Kidnapped By The Crazy Duke

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

The next morning, I walked out to the front door of the mansion wearing a dress made of red velvet and a white mink cape.

I was going to the Tempshire Palace. The servants took my luggage and put it in the trunk of a waiting black car. In the driver's seat of the car sat Vincent, the secretary I hadn't seen in a long time.

He greeted me with a still dull look on his face.

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Secretary Ford. How have you been?"

"I'm 33 years old and I ran away from home, so. I'm sure my name must have been erased from the Ford family forever by now."

While I hesitated, having nothing to say, Noah, who got into the car late, leaned his back against the seat and sighed.

I don't want to go.

Why did he dress so nicely if he didn't want to go?

He wore a slim herringbone coat with a waistline and a coat belt around his waist. The different colors made it look like a uniform at first glance.

His hair was swept back, revealing a smooth forehead. In addition, the frown and furrowed brow made even the overflowing decadence of his beauty even more primary, so I couldnt take my eyes off him.

I coughed, thoroughly hiding the hint of fascination.

You're dressed beautifully."

Noah, who was expressionless at the extremely temperate compliment, immediately smiled with his eyes. He lifted his chin and proudly replied, patting his neat tie.

Ill be the Princesss husband, so I have to look good.

"You also look good with your hair pulled back."

Yup. They say if you brush your hair back, you look unimpressive, but do you like it this way?"

He deliberately frowned, one side of his mouth lifted. I was wondering what looked better, when I heard Vincent's dry voice.

May I stay at the palace for a while too? I have to work with Mr. Rothsilde anyway.

Vincent referred to Noah as "Mr. Rothsilde. Despite his timid display of frustration, Noah seemed unconcerned.


Noah nodded in reply, and a subtle joy was in Vincent's wheat-colored eyes.

Vincent murmured faintly. "My Queen ."  (*Oh I forgot how Vincent was so fascinated with the Queen, lol)

He happily departed the car.

The area around the Tempshire Palace had indeed developed a commercial district and distributed sophisticated, fashion-forward clothing.

Perhaps it was fashionable to look intelligent, men dressed classically with their hair up neatly and wearing glasses, women dressed elegantly and luxuriously in clothes that did not focus only on flamboyance but also on the functional aspects of daily lives.

Due to the characteristics of an island nation, trade and ships were well developed, so cultural properties would also develop quickly. There would be a lot of materials, so there would be a lot of things to make.

As we passed the Kingsguard, dressed in red uniforms and standing like toy soldiers, and entered the palace, Baron Mason came to welcome us.

Was the trip alright? Let me show you around.

Her eyes rolled smoothly toward Vincent.

How do you do? I am Baron Zelda Mason, Her Majesty's knight and lady-in-waiting.

I am Vincent Ford, Mr. Rothsildes accountant, secretary, peer, accident management, and errand boy of all kinds. There is much more, but I will let you know when I get the chance.

You do a lot of work. So do I."

Vincent nodded with a serious expression at the Baron's response. 

The baroque-style room she showed us was spacious and gorgeous to the point of dread. It was filled with polished mahogany wood furniture and had crimson satin curtains on the windows.

Under the ivory wallpaper, there was a statue made of snow-covered snow plaster. The patterned marble floor was also covered with a crisp, expensive-looking imported carpet.

Despite the gorgeous room, Noah still looked dissatisfied.

Why are there two beds?"

Then sleep one day on the left and one day on the right. You can spend your time comfortably. You may go out into the city to see the commercial and tourist areas."

Baron Mason answered Noah's complaints with a beaming smile and left after telling him about the good restaurants and tourist attractions in the area. Noah, who had been looking around the room for a while, gave me a serious look.

The bed on the right would be better today.

.. yes.

I was thinking of the bed on the left, not by the window, but Noah didn't seem to be in the mood, so I meekly decided to go with his opinion.

A short time later, a servant of the royal court came in, greeted me and helped me unpack and organize my belongings.

After finishing unpacking, I sat down on the bed and took out some of the puddings I had brought and emptied two of them in the blink of an eye.

Noah sat down side by side with me and looked at me curiously.

Its almost finished now. Let's go buy some more later."


I smiled and took another pudding of a different flavor. Noah opened his eyes and tilted his head in surprise.

His hair, which had almost faded to a silver-gray color, swayed gracefully.

Are you going to eat it again?

Yes, why?

Have some more in a little while. I want to check something.

Noah looked at me kindly, our faces close together.

The pudding in my hand had gone to his hand before I knew it. I clenched the hand that had been deprived of the pudding and put it on my lap.

What is it?"

A man who couldnt come up with common ideas grinned. A pretty smile was drawn on his face. Then he spouted out shocking and blatant words.

"Can you take off your clothes?"

I couldn't believe my ears for a moment.

Take off my clothes in broad daylight? What did I just hear?

The words, without even a trace of hesitation, were neither high nor low; they were just one of those plain-life conversations. I just stared at Noah, confused in my mind by his seemingly unconcerned appearance of pure curiosity.

When I didn't respond, he asked smugly.

Should I undress you?"

Noah stared at me with a harmless look on his face as if he had no agenda. I looked down at his neat tie.


I finally pulled my voice out of my tight throat and asked, but he lifted both ends of his mouth without a care in the world.

Not suddenly. I've been curious about it for a long time. It's something I will see anyway."

'Its  too bright. And all of a sudden.

I rubbed the back of my neck, looking around the room, which was bright with the sun shining. Noah sat facing straight ahead and smoothly unwrapped the tie. 

He folded the tie neatly and placed it neatly on the drawer next to the bed along with the paper bag containing the pudding, he said.

"It should be bright so that I can see it well, right?

So, I mean, why would he look at my body in the bright light? I held my arms in front of my chest, as if protecting myself.

"No, you can't. It's embarrassing."

And Im wearing a dress, of all things. The buttons are on the front."

Noah, who was stroking the bottom of my chin and looking at me, seemed to be troubled for a while. A moment later he finished his worries and spoke plainly.

Just take off the dress. I have no other intentions."

"You have only one intention: you want to take my clothes off.

If you mean there is only one."

His voice dropped in tone and his speech became slurred. His face, which had been aristocratic and graceful, took on a different, quirky color than before.

He smiled sexily as he looked at me with narrowed eyes. I looked at his amused face and said vaguely.

I'll go wash then.

It's not such a big deal that you have to wash again. Shall we check in the bath then?"

A dimple dug shallowly into Noah's cheek as he smiled mischievously with a crinkle in his eye. I had made a mistake again, it seemed. I looked at him, embarrassed that he'd seen through my short-sighted, half-baked judgment.

What is it you want to check?

Your back.


It seemed even weirder to me to overreact to the idea of only looking at the dorsal muscles when we were supposed to be married anyway.

After he closed the curtains, he sat on the bed and looked at me as if in a state of stillness. I turned around and unbuttoned the front button of my dress, and the red velvet dress slid down to my feet.

I saw Noahs shadow on the floor as he approached me as I stood there in my winter undergarments and corset.

The shadow seemed to swallow me up with a swish.

His breath fell around my shoulders, and my hair stood up. As if a feather gently tickled me.

Noah tugged lightly at the corset straps with his fingers and made a languid sound.

"Take this off, too."

I can't take it off by myself."

Okay. I'll help you."

A numbness started to appear along my spine as he touched my shoulders. It was fortunate that my back was facing him. 

I was not sure if I was confident enough to show him my current hot face.

He sighed as he untied the corset strings little by little with his delicate hands.

I just don't know why you have to wear such tight clothes.

It has improved.

Yes. It must be inconvenient for the men, too."

His warm breath stuck tenaciously to my neck.

It's hard to take it off.

My shoulders suddenly floated with the thrill that suddenly flowed through my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut at the words whispered to me like a stealthy suggestion.

Even his gaze from behind became too much for me to handle, and I curled my body and screamed weakly.

Hurry up!

Its difficult. I have to solve 12 of them and I've already solved three."

Noah let out a snorting laugh. I stood there like a puppy holding back from running.

Are you cold?"

A little "

I think he saw my goosebumps.

Despite his relaxed manner, he deftly and quickly undid the laces and removed the corset. I was hugging my arms. At first glance it would appear that I was cold, but there was more to it than that.

Looking at my bare back, he opened his mouth as he took a flannel gown from the bedside table and draped it over my shoulders.

Yes, that's right. I kept hearing about it.

What is it?"


His fingers pressed lightly under my shoulder blade. Even the shallowest sensation felt hypersensitive, and I flinched. Even my ears were stuffed, and I couldn't control the pitch of my voice, so I yelled out.

What the hell is it?

"Here's a scar-like mark. It's not a scar, it's like a spot. You've never shown it to anyone but the maids of the mansion, right?"

Molly always helps me put on my corset. She says she has the strongest arms."

From now on, don't let anyone see it. Except for me and Molly.

What are you talking about?"

Is he talking about the spot on my shoulder? I asked as I turned back around, my body stiffening with embarrassment. It was because I realized that the gown was just only on my shoulders and wasnt closed in the front.

Noah's mysterious colored eyes stared at the gap, unfazed. He tilted his head as his gaze was fixed on the open gap.

I thought you would only show me your back.

His low voice made me dizzy from my neck to the top of my head.

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