KLRXO Stories

Chapter 110: Mom’s Dream Lover_1

Chapter 110: Mom's Dream Lover_1

"Mom's Dream Lover" By klrxo

Charlie came from a religious household. His family went to church every Sunday. Ironically, it was during a boring sermon one day that the boy's naughty fascination with his mother had begun to develop.

On that day his mom Stacey had on a dress with a neckline that was cut deeper than usual. This allowed him to see a substantial amount of her succulent cleavage. Girls with big boobs at his school had always captured his attention, but they carried nothing like what his mom had..

Stacey was a beautiful thirty-nine year old brunette. Her girlfriends all called her Wonder Woman.

Not only because she was the mother of five children, but also because she was a striking image of the eighties actress Lynda Carter. Despite birthing all those children, the mother managed to keep a fairly good figure with long strong legs and an ample buttocks. Stacey came from a long line of busty women and because of this, she was blessed with an enormous rack.

It was no shocker then that a horny eighteen-year-old boy, living under the same roof, would quickly develop a fascination with her wobbling wonders.

"Charlie, I saw what you were staring at in there," Stacey chided as they walked side by side to the car, "that's not ok, especially at church."


"Yes, staring...at my breasts," she said. "It's not polite to look at a woman's breasts." "Is it polite for a woman to look at a guy's cock?" Charlie asked.

Stacey gasped. "Charlie Adams! I can't believe that word just came out of your mouth." "Fine, is it polite for a woman to look at a guy's crotch?"

"No, of course it not."

"Then why do you stare at mine sometimes?" the boy asked.

Stacey blushingly glanced back to make sure her husband hadn't heard that. James was a ways back, walking hand in hand with two of their smaller children. "I DO NOT stare at your crotch," she muttered, but not too loudly.

"You were staring when I got out of the pool yesterday."

"Ok, I think we need to end this conversation," she said, clearly frazzled that he had turned it back on her.

"Whatever you say, Mom."

Yet it was Stacey who refused to let it go. "I'm sure it may have seemed like I was staring at your crotch, but that wasn't the case at all," she said defensively..

The truth was Stacey HAD BEEN staring at her son's crotch, studying the big tubular outline of his prick as his wet shorts clung around it.

During the car ride home James glanced back at his oldest son through the rear view mirror. "I'm not sure if your mother told you or not, but I'm taking a new schedule at work for awhile. I'll be working the overnights, eight PM to six AM," he explained.

"So you'll be gone every night?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, except on weekends of course. I'm gonna need you to step up and help your mom out in the evenings, when she needs it."

Charlie and his mother glanced at each other, sharing a little smile. "Sure, dad, whatever she needs me to do," the boy answered.

The worst thing about being the oldest of five kids was having to share a bedroom. Luckily for Charlie, his fourteen year old brother Gabe was addicted to video games. The youngster rarely did anything besides play on his game console and he had a good set of gamer headphones, which meant Charlie wasn't bothered by any noise. Still, sharing a room meant no locking the door and beating off when Charlie wanted to.

The bathroom wasn't a good wank-retreat either, since it seemed like one of his siblings was constantly knocking on the door. The teen was forced to find another place for his private wank sessions.

Parked in the attached three-bay garage was an old Volkswagen Camper Van that his father had purchased. Every summer, James had planned to fix it up, but never quite got around to it. This became Charlie's "go to" spot for daily masturbation.

"I'm heading down to the park to shoot some hoops, Mom," the boy would announce, then retreat to the van and lock himself inside.

The rear portion of the van folded out into a full-sized bed. Charlie would sprawl across it, fish his dick out and lather it with lotion that he kept stashed in there, for just that purpose. As he rested there on this day, the boy clicked on a video he had recorded on his phone.

His mom came up on the screen from recording he'd made at the lake."Charlie, are you getting in the water with us?" she asked.

"I'm just texting a friend, then I will," Charlie answered.

Clearly the teen was doing no such thing, but rather secretly recording his Mom as she stepped into the lake. Stacey wore a modest white, one-piece swim suit, but to her son, it was still a feast for the eyes. The swell of her boobs were massive and he could even see the thick fleshy nubs of her nipples protruding out of the fabric.

"Ohh my Goodness, this water's cold," the modest mother shivered, making her big boobies shimmy back and forth. Charlie loved that part. This was recorded last summer and he had lost count how many times he had beat off to it. He clicked rewind and watched it again.

"Ohh my Goodness, this water's cold," he listened to his mother say, only this time Charlie zoomed in on her giant jugs and played it back in slow motion.

"Ohhh man!" the horny boy sighed, beating his boner while watching his Mom's heavy breasts slowly shake from side to side.

Charlie was endowed with a large uncircumcised peter. He knew this by comparing his own size the those of the boys his age in the locker room at school. Despite having a long thick cock, he had yet to use it on a girl. From a young age he was taught the importance of saving sex until marriage, so every time the opportunity presented itself he would chicken out.

While Charlie beat off in the garage, James, Charlie's father entered the kitchen. "Mmm, that food smells good, hon," he said.

"I hope it's good. Tina shared a recipe she found in one of her womens magazines. I thought I'd try it out," Stacey said, "Will you stir this for me for a sec?"


James took over at the stove and his wife searched through the freezer. "Shoot, the frozen pie crusts must be out in the other freezer. I'll be right back," she said.

"No worries, I got this."

Stacey went out the side door into the garage, where they kept a large freezer full of items. Such a big family required lots of space for food storage. As she looked for the items she needed,

she heard the faint sound of a video playing from across the garage.

The busty mother looked out over her vehicle to the old Volkswagen. She noticed a strange glow coming from the inside, so she slowly walked over to investigate. Peering in the back window, her eyes widened in utter shock as she saw her son laying on his back beating off.

"Hetoldmehewasplayingbasketball!"she said to herself. "Heliedtome."

Her mind screamed for her to run away, but her legs wouldn't move. She was witnessing the lewdest thing she'd ever seen and it was her oldest son who was doing it.

Her eyes drifted down his young lean chest, zeroing in on the biggest dick she'd seen in her life. .

It was easily nine inches and so hard it looked like it was carved in stone.

"It'ssimplyenormous!"she muttered to herself.

Her son's fist traveled up and down his cock's rigid length, the shroud of foreskin was pulled back, revealing a huge angry knob that pointing straight up towards the ceiling. Stacey was absolutely spellbound. Her curious eyes studies every bulging vein that criss-crossed up the shaft. "DearLord,thatcan'tbereal,canit?"she asked herself, "that'sjustmuchtoobigtobe real."

She turned to walk away. Ineedtogetawayfromhere!"she told herself, then she stopped and clenched her fists in frustration. "God,pleasehelpmetobestrongrightnow,"she silently prayed. However, no assistance was given and she turned around and moved back to the window, peering back in at her teen.

At this point she could see that her son was watching a video of her in her swim suit. "Ohmy Gosh,wasthatatthelakelastsummer?Hevideo'dmeinmyswimsuitandnowhe's..."

Her eyes went back to watching her son beat his hard dick, mesmerized by the thick slab slipping through his circled fist. Charlie's hips were thrusting rapidly from the cushion, fucking his cock upward, while jacking off at the same time.

"Whereonearthdidhelearntomovehishipslikethat?!"she wondered, then felt herself feeling angry towards her husband, "Jamesnevermoveshishipslikethatwhenwemakelove!"

She saw a bead of precum weap from Charlie's meatus. "Ohhh!" she gasped, watching it run down his knob before getting swiped up by his fist.

Her knees felt weak, her big swollen tits heaving with every heavy breath. She bit her bottom lip, wanting nothing more than to shoot her hand down into her panties and rub her hot genitals right along with him. "Nooo,Ican't!"the good-girl, church-going mom side of her screamed.

"Yesss,youcan!"the deeply repressed naughty-girl part of her answered back.

Her husband's shout from the kitchen made her decision a little easier. "Everything alright out there?" he shouted.

Yet for a moment longer her eyes remained transfixed. Even as she crept away from the van she continued to peer inside the window for as long as she could. "Iwonderhowlongittakeshimto ejaculate?"she wondered.

"Did you find what you needed?" James asked his wife when she returned. Her mind was clearly frazzled. "No, we um...we must be out."

"Are you ok, hon?" her husband asked. He could tell she was completely out of sorts.


she thought.

"Yes, um...I'm fine," she lied, forcing a smile.

The image of Charlie's cock was branded in her mind and try as she may she couldn't shake it.

The next day, while most of her kids were in school, Stacey went to her friend Tina's house. They both sat at the table having coffee and cradling their infants.

"So he was just laying in there masturbating?" Tina asked, a bit surprised at what her friend had told her.

"Yes, it was the last thing I expected to see when I looked in that window."

"Well, it's not uncommon. I'm sure both our oldest boys masturbate, but I suppose it's better than them engaging in premarital sex," Tina said.

"Yes, I suppose. I just...really didn't expect it to look that way," Stacey said blushingly. "His penis you mean?" Tina asked innocently.

"Yes. It was just um...bigger than I expected."

"Ohh," Tina muttered, incredibly intrigued, but reminding herself how inappropriate that was. After a long pause, she couldn't resist but comment. "Connor's size shocked me too."

Stacey looked at her questioningly, raising an eyebrow.

"I accidentally walked in on him coming out of the shower one day," she explained.

"Ohh, well accidents do happen," Stacey said, "I mean, if I knew Charlie was in the van masturbating I never would have peeked in."

"Of course not, you didn't know. How would you have known?"

"Exactly...but I did peek in and it just confused me," Stacey confessed. "Why are their penises so big do you think?"

Tina shrugged her shoulders. "It's a new generation of boys. Maybe God wanted to create UPGRADED versions of our husbands...make them more handsome and increase the size of their manhood."

Stacey nodded in agreement. "That makes sense.. I mean, a larger penis would make them better at procreation," she theorized..

"How do you figure,"

" When their sperm flows out, it would be much closer to the point of conception, right?" "Yes, I guess that's right.."

"And from what I saw, their seed is much thicker and richer," Stacey said "Explain," Tina said, beaming with interest, "what did you see?"

"It was only pre-ejaculate. It came trickling out while Charlie was masturbating," Stacey said, "but it was SO THICK and such a beautiful pearly white, Tina, I couldn't believe it."

Tina's eyes lit up. "The seed of life," she said.

"Yess...so much of it and THAT was only the pre-ejaculate. The amount our boys emit during and actual climax must be incredible," Stacey exclaimed, her heart racing.

The mothers sat there for a moment in wonder. Stacey reflected on what she saw through the van window, how her son rapidly thrust his hips. "I think you're right. I think God did make them superior...in looks, size AND sexual abilities," she said.


"When I peeked in the van, Charlie was moving his hips in a way I'd never seen before." "Thrusting?" Tina asked, her thick nipples tingling beneath her blouse and bra.

"Yes, but really, REALLY fast," Stacey said, then took an excited gulp, "James never moves his hips like that."

"Do you think Charlie knew he was doing it, or do you think it was just instinctual?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is if girls ever see him doing that...if they ever see the size of his endowment, I fear he's gonna be presented with more temptation than he can bear," Stacey said with genuine concern.

Tina replayed the image of her own son's big cock hanging between his legs when she "accidentally" walked in on him. "So you think Charlie was watching a video of you?" she asked.

"It WAS me in the video. Charlie must have taken it during our lake trip over the summer," Susan said. "He was zoomed right in on my breasts. I didn't think my swimsuit was that inappropriate."

"It probably wasn't. Connor is the same way. It seems like every time I look his way he's staring at my breasts, especially now that their all swollen with milk for the baby."

"The poor boys. Temptation surrounds them at school AND at home," Stacey said.

Tina shrugged her shoulders. "What can we do though? We're both extremely large breasted women. Other than the times we're nursing the babies, we keep them covered the best we can."

"God really tests mothers and sons doesn't he?" Stacey concluded. "In what ways do you mean?"

"Temptation mostly," Stacey answered, "By nature, we Moms are naturally drawn to handsome young men with large penis's, who are the most gifted at breeding us and at providing us pleasure. For years we thought our husbands were these men....but we were wrong."

"And the boys are tested too," Tina agreed.

"Yes. Boys are drawn to older, large breasted women. Ones who are skilled at lovemaking." "That's why they obsess on us so much," Tina agreed.

Stacey knew it was true. Just talking about her son and his cock made her nipples throb and her panties were soaked with the secretions of her arousal. "We should pray for strength," she suggested.

Holding their babies with one arm, the mothers reached across the table and held each others hands. They bowed their heads and Stacey began praying. "God, we ask for your hand in leading us from temptation. Help us to stay wholesome mothers and faithful wives. We thank you for the gifts you've bestowed upon our boys. Please give them the strength to refuse the harlots and to save their skills and wonderfully large endowments for marriage. In Jesus name, amen."

The mothers hugged, feeling strengthened in their resolve.


"First night of working the overnight," James said as he prepared to leave that evening, "you gonna miss me?"

"Of course I'll miss you," Stacey said, giving her hubby a big hug. "I love you so much!"

After her husband left, Stacey went upstairs to the nursery, closing the door for privacy before nursing her two-month old daughter. When she was finished, she put the baby to bed, then closed her robe tight, making sure her huge bobbling tits were completely covered.

Charlie and his brother were both in bed on their devices when their mom peeked in. "Good night boys," she said sweetly..

Gabe just gave her a wave, but Charlie actually sat up, hoping she would come in. Sometimes she did and he loved watching her braless boobs jostle beneath her robe. "Goodnight, Mom," he said.

Stacey smiled at him and quickly glanced at his crotch before closing the door. She went to her and her husband's bedroom, keeping their door open a crack in case the baby cried in the middle of the night as she often did, needing a feeding.

Then, the mother slipped out of the robe and put on a big oversized t-shirt, wearing it and her panties to bed. It felt strange and lonely being in bed alone. This was the time of night that her and James would usually engage in their nightly lovemaking.

"OhJames,whydidyoutakethatshift?"Stacey thought as she tossed and turned. Her husband had assured her that their sex life wouldn't suffer because of it, but with five children, who kept her busy most of the day, she wasn't sure how they were going to squeeze in time for marital sex.

Stacey rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. She always left a night-light on in case her children needed her. It cast strange shadows across the room, one of which looked like a large thick penis. It immediately made her think of her son's cock. This image of him beating his boner flashed through her mind. "No!Ican'tthinkaboutthat.I'mmarriedandCharlie'smyson!" she reminded herself.

She repositioned several times, restless and horny, trying to ignore the images of Charlie's big juicy dick in her mind, as well as the lustful itch between her legs.

Charlie got up later in the night to use the bathroom. The house was still and silent, about the only time it was that way with so many brothers and sisters. He noticed his parent's door was cracked like usual, but tonight he knew it was just his mom in there.

He wandered over and bravely peeked inside. With the night-light on in the room, Charlie could clearly make out his Mom's frame on the bed. He noticed a portion of her lovely legs sticking out of the blankets. His heart pounded with excitement, knowing she could just be wearing panties, or better yet, nothing at all.

"Icanhearherheavybreathing.Shehastobeasleep,"he thought, "I'lljusttakeaquickpeak, thenleave."

The boy slowly wandered over to the edge of the bed. His mom was on her side, with her legs curled up. A portion of her smooth calves, along with her sexy bare feet, stuck from the blanket. With shaky hands, he carefully grasped the edge of the comforter and pulled it up.

"Holyshit!"he gasped inwardly as more and more of her smooth naked legs were exposed.

She moved slightly and sighed, making the boy freeze in horror. When he was convinced she was still asleep, he continued to raise the blanket up her body.

He audibly gasped as he unveiled her thick peach-shaped mommy-buttocks. Susan wore a pair of blue bikini panties and the hem had crept up into the crack of her ass, leaving half her meaty

half-moons exposed.

Charlie could hardly believe his eyes. "Soosexy!"he thought, his big prick rising in his boxers.

He stooped down to get a view of her panty-covered crotch. The gusset hugged his Mom's snatch, outlining her puffy cunt-lips and the deep crevice between them. The urge to lean down and sniff her pussy was to strong to resist. "JustonesniffandI'mouttahere,"he thought.

Since Stacey had Charlie's big hard dick on the brain all night, by the time she finally fell asleep her cunt was soaking wet. So when her son's nose got close to his target, he was hit with a sweet pungent aroma that made his head spin. "Holywow...incredible!!"his brain shouted as her feminine scent was inhaled deeply.

He bravely placed his nose against her mound, letting it sink down into the furrow between the meaty bulges of her outer lips. When he inhaled, his eyes rolled back in their sockets. The scent of aroused pussy was so strong it nearly made him pass out.

Charlie reached down and fished his massive erection from his boxers, stroking it up and down.

His carelessness made Stacey's eyes suddenly pop open as she awoke, conscious that there was someone in the room with her. "OhmyLord,don'tpanic,Stacey!she thought, feeling the nose at her crotch, "Itcouldbeanintruder!Hecouldhaveagunoraknife!"

Since the night-light was on the wall behind him, Charlie's shadow was cast across the bed and wall that Stacey faced, allowing her to study the "intruder's" every move. As the boy stood up, it became clearly obvious he was beating off to the site of her.

"OhmyGoodness,isthat...That'sCharlie!"she thought, not wanting to believe what she was seeing. "He'smasturbating!!"

The teen brazenly hovered beside the bed, staring at his Mom's sexy ass, while beating his hard boner. He imagined that he was ripping those panties off, crawling between her silky legs and pounding his cock-meat deep inside her. So much blood had flowed to his penis that he felt light

-headed. "Ibetitfeelssogoodinherpussy.Warmandwetandsnug!"he thought, his hardon flexing in his hand.

Stacey's eyes were wide in shock and fascination as she remained motionless, watching the shadow of her son beating off. "Ican'tbelievehe'sdoingthis.Thefirstnighthisfather'soutof thehouseandhe'sinherepeepingandstrokinghislargepenis,"she thought. "Heshouldbe ashamedofhimself."

Her breathing got heavier and heavier as she watched her son's hand fly up and down his enormous jutting erection. The shadow was so well defined that she could see the shape of his flaring knob stretching from his foreskin.

The mother made the muscled walls of her cunt-tube clench, secretly yearning to have that void

filled by such a big meaty cunt-splitter. "OhJames,whydidyoutakethatshift?"she thought, wanting to blame anyone but herself for her lewd thoughts.

Charlie gawked and pumped his fist relentlessly up and down the length of his hardon, precum lubricating his strokes.

His mom watched in shameful fascination, not wanting to miss a single stroke. "Somany pumps!How onearthishegoingthatlong?"she screamed out in her mind. Then she had a question for her creator. "God,you'vealreadygivenhimanextremelylargepenis.Areyoutelling meyou'vegiftedhimwithincrediblestayingpowertoo?!"

It was nearly five more minutes of steady cock-stroking before Charlie felt his knob tingle. "Oh fuck,whereamIgonnacum?"he thought in a panic.

The last thing he wanted to do was squirt his load all over her. Actually, that's what he really wanted, but he knew he couldn't. He quickly looked for something to use as a cum-rag, delighted to find one of her bras strung over the chair nearby.

"Grabit,quick!"his mind shouted as he felt the rushing torrent of jizz shooting through his fuck- tube.

He snatched the bra and covered the end of his prick with one of the huge silky cups. "Hhmmpph!" he whimpered, his knees buckling as he sent a long milky rope splashing against the fabric.

Stacey's eyes widened even more as she witnessed her son using her bra to pump his load into. She was ashamed to feel her fleshy clit throb beneath it's domed hood and her nipples were so erect they felt like stones resting on the peaks of her tits. "He'sejaculating!!"her mind excitedly screamed.

She could smell his musky spunk from where she lay on the bed. It made her body tremble with a wicked thrill. She clenched her eyes closed. "No,justgobacktosleep,Stacey!"she thought.

After coating the inside of her bra-cup with hot cum, the boy just held it there a moment, the soft silk against his glans felt really good. "Ok,I'lljustputitback.Mycumshouldbedrybymorning, hopefully,"he thought.

After putting it back where he found it, Charlie took one more look at his Mom's succulent ass, then retreated back to his room.

Stacey's eyes popped back open, realizing he was gone. She quickly sat up and looked straight over at the soiled bra he had placed back on the chair. Her heart was racing and the itch between her legs was almost unbearable. . "Laybackdown!"the wholesome part of her brain told her.

"Iwill.Iwon'tdoanythinginappropriate,Ijustwannaseeit,"her horny, curious side answered

back as she slipped off the bed.

With shaky hands, she lifted the bra and studied it's milky contents. The inside of the cup was plastered with boy-spunk. "Iknewit!Somuchofit!GodHAStrulygiftedhim."

Her nostrils flared, breathing in the aroma of hot baby-seed. Her mind swirled and her birthing- tube squeezed and contracted. The busty mother quickly put the bra back down, as if it were burning her hands. "Ok,curiositysatisfied,nowgobacktobed,"she said to herself.

She turned back to her bed and sighed. "ThankyouGod,forgivingmethestrengthtodowhat's right.Ipledgemyresolvetobeawholesomewifeandmother,"she prayed.

She tried to move back onto the bed, but her overly-horny body had other ideas.

It was 4am and Stacey's children all still slept soundly. In the hot mother's bed, however, there was no rest to be had. Stacey was now completely naked, on her back in the center of her bed. Her knees were thrown up nearly to her shoulders, her thick smooth thighs bowed open as she rubbed her clitoris furiously.

"Ohhh-h-h-h!" she whimpered, her cute voice shivering lustfully and muffled by the big bra-cup masking her face. Her enormous knockers were spread out across her chest in big fleshy quivering mounds..Her nipples were thick and distended, leaking breast-milk that trickled across her wide areola.

Her thick naked buns bounced from the mattress, humping her cunt up around the imaginary cock that was pounding her senseless. Beneath the frantic stroke of her fingers, her large fleshy clitoris tingled and throbbed exquisitely.

With her other hand, she held the bra-cup to her face, cleaning out it's juicy contents with her long lapping tongue, while lustfully inhaling the scent of warm boy-spunk. "It'ssoorich!"her frazzled mind shouted. "There'ssomuchofit!"

She sucked some slimy spunk into her mouth and let her tongue play around in it, while panting excitedly. "Mmmmm," she whimpered, feeling it run down her throat. She knew she was out of control and a little tear of shame ran down her cheek, yet this didn't detour her from licking more slime from the material and stroking her cunt even faster.

"Sooomuchsperm,butIknewtherewouldbe.He'sbeenendowedwithawhoppingbaby-maker, soofcoursetherewouldbealotofseed!"she thought.

She imagined her son standing there watching her masturbate while beating his dick wildly. "You'renottheonlyoneinthishousewithgiftedsexualabilities!"she thought, imagining she were talking to her son, "weMomscandothingstoo!"

Stacey extended her luscious legs back, scissoring them wide open, pointing her sexy, dainty bare feet back at the headboard. She bobbed her ass up and down off the mattress in a horny rapid manner, making her boobies jiggle and roll on her chest. "Wecansqueezeandhumpour vaginasonyouinwaysyouneverdreamedof!"her mind bragged.

She felt her climax peak, making her back arch from the cushion, heaving her mammoth jugs upward. "Squirtourjuices!!"her mind squealed. "Alloveryourbigwonderfulpenis!"

Susan grabbed the big double pillow and screamed into it as a juicy orgasm ripped through her middle-aged body. The long fluffy pillow reached from her head to her knees and she quickly latched her arms and legs around, humping wildly as if she were being fucked in the missionary position.

"Oohhh,Charlie!!"her brain cried, "Ohhhmybaby,lookwhatyoudotome!"

She continued to stroke and hump and writhe for several minutes, before relaxing her lush body and letting out a big satisfied sigh. The guilt suddenly came flooding in and she felt extremely ashamed. Tears trickled down her cheeks as Stacey wept herself to sleep.


"I'm horrible!" Stacey sniffled as she sat next to Tina. They were both nursing their newborns, so each mom had one hefty boob hanging out of her maternity bra.

"You're not horrible. You're human," Tina said consolingly. "I'm a horrible human."

"You had a weak moment, Stace," Tina said, "God forgives those who acknowledge their wrong- doings."

"Charlie snuck in my bedroom and I liked it. I'm not suppose to like those things," she said, "Then I sucked up all his seed like a depraved whore."

Tina lowered her own head in equal shame. "Well, if it's any consolation...I haven't exactly been the model mother myself here lately."

Stacey fed her a confused look. "How so?" she asked.

Tina sighed, "Connor's been fingering me every day for the past two weeks." Stacey looked at her best friend in surprise, "Fingering you?" she asked. "Yes, putting one or more fingers inside my vagina."

"I know what fingering is...I just... How did this start?" Stacey asked.

"We were just hugging one morning and the next thing I knew his hand was in my panties," she explained, "I was too weak to stop it, so it continued day after day until...well, here we are."

They exchanged a guilt-ridden look. "Do we stop them?" Stacey asked, "we should stop them, right?"

"Maybe if we just try to eliminate the situations that provide temptation, they'll move on to something more appropriate."

"How do we do that?" Stacey asked.

"Well, in my case, I could try to avoid hugs, when Connor and I are alone together," she suggested, "And when it comes to Charlie, well, maybe you could try locking your door at night."

"Good idea. I don't know if he'll try it again, but if he does, having the door locked will certainly keep something like that from happening again."

"Let's pray," Tina suggested. "If there was ever a time we needed God to give us wisdom and strength, it's now."

"Do you wanna lead us this time?" Stacey asked, taking her friend's hand.

"Sure.. God, we ask your forgiveness for the mistakes we've made. We've allowed our son's extraordinary good looks...large sex organs...and bountiful sperm-supply to lead us into temptation. We ask you to give us strength to resist their charms and be the wholesome, exemplary mothers you'd like us to be, amen."

"Amen." Stacey said.

Once she got home and put the baby down for a nap, Stacey found herself trying on different outfits. It wasn't until the third set of clothing that she realized she was doing it with her son in mind, as if subconsciously wondering which outfit he would approve of the most. "WhatamI doing?Thisisrediculous,"she thought.

She decided to just go with the one she had on, which was a pair of snug gray yoga pants and a cute cami top. Stacey moved to her vanity and glanced at the clock. "Ahalf-houruntilhe's home,"she thought. She applied a little make-up, a couple sprays of sweet perfume and fluffed her pretty dark hair.

James walked through, hot and sweaty from mowing the grass outside. He gave his wife a wolf- whistle. "Look at you! Meeting someone for a hot date?" he asked.

"No, of course not," she giggled, "just thought I'd make a little extra effort in looking pretty for you today."

"Aww, babe, you look pretty every day," James said, starting the shower. "Thanks, so...I guess no lovemaking today," she commented sadly.

"Yeah sorry. Maybe we could lock ourselves in here tomorrow, while the baby's napping," James suggested.

"Maybe," she said, but with children at home it was highly unlikely.

Stacey sat on the edge of the bed and put on a pair of sexy four-inch heeled sandals, completing her outfit..She knew deep down that "looking pretty" for her husband's benefit was a lie. She had captured another set of eyes in the house and figured there was really no harm in looking her best for Charlie when he arrived home.


"Wow, Mom, you look great today?" Charlie said after he walked in the door. "Are you saying I look bad the other days?" Stacey joked.

"No, when it comes to YOUR looks, there is no such thing as a bad day." "Goodness, thank you honey," the hot mother blushed.

Charlie noticed the cami top had a deep neckline, allowing more cleavage than he was used to seeing exposed for his viewing pleasure.

At dinner the boy simply couldn't take his eyes off his gorgeous mom and her sexy choice of attire. Several times during the usual dinner-time banter, Stacey and Charlie's eyes would meet and linger for a few magical moments, before looking away.

After the meal, James excused himself to get ready for work and the children scattered, leaving Charlie alone in the kitchen with his mother. "How did you like dinner, honey?" the mother asked.

"Delicious," the teen answered, staring straight at her creamy tan cleavage.

She smiled sweetly. "Well it must have been. Your plate looks like it's been licked clean," she said. She stood from table and leaned over, taking his plate. "Nope, wait, you missed a spot,"

she said, the extended her thick tongue from her mouth and took a long wet lick across his plate.

The boy looked on in wide-eyed fascination. From his vantage-point, he could see every detail of the erotic lick, with her dangling tit-cleavage centered perfectly in the background.

"There, now it's clean," Stacey said with a cute giggled, then took their plates to the sink.

"THATwashot!"Charlie thought, watching his mom sashay towards the sink. Her gray yoga- pants fit like a second skin over her meaty mommy-buttocks, allowing the teen to observe every every jiggle of her undulating ass cheeks.

While his mother usually looked great, tonight she looked especially ravishing. The sharp CLICK..CLICK..CLICK of her dainty heels drew Charlie's eyes to her sexy little feet. They were arched in a displayed manner in her sandals, which consisted of just a thin strap crossing her foot, just above her painted toes.

The boy reached down and squeezed the hardening muscle protruding from his lap. His newborn sister began crying from her baby seat, distracting him.

"Oh honey, would you mind holding her while I finish up these dishes?" Stacey asked.

"No problem mom," Charlie said, standing up, lifting his baby sister from her seat and rocking her in his arms.

Stacey peered over nonchalantly and wasn't surprised to find a bulge pushing Charlie's shorts out obscenely. "Certainlynosurprisethere.Idon'tknowhowhecouldpossiblyhidethatthing," she thought.

After finishing up a little cleaning she stepped over to her two children and smiled sweetly. "She's hungry," Stacey commented, looking at her baby. Her next words carelessly left her mouth before she could stop herself. "You're dinner"s in Mommy's bra, isn't it sweetheart," she said to her little-one.

Charlie's cock flexed in his shorts. He secretly wished he could feast on her tits as well.. Stacey inwardly chided herself. "Dumbthingtosay,Stacey!Reallydumb!"

"Would you mind bringing her up to the nursery, honey, so I can feed her," she asked her son. "Not at all mom."

Charlie wasn't sure why she asked him to do this, since she could have just taken the baby herself, but he certainly wasn't complaining. Following his Mom through the house gave him a chance to admire that hot swaying ass some more.

"Rooms need to be clean before bedtime, I mean it," the mother shouted to her other children as they passed their rooms.

Charlie followed her into the nursery and stood there as his mom readied her items for nursing.

"Ok,nowtakethebabyandsendhimonhisway,"she thought, "Thisisn'tthetimeortheplace foraboy'scuriouseyes."

Rather than listen to her righteous inner-side, Stacey peeled her cami top off without hesitation.

"Wow,wow,WOW!!"the teen silently exclaimed. His mom had on a sexy white maternity bra and the flesh of her milk-filled tits were spilling out all over the place. Through the delicate floral lace, he could faintly make out the the huge dark rings of her areola.

"Ok, all set," the mother said, her eyes glued to her son crotch as she stepped towards him.

Charlie was too entranced to even notice where her eyes were. He couldn't tear his own lustful gaze from her huge bra-clad knockers, which trembled heavily as she stepped up to him and took the baby. "Thanks, honey," she said.

"Anything else I can do to help?" he asked, wanting to stick around as long as he could. "Not unless your lactating," Stacey answered with a teasing wink..

"Hold on, let me check," Charlie joked, lifting his shirt and squeezing his nipple. "Nope nothing."

Stacey laughed, letting her eyes drift all over his lean chest. "If I squeezed my nipple like that I'd have milk shooting out all over the place."

She reached down to unfasten her bra-cup, but paused for a moment. "Areyoucrazy?!Youcan't dothiswithyoursonstandingrighttherewatching,"she told herself.

She undid the clip anyway and let the enormous melon come spilling out. "Hogwash!I'mnursing ababy,notputtingonsomestrip-teaseshow.Thisisperfectlynatural.There'snothingsexual aboutitatall,"she rationalized.

Yet her gawking boy was imagining that it was HIS mouth preparing to feast on her bounteous bosoms. Before his sister could latch on, he decided to add upon her earlier comment. "Would it really shoot out like that?"

"What?" Stacey asked, curiously looking back at him. "Your nipple. Would it really shoot out all over the place?"

She smiled, amused and intrigued by his interest. "A woman has as many as nine milk ducts surrounding her nipple, so yes, if I squeezed it, milk would would likely come squirting out in every direction," she giggled.

"Could I see that?" he bravely asked.

Stacey hesitated a moment. "Don'tbeaprude.Lactationisanaturalprocess,"she told herself.


"Let me get your sister started with this one, then I'll show you on the other."

Charlie watched his Mom position the baby at her tit. Once she was hungrily feasting away, Stacey unfastened the other cup and the gawking teen watched the second boob bobble out

heavily. "Whoa!"he inwardly sighed, amazed at the sheer enormity of her tits.

Stacey was equally enamoured by the size of her son's cock-bulge. She knew her clitoris was abnormally fat and began to wonder if she passed these "size" genes on to her son. "James was simply left out of the equation," she thought to herself. "Charlie and I are both extremely attractive, have unusually large endowments and we both have extremely high sex-drives. We were cut from the same cloth."

The mother glanced down at the floor at her feet. "Do you wanna kneel down where you can see it better?" she asked.

The boy happily obliged, kneeling down in front of her.

Stacey's heart raced as she hefted her big tit-melon, raising it up so that her stiff fleshy nipple- nub pointed straight at him. Her areola had hardened some as well, becoming a large thick dark circle of rubbery tissue, dotted with mammary-glans.

"Ready?" she asked with a cute smile. "Yep."

Cupping her boobs, she sunk her fingers into her swollen tit-meat. Her nipple puffed up and milk began squirting out in thick streams going every direction. Some even spouted from the end, spraying on to her son's chest.

"Whoa!" the teen exclaimed.

Stacey laughed. She didn't expect to soak him. "Oh my Gosh! Sorry honey," she said. "That's ok. Man you weren't kidding. The milk really squirts out everywhere."

"Told you," Stacey said.

"Can I taste some?" he brazenly ask.

Stacey's clitoris tingled. She looked towards the doorway, hoping her husband didn't walk by and see both her tits out. "Honey, the milk is for the baby and that really wouldn't be too appropriate," she replied.

"I understand," the boy said in a disappointed tone. "Dang, I should have just opened my mouth when you squirted it. I could have caught some."

Stacey laughed. "Try explaining that one to your father if he just happened to walk by," she said. "Yea, that might have been awkward," the teen said, standing back up.

Stacey's eyes immediately went to the erection pushing his shorts out. "Goodheavens,Icansee theshapeofthetipbulgingout.Itmustbeincrediblyhard,"she thought.

Charlie noticed his mom checking out his bulge. He clenched his ass, making his hardon flex and stretch the fabric of his shorts even more. He was delighted to see her eyes widen and her mouth open slightly in awe. Then she glanced up at him shamefully.

"Stacey?" her husband called from down the hallway.

The mother quickly squeezed the tit she wasn't nursing with back in her bra. "Down here, honey," she answered back, then looked at her son. "Charlie, maybe you should um, head to your room for a bit," she said, glancing again at his boner, so he got the point.

"Oh, right, probably should," he muttered, then put his hands down over his hard dick in an attempt to conceal it while walking past his father.

Stacey had a conversation with her husband, but her mind was a million miles away. She had a lot of unanswered questions that secretly intrigued her.

"Exactly how large is Charlie's manhood?" "Howmanysessionsofmasturbationadaydoessuchalargemeatysexorganlikehisrequire?" "Willhevisitmyroomtosatisfyhispenisagaintonight?" "WhatifheknewIWOULDN'Twakeup.Howfarwouldhedaretogo??"

"Stacey?" her husband said, raising his voice to snap her from wonderland.

"Huh? Oh sorry, honey...I was just trying to remember something," she lied, showing a tinge of shame.

"I just asked if there was anything you needed before I left for work." "Oh, no, I think I'm good," she said with a sweet smile.


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