Kaleidoscope of Death

Extra: Bai Ming and Zhang Yiqing

Extra: Bai Ming and Zhang Yiqing

Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu

After Bai Ming and Zhang Yiqing met, Zhang Yiqing once asked Bai Ming a question. He asked him: What are your dreams?

When he heard this question Bai Ming immediately beamed. He met Zhang Yiqings eyes and answered earnestly and solemnly, my dream is you.

At this, Zhang Yiqing was momentarily taken aback.

Im seriously asking.

Bai Ming, and Im seriously answering.

Bai Ming indeed was serious. Before encountering the doors, hed already been a fan of Zhang Yiqing, obsessively devoted to that handsome man onscreen.

Bai Ming collected Zhang Yiqings every movie, every drama, and every commercial. And when he found out that Zhang Yiqing was quitting the silver screen to direct behind-the-scenes instead, Bai Ming went crazy for a good long while.

During that while, nobody in their organization dared to go through doors with him. They all knew Bai Ming was the sort of person capable of doing anything on a bad mood.

Back then, Bai Ming had not yet been the boss of their organization. He had just been a plain and simple door-crosser, though the potential he emanated often gave his fellow door-crossers the sense that he was no small-pond creature.

Bai Mings family situation was more complicated. Hed lived at an orphanage since youth, and had only been found and brought back home after he turned twelve. Only then did he learn that his father was actually a rich man, and the reason his father brought him back had nothing to do with paternal devotion, but rather because his brother needed a healthy liver.

This sort of bloody melodrama was what befell Bai Ming.

The truth was, prior to actually meeting Zhang Yiqing, the two of them had seen each other once before.

It was at a cocktail party hosted by the Bai family. Bai Ming had stood in a corner, small and thin, and watched as a smiling Zhang Yiqing chatted with his father. Zhang Yiqing had been young back then, and had just recently snagged Best Actorthere was still a touch of youth in his appearance, but the unparalleled splendor of his later years could already be seen.

Bai Ming had stared at him for a long time, many thoughts flashing through his mind. At this point he was already a fan of Zhang Yiqings movies, but was too nervous to just walk up and start talking to him. He could only gaze from afar.

And later, Bai Ming met the doors, so hed thought that there was only ever to be the one encounter between he and Zhang Yiqing.

But fate was always an extraordinary thing. After many years of hard work, Bai Ming had staked out quite a position for himself in the world of the doors. One day, a good friend suddenly asked him: Bai Ming, you like Zhang Yiqing, right?

Lit cigarette hanging between his lips, Bai Ming vocalized a lazy, mh.

Hes started entering doors too, his friend told him. Want to consider taking him on?

Bai Mings head twisted to stare at his friend.

What did you say?

Looking innocently back at him, his friend repeated himself.

Bai Ming extinguished the cigarette and laughed, this isnt a joke, is it?

Of course it wasnt a joke. The moment he saw Zhang Yiqing again, Bai Ming knew that his dream was about to come true.

Zhang Yiqing, who had retreated behind the scenes, was no longer as tender as hed been in his youth. He was no less handsome, however. Like an aged bottle of wine, he and his charms had not faded with time, in fact had begun to emanate a unique fragrance of maturity.

All competent people have arrogance, and Zhang Yiqing was a proud standout in his industry. Hed taken the laurels for Best Actor four times, not to mention countless other awards, both large and small. The year he turned to directing, the country had even nominated him for Best Director.

The only shame was that after encountering the doors, his fate was forced to take a sharp turn.

Hello, Im Bai Ming. The two sat face-to-face, and Bai Ming held a hand out to Zhang Yiqing with a smile. His smile was sincere, and paired with that harmless-looking face, there really was no visible aura of an apex predator about him. Its a pleasure to meet you.

Naturally, Zhang Yiqing was fooled by Bai Ming. He took Bai Mings hand and said, its a pleasure to meet you. Im Zhang Yiqing.

Oh, Bai Ming nodded. Ive seen your movies.

Zhang Yiqing smiled politely. He likely thought Bai Ming was just a normal fan, or perhaps not even thatBai Ming may just be an audience who had seen his movies in passing. But much later, when Zhang Yiqing saw that room stacked full of his own works, he would finally realize that Bai Ming was nowhere as harmless as he made himself look.

Of course, at this point, Zhang Yiqing was not aware of anything. He saw the headful of natural curls, the unsophisticated grin, and really took Bai Ming for a gentle-natured young man

At this point Zhang Yiqing even failed to understand why everybody in Bai Mings organization was so scared of him, to the point where Zhang Yiqing thought there really must be a misunderstanding

Inside and outside the doors, Bai Ming did not change much. His personality stayed genial. When confronted with malicious words or even malicious people, he was never even vicious in return.

Sometimes, Zhang Yiqing even thought Bai Ming was being too nice, and would step up to protect Bai Ming.

Youre too well-tempered, was something Zhang Yiqing once said. Nice people get taken advantage of. Harbor no intent to hurt, but preserve all instinct to caution![1]

Bai Ming listened to Zhang Yiqings reprimand and said, beaming, Zhang-ges right to scold me.

Zhang Yiqing didnt know what went through his head then, but seeing Bai Mings well-behaved smile, he reached out and gave that head a pat. Only after touching Bai Ming did he realize the gesture didnt seem quite right, and so he coughed once, before explaining, it just looks good to touch.

Bai Ming just blinked his eyes noncommittally.

Bai Mings hair was extremely fluffy and truly peak touch quality. Just seeing it made people want to pet it. But there really werent that many people whod dare to pet a tigerZhang Yiqing was one of few, though at that time, he had yet to discover the fact that Bai Ming was a ferocious beast, and not some adorable kitten.

But fake was fake in the endZhang Yiqing was no idiot either. By the time he became aware of the incongruities about Bai Mings person, the two of them had already grown closer.

Zhang Yiqing had noticed the oddity and even joked about it, saying, Bai Ming, how come Ive discovered that anyone who crosses you gets struck with misfortune?

Bai Ming batted his eyes at this.

Dont they deserve it?

At his smile, Zhang Yiqing froze. Zhang Yiqing had only been joking, but after careful thought, a layer of cold sweat began to dot his back. Because as far as he could remember, ever since he and Bai Ming started entering doors together, those who had wronged Bai Ming were not simply unfortunate, they were alldead.

Thats right, dead. Dead via various odd accidents. Some things may seem accidental on the surface, butupon multiple occurrencescould no longer be mere coincidence.

Incidental became inescapable after a certain point.

Having realized something, Zhang Yiqing looked once more to Bai Ming, and found that the young man who was once so easy to read now seemed something of a stranger.

The good thing was, that feeling only lasted for a moment, because Bai Ming grinned and scooted closer again.

Zhang-ge, come get hotpot with me tonight?

Sure, Zhang Yiqing agreed.

The relationship between the two of them was still ambiguous at this moment, but one could die at any time inside the doors. Zhang Yiqing saw clearly Bai Mings devotion to protecting him, and so the two got closer and closeruntil one day, when Zhang Yiqing went to a party.

As a heavy hitter in the entertainment industry, there were naturally many people lined up to take a ride on his coattails. That was why that day, a coworker introduced him to a beautiful young woman.

Though Zhang Yiqing rejected her immediately, Bai Ming, whod come along for fun, still saw everything.

Oddly enough, against Bai Mings gaze, Zhang Yiqing felt a sense of guilt. The party hadnt even been over when Bai Ming pulled Zhang Yiqing alone into a break room. Zhang Yiqing wanted to resist at first, but discovered that he wasnt at all Bai Mings opponenthe was picked up and brought along as if he were a sack of rice.

Does Zhang-ge have someone he likes? was what Bai Ming asked him.

Zhang Yiqing said, no.

No? Bai Ming said. Then whats the deal with her?

Watching Bai Mings expression, Zhang Yiqing had the thought that the person before him seemed a bit drunk. He licked his lips, and spoke hoarsely: I dont like her.

You dont like her, but youll still have her? Bai Ming asked.

Zhang Yiqing opened his mouth, wanting to explain. But when the words got to his lips, the pride in his bones was for some reason set off by Bai Mings accusatory tone. He lifted his chin and, with a cool expression, forced down the anxiety deep in his chest.

So what if I will?

Bai Ming pressed a hand to his lips, got closer, and hummed, but Ill get angry.

Zhang Yiqings brow furrowed.

Bai Ming, Ill get veryveryangry.

Zhang Yiqing was just about to ask and so what if you get angry when Bai Ming shoved him onto the break room sofa. Bai Mings fingers picked apart the first button on his shirt, and the man looked down at Zhang Yiqing from high above. His voice when he spoke was colder than anything Zhang Yiqing had heard from him.

I dont want to wait anymore.

Zhang Yiqings eyes went wide. This was the first time he became aware that Bai Ming and that harmless youth he thought he knew were two completely different people.

Zhang-ge, Bai Ming said. I like you. Do you like me?

Zhang Yiqing swallowed, and he didnt answer Bai Mings question. He only said, calm down a second

Bai Ming watched him. You also like me, right? You just dont want to admit itBut even if you dont admit it, thats alright. He smiled, as handsome as an incubus. Its fine as long as I like you.

Everything that happened after that was unspeakable.

By the time Zhang Yiqing once again regained consciousness, he was limp all over. Bai Ming had him wrapped up in blanket and was placing him into the car. Seeing him wake, Zhang Yiqing beamed.

Zhang-ge, youre up? Were headed home now.

Zhang Yiqing wanted to speak, but found his voice nearly gone. He recalled something, and a smudge of red appeared over his cheeks as he grated out: Animal.

Bai Ming batted his eyes. Zhang-ge, are you calling me big?

Zhang Yiqing, He surrendered.

Bai Ming, no worries, its only 3AM. Theres still plenty of time when we get back.

Zhang Yiqing wanted to retort, so Bai Ming caught him by the lips. Bai Mings kiss was rough enough to turn his mouth an evocative red.

Zhang Yiqing went dizzy with the kiss. It was only then that he had the faint realization that heseemed to have caught the attention of someone incredible.

Translators Notes:

  1. ; idiom that literally means, you cant have intent to hurt people, but you cant not be guarded against people. The two phrases have parallel rhythms Chinese (note the four middle characters are identical), so coming up with a translation that mirrors that to some degree is both fun and difficult.

[Extra: Twin Lives, Twin Deaths(3)] | [Extra: Tan Zaozao]

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