He?”

Hongcheng had a wry smile and responded, “I can’t believe that, even with Yuan Meng, I cannot hide from you.”

To this, Fan Xian replied, “you know what I do. To hide something like this from me is difficult.”

Hongcheng then invited Fan Xian into his carriage, but Fan Xian merely shook his head in rejection. Looking into the spacious carriage, there was someone elde alongside the curvy Yuan Meng.

Inside was an elegant man half-squatting upon his seat. He looked towards Fan Xian with a gentle, delicate look for that ask for the same.

Fan Xian’s pupils became smaller, but returned to normal after a while. He smiled and bowed, saying, “Greeting, Second Prine.”

“In the spring, you and I weren’t as estranged as we are now.” The second prince’s lips only moved a little, but you could tell from his eyes how mournful he felt about this entire situation. He then spoke slowly, “How could it come to this?”

Fan Xian smiled and said, “Perhaps Mister Fan does not know how to appreciate one’s kindness?”

The second prince then fell silent, but after some time, began speaking once more. He told Fan Xian, “It is not entirely appropriate for us to discuss matters in such a manner. Would you kindly get into my carriage?”

Fan Xian once again put on his smile and shook his head once more, responding, “I need to hurry up and return home, to deal with this delinquent child. I don’t have the time to spare.”

“I was just passing by.” The second prince smiled at Fan Xian as he said this; but such words were not believed by either of them.

The entire conspiracy surrounding Bao Yue house had nothing to do with the second prince. If Fan Xian decided to investigate and question his involvement, it would only be a disadvantage, for it would tarnish the Fan reputation somewhat. If he chose not to investigate, that would be the best course of action, for they would both profit in more ways than one. The Fan family members that aimed to become politicians in the future would have to learn and hone a greater degree of tolerance.

The second prince was aware of the emptying of the palace treasury and due to their dwindling fortunes, viewed the sustenance and revenue that would continually be provided by their brothel establishments to be of great value. But when he weighed the prospect of getting Fan Xian involved, the possible bounty could be immense.

Fan Xian sighed and said, “To investigate this case and unearth its connection to me and my family, and let the second prince see it? This has been a humorous turn of events.”

The second prince now shook his head, also, and said, “it is not that funny. The events surrounding the Bao Yue house have been far too complicated. Although I refrained from getting involved myself, I was told by my little brother that at least 70% of the shares are owned by Fan Si Zhe. You two are brothers,and if there is something neither of you can control, then perhaps it would be best to simply let it go?”

Both of them spoke, but each was in the knowledge that there was something that the opposing party was not revealing.

“How did he come into such a fortune, to be owner of this establishment?” Fan Xian shook his head and revealed another wry smile.

“Hong Yi Gong’s two grandchildren bought shares of the property, too.” The second prince was being quite polite to inform Fan Xian of this.

Hong Yi Gong was in the Liu manor. Fan Xian feigne surprise upon hearing this and said, “it looks as though it would be best if I did not investigate these affairs, then.”

The second prince knew that by halting the investigation, Fan Xian was willing to, for at least the time being, make peace. Realizing this, his heart was brought much joy and his face seemed to beam with delight. “Our identity and stature are not the same, of course, but we are both pitiable people trying to survive and do the best that we can here in the capital. You are an important character in the government, and you have always led and been good to the people below you.”

Fan Xian replied, “I am not going to hide. I am not an honorable officer that is well-versed in the intricacies of law.” He looked into the second prince’s eyes and said, “You have accounted for everything that could transpire here, so how could I not take a step back?”

The second prince was taken aback by this remark. He knew Fan Xian would never admit to his weakness. But then, all of a sudden, the man began clapping, devoid of emotion. And from the Bao Yue house, loud noises began to erupt from within. You could hear the collapsing of people, the breaking and destruction of furniture and the screams of the lady inhabitants of that building.

Li Hongcheng’s face changed. He did not know how many men Fan Xian had brought into the Bao Yue house from the Overwatch Council’s First Bureau, and with great worry, implored, “Fan Xian, to be honest, even if you do make this case and uncover any evidence that incriminates us, why bother? You cannot harm us either way.”

Hongcheng is a straightforward person, Fan Xian thought of this with a feeling of self-deprecation.

Seeing Fan Xian’s continued resistance to cooperate with him, the second prince maintained his composure, but his heart felt cold. He stared at Fan Xian and said, “these are just childish matters. Fan Sizhe and my brother were merely bored, and so they created a brothel they could both play about in. Don’t take it so seriously!”

Fan Xian knew that what had transpired in Bao Yue was not enough to bring down a prince. That aside, the handsome second prince before him obviously had nothing to do with any of these matters. If starting from Yuan Meng, the most he could get involved was Hongcheng. If he truly wanted to investigate, he was only afraid of hurting himself.

“Sizhe is my brother. I will consider and determine the best course of disciplinary action.” He looked back towards the second prince and said, “It’s just that you should take of your brother, as well.”

Hongcheng could no longer withhold his feelings. He vigorously shook his head and said, “Fan Xian, there are matters here that would be most unfortunate for you to misunderstand. The trade in the Bao Yue house really was operated by those reckless, foolhardy boys. Asking Yuan Meng to get involved with the managerial duties? Yes, that I did know about. But neither I nor the second prince got involved.”

Fan Xian shook his head and said, “Sometimes, not getting involved and watching things unfold is the greater move.” He looked at Hongcheng and said, “besides, I do not believe Fan Sizhe had possessed the ability to find out that you were with Yuan Meng.”

The operation to ruin Bao Yue was still going on. From the inside, there were continued screams and the sounds of running footsteps. The second prince furrowed his eyebrows, contemplating whether or not Fan Xian was truly this callous. If it would mean his reputation would go untarnished, he would happily leave his own family for dead, he thought.

Fan Xian was able to guess what he was thinking, and in a self-deprecating manner, looked towards the prince and said, “You didn’t guess incorrectly. I did not dare investigate Bao Yue, for after all, I was unable to bring myself to deliver Fan Sizhe to the capital government. If both sides are able to maintain their peace like this, then the Fan family, Liu family and people of the Bao Yue house will not have to suffer pressure from said government in the capital.” Even Fan Xian himself thought that the second prince had played a good game, and the price he would have to pay was not at all substantial.



After a while of watching the building from where he stood, he took notice of Mu Tie performing a secret gesture, indicating that they were unable to recover the accounting ledger of the Bao Yue house. He had not expected its recovery, however, for he suspected that Fan Sizhe’s dirt had already been taken by the second prince. That kid only knew how to operate businesses on the sly, but he did not know that beneath such a person, there were officers from someplace always keeping an eye on them.

The second prince acknowledged what thoughts had been traversing the currents of Fan Xian’s mind and put up a smile, thinking that regardless of what was to happen, the Bao Yue house was established by Fan Sizhe and there was no discernable way for Fan Xian to bury that fact. The Fan and Liu family were now both in this mess, and if he did not want for this news to get out and circulate, he would have to cooperate.

“Bao Yue house will continue its operations.” Fan Xian spoke calmly, then continued, “I’m sure you will understand what I mean.”

The second prince nodded in confirmation of his understanding, but deep in his heart, he felt a pang of discomfort, for he knew that Fan Xian was not the sort of person you could keep on a leash. He would not be stopped by a simple brothel, he knew that much, but he worried about what game Fan Xian might end up playing next.

Fan Xian decided to change the subject, saying, “Speaking of that, what Hongcheng has done is not right. You are out here dealing with prostitutes, and it is not my desire to confide in Ruoruo about this. I hope you will remain more faithful when the two of you are married. You knew that Sizhe was in the middle of dirty business out here, yet you did not tell either of us. Even though I was an ambassador, and was way from the capital for many months, could you have not informed Ruoruo? It won’t be long before you are Sizhe’s brother-in-law.”

He looked towards the Crown Prince with remorse and said, “Hongcheng, you truly disappoint me.”

The second prince was silent. No matter how smart he was, he could not sense the true meanings behind Fan Xian’s words. Even Li Hongcheng felt guilty when hearing these words spoken to him, and he had no idea how Fan Xian was to leverage the events that transpired at Bao Yue.

The investigation was still ongoing at Bao Yue. The second prince thought that if he was to agree to a settling of peace, why had he not called it off? He was slightly worried that the black dogs of the Overwatch Council might uncover the connection between the Bao Yue house and Li Hongcheng. He furrowed his eyebrows and said, “Mister Fan, maybe now you can call your men off? After all, this is the capital government’s business. The Overwatch Council is supposed to work inside the government, and what you are doing now goes against the Emperor’s wishes. He has been quite adamant about it.”

Fan Xian smiled and mockingly responded, “I am just following that which my family desired. Coming to this brothel and bringing back a few of my useless and delinquent relatives that enjoy playing around here. Of course, I did bring people from the First Bureau, so you could say it’s an abuse of my authority, but the officers in the government always tend to use their subordinates for personal matters. My men only know how to fight, so asking them to retrieve a couple of relatives should be no big deal.”

The second prince was now angry; Fan Xian had emphasised the word “family”, and so he did not know how to respond.

The noise coming from the Bao Yue house had at last ceased. The officers of the First Bureau of the Overwatch Council were wearing their disguises, and they brought eight people outside. Each one was either a relative of the Fan family or Liu family. They had been deeply involved with the concerns of Bao Yue, and each of them looked disheartened. At the end of the line was the noble kid who wanted to kill Fan Xian the night before and had been shot with s crossbow; he was displaying a whole new batch of fresh wounds.

Fan Xian’s eyes squinted and peered at his relatives, each of whom looked terrified. It was as if a frosted wind howled from his mouth as he spoke, “Take them all back to their respective manors.”

He turned around and gently said to the second prince, “Do not worry. I promise you I will get it done. But I want these people, and it would not be appropriate to use the law to investigate them. I will use the disciplinary rules and self-given laws of my family to take care of them.”

The second prince thought, No matter how well you use your family rules, there is no way to hide the fact that several members of the Fan family own shares of the Bao Yue house. Your reputation is in the line of fire, whether you like it or not. As the second prince watched the Fan and Liu family members be shuffled aboard their carriage to be taken away, his heart shivered as he pondered what exactly his “family discipline” consisted of .

Fan Xian looked into his eyes and said, “For the people who ambushed me last night, please send word so that I am never made to see them again. Yeah...that’s it.”

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