Legend of the Asura

Chapter 139: Protected forest

Chapter 139: Protected forest

Feng Xiao felt that 200 inventory spaces still werent enough.  Other than the space for his special items and scrolls, as well as the space for the 20 daggers that he bought to be used with Shadow Bind, he only had around 100 spaces.  It really wasnt enough for a fellow with high drop rates like him.

Let alone the face that he had stealing skills now.

The Flying Dragon Sacred Rogue, Feng Xiao, had already determined that this was the most shameless Job.  Although there were no attack skills, whether it was the stealing skills, the diversion skill, or the stealing skill, they were all things that couldnt be defended against.  Let alone the Illusory Shadow that would increase his evasion by 70% that would make all his opponents go crazy.

When Feng Xiao became the Flying Dragon Divine Rogue and learned the ultimate skill Flying Dragon Cloud Rolling Hand, then he realized how shameless this Job really was..It was simply terrifying to the max.  If there was anyone else that had this Job, even if the opponent was weak and small, Feng Xiao wouldnt hesitate to run away.

Feng Xiao was currently in the center of the Terror Forest and in frotn of him was the large group of dazzling Gold Bosses.  These level 35 to 40 Gold Bosses, with his current level could all casually take care of him.  He could barely fight one and he would only be able to run if he faced two.

After hiding himself behind the tall grass, Feng Xiao silently took out the Thunder Soul Burst skill scroll from his inventory.

Should I use this  Feng Xiao started to hesitate.

This scroll could instantly kill all the Gold Bosses in front of him and the giant experience from over a hundred Gold Bosses would instantly bring him over level 40.

Feng Xiao thought about it for a long time, but he still put the scroll back in his inventory.

His level being five levels higher than the other people in the ranking would make the other players shocked and fill them with admiration, but if his level was too high, he would break the balance of the game and cause chaos in Rebirth.  Countless sharp spears would be pointed at him and even the Ascend Group would investigate him.  If it was like this, he would be put in a bad position.


Feng Xiaos figure disappeared on the spot without a sound.  He carefully moved through the grass and headed towards the dark cave.

As expected, Feng Xiao avoided the detection of the bosses with the Shadowless skill.  Feng Xiao was relieved and using light steps, he reached the cave.


There wasnt a barrier?

What Feng Xiao never expected was that he entered the cave without anything stopping him.  There wasnt anything that blocked him, only a faint sound.  He thought that the reason the Gold Bosses didnt enter the cave was because there was a powerful seal from the Shennong Cauldron around the entrance, so he was even prepared to destroy the seal.  If he really couldnt do it, he still had the Unbounded Needle.

There not being a seal was without a doubt the best result, but it also filled his heart with doubt.

Werent those Gold Bosses attracted by the aura of the Shennong Cauldron?  Why didnt they go in?

Feng Xiao didnt realized that after he entered the cave, the Star Engraving in his inventory gave a strange glow.  At the same time, there were several imperceivable red fissures that appeared around Feng Xiao that only disappeared after Feng Xiao entered the cave.

Calling out the Xuanyuan Sword with a thought, Feng Xiao continued forward while hiding himself.  Using 100 MP a second was completely ignored compared to his recovery rate of 1000 per second.

When the ground under his feet loosened, Feng Xiao pulled his right foot back immediately.  He carefully tested it and found that there was a staircase leading down in front of him.

Staircase?  A man made staircase?

Feng Xiao was filled with vigilance as he focused his mind to walk down the stairs.  The cave was far larger than he had imagined and he couldnt reach the end even after three minutes.

Ding, your friend Yao Dreams of Loving Wind has logged on.

Big brother, where are you?  As expected, the first thing Feng Yao did after logging on was find him.

Im in the center of the Terror Forest, the place that I gave up last time.  Im looking around now, so I might not be back for a while.  Dont worry about meOh?

Big brother, what is it?  Feng Yaos sharp senses captured the change in Feng Xiaos voice.

I seemed to have found the exit.  Ill hang up first, be good and wait for me to come back.  Feng Xiao hung up because there was light that appeared in front of him.

StairsDeepLightJust what was hidden here?

As the light came closer and closer, after a few seconds, there was a dazzling light that appeared.  Feng Xiaos stealth effect had unexpectedly disappeared as he revealed a look of disbelief.

ForestAn underground forest!

There werent any glowing stones or tools and it was impossible for it to be sunlight, but it was as bright as day here.  The trees in front of him were only around two meters tall, but they were very lush and there were many of them, covering a large area.  It wasnt an exaggeration to call it a small forest!

Feng Xiao was stunned for a long time before believing what he was seeing.  He went forward with a surprised look.  Although these trees seemed to be filled with life with their lush green leaves, looking no different from other trees, he didnt relax at all.  He opened his Souls Eyes and looked around.

Green Tree Demon: Level 45

HP: 15000

Tree demons formed from pure life energy that seem to be protecting something.  They have a strong life force and a strong recovery power.  They wont attack people, but will relentlessly kill those that try to invade.

Weakness: Fire

Fire resistance -50%, burn resistance -100%, cannot move.

Innate Skill:

Life Body: Automatically heals 300 HP per second.

Feng Xiao very quickly stopped.  The dense trees in front of him were actually monsters.  If they attacked together, he could only run away, but it was a pity that they couldnt move.

Winds Spirit!  Absolute Shadow!

Feng Xiao called out Xiao Bai and released his Absolute Shadow skill, moving as fast as lightning, charging at the tree demons.  His fast speed didnt affect his reaction speed as he quickly dodged the tree demon that only appeared for an instant, disappearing into the forest.

Feng Xiao quickly understood the strength of this protective forest.  After three Absolute Shadows, Feng Xiaos move speed returned to 110 and he still didnt make it out.  At that time, there were eight roots that flew out at him.

-192, miss, miss, -199, miss

The attack power and accuracy of the tree demons were looked down on by Feng Xiao.  Since they couldnt move and their attack range wasnt big, there were only less than ten tree demons that could attack Feng Xiao each time, which was something that he could definitely endure.

Xiao Xiao, come out and burn them all to death!

Feng Xiao called out Xiao Xiao while also having Xiao Bai charge at the nearest tree demon. A Dragon Flame Slash took half its HP and the flames started to burn the tree demon away, dealing 500 damage each time.

Feng Xiao kept going and hit each tree demon around him with a Dragon Flame Slash that would give them the burning effect.  These tree demons that feared fire couldnt take it and no longer used their roots to attack.  Very soon, the eight green tree demons had been burnt into black tree demons.

Ding, your pet Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon has reached level 1.  HP +200, MP +200, 

Physical Attack +100, Magical Attack +100, Defense +100.

Ding, your pet Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon has reached level 2

Ding, your pet Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon has reached level 8

Eight tree demons had let Xing Xing level up eight times.  Feng Xiao called out Xing Xing and had him stand on Xiao Bais back with Xiao Xiao as he rode Xiao Bai forward.

Even without the Absolute Shadow increasing his speed by ten times, the 110 move speed didnt give the tree demons any time to react.  This filled Feng Xiao with regret since he wasted the three Absolute Shadows, but he also knew that it was a good thing that it was him who came here.  If it was a normal player, they wouldnt even be able to take the tree demons attacks.  They would be exhausted to death, not to mention passing through.

An hour later, Feng Xiao was excited because he was still in the dense tree demons.  This mysterious underground forest was actually even bigger than the Terror Forest!

Two hours later

Three hours later

When Feng Xiao was about to collapse, the scene in front of him finally changed as Feng Xiao almost let out excited tears.

Because the forest was still in front of him, but the Green Tree Demons had turned into Black Tree Demons.

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