Legend of the Asura

Chapter 166: Ocean Heart legend

Chapter 166: Ocean Heart legend

This was the archbishops room that had an ancient kind of elegance. He slowly spread out an ancient map and said to Feng Xiao, Mister Wind Spirit, this is the map of the world fifty thousand years ago. Do you see anything different?

Feng Xiao was surprised by this. After carefully looking at it, he found that there were some extreme differences and said in a surprised voice, The Asian and American Continentswere actually linked?

In this Rebirth world, there were four continents. They were the Asian Continent, the European Continent, the American Continent, and the African Continent. The Heavenly Dragon Continent was in the center of the Asian Continent, close to the Japanese and Korean Continents, but there was a large area of sea that separated them from the American Continent. So on the day the country borders opened, if the Asian Continent wanted to reach the American Continent, they had to pass the large sea area. According to Feng Xiaos estimates, if he wasnt supported by any other items, if he used a boat, it would take at least two months.

But on this map, there was a long and narrow landmass that connected the Asian Continent to the American Continent. It was called the Link Continent, which linked the east and west.

Thats right! The archbishop gave a nod before giving a sigh, This Link Continent vanished fifty thousand years ago and the reason this continent vanished was because of the two Ocean Hearts!

What? Feng Xiao was shocked.

Mister Wind Spirit, are you interested in listening to a story?

Feng Xiao nodded.

Fifty thousand years ago was during the human and demon conflict. The demon race ran amuck at that time and the world was in disaster, but the humans fought back. Among these humans, there was a young man named Yun Nuo who was heroic with bravery and strategy, he was a person that was passionate about stopping the demon race. He was a genuine young hero and the enemy that the demon race wanted to eliminate as soon as possible.

During a battle, the demon race sent their number one beauty, Chan You, to trap Yun Nuo with a honey trap. But Yun Nuo completely ignored her and the two fought an intense battle, with neither side winning. They were both defeated by each others abilities and they agreed to fight again the next day. With this unceasing battle, the two young hearts were slowly attracted by each other. In the final battle, because of their care for each other, they were willing to fall into the abyss together.

In the abyss, Yun Nuo and Chan You put down the hatred between races and relied on each other, escaping narrow death again and again with their sentiments. It was unknown what happened between them and it was unknown what power they used to escape the certain death abyss. A month later, when they finally came out of the abyss, they couldnt leave each other.

But the humans and demons were still fighting, so a human and demon werent destined to be in love. The archbishop gave a sigh with a bit of anger in his voice.

Chan You returned to the demons and requested her freedom. After the demon race learned about this matter, they were filled with rage and reprimanded Chan You for going against the heavens, imposing a punishment of being burnt aliveYun Nuo went alone to save her after learning of this and used his power to kill hundreds of people from the demon race before dying in battle. Chan You who had been tied up was overwhelmed with grief and released an immense power to break free before committing suicide by Yun Nuos corpse.

How could it be like thisHow could it be like this

It was as if Feng Xiao could see Yun Nuos courage and determination of not leaving his lover, it was as if he could see the heart rending tears of Chan You. His heart suddenly tensed.

If it was YaoerNo! I definitely will not let Yaoer be in any danger, definitely not!

The two corpses were cremated in front of all the demons to warn all the demons against something like this ever happening again. The ashes of the two were tossed into the north and south oceans so that they could never come together again.

The archbishop reached a finger out to point at the Link Continent that connected the two continents.

Thenthese two oceans came together becausebecause

The archbishop looked at him and slowly said, This matter became a chillingly tragic and beautiful love story. When everyone thought that this was just the ending of the two, the people of the north and south banks of the Link Continent were shocked to find that without knowing when it started, the sea started encroaching on their homes. It swallowed the Link Continent quickly with each passing day.

The power of nature couldnt be stopped, so no one could stop the encroaching sea. After a thousand years, a third of the Link Continent had been covered. The people of the Link Continent were completely shocked and they all started migrating to the Asian Continent or the American Continent.

In the end, after three thousand years, the Link Continent no longer showed on the maps. Its said that the day that the north and south seas fused, all of the continents started raining at the same time. The taste of the rain was salty and they said that it was the tears of the lovers.

Legends say that that night, the Heavenly Dragon Continents greatest Holy Archbishop met Yun Nuo and Chan You in his dream. They requested the Holy Archbishop to help them find a pair of lovers that wouldnt separate even in death, to help them make up for their three thousand years of regret. They would use all they had to bless them. The next day, the Holy Archbishop woke up and found there were two ice blue rings beside him.

Ocean Heart! Feng Xiao said in a stunned voice.

The archbishop nodded, From that day forth, the church started a new custom. The lovers that came would all have to accept the trial of the Ocean Heart. However, after fifty thousand years, no one had been able to get the acknowledgement of the Ocean Hearts. Now..the desire of tens of thousands of years has finally been realized by your hands.

The archbishop looked at Feng Xiao with admiration as well as gratitude in his eyes.

Mister Wind Spirit, do you understand why they are called Ocean Heart now?

Feng Xiao nodded, The heart fused with the ocean. The emotions of the soul even moved the ocean to do something as heaven defying as swallowing a continent, all just to bring the hearts of these lovers together again.

Yes, even the oceans can be fused and a continent can be swallowed, so theres no need to mention a small sealed space! The archbishop looked at him with sparkling eyes.

I understand. Thank you, archbishop.

Feng Xiao never thought that these two beautiful rings had such a shocking and moving story. A love story that even destroyed a continent.

Mister archbishop, does the Ocean Heart have any other abilities?

Yes, of course! Although no one knows what kind of other abilities they have, if the feelings between the two are deep enough, there are all kinds of miracles that can be created. The archbishop said.

Feng Xiao nodded and prepared to leave, but then he thought of something and turned to ask, Mister Archbishop, what kind of story is behind the Mermaid Tear thats ranked second?

Mermaid Tear, it is a story about the tragic love that ended in death between a man and a mermaid. There are a total of fifteen rings and its said that they were made from the fifteen tears that came from the mermaid at the end of her life. After thirty years, there have only been three couples that have received their acknowledgement.

I understand. Thank you mister archbishop and goodbye!

May the Heavenly Dragon Goddess bless you! The archbishop brought his hands together.

Feng Xiao almost stumbled and he stabilized himself with great difficulty.

Heavenly Dragon GoddessIts already good if she doesnt kill me, but as for blessing me

Twenty minutes later, Feng Xiao entered the Heavenly Dragon Palace. He went past all the guards and entered the royal study.

Even if she was the empress, she should be in the royal study, right?

Your majesty, the Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy sir Wind Spirit is here for an audience! A maid looked at the dignified empress and reported to her in a crisp voice.

Wind Spirit? Empress Shui Yue knitted her brows. She suppressed the urge to go beat him with a club and calmly said, Let him come in.

Oh, ke, ke, Im already in. I thought that your majesty would drive me away Feng Xiao came in with a look that was asking to be beaten while also looking at the maid, Oh, this cute little sister, can I trouble you to make sure that no one else comes in?

Feng Xiaos move would charm all unknowing little girls and the maids face turned red. She obediently went to the entrance to the royal study and loyally stood there on guard for him.

Empress Shui Yue wasnt angry as she calmly said, What does sir Secret Envoy need from this one?

Shui Yue had completely changed and was no longer as innocent and willful as the princess. She had a calm look that was filled with beauty and prestige. Her light pink lips were noble and inviolable, giving her the dignity of an empress.

The golden crown on her head sparkled as countless jade beads dangled from the side, lining her face and making it even more beautiful. The empress robe made of heavenly silkworm silk was a dazzling golden colour and had all kinds of sparkling gems embellishing it, making it even more eye catching. Then there was the powerful aura that she released, as well as those cold and sharp eyes that stunned Feng Xiao.

ThisWas this really Princess Shui Yue that I almost bullied into crying?

Feng Xiaos heart was filled with the feeling that he had misunderstood her. She was born to be the empress, she was born to rule over the Heavenly Dragon Continent.

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