Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 613 - Chasing Up

Chapter 613 Chasing Up

Lu Xuan looked serious and left the top of the snowy mountain.

“I’ll come!”

In the front hall of Shengxue Region, Gong Dadan hid behind the pillar with dragon design, watching the two fighting figures in the field with a pale face.

She was wrong!

Not everyone was as good as Senior Su. She should have not let this person in, if she had known that he would conflict with the Lord of Shengxue Sect.


Gong Dadan saw that the Lord of Shengxue Sect was unstable, backing dozens of steps and leaning on the steps of the main hall before stopping. But the male practitioner didn’t even take a step back.

It was obvious who was more powerful!

“Our old ancestor will be here soon. Ling Li, aren’t you going to leave?!”

The Lord of Shengxue Sectsaid in a deep voice. Gong Dadan looked at the male practitioner who was polite to her when she showed his way before. Unexpectedly, this person…was actually the Lord of Evil Ling Li?!

Ling Li frowned slightly, “Lord of Shengxue Sect, you know that I don’t want to make trouble. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have the chance to stand here and talk to me now! I just want to know whether Su Jiuzhou is here or not.”

The Lord of Shengxue Sect sneered, “How do I know the whereabouts of Su Jiuzhou? This time you forcibly broke into my sect. Even if you make trouble in front of the Lord of Shengtian Shrine, I am justified.”

Ling Li felt that his identity of Shengtian Shrinewas more of a hindrance. With his notoriety outside before, it was hard to let anyone believe that he had broken away from Shengtian Shrine.

“I’ll say it again for the last time. I just want to know the whereabouts of Su Jiuzhou. This matter has nothing to do with Shengtian Shrine. Where is she?”

“I will also say it again for last time.”

The voice of an old man came from outside the hall. Lu Chun strode forward with cold eyes, “Ling Li, you know that there is profound hatred between Shengtian Shrineand Shengxue Sect. For the sake of Fate Palace, I will give you a time of three breaths to leave here. If you don’t leave, we will turn nasty!”

Ling Li turned around and stared at Lu Chun, with golden light flashing in his eyes, “What if I say no?”

“Too obstinate!”

Lu Chun wore a coldface and pointed up with one hand. Suddenly, the surroundings changed. The hall disappeared and it was replaced by an ice-covered land, with a blizzard sweeping through with thick murderous intent.

With a flick of Ling Li’s right hand, a golden flying sword appeared on his palm. As he pointed to the void, the golden light flashed through the void, and the blizzard was cut open in the middle, turning into fragments of wind and snow and drifting away.

“My region method was broken so easily? This is not the warring method of Shengtian Shrine!”

Lu Chun’s mind trembled slightly. He merged into the void and frowned. He felt that this method looked familiar, but he did not remember where he had seen it before.

“Is this the realm of a Junior Emperor?”

Ling Li stretched out his hand, and the golden flying sword fell onto his palm. His eyes were cold. He walked slowly on the ice surface and said,

“The Junior Emperoris not as strong as I thought. Lu Chun, you are old and not suitable for fighting. I came to your sect only for Su Jiuzhou, but not for other things. Why are you so stubborn? If you tell me where Su Jiuzhou is, I will leave immediately.”


Lu Chun’s elderly laughter echoed in the ice region. “Lord of Evil, although the power of Shengxue Region is not as strong as that of it in the ancient times, we have never bow to Shengtian Shrine. I did not expect that your power could rival a Junior Emperor and you could become a prodigy. But so what? Even if I am killed, I won’t let Fate Palace harm Qingshui Circle again!”

Ling Li felt helpless, “I have separated myself from Shengtian Shrine. This time, I’m here only for my private affairs.”

“Hahaha… Ling Li, don’t you look down on me and cheat me?”

Lu Chun didn’t believe him at all.

Ling Li looked sullen and thought that he didn’t have any time to waste.

“Do I nail your lie? Are you ashamed into anger?”

Lu Chun laughed freely, spitting out a ball of snow pneuma which merged into the region. The gradually calmed ice region shook suddenly, and then…the overwhelming wind and snow came fiercely!

The ice and snow, as sharp as a blade, shining with cold light!

“Lu Chun, don’t push me so far.”

Ling Li said calmly. With a wave of his hand, the golden flying sword flickered and split into five, spinning at a high speed before him and shielding him from the wind and snow.

His one side was the calm ice region, and the other was the violent snowstorm. Ling Li, who was in the middle, stood tall and straight effortlessly.

Such a harmonious picture with bold contrast.

“Since I enter the sect, I have been explaining and defending. Now that you insist on doing this, I…will attack.”

At this point, the five small swords, rotating in front of Ling Li, suddenly rushed upward in the teeth of the wind and snow of the entire ice region… The wind and snow along the way were crushed to pieces!

Lu Chun’s pupils shrank largely. This kind of power… Ling Li’s power was higher than that of he expected!

“No! The Lord of Evil possesses this kind of power! Is it possible that he has had an adventure in Shengxian Mountain? Sister Qing is not in the sect, and I have angered him now. If he breaks my region, Shengxue Sect will be in danger!”

Thinking of this, Lu Chun gave a resolute look. His white hair flew in the air automatically. He conjured up an ice blade, aiming at his own chest.

At this time—


There was a hint of anger in the cold shout, and there was also a kind of power that Ling Li and Lu Chun could not understand in it. This power disintegrated the golden sword power and the ice region out of a sudden, and the region was shattered.

The two people slowly landed from the void, reappearing in the hall. Gong Dadan looked at them excitedly.

“Elder Chun, I’m here.”

Su Li appeared and saw Ling Li with bright eyes. She frowned faintly and turned to look at Lu Chun who was panting lightly, “Elder Chun, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Seeing Su Li, Elder Chun smiled and shook his head, “I’m useless because I am old. The Lord of Evil has become more powerful. You have to be careful.”

Su Li nodded slightly. Then she turned around and said blankly, “Are you looking for me?”

Ling Li stared at her and immediately nodded, “Yes!”

“Then come with me, and remember to apologize to Elder Chun.”

Su Li turned around and left. Lu Chun was puzzled. This was not what he had imagined.


Ling Li immediately walked to Lu Chun, “I’m sorry to trespass on Shengxue Sect this time. I apologize to you. Since I have found Su Jiuzhou, I won’t stay here.”

After speaking, Ling Li turned around and left. The Lord of Shengxue Sectand Lu Chun was in a daze.

Shouldn’t there be a fight between Ni Sect and Shengtian Shrinewhen they met each other? Why did Ling Li listen to Su Jiuzhou obediently?

Walking to the threshold of the palace, Ling Li suddenly stopped and said,

“Although you don’t believe me… I did break away from Shengtian Shrine. I and Fate Palace are at daggers drawn hereafter. It’s my sworn enemy. Goodbye!”

Gong Dadan hid behind the pillar, watching Ling Li disappear. She couldn’t help but admire him.

The Lord of Evil was handsome when he was serious!

Not long after Su Li and Ling Li flew out of Shengxue Sect, Su Li stopped and turned around to look at Ling Li with a fixed gaze, “Lord of Evil, you are really omnipotent. Few people know my whereabouts. How did you follow me here?!”

Hearing her cynicism, Ling Li frowned, “Su Jiuzhou, you know I am not the Lord of Evil of Shengtian Shrine now. Why bother to mention the old things again?”


Su Li sneered, “Mention the old things? I just tell the truth! Do you really think that…you can wash away all your sins through breaking away from Shengtian Shrine? And even see your wife with a clear conscience?”

“I do not mean that.”

Ling Li covered his heart. Every word of Su Jiuzhou was like a knife stabbing into his heart. But he still had things to ask her, so he couldn’t be angry.

“Then what do you mean?”

Su Jiuzhou turned her back to him. Her eyes became a little red, but her tone was still as indifferent as before.

“You don’t need to explain that to me. I’m not your wife. Don’t follow me and don’t go to Ni Sect to find me. I took Linli Building back. You… You are not worthy of the leader of Linli Building. So, mind your own business.”

Seeing that Su Li was about to leave, Ling Li changed his face slightly and stepped forward to grab Su Li by her shoulder. But Su Li showed cold eyes and punched him over the face.


He was downed heavily into the snow.

The reddish luster in Su Li’s eyes disappeared, and the ice and snow covered her eyes. “Don’t touch me. You…only make me feel sick. If you dare to touch me again, I will kill you!”


The sound in the night sky trailed away.

After a while, Ling Li crawled out of the snow, wiping the frozen blood at the corner of his mouth and hissing softly.

At this moment, there were thousands of doubts in his heart, but there was no one who he could ask.

How did Su Jiuzhou practice to such level?

Since his bloodline was awakened, his power had been improved day by day. Compared to the original power combining with Lihen Sword before, his power was much stronger now. But he couldn’t just dodge Su Jiuzhou’s attack.

And…she clearly saw everything about him from the end of the divine awareness. It could be said that Su Jiuzhou knew him better than himself. But why did Su Jiuzhou still hate him so much?

Just because he killed too many practitioners?

But in the cultivation circle, there were only killing and being killed. Since most practitioners had stepped into this circle, they had no choice. Su Jiuzhou should also understand that.

“It’s really hard to figure out women’s thoughts.”

After a moment of contemplation, Ling Li looked up at the sky where Su Li had left.

“Is this direction to Fenglei Holy Sect?”

However, Su Li did not go too far. She stopped at Meizong Sect not far from Shengxue Region. She didn’t see Lu Yan (Snow Child) in Shengxue Sect. After inquiring, she knew that the kid had gone to Meizong Sect to see Xuan Meiji in the past few days.

Since Tian Meiji was captured by her, the people of Meizong Sect visited Ni Sect several times. But they failed to see her. Fate Palace didn’t dare to menace sect. So, Meizong Sect was discouraged and seemed to give up Tian Meiji. They started to train Xuan Meiji instead.

However, even if Meizong Sect kept silence, it did not mean that this issue had been solved. Since Tian Meiji bewitched Zhao Qianlin to kill Qiao’er, Su Li wouldn’t forgive Tian Meiji easily.

After thinking for a moment, Su Li started the All Spirits Tactics—

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