Legend of the Asura

Chapter 143: Time Nightmare (1)

Chapter 143: Time Nightmare (1)

If he met this group of bloodsucking mosquitoes before, Feng Xiao would have chosen to run away while having Xiao Xiao attack them with Wind Magic.  But now he looked at them with disdain and raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

Sacred Light Cross Spin!

There was a sacred white light that appeared around the Xuanyuan Sword.  Then as Feng Xiao turned, along with Xiao Bai underneath him, the human and tiger turned into a glowing tornado that charged into the mosquitoes.  The mosquitoes that touched the white light were all killed and the ones that were lucky enough to evade it were slowly taken care of by Xiao Xiaos Wind Magic.

These pitiful mosquitoes of the Terror Forest that all other beasts feared, they didnt even touch the enemy before being taken care of.  The Golden Bloodsucking Mosquito that didnt have much HP left was taken care of with two Dark Breath from Xing Xing.  The large amount of experience made Xing Xing reach level 20, bringing his attack power even beyond Feng Xiaos, but his appearance didnt change and he didnt show any signs of becoming a dragon.

Feng Xiao was a bit envious of Xing Xings stats.  This fellows growth rate was just too terrifying.  His attack power had increased by 100 at level 1 and at level 20, his attack power had reached 3000, with the magic attack being double that.

Feng Xiao picked up the two pieces of Gold Equipment and the medium level gems that the Golden Bloodsucking Mosquito dropped.  As for its body, Feng Xiao wasnt interested in harvesting it.

What could he get from a mosquito?  It would be disgusting to look at.

When the gate opened in front of him, Feng Xiao was surprised.

This was the third trial?  Isnt this too easy?  Feng Xiao was doubtful for a while before entering the gate.

With a flash of light, Feng Xiao was surprised to find that the scene hadnt changed, as if he found himself in a duplicate space.  There were still the same three pure green trees.

When the black figures fell, there were two of them this time.

Hell Spider: Level 35 Gold Boss

HP: 30000

A nine clawed spider from hell.  Its attacks have a terrifying instant death effect.

Weakness: Fears light attacks.

Skills: Bewitching Thread, Terrifying Thread Slash.

Golden Black Widow: Level 35 Gold Boss

HP: 26000

The king of poisonous spiders, incomparably poisonous.  Its attacks have a 100% chance of inflicting poison.

Weakness: Fears light attacks.

Skills: Poisonous Thread, Fatal Gas Cloud.

It was Gold Bosses again and there were two of them.  Feng Xiao thought for a bit before already thinking of a way to deal with them, so he patted Xiao Bai to go forward.

Beast King Roar!

Xiao Bais roar could shock all living beings, even these giant spiders werent an exception.  The two stunned spiders immediately fell onto the ground.  Feng Xiao didnt let this chance go as he already sent out a Dragon Flame Slash without any courtesy.  Xing Xing and Xiao Xiao at the same time and Xiao Bai wasnt willing to fall behind, so it called down a purple bolt of lightning.

-1806, -3200, -1823, -4650, -1854, -1120.

These six figures appeared above the Hell Spiders head and half of its HP was gone.  The attacks of the human and three beasts didnt stop and the Hell Spider that didnt have time to attack in these three seconds had turned into a dead spider.

Its no wonder Confucious says that more people means more power.  Feng Xiao curled his lips as he sent a Wind Wheel Slash at the Golden Black Widow that had just woken up.

Peng, peng!  The Golden Black Widows body that was about to move stopped as a ZZZ symbol appeared above its head.

......This kind of luck.  Looking at the Golden Black Widow that had fallen asleep, the four who didnt understand the rules of the Jianghu suddenly threw out attacks at will.

The Golden Black Widows situation was a bit better than the spider that died before.  It was able to send out the Fatal Gas Cloud that spread over five meters before it died.

Ding, your mount Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger has reached level 28

Ding, your pet Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon has reached level 21

The only one that was poisoned was Feng Xiao.  Xiao Xiao who had the essence of a sacred beast and Xing Xing who had the potential of a sacred beast ignored all debuffs, while the mount Xiao Bai ignored all attacks.

Feng Xiao quickly understood why this skill was called the Fatal Gasa Cloud as there was a -600 that kept appearing above his head.  He was even prepared to use the Spiritual Wood Immortal Leaf, but it was a good thing that the poison disappeared after ten seconds.

He picked up the Gold Equipment and gems off the ground and after waiting for his HP to recover and Xiao Bais cooldown to end, Feng Xiao entered the gate.

There was already a bad premonition in his heart.

The same scene, the same three trees, the only difference was that there were three Gold Bosses this time.

Feng Xiao tightly knitted his brows.  The scene in front of him had proven that his guesses were right.  Each time that he went to a new stage, there would be a Gold Boss added in.  Based on this, when he reached the final stage, just how many would there be

Moreover, the Gold Bosses were clearly the ones that had appeared outside the cave.

Golden Winged Bat: Level 35 Gold Boss

HP: 32000

Skills: Bloodsucking Fang, Sound Wave Shock.

Golden Mantis: Level 35 Gold Boss

HP: 30000

Skills: Golden Sickle, Silent Sickle, Death Cut.

Golden Scorpion Wasp: Level 35 Gold Boss

HP: 28000

Skills: Consecutive Stinger Stab, Chaotic Bee Dance.

Feng Xiao took a deep breath as he calmed himself.

Three of themI have to use the Yama Wave and the Time Domain.

The three Gold Bosses came at Feng Xiao from different altitudes, but there was a soul shocking roar that came out right when they were about to reach their target.

The four of them charged forward and tormented the Golden Mantis to death.  Three seconds later, Feng Xiao used the Asura Yama Wave to free the other two and continued taking care of the Golden Scorpion Wasp.

With the flash of a dagger, the Golden Winged Bats shadow was firmly pinned to the ground.  It couldnt move, let alone fly away.

The angered Golden Winged Bat let out a sharp cry and with a flap of its wings, it let out a multi coloured glow that attacked the enemies charging at it.

Sound Wave Shock: Non-attributed magic attack.

Sends out a seven coloured sound wave that deals a fatal blow to the enemys soul.  Attack has a 100% chance of knocking enemies back.  Has a 20 second cooldown.

Peng, peng, peng peng!

The one human and three beasts were sent flying and Feng Xiao was knocked off Xiao Bai.  He quickly took a super health potion and then sent Xiao Xiao who only had a sliver of HP left back into the pet space before charging forward with Xiao Xiao.

Fighting a level 35 Gold Boss, Feng Xiao definitely wouldnt dare to do it alone, but it was another story with Xing Xing.

After three Dragon Flame Slashes and Dark Breaths, the Golden Winged Bat couldnt be more dead and Feng Xiaos HP had been brought down by half by the Bloodsucking Fang.

Ding, congratulations to player Wind Spirit on reaching level 35

Ding, your pet Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon has reached level 22

Another leaf door opened and gritting his teeth, Feng Xiao went in.  This time he was facing four level 35 Gold Bosses.

He put Xing Xing and Xiao Bai back into the pet space before charging at the four giant ants alone.  The four giant ants of different colours charged at him together.

This was what he wanted to see and Feng Xiao couldnt help revealing a cold smile.

Xuanyuan Sacred Flames!

When they came close, Feng Xiao called out as he was covered in a golden glow, causing his attack to surge to 5028.  After releasing the Xuanyuan Swords third seal, the Xuanyuan Sacred Flames duration had increased to 30 seconds and the invincibility state had increased to 3 seconds.

With those three seconds of invincibility, he didnt hesitate as he released a Shattering Ice Slash at the four golden ants.

-14533, -13046, -12865, -14865.

Four attacks hit Feng Xiao, but they didnt deal any damage.  Three seconds later, Feng Xiao had used three Shattering Ice Slashes to kill all four golden ants without a single exception.

Quickly picking up the items, Feng Xiao charged to the next door as fast as he could.

Come!  Let me see the limit of the trial!

Before the five black figures could even take form, Feng Xiao had already charged forward.

Absolute Time Domain!

The time in the surrounding twenty meters stopped.  Feng Xiao charged forward with a serious look as he kept releasing ice flowers.

Although the five Gold Bosses were scattered, Feng Xiao could still hit three of them with each Shattering Ice Slash.  Three seconds later, three golden cobras had become corpses as soon as they appeared.  Then Feng Xiao opened up another Time Domain and stopped time for three seconds, taking care of the other two Gold Bosses.

When the Xuanyuan Sacred Flames doubt attack and crit chance effect disappeared, Feng Xiao fell to the ground on his butt.  He had now used up all his trump cards, but he had to face six Gold Bosses.

The fifteen bosses that he had killed before not only gave him thirty pieces of Gold Equipment and 500 prestige, but it also saved him two days of leveling as it raised him to level 35.  Xiao Xiao had also reached level 34, Xiao Bai had reached level 29, and Xing Xing had reached level 25.

This kind of luxurious training, it was something that normal people didnt even dare think about.

But if this method was placed in front of everyone, there were only a few people who could enjoy it.

Feng Xiao let out a long sigh of relief before logging off.

He would keep going tomorrow.

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