Legend of the Asura

Chapter 128: Light and dark magic

Chapter 128: Light and dark magic

Ring of Light: Support Spell.  Creates a ring of light using light energy around the user, strengthening their abilities.

Effects: HP Recovery +100, Magic Recovery +100, HP Recovery +10%, MP Recovery +10%, Light Resistance +10%, and Abnormal Status Resistance +10%.  Costs 10 MP and lasts for ten minutes.  Has no cooldown.

Sacred Light Cross Spin: A basic Light Attack Spell.   Only someone with a Demon Gods Body and very high perception can learn this.  Creates a cross with the user as the center and attacks all enemies surrounding the user.

Effect: A spinning cross attack based around the user that hits enemies within two meters.  The user can move while attacking and each attack deals the normal amount of damage from a single attack, while also adding 50 light damage.  The Sacred Light Cross Spin can last for five seconds, but it cant attack the same enemy twice.  Costs 30 MP.  Has no cooldown.

Ring of Darkness: Support Spell.  Creates a ring of darkness around the user using dark energy, strengthening their abilities.

Effects: Attacks have an added 5% chance to inflict cursed status, Darkness Resistance +10%, Curse Resistance +30%, Bloodlust status will be negated.  Costs 10 MP and lasts for ten minutes.  Has no cooldown.

(Cursed effect: -20 luck when cursed.  It can let all players, NPCs, and mobs fall into a state of misfortune.  The curse will last for over an hour and cant be cured.

Misfortune effects: No crits and no drops when fighting mobs.  There is a higher chance of attacks critting when being hit and higher chance of missing attacks.  Monsters have a higher chance of using unique skills, life skill success ratio will fall to 0, and the user will easily fall into traps.)

Dark Soul Eater Slash: A basic Dark Attack Spell.   Only someone with a Demon Gods Body and very high perception can learn this..  Releases an attack with dark bloodsucking power, attacking an enemy while also draining their HP and MP.

Effect: Single target attack, dealing two normal attacks which also adds 50 darkness damage and has a 5% chance of inflicting curse status.  50% of the damage will be converted to the users HP and MP.  Costs 30 MP.  Has a 10 second cooldown.

Its another two attributes awakening and four powerful skills!  They really are powerful, but why arent there any death attributed attack skills?

The Sacred Light Cross Spin could let him run while also attacking enemies around him and the Dark Soul Eater Slash could save his life in a crucial moment.

Waner, tell me, how do I release the fourth seal?  Feng Xiao calmly asked.

Fourth seal

Hei, hei, Waner, youre finally talking to me.  You werent willing to say anything no matter what I said before.

So..Sorry big brother Feng, Waner really was sad just now.  Xuanyuan Waners voice had a bit of panic in it.

Waner, you have to learn how to forget about bad things!  Alright, tell me what the next condition is?  It should be harder than the Radiant Sacred Dragons Tear, right?

Yes, its much harder.  It isnt too much to say that its simply going against the heavens.

It was as he expected.  Feng Xiao gave a secret sigh.  The first time was him being lucky enough to be sent into the qilins residence and the second time was even more luck that forced him to have no choice but to jump into the abyss.

Would this kind of luck really continue?

Waner, what is it?

The Vermilion Birds Soul Flame.

Vermilion Bird?  The southern Vermilion Bird of the four sacred beasts!

Is it finding the Vermilion Bird and then having it use its Soul Flame skill?

It should be like this.

Good!  Feng Xiao said with a confident look, The Vermilion Bird is in the southernmost part of the Heavenly Dragon Continent, two months is enough to reach that place.  As long as were there, we will definitely find it.

But..is a sacred beast really that easy to find?  Xuanyuan Waner clearly wasnt as optimistic as Feng Xiao.

Relax, even if I have to search every corner of the south, I will definitely find it..But Waner, although this is hard, it feels like its easier than the first two.  Xuanyuan Waner never called the first two conditions heaven defying, why would she call this relatively simple condition heaven defying?

But no matter what, at least the goal was clear unlike the first two.

No!  Big brother Feng, the Vermilion Bird is easy to find, but the Soul Flame is too hard.  The Soul Flame, the Vermilion Bird can only use it once in its lifetime and the Vermilion Birds root of flame energy will disappear after it uses it, causing its body and soul to be completely void.  In the end, the Vermilion Bird will die.

Vermilion Bird..will die?

Using the life of the Vermilion Bird to break one of the Xuanyuan Swords seals..Feng Xiao revealed a bitter smile.  He thought that this was too absurd and even not worth it.

Then again, even if he found the Vermilion Bird, would it agree?  Feng Xiao would rather believe that a cockroach could flatten an elephant.

Big brother Feng, do you think that this is too unrealistic, too impossible?  Xuanyuan Waner said in a low voice.

Feng Xiao nodded before suddenly shaking his head and saying with a serious look, I did think that earlier, but I just thought it through, as if there was divine intervention in the dark.  My feelings are telling me that I would regret it if I gave up thinking that its impossible.  So I will definitely go to the south and I will go very soon.

Even if I fail, I wont regret it.  I can consider it as a vacation.

Big brother Feng..you really are good.  Thank you.  Xuanyuan Waner who was in a bit of despair suddenly felt invigorated by Feng Xiaos confidence.  At the same time, she wanted to cry after being touched by him.

Other than mama, big brother Feng treats me best.

Ding!  Player Yao Dreams of Loving Wind has sent a system announcement

Yaos system announcement?  Feng Xiao was surprised as he piqued his ears.

......Many thanks for everyones interest in my Loving Wind Pavilion, but the Loving Wind Pavilion was set up for girls and will only recruit girls.  They have to be girls who are on the beauty rankings.  I apologize for wasting everyones time.

Girls?  Girls on the beauty ranking?

What was Yaoer doing?

Could it be that she thought that his companions were too lacking?  Or was there another reason?

He would have to ask her at dinner or he would spank her if she didnt answer!

Feng Xiao opened his inventory and started sorting through the spoils of the small Swift Thunder Swallowing Beast.

The drops of an Immortal Beast really were quite good, there were over ten items with different glows, but what Feng Xiao was depressed about was that not to mention Divine or Immortal Items, there wasnt even a Spiritual Item.  At most there were just some random things.

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