Joy of Life

Chapter 417

Chapter 417: Announcing Verbal Orders In The Study

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Opposition was pointless. Admiral Chang Kun had been assassinated. Adding to that fact, when the black-clothed assassin had escaped, there was something strange going on among the naval archers. As the Commissioner of the Overwatch Council, Fan Xian was the highest-ranking official on site and noblest person, coincidentally. Being in charge of the aftermath, he used this excuse to forcefully reject Dang Xiaobo’s suggestion. Although the officers of the Jiaozhou Navy were fearful, there was nothing they could do.

In a moment, 300 provincial soldiers directly subordinate to the Jiaozhou Zhizhou imposingly surrounded the admiral’s manor. The navy soldiers and archers originally stationed outside the perimeter looked at each other and, finally, on receiving Deputy General Dang’s glance, gave up their weapons. For the moment, they were watched in the large garden in the back of the admiral’s manor.

At this time, the Jiaozhou gates were closed. Another 200 provincial soldiers began to trace that black-clothed assassin. However, the officials and generals earlier had all watched Sir Fan junior battle that assassin. The thought, if Commissioner Fan could not hold down the assassin, what good was it to send out these provincial soldiers who only had normal martial ability?

Dang Xiaobo glanced at his disarmed subordinates and then looked at the provincial soldiers, who had finally turned the tables and were excitedly stationed outside the garden. A quickly hidden glimmer of cold flashed through his eyes. The admiral had died too strangely, and Sir Fan junior had come too strangely. Furthermore, after the Overwatch Council had arrived, the assassination had happened. The other party had used this major event to forcefully take away the weapons of the navy soldiers and moved the provincial guards to surround the admiral’s manor. All these strange things meant that matters were not that simple.

It was not until now that Fan Xian let out a breath. As long as he trapped the important generals of the navy in the city, he had reached one of his goals.

This was a proper beheading tactic. First, he killed Chang Kun, who had the deepest manor of the Jiaozhou navy officials and held the highest official position, then he shut the various heads and brains of the navy into the admiral’s manor. Even if the tens of thousands of navy soldiers were one giant dragon, at this time, the dragon had no head. Even if they made a clamor, they had lowered the damage to the lowest point.

For this goal, Fan Xian had truly worked very hard. Yan Bingyun was far away in Jingdou and could not help plan the details of this event, so the entire order of events was arranged by Fan Xian himself. Because of Jiaozhou navy’s connection to the Junshang Conference, Fan Xian had been wary. He did not want to disturb the grass to startle the snake. Adding to the fact he was not very confident in his plan, he did not bring the people of the Qinian Unit. They were all his trusted aides. If something went wrong and they had to die with the Jiaozhou navy, Fan Xian could not give them up. He had come alone with the Shadow to cooperate with the Jiaozhou plan. If they really could not control the tens of thousands of people, he and the Shadow had enough power to lead the 400 Black Knights and ride away.

In order to ensure the surprise of the move, he had purposely spent a few more days in Wuzhou and used the excuse of visiting relatives in Danzhou to hide his true movements.

What he wanted was the element of surprise. If people on the Eldest Princess’ side had come too, although he was a fake prince and Commissioner of the Overwatch Council, he could not wipe clean the Jiaozhou Navy.

This was a last resort. If they had investigated the case properly, even with the Overwatch Council’s aid, Fan Xian would still not be able to find evidence to use against the cunning Chang Kun. Once the true martial force clashed and caused a mutiny, Fan Xian and the 400 Black Knights with him would not be able to defend against 10,000 soldiers face to face. Although the Overwatch Council had hidden members in Jiaozhou, other than the eight people with him, Fan Xian did not want to use them until it was the most important moment.

He slowly turned around and looked coldly at the navy generals behind him, whose faces were either the color of dirt or very angry. Laughing coldly, Fan Xian thought that since the Emperor had wanted him to steady Jiangnan and subdue the navy, most of these familiar faces had to die.

He knew that the Jiaozhou Navy couldn’t have completely been controlled by Chang Kun alone. There had to be some generals and soldiers who were loyal to the court. When the Jiaozhou Navy had gone to the little island on the East Sea to silence everyone in spring, for this almost rebellious act, Chang Kun must have only dared to mobilize troops under his personal command. Tonight, he wanted to see clearly, of the navy generals standing in front of him, which were loyal and which were traitors.

As for the man called Dang Xiaobo, Fan Xian warmly said, “Deputy General Dang, how do you think this matter should be dealt with?”

Dang Xiaobo was panicking in his heart. He was calculating whether or not the trusted aide he had sent out had made it before the city gates were closed. Suddenly hearing this warmly asked question, his heart stuttered and he answered sorrowfully, “The admiral has unfortunately been assassinated. Everything is up you to decide...this matter is a major one, I think that an extra urgent post should be immediately sent to report this matter to Jingdou.”

Although he said for Fan Xian to take charge, he kept saying this ought to be reported to Jingdou. As long as the news of the Jiaozhou admiral’s death was immediately spread out, Fan Xian, being in Jiaozhou, would be hard put to avoid suspicion for simply being there. He would probably act more carefully when handling matters. Fan Xian understood the man’s meaning and couldn’t help but nod his head in approval, but he was thinking that if he had known there was such a talent in the Jiaozhou Navy, he would have taken him for himself rather than sending in Jichang to brave such danger.

However, Chang Kun had already died, so this case had to be investigated. Fan Xian knew that Dang Xiaobo was someone he had to get rid of immediately and made up his mind to not allow him to leave his side. He lightly said, “This is a serious matter, of course, it must be immediately reported to the Emperor, however...”

The direction of his words changed and drew the attention of everyone in the garden.

“The admiral has unluckily been killed by traitors,” Fan Xian narrowed his eyes and said with incomparable chilliness. “Once this news gets out, I’m afraid it will shock the court and have a had effect on the people. Putting aside the court’s dignity, even for the peace of the country, to prevent those sinister traitors outside the city from using this matter to cause mischief, this news must be suppressed...the Jiaozhou Navy and Overwatch Council will send a secret memorial to Jingdou at the same time to relate the whole story of tonight clearly to the court.”

He coldly stared at the people. “But, within three days, if I hear that the Jiaozhou people have learned of the specifics of tonight and any negative rumors, don’t blame me for being merciless.”

The generals thought about it for a bit. Such handling of the matter indeed made sense, so they all nodded. Only Dang Xiaobo cried out bitterly in his heart. He gave meaningful looks to Admiral Chang’s trusted aides. If the matter was handled as Fan Xian wanted, the outside world would not know what had happened in the admiral’s manor, news inside and outside would be completely severed. Looking at the attitudes of the local Jiaozhou officials, he and the other navy generals were going to be like turtles in a container, nowhere to stick their mouths and no way to escape.

Not giving Dang Xiaobo too much time to think, Fan Xian coldly said, “Everyone, for such a thing to happen’s truly...” His brows did not affect a sorrowful expression, on the contrary, it was self-mockingly helpless. “None of us can escape responsibility. I’ll have to trouble everyone to stay in this garden for a few days to wait for things to be cleared up.”

Once this order went out, it was effectively putting the navy generals under house arrest.

Immediately following this was arranging the admiral’s funeral matters. Fan Xian no longer interfered. He stood to the side to watch the navy generals sorrowfully handling the matter. He absolutely did not allow that Dang Xiaobo to leave his line of sight. As for the matter of purchasing, it could temporarily be put on pause. But looking at this scene with cold eyes, looking at Chang Kun’s body that had already been lifted onto a bed, Fan Xian couldn’t help being a bit distracted. This general was one of the old people from the Northern expedition all those years ago. From these generals’ heartfelt sorrow, it was possible to see that Chang Kun’s prestige in the military was very high while the washing of the little island on the East Sea with blood showed this person’s ruthless’ methods.

He had died just like this.

Fan Xian shook his head self-mockingly. His favorite quote from his previous life was, “Those who wield the pen will, in the end, not defeat those who wield the gun.” No matter what schemes and plans, nothing was as useful as martial power. Of course, this required the martial power to be sufficiently strong. Plots and martial power each had their uses. His assassination of Chang Kun, just which side did that lean to?

Tossing these random thoughts from his head, he related to Jiaozhou Zhizhou Wu Gefei in a low voice some matters to pay attention to, then he led a few of the important figures of the navy generals along with Wu Gefei toward the meeting room in the back of the admiral’s manor.

The meeting room was actually the study, however, the space was very large and the candle holders were very extravagant.

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes like he had not seen the furnishings inside and sat down in the main seat, calling for the others to sit as well. Wu Gefei sat silently at Fan Xian’s side. At this moment, the Jiaozhou Zhizhou had woken from the earlier shock and Fan Xian’s trust, and felt that today’s matter was indeed too startling.

The navy generals’ expressions were even more complicated. They didn’t know what Sir Fan junior would say.

“The Emperor had a secret edict...for Sir Chang Kun.” Fan Xian sighed. Standing up, he took out a sealed letter from his clothes. Looking at it, he said, “However, as Sir Chang suddenly met an unfortunate end, this secret letter can only be read to you all.”

Dang Xiaobo started. Raising his sleeve to wipe at the beads of sweat on his forehead, he didn’t know whether it was because the weather was too hot or because he was sorrowful over his superior’s death. In any case, his spirit was a bit tired, he said, sincerely, “Sir, it does not fit precedent.”

Fan Xian’s gaze flickered down and he lightly said, “Shut up, it is enough to keep your ears open.”

Having already reached this point, what else was there to say? With Zhizhou Wu Gefei kneeling first, Dang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and knelt at the same time with the other two navy generals in front of Fan Xian.

Fan Xian glanced directly at the people kneeling in front him, coughing lightly, he said, “Imparting the Emperor’s verbal orders, listen to each word carefully.”

“Yes.” The four people replied in unison.

“Chang Kun, it has been two years since we saw each other. I have three things I don’t understand and cannot rest well. Turning it over and over, I had to speak directly to you to feel at ease, thus I have had Fan Xian come ask you face to face in my stead.”

Fan Xian lowered his brows, reading. On this letter was written the Qing Emperor’s own words that had been directly sent over from the Palace. It was truly a verbal order.

The four people below listening to this verbal order felt a chill run through their hearts. They could tell that when the Emperor had said these words, his mood had been very bad.

Particularly Dang Xiaobo felt that the sweat on his back had formed a small river only to hear Fan Xian’ voice ring out coldly again.

“The first thing I do not understand, are you lacking for money? Have I neglected your official salary? Or is the manor that the capital gave you too small?

The second thing I do not understand, are you old and muddled? Back during our Northern expeditions, you were a clever fellow, how could you be so stupid now?

“The third thing I do not understand..”

Reading to here, Fan Xian paused slightly and sighed in his heart. Although the Qing Emperor was not in front of him at this moment, and Chang Kun, who was originally meant to hear this verbal order, had already been assassinated by him, Fan Xian still could feel a thread of the Qing Emperor’s anger and strong disappointment.

The Admiral Chang Kun was a close official of the Qing Emperor when he went with him on the Northern expedition, otherwise, it was impossible for him to control such a military power like the Jiaozhou Navy alone. Jiaozhou controlled Dongyi to the North and Jiangnan to the South. It was very important.

But, such an official that the Emperor trusted without question had betrayed the Emperor and secretly sent out soldiers to help the Jiangnan Ming family and had massacred countless souls on the little island.

Fan Xian looked at the letter. Hs eyelids drooped weakly, quietly thinking that the Emperor was so hurt and disappointed because of the reason Director Chen had once said. What the Emperor could accept the least was someone he trusted betraying him and lying to him.

So, Chang Kun had to die, except the Emperor was still not satisfied and wanted to viciously scold him before he died. Unfortunately, Fan Xian did not have the desire to help the Emperor complete his wish.

He composed himself and continued to read.

“...your heart, has it been eaten by a dog? If you don’t answer well, I will have Fan Xian take your body to feed it to the wild dogs on the Northern plains, that place where you had once risked life and limb with me. You know how those wild dogs love to bite at people’s faces.”

A sinister wind seemed to start up in the study after Fan Xian imparted the Emperor’s verbal orders, cold and wet.

Jiaozhou Zhizhou Wu Gefei never thought that the Emperor’s verbal orders would be this kind of content. He had no idea how Chang Kun had made the Emperor so mad, and so he could only gape with his large mouth to express confusion and shock.

The faces of the three high-ranking navy officials had already become very pale. Dang Xiaobo’s back was still sweating, but it immediately became as piercing as ice water.

The three generals kept their heads on the ground and repeatedly kowtowed. They did not dare open their mouths to ask nor open their mouths to explain, Although the verbal orders had been vicious, they had not mentioned Chang Kun’s specific crime.

The anger of the Emperor, although it was only on a piece of paper, was still not something these navy leaders could stand against.



Fan Xian had already slowly sat back down. He did not call for the four kneeling people to rise. Faintly he said, “Everything understood? Today, I had come to handle a case, the case was...Chang Kun’s case. However, he had died ahead of time. It has really caught me by surprise.”

Dang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and straightened his body. Without any fear, he gazed directly at Fan Xian’s eyes and said, “Excuse me for being so bold as to dare to ask what case the Commissioner was handling by order of imperial edict? The admiral has performed meritorious services for the control and has worked hard guarding the borders. I truly do not understand what crime...I’m afraid that Jiaozhou is far away and the Emperor has been fooled by some evil base person...”

Fan Xian’s gaze gradually became icy.

Dang Xiaobo’s teeth were about to shatter before he managed to finish his words. “I hope the Commissioner will investigate carefully and give him justice. Do not chill the hearts of the tens of thousands of soldiers who work hard to guard the borders for the court!”

Fan Xian was silent. He only looked coldly at Dang Xiaobo’s eyes.

After some silence, the atmosphere in the study immediately became tense.

“What crime?” Fan Xian icy cold voice broke through the silence. “Does colluding secretly with Dongyi not count as a crime? As a border guarding navy, secretly organizing the smuggling of palace treasury goods, does that count as a crime? Colluding with Jiangnan merchants to become bandits and create chaos...does that count as a crime?”

“Secretly moving the navy out of the harbor and killing people on an island in the sea to help traitors cover their traces...” Fan Xian voice grew angrier and angrier. He stared at Dang Xiaobo and said, “The daring of the Jiaozhou truly very big. If these don’t count as crimes, then what counts as a crime?”

He suddenly rose and looked at the four kneeling people with narrowed eyes. “You ask that the court not chill the hearts of tens and thousands of soldiers, but your actions are even more shameless than those bloodthirsty pirates. Are you not afraid of chilling the court’s heart, of chilling the people’s heart...of chilling the Emperor’s heart?”

While Fan Xian was speaking vehemently, his gaze had actually been focused on the three navy generals of the four people. Dang Xiaobo still had an expression of devout loyalty and injustice while of the two other generals, one’s gaze was shrinking while the other was shocked mixed with disbelief as if he had not known of the matter at all.

Fan Xian did not care whether or not this person’s acting was first rate, there was time for testing later.

Dang Xiaobo said loudly and with great pain, “One can always trump up a charge against someone else. If the Overwatch Council wants to frame us, the navy, we will certainly not be content. The admiral’s body is not yet cold, how could you have the heart to force us so?”

Fan Xian smiled coldly, “You want evidence?”

Dang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and said, “Yes, even a beheading is only a bowl-sized wound. No matter what, I cannot die without understanding.” As he said these righteous words, his heart was incomparably nervous. He wished desperately that the troops outside Jiaozhou would be able to receive the message, kill their way in, and scoop these navy generals out of the garden.

As for whether or not that counted as rebellion, he couldn’t worry about that for now.

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