Joy of Life

Chapter 393

Chapter 393: Who Was Not Surprised?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian sat in the carriage, his eyes looking out. He said in a quiet voice, “Regardless of whether you should be dead right now or captured by the Ming family, in any case, during this period of time, it’s impossible for you to appear before people. The Council has arranged for a place for you. Hide there and come out after this matter has settled down.”

The Fourth Ming master weakly agreed.

Fan Xian glanced back at him and couldn’t help shaking his head. “Back when I had Seventh Ming meet with you, you should have agreed. Why the need for such a scare?”

The Fourth Ming master gritted his teeth and said in a hoarse voice, “Who would have thought this pair of mother and son could be so ruthless?”

Fan Xian shook his head impatiently, “To protect such a large family, naturally, there needed to be many sacrifices.”

The Fourth Ming master fell into silence. His hand touched his red, tight, and very sore throat. He knew he was nothing more than a sacrifice and did not have much right to ask for anything.

When the carriage had traveled half the distance of the set route, another carriage took the Fourth Ming master from Fan Xian’s carriage. This left only Fan Xian and a few members of the Qinian Unit. The seven Tiger Guards were following Gao Da’s orders and were scattered around the carriage, covering up their tracks.

“Sir, where are we going now?” A subordinate asked in a low voice.

Fan Xian thought about it and then said, “Wait another half hour and then send a message to the governor’s manor. I want to see Xue Qing again.” His gaze landed on this subordinate’s face and asked, “Earlier, did you make the appropriate arrangements in the prison?”

The subordinate said in a low voice, “Yes. Furthermore, the Suzhou government has had someone keeping watch. The Ming family will not be able to escape the accusation of breaking out prisoners, only...”

“Speak straightforwardly.” Fan Xian furrowed his brows.

“I don’t understand, if the Ming family wanted to kill the Fourth Ming master to frame the Overwatch Council, there is no need to do it so ridiculously.”

Fan Xian shook his head and said, “The methods are not important, what was important was the time. Today, the Overwatch Council entered the Ming Garden to search it and the Fourth Ming master died in prison. Regardless of how he died or how the Ming family arranges his long as he died, and his body is found by others, all of the gentry and people in Jiangnan will think that I had done it.”

He smiled and said, “The Ming family...has been waiting for me to grow impatient and enter the Ming Garden so they could throw out this sacrificial pawn. However, now that the Fourth Ming master did not die, I am truly curious as to how the Ming family will continue to play the tragedy card.”

The carriage came slowly to a stop. The morning sun in Suzhou warmly and softly touched on the long street, touched on people’s hearts, and then touched on the top of four-wheeled black carriage as if it wanted to stroke away the coldness in the heart of the person in it.

Estimating that a ruckus had already started over in Ming Garden, Fan Xian lifted the curtain and stepped down from the carriage. The Tiger Guards gathered near him as he stepped toward the tall doors of the governor’s manor.

An official of the Overwatch Council had long delivered a calling card, so the doormen of the yamen did not dare obstruct him. An advisor hurried out and invited Fan Xian inside.

It was still in the study. In it was the governor, Xue Qing, and the imperial envoy, Fan Xian. The latter straightforwardly expressed his reason for visiting and informed the governor that Overwatch Council people had already entered Ming Garden.

After hearing of the situation that had already occurred, Xue Qing’s eyes tightened, almost unnoticeably, at the corners. He sighed and slowly said, “There are many things that cannot be achieved by rushing.”

Going to Jiangnan to defeat the Ming family was an established policy of the Qing Emperor. Fan Xian was just the specific executor of this policy. As the Emperor’s confidant, Xue Qing knew the origins of this matter. However, he differed greatly from Fan Xian on the specific measures to be taken.

The court had not set a timeline for the assimilation of the Ming family. The Emperor believed he had plenty of time and enough patience to slowly swallow up all of the large families in Jiangnan. Thus, accordingly, Xue Qing did not want to act too hastily. He had always used appeasement as the main strategy to prevent creating too much trouble and causing chaos in Jiangnan, thereby destroying the foundations of the court’s rule.

Xue Qing was not very happy about Fan Xian coming directly to the yamen and stating his entry into the Ming Garden. He still did not understand why Fan Xian was in such a rush. He was a young, powerful noble, not yet twenty. What did he care if it took a few years?

He also felt a thread of anger in his chest. He knew Fan Xian’s action was to force him onto the same boat and to pick up a knife. The Overwatch Council had already entered Ming Garden. If the two sides clashed, as the Jiangnan governor, no matter what, he had to ensure the peace. He would have to do whatever was necessary.

Previously, Xue Qing refused to relent because he didn’t have the confidence they could defeat the Ming family, and he was worried about the talk in the capital. Now that Fan Xian had played him, his rage gradually rose. In a low voice, he said, “Who will be responsible if it all goes wrong?”

Fan Xian thought quietly for a bit and then said, “There shouldn’t be any problem.”

Xue Qing looked at him coldly and said, “Not to pull rank, but I am still your senior no matter how you look at haven’t been careful enough in this matter. The Ming family has already feigned weakness for almost half a year. They were just waiting for you to take advantage of them. Now, you’ve taken that advantage through the door. How could they miss this opportunity?”

Fan Xian shook his head. “What can they do now that I have entered Ming Garden?”

Xue Qing lowered his eyelids slightly and said, “The Ming family supports 1,000 private soldiers. Although the court has always known, for the sake of the contributions they’ve made for the court, they’ve always looked the other.”

For a large family of tens of thousands, it was not difficult for them to use various methods and give various reasons to support a thousand soldiers. After hearing this, Fan Xian couldn’t help laughing coldly. “Is it for contributions to the court or for contributions to the Junshang Conference?”

The words “Junshang Conference” silenced Xue Qing. For such a mysterious organization with such limitless power to appear in the Jiangnan he governed, it had to be said that he had failed in his duty. He had been severely scolded in a secret letter from the Emperor.

Xue Qing understood that Fan Xian was using the Junshang Conference to pressure him. He could only helplessly shake his head. “What exactly is your plan?”

Fan Xian was quiet for a moment and then said, “The Ming family was going to kill the Fourth Ming master and frame the Overwatch Council. I stopped this from happening.”

“In the Suzhou government?” Xue Qing was slightly startled. Only now did he understand why Fan Xian appeared to have a card up his sleeve.

“One thousand private soldiers...but if the Ming family do not dare to raise their flag in rebellion, I only have to send in 40 people and they won’t dare to move at all.” Fan Xian continued to smile slightly. “Don’t they like to play using retreat as advancement? I want to see how far they can retreat.”

Xue Qing watched him through half closed eyes. “They truly won’t dare to move? You’re not holding an imperial edict.”

Measure for measure, Fan Xian replied, “I don’t have an imperial edict, but I have the Emperor’s sword.”

Xue Qing lightly said, “The Ming Garden just has to wait for a few people to die to use that as an excuse to change their tune. They couldn’t directly bury the 40 Overwatch Council spies in Ming Garden, it wouldn’t be impossible. The Emperor’s sword? Ming Garden could find sufficient excuses to argue that they didn’t know about this point. They just thought that Sir Fan junior of the Overwatch Council wanted to kill people and steal property, so they were forced to retaliate...don’t forget, the Ming family has laid down good foundations these last few months. For something like this to happen right now, everyone under heaven will believe their side.”

These words struck right at Fan Xian’s heart. If they really pushed the Ming family too far, it was possible they would do such an insane thing.

Given the Ming family’s foundation and support in the capital, it was completely possible for them to shed all pretenses with Fan Xian and fight. Furthermore, it was the Overwatch Council who entered the Ming Garden first. Even if the two sides fought openly, public opinion would be on the side of the Ming family.

However, unexpectedly by Xue Qing, Fan Xian did not seem to care about this at all. There was not a ripple of expression on that young, handsome face.

Xue Qing couldn’t help furrowing his brows.

Fan Xian finally opened his mouth. There was a light self-mocking smile at the corners of his mouth. “While the Ming family was waiting for me to act, I was waiting for them to act. As long as all pretenses are shed...if they actually dared to touch my subordinates, I will, no matter what, accuse them of rebellion. I don’t care if no one believes me. I will put that hat on the head of the Ming family matriarch, that old bastard.”

To say such crazy things in front of the governor proved that Fan Xian didn’t lack daring. However, his following words made Xue Qing feel a slight chill.

“Naturally, no one will believe they would rebel,” Fan Xian said with a slight smile. “But once I strike, the Black Knights that have been staying in Jiangbei would come. I will have everyone in the Ming Garden killed. As long as everyone in the six families are all dead, who will cry for the injustice? The gentry or the people of Jiangnan?”

He continued to say calmly, “Even if they brought their injustice to Jingdou, so what? Even if they brought the lawsuit before the crown, so what? The people in the six families have been wiped out by me. There would only be Xia Qifei left and, at most, the addition of the Fourth Ming master for show. The court would still receive the Ming family’s long as the goal is reached, it’s fine if the methods are somewhat dirty.”

He turned his head and stared at Xue Qing’s eyes. “I trust that if my Overwatch Council loses 40 something people and then I move the Black Knights to Suzhou, you won’t obstruct me, right?”

Xue Qing’s pupils constricted. If matters really developed in this way, if the Overwatch Council threw in 40 something officials and he still forcefully obstructed the Black Knights from coming South...he was afraid the Overwatch Council would truly flip out. If he angered that old man in the wheelchair, then even if he was the governor, it would probably still not end well for him.

Looking at Fan Xian’s warm and innocent eyes, Xue Qing felt a sudden chill for no reason. He had a whole new understanding of the young official beside him. It turns out that Commissioner Fan of the Overwatch Council was indeed a ruthless person who killed without blinking. Indeed, the younger generation handled matters with sufficient craziness.

“What about you?” Having massacred the Ming Garden, naturally, Fan Xian would have to suffer the consequences. Xue Qing still did not believe Sir Fan junior would make this gamble with the Ming family.

“I? At most, they’ll remove all of the noble positions, remove me from my post, and reduce me to a commoner...and exiled 3,000 li away?” Fan Xian seemed to be thinking of his own end. He laughed out loud and said, “It’s not like you don’t know, I can go anywhere under heaven.”

Xue Qing couldn’t stop himself shaking his head and sighing. “Then the 40 subordinates you sent into the Ming Garden...they’re all sacrifices?”

Fan Xian closed his eyes and shook his head. “Not necessarily, I was only talking about the worst possible situation. I believe, given the cunning of the mother and son of the Ming family, they will certainly not make this choice. I am very curious how exactly the Ming family will respond.”

“This is like playing cards. I might not win with this one round, but I am curious which card the other party will play.” He opened his eyes and smiled. “Sometimes, I have the curiosity of a gambler.”

“ also beginning to feel curious.” Xue Qing’s eyelids quivered slightly. “I hope your judgement was right and that account master Zhou is still in Ming Garden.”

“Relax.” Fan Xian encouraged this governor. “I have someone in Ming Garden.”

Xue Qing furrowed his brows. He didn’t know who exactly Fan Xian had placed into the Ming Garden. Given his identity, it was not convenient for him to ask, so he closed his mouth and did not speak. The two leading figures of the Jiangnan officialdom sat like this in silence in the study, waiting for news to come from Ming Garden.

They didn’t wait long before the news came. The advisor of the governor’s manor approached Xue Qing’s side and whispered for a moment in his ear.

Xue Qing became silent, and then he looked at Fan Xian. He sighed and said, “The card the other party played seemed to have been beyond your expectations...I am going to start mobilizing soldiers.”

Fan Xian furrowed his brows slightly.

Xue Qing continued to smile bitterly and said, “I’m mobilizing soldiers...for the protection of your subordinates and not to prevent you massacring the Ming Garden.”

Xue Qing knew he didn’t have to tell him in detail. He hurried out of the study with a still shocked expression. Fan Xian stood and heard the whole story from the mouth of the member of the Qinian Unit outside.

The Overwatch Council’s information should have traveled faster than that of the governor’s manor, but because he was, after all, in the governor’s manor, the information actually ended up arriving slower.

After Fan Xian had heard what had happened in Ming Garden today, he still couldn’t help reacting like Governor Xue Qing. A shocked expression came across his face and his mouth was slightly open. He signed and said, “Extreme...even more extreme than me.”

He was ready to curse out some obscenities to release the feeling of absurdity in his heart, but in the end, he resisted. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. His expression gradually became calm, and then he gave out orders.

“Have Deng Zi Yue pull everyone back.”

“Do not respond to attacks or verbal assaults.”

The official of the Qinian Unit accepted the orders and left. Following this, Fan Xian walked out of the main doors of the governor’s yamen only to see that the yamen was in chaos. Most of the officials who did not know what was happening looked at each other. They did not understand why the governor had picked now to inspect the governance of the city. Why was he calling at this time for all the military officials in the city to come to the manor to discuss matters.

Fan Xian had the right to participate in the discussion, but he knew it was not appropriate for him to stay in the governor’s manor today. He would have to trouble Xue Qing to quell the unrest that was about to arrive, while he should go do something else.

In the carriage, Fan Xan rubbed between his eyes. He suddenly said to Tiger Guard Gao Da, “Actually, a lot of times, how a matter progresses completely depends on the order in which people die.”

Gao Da was startled. He did not understand what the commissioner was talking about.

Fan Xian scratched his head and said, “Clearly, I wanted him to die, but if he died before I wanted him to die, then...we actually have some problems.”

“Who died?” Gao Da asked with a frown.

“The great-grandmother in the eyes of the Jiangnan people, the matriarch that saved who knows how many poor people.” Fan Xian smiled slightly. “Because she couldn’t stand the humiliation of the Overwatch Council entering Ming Garden and the oppression by Sir Fan junior over the last while. This morning, she hung herself in anger.”

The old Ming matriarch committed suicide?

Gao Da fell into shock. Although he was from Jingdou, he knew of the prestige and status that this old ancestor of the Ming family had throughout Jiangnan.

“Using her death to demonstrate her convictions,” Fan Xian laughingly scolded. “Ming Qingda sure is ruthless enough, even more ruthless than his mother.”

In reality, the old Ming matriarch did not want to die. Even though the old Ming matriarch was gradually becoming older and older and the breath of her life had flowed out for many years, even though she had sufficiently enjoyed a happy and prosperous life, she still did not want to die.

The Ming family had a great reputation in Jiangnan. Opening shop and giving out porridge, sponsoring scholars, and such, the Ming family had done countless such charitable acts. This old Ming matriarch was like a benevolent immortal from the skies in the heart of these people, wrapped from head to toe in honey-sweet and glowing clothing to the point that now the Jiangnan people, and even some from further away, had begun to erect shrines to her.

Clearly, the old Ming matriarch had not connected her life to the shrines, and she had never thought that now the shrines have been erected. She could have, or rather should have, lived for a few days.

In this beautiful morning, hearing that the Overwatch Council spies had entered the Ming Garden to search, the old woman had been angry and cursed. “After Ming Garden was constructed, when has it ever been searched by the government? Even if the governor was entering the manor, he had to bring his manners. These Overwatch Council bastards!”

The little garden she lived in was deep in Ming Garden. She couldn’t hear the clamor of the Overwatch Council searching the front at all, however, this kind of humiliation still made her angry. She narrowed her eyes and said, “Are you planning to allow our family to be thus bullied?”

Standing beside her was Ming Qingda. His face was slightly grey. He understood what his mother was saying. In a small voice, he replied, “The people have gone, only...Fourth, after all, is also a brother.”

The old Ming matriarch looked at her son coldly and with irritation, thinking, If you’re not ruthless, how can you accomplish big things? How could you have the family struggling at death’s door under the Overwatch Council’s powerful attacks and endure until the day that the tables turn in the capital?

“You have to be ruthless.”

The old Ming matriarch scolded.

Ming Qingda glanced at his mother’s wrinkled face. A very filial smile appeared on his face as he acknowledged her words.

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