Legend of the Asura

Chapter 141: Spiritual Wood Immortal

Chapter 141: Spiritual Wood Immortal

The Phoenix Feather Lighting Eagles HP instantly recovered to max and at the same time, all the Phoenix Feather Lighting Eagle recovered from their stunned state, flying back into the air.  After circling around, they attacked Feng Xiao from different directions.

Feng Xiao almost cursed out loud.  How was he supposed to fight them like this!  They had incredibly high evasion and recovery abilities and they could even fly

It would be good if Yaoer was here.  Her Fuxi Zither could easily deal with these little birds.

Feng Xiao tightly knitted his brows and concentrated his mind as he dealt with these high speed attacks, while at the same time, he was doing all he could to think of a way to deal with them.

The sounds of feathers in the air woke up Xing Xing who was lying there asleep in front of Feng Xiao.  It looked up at the Phoenix Feather Lighting Eagle and its body that was only a bit bigger than Xiao Xiao jumped onto Xiao Bais head, pushing Xiao Xiao aside.  Then it spat out a white grey fog into the air at the two Lightning Eagles that dived down.

-6299, -6306.

Xiao Xiao that had its spot stolen wasnt willing to show any weakness.  With an angry wuka sound, the Five Elemental Saint Spirit Bead released a gray flash before releasing a black projectile that hit two Phoenix Feather Lighting Eagles, emptying their HP bar.

Seeing the display of his two pets, Feng Xiao stopped moving.  He suddenly felt that as someone who was used to taking care of all his problems himself, he normally forgot about their existence.

After patting Xing Xings head, he started giving thought orders to his two pets.  Xing Xings Dark Attributed Dark Breath and Xiao Xiaos Death Attributed Death Arrow were the nemesis of Life Attributed monsters like this.  Moreover, these were magic skills that had forced accuracy and could hit in midair.

Nether Five Elemental Saint Qilin: Eighth Grade Pet

Level: 330

HP: 1720

MP: 2580

Physical Attack: 860

Magical Attack: 1290

Defense: 860

Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger: Seventh Grade Mount

Level: 27

HP: 1480

MP: 740

Physical Attack: 740

Magical Attack: 740

Defense: 740

Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon: Divine Grade Pet

Level: 15

HP: 5000

MP: 5000

Physical Attack: 2500

Magical Attack: 2500

Defense: 2500

Due to the limitation of the green space, the Lightning Eagles couldnt fly too high, so Xing Xing and Xiao Xiaos attack range were long enough to kill one with each attack.  What Feng Xiao could do was draw in the Phoenix Feather Lightning Eagles so that they wouldnt attack Xing Xing and Xiao Xiao.

The dark dragon breath and the Death Arrow kept releasing different colours in this green space.  With the continuous attacks of Xing Xing and Xiao Xiao, the Lightning Eagles had their numbers halved, but their intelligence wasnt the same as their ability.  They could only chase after Feng Xioa and they didnt even look at the two enemies that threatened them the most.

Feng Xiao couldnt remember how long it had been since he had a potion, but now he had drank two level bottles of level 30 super potions.  These Lightning Eagles had incomparably fast attack speed and each attack was a locked attack which made him hard to dodge.  After five rounds of attacks, his HP was already close to empty.

Seeing his close to empty HP, Feng Xiao was finally prepared to throw his daggers, throwing out two daggers at once.  The two daggers stabbed into the shadows on the ground and two Lightning Eagles were frozen in the air.  This greatly reduced the pressure on Feng Xiao as his HP quickly recovered, which gave him more than enough HP to deal with the other four Lightning Eagles.

The dark dragon breath and the Death Arrow took care of the two Lightning Eagles that were stuck in place before taking care of the rest.  Feng Xiao let out a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he didnt dare underestimate the following trials.

If it wasnt for Xing Xing and Xiao Xiao, he would have already failed the first trial.

Should I also play around as a mage?  Seeing the Lightning Eagles being easily dealt with by Xing Xing and Xiao Xiao without them even releasing their unique skills, Feng Xiao was a bit envious.  In front of this monster with shamelessly high evasion, his attacks were useless.

There was a white light that formed a gate in the barrier in front of him.  Feng Xiao took a deep breath before slowly riding Xiao Bai through it.

The first trial was already this much, what would be waiting for him?

With a flash of white light, the scene in front of him changed.  It was still the green world, but there were several green balls of light that were floating around like dandelion seeds in the wind, drifting without any rules.

This illusory scene made Feng Xiao feel a bit surreal and he couldnt help wanting to take out a camera to take a picture of this unbelievable scene.

Ding, second trial.  Eliminate all the Spiritual Wood Immortals.

Feng Xiao quickly focused his mind and his eyes became sharp.  The second trial, there was no need to think about it to know that it would be more difficult than the first.

Five white shadows appeared ten meters in front of Feng Xiao.  Seeing their appearance, Feng Xiao almost did a spit take.

Five green bamboos with a white western style suit along with a thick tie and small green hats on their heads.  They had tiny bamboo arms sticking out of their sleeves that also had bamboo leaves on them.  The pant legs also had two thin bamboo legs coming out that mysteriously kept their bodies balanced.

This is the Spiritual Wood Immortal?  Faced with these cleanly dressed bamboos, Feng Xiaos nervousness completely disappeared.

Spiritual Wood Immortal:

Level: 45

HP: 800000

A spiritual tree formed from the purest life energy.  Legends say that its life force will never be extinguished.

Weakness: Fears fire, dark, and death attacks.

Innate Skills:

Goddess of Life Blessing: Immediately heals any HP lost.


Bamboo Thorn: Wields its own arm to attack enemies.  The attack isnt strong, but it is quick.

Eight hundred thousand HPImmediate recovery

This really was an immortal!!

Feng Xiao urged Xiao Bai to charge at the closest Spiritual Wood Immortal and released a Dragon Flame Slash at the white suit.

-3422, -6802, -6822.

The Dragon Flame Slash had dealt around twenty thousand damage to the Spiritual Wood Immortal and there was a black sliver that appeared on the Spiritual Woord Immortals HP bar, but then there was a dazzling green number that appeared above its head.


The Spiritual Wood Immortal followed up with an attack, hitting Feng Xiao with two Bamboo Thorns, dealing around three hundred damage.

Big brother Feng, what do we do?  It seems like we can only kill them if we have a few seconds.  Xuanyuan Waner said in a worried voice.  Dealing over eight hundred thousand damage, that definitely wasnt something that Feng Xiao could do.

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