Legend of the Asura

Chapter 145: Time Nightmare (part 3)

Chapter 145: Time Nightmare (part 3)

Touching the water mark on the chest, Feng Xiao gave a sigh.

Yaoer, what kind of sad dream will make you cry like this?

Three years ago, as long as they were home, Feng Yao would find that her pillow was moist. No one knew why, but when she suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, she would find tears on her face and there would be a strange suppression and sadness in her heart.

Over the past three years, Feng Yao gradually learned to ignore this and put all her thoughts on Feng Xiao, but that left a mark in Feng Xiaos heart.

Breakfast was a simple congee. There were faint red marks on Feng Yaos face and her beautiful eyes didnt dare look right at Feng Xiao. Not only was there was look of deep love in her eyes, there was a bit of shyness.

Big brother, did you encounter something that made you unhappy last night? Feng Yao couldnt help asking because she knew him well and he clearly had an unhappy look on his face yesterday.

I encountered a trialI have to face many Gold Bosses at the same time and I cant leave if I cant beat the trial. Feng Xiao replied as doubt filled his heart.

Its like this. Is it the over a hundred bosses that we met in the Terror Forest before? Feng Yao knitted her brows. Although she had blind faith in her big brother, if he was really facing all of them at the same time

Feng Xiao nodded with a bitter smile before simply narrating what happened yesterday.

If the Shennong Cauldron trial really wanted him to face over a hundred Gold Bosses, then the final trial would mean fifteen or sixteen Gold Bosses at once.

Too crazy! Feng Xiao angrily drank his congee.

Big brother, can I go in and help? Feng Yaos beautiful eyes were filled with worry. Although she knew that it wasnt too possible, she still asked with a bit of expectation.

Feng Xiao shook his head, It would be much easier to take care of them with Yaoers help, but the space is completely sealed, so no one can come in or go out.

Feng Yao revealed a disappointed and worried look as she softly bit her lip.

When Feng Xiao logged on, he was still in the green space.

Waner, do you feel that there is something off with the time in this space?

The communicator and watch were on the same wristband in the game, but after he entered this green space, he found that it had lost all functions.

When he got out of bed this morning, he suddenly thought of something that he couldnt understand. It was around seven in the afternoon when he logged on yesterday and since meeting the Shennong Cauldron to killing the fifteen Gold Bosses, he had only used twenty minutes, but it was already ten when he logged off.

Feng Yao took a shower at ten each day, but his thoughts had been attracted by Feng Yao that he had ignored this.

Big brother Feng, youve finally noticed. Thats right, each second here is ten seconds in the outside world. Xuanyuan Waner replied.

This Shennong Cauldron space could be considered the interior of the Shennong Cualdron. It will slowly absorb the life force of external life and shorten the time of their existence.

So its like this!

A person that could live to a hundred could only live ten years here. Being able to make people unknowingly waste their life really was a terrifying effect.

I have to get out of here quickly!

After calling out Xiao Bai and Xing Xing, Feng Xiao charged into the gate beside him. He didnt plan on calling out Xiao Xiao since facing six Gold Bosses at the same time was seeking death.

The six giant Gold Bosses appeared in front of him. After Feng Xiao saw their stats, the final bit of confidence that he had was completely shattered.

Six! Moreover, they were all level 40 Gold Bosses!

Golden Cloud Dragon Lion: Level 40 Gold Boss

HP: 65000

Bloodthirsty and cruel with infinite power. A single lions roar will cause damage while also having a large chance to cause a stunned effect.

Roaring Saber Toothed Tiger: Level 40 Gold Boss

HP: 60000

The king of a hundred beasts, has the speed and power to crush all beasts. Doesnt have a weakness.

Golden Sawtooth Elephant: Level 40 Gold Boss

HP: 80000

High defense and high HP, with a large attack range. Its weakness is that it doesnt move that quickly.

One Horn Tearing Beast: Level 40 Gold Boss

HP: 60000

Has a 30% chance of dealing rend damage with attacks that have a very terrifying damage.

Weakness: Fears lightning attacks.

Purple Fog Swallowing Cloud Beast: Level 40 Gold Boss

HP: 62000

Any enemy that comes within five meters will fall into a blind state.

Weakness: Fears magic attacks.

Hell Rainbow Leopard: Level 40 Gold Boss

HP: 58000

The king of speed of a hundred beasts. Its fast movement and sharp claws are virtually impossible to defend against.

Feng Xiao tightly knitted his brows.

The level 35 Gold Bosses from yesterday, he and his three pets could kill one with three rounds of attacks. However, these Gold Bosses that had their HP, defense, and attack all increased, even if he were to use two Time Domains, he wouldnt be able to take care of a single one.

Against this invincible enemy, FEng Xiao quickly calmed down and used the seven attributed buffs.

There definitely is a way to deal with them!

The six Gold Bosses charged at him at the same time. In this Shennong Cauldron space, they lost all of their thoughts and only thought about exterminating the enemy. Otherwise, when facing this true beast king Xiao Bai, they wouldnt have the courage to make a move.

Feng Xiao patted Xiao Bai who turned to run. Hitting them head on would mean that he would die in an instant.

Although these Gold Bosses were strong, the only thing they had in common was that they didnt have a long range attack, so Feng Xiao was able to quickly find a way to deal with them.

He would defeat them with the difference between his speed and their speed.

ButThe Hell Rainbow Leopard was faster than Feng Xiao expected. It was only faster and not slower than him with his 110 move speed, so it came up behind him after just a few seconds. Feng Xiao gritted his teeth and stopped retreating.

Absolute Shadow!

Feng Xiao didnt retreat, but rather he went forward. Xiao Bai under him became like a white shadow as he charged at the six bosses. The Hell Rainbow Leopard only saw a flash of white before three figures appeared above its head.

-1750, -1732, -3508.

If people asked him what he excelled in, Feng Xiao would have confidently said running away. Whether it was the Time Domain, the Space Gate, the Shadow Bind, the Absolute Shadow, or the Shadowless skill, they were all skills for running away. But in this sealed space that he couldnt escape from, they turned into skills that helped his attack.

The white shadow charged forward before turning around and with another flash, it hit the Hell Rainbow Leopard from above.

The Hell Rainbow Leopard was completely angered as it went all out, attacking the figure in front of it with its sharp claws. The other five Gold Bosses all charged together and attacked this strange shadow that was surprisingly quick, but Feng Xiao easily dodged them. His only goal was the Hell Rainbow Leopard.

After dashing back and forth eight to nine times, the Hell Rainbow Leopard finally fell with a wail. Feng Xiao had also been hit by some attacks and most of his HP was gone, along with Absolute Shadows effects fading away.

Feng Xiao didnt have time to pick up the drops as he sent a Wind Wheel Slash at the Roaring Saber Toothed Tiger. Then he quickly ran to the edge of this space as the five bosses chased after him with angry roars. Since there was a difference in speed, there was a gap that was formed. The tiger was in front, the lion was behind, with the two beasts in the middle, and the elephant was in the back.

Feng Xiaos move speed was much greater, so it was impossible for him to be caught. He secretly let out a sigh of relief as he called out Xiao Xiao. Then after he created a set distance between him and the second fastest Roaring Saber Toothed Tiger, he had Xiao Xiao and Xing Xing attack it with magic.

Facing this powerful enemy that didnt have a long ranged attack and couldnt match his move speed, this guerilla strategy was the most shameless and most effective strategy.

Controlling the move speed, the Wind Wheel Slash, Dark Breath, and Thunder Flash kept being sent behind them. The Roaring Saber Tooth Tiger angrily roared out, but it couldnt do anything. Feng Xiao wasnt worried that it would evolve because of its anger. Silver Bosses had a very low chance of evolving into Gold Bosses, but Gold Bosses evolving into Immortal Beasts was like going against the heavens.

SoThe white shadow kept being chased by these mindless golden glowing beasts. Once in a while, a golden figure would disappear and there would be a laugh that came from the white figure.

This method was very despicable and shameless, but when facing an enemy that he couldnt beat, he could only use this shameless method.

Fighting head on? That was just nonsense.

Five minutes later, the Roaring Saber Tooth Tiger fell to the ground.

Fifteen minutes later, the Golden Cloud Dragon Lion fell. It had roared five times during this, but it was a good thing that he didnt fall off or get stunned.

Twenty five minutes later, the Purple Fog Swallowing Cloud Beast fell. Feng Xiaos Wind Wheel Slashes had all missed, so he had relied on Xiao Xiao and Xing Xing to hit it.

Thirty minutes later, the One Horn Tearing Beast fell.

Looking at the final Golden Sawtooth Elephant, Xiao Bai gave a roar that stunned it before suddenly turning around and Feng Xiao used the Dragon Flame Slash without hesitation.

-1028, -2040, -1038.

Golden Sawtooth Elephant had a high defense and Feng Xiao had only dealt around ten thousand damage with three attacks. Then the Golden Sawtooth Elephant hit him with its trunk and he lost around 2000 HP.

Feng Xiao complained and could only shamelessly start using guerilla warfare again. Ten minutes later, he took care of it.

Feng Xiao sat down on the ground and he kept panting. He suddenly knitted his brows.

Taking care of six Gold Bosses had taken an hour and a half, then the time in the outside world

Feng Xiao quickly logged off. When he came out of the gaming cabin, he found that Feng Yao was preparing dinner. Looking at the time, he found that he had logged off at six in the afternoon.

Feng Xiao was silent as he finally realized how terrifying the fast flow of time in the Shennong Cauldron was.

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