Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 118: The Club (6)

Chapter 118: The Club (6)


After Han-Yeol used his skill, a magic circle appeared on the ground with a small explosion and smoke rising up from it. Then, a familiar-looking demon appeared from it.


[Kihihihi! What are you looking to buy today?!]?Delchant asked with a greedy laugh.

The demon appeared to be quite enthusiastic to have been called since he had gained quite a handsome profit with the gold trade last time. He was a demon that strictly lived a capitalistic life, and it was possible to buy most items from him as long as he was paid in gold.

“Is there a way for me to temporarily call a lot of demons for a short period of time?” Han-Yeol asked.

[Hmm… A lot of demons? Temporarily?]


Delchant looked around his surroundings. He might be a non-combat demon, but that did not mean that he was weak. Clearly, he had rather sharp senses. He could sense that there were a lot of monsters in the area.

[Kihihi! This sounds fun! Well, you’re in luck as I have just the magic scroll you need. However, it’s quite expensive for a single-use item. Do you still want it?] Delchant said while raising a brow as if to openly taunt Han-Yeol.

He was seemingly asking Han-Yeol if he had the balls to spend a fortune for a single-use item.

Han-Yeol could immediately tell that the demon was openly taunting him. Although he felt like he was being mocked, he said without any hint of hesitation, “I will buy it.”

[Kihihihi! I can’t say no to a deal, right? Let’s see… The price will be ten tons of gold!]

Ten… Ten tons?!’?Han-Yeol exclaimed inwardly.

He decided to use telepathy from now on to hide the rest of the conversation from Sung-Jin.

[Kihihi! I already told you it’s going to be expensive. The item you need is not that useful for many, but that doesn’t mean it is going to be cheap!]


Han-Yeol felt his insides churn after hearing the price of the single-use item. He would have been fine if it was one or two tons of gold, but ten tons of gold was simply too much. However, this was the only way he could think of to fulfill his responsibilities as a Hunter and to bring an end to this chaos.

Nobody was going to give him a medal for resolving the situation, but he wanted to be able to stand tall in the event that people tried to criticize him for what had happened there.

Alright. I will buy it. I will pay you within a month’s time.’

[Kihihihi! Thank you for using our Delchant Store once again, human-nim!]

The demon showed utmost respect toward Han-Yeol after he purchased the item, but that only lasted for a moment. After all, Delchant was not really a courteous individual.

[Kihihi! Take this!]

Whatever the demon said next was far from courteous.


The demon threw a magic scroll to Han-Yeol.

This is it?’

[Kihihihi! That’s a magic scroll that will allow you to summon one thousand lesser demons for twenty-four hours. Hmm… There’s more to it, but it’s no fun if I tell you everything, right? You will have to find out for yourself~]

‘Isn’t that too irresponsible…?’

[That’s my style. Kihihihi!]


Delchant let out his creepy high-pitched laughter before disappearing with the sound of an explosion. Only a cloud of smoke was left behind.

That damned bastard…’?Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly.

Without many options available to him, he had summoned Delchant. To be honest, he really did not want to summon this specific demon. This demon was obviously extremely greedy, so it was hard to tell how the demon was going to backstab him. This demon also acted exactly like a stereotypical demon.

Needless to say, not all demons cared about honor and stayed true to their words like the Void Devils or Balrog.

“What’s that, Han-Yeol?” Sung-Jin asked after the demon merchant disappeared.

The fact that Han-Yeol had the ability to summon demons was already quite well known because of the news, so Sung-Jin was not all that surprised. However, he was slightly flustered when he saw the demon summoning with his very own eyes. After all, he had previously only seen it being done in videos. Also, he found the fact that the demon had given Han-Yeol something to be quite amazing.

“Ah, this one?”

“H-Hey! What are you doing?!”

Sung-Jin was shocked by what Han-Yeol did next.


Han-Yeol ripped the scroll he had received from Delchant without an ounce of hesitation.

There was no room for hesitation right now.


Then, a large purple magic circle appeared underneath Han-Yeol’s feet.



The child screamed in agony after the entire area was filled with the demonic energy from the demon world. The demonic energy was simply too strong for the child to bear.



[Kwahahaha! How long has it been since I last came to the human world?!]

[Only those pitiful summoners used to summon us, but it’s quite surprising that it’s a scroll this time.]

[B-Blood… I need blood… I’m sick and tired of monster blood… I need something fresh and new… I need blood!]


[Ha! Look at that bastard announcing to the world he is an ignorant bloodsucker.]

[What did you just say?!]

[We will only last twenty-four hours judging by the mana that called us.]

[Then we should do everything we want in those twenty-four hours!]

[Kikikiki! Kikikiiii!]


One thousand demons emerged from the magic circle. There were some that looked alike while others looked quite different from the others. In fact, some of the demons looked just like humans while some looked no different from the monsters themselves. However, all of them exuded mana that was clearly different from what a monster would exude.

Sung-Jin could not help but nervously gulp after being surrounded by the demons. Trembling uncontrollably, he was overcome by crippling fear. He was not the only one trembling as even the woman who Han-Yeol had just healed trembled in fear too.

To the woman, there was no difference between the demons and monsters. It was unsurprising that she was very fearful right now.

One of the demons approached Han-Yeol and asked, [Are you the human that summoned us?]

The demon possessed bright red skin, and there was infinite darkness in the demon’s eyes.

Han-Yeol nodded and replied, “Yes, that is correct.”

[Hoho, I’m sure you did not call us for something petty. You called one thousand of us, after all. So, human, what is it that you want to request from us? Just keep in mind that we are going to cause a scene right here if the reason does not satisfy us.]



The demons laughed in an eerie manner.

“I only require one thing from you. Please kill all of the monsters that should not exist here within twenty-four hours. You may take every single mana stone from the monsters that you successfully kill as payment.”

[Oh! That’s a very enticing offer!]


[Blood! I can finally have some blood!]

[It’s time to bathe in blood!]

[Kill them and suck them dry!]


The demons rejoiced as if someone hosted a feast for them. Blood and carnage were what all demons wanted, and the fact that the human who summoned them had given them just that was more than enough to send them into an ecstatic frenzy.

“Please commence immediately. However, you are not to hurt any humans.”

[Kiki! Don’t worry about that. We demons value our honor and we are not going to go against our contract.]

[Let’s go!]


The one thousand demons spread in all directions, and…


[Die! Die you monsters!]

Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk!

A praying mantis monster was quickly stabbed by a demon’s claw, and the monster spurted blood all over the ground. That signaled the start of the demons' one-sided massacre of the monsters.

“Excellent,” Han-Yeol said with a satisfied nod.

“W-What did you do just now?” Sung-Jin asked.

He could not understand what was happening despite seeing it with his own eyes. The abilities of the Hunters that he had seen and knew of were similar to superpowers from a movie that somewhat felt realistic, but the ability Han-Yeol had displayed was something straight out of a fantasy novel.

“I entered into a contract with the demons. They will kill all of the monsters in Seoul within twenty-four hours.”

“Is that one of your abilities…?”

“You can put it that way… I guess…?” Han-Yeol replied.

He thought to himself, ‘An ability that requires me to collect ten tons of gold in thirty days…’

He was already getting a headache just thinking about how he was going to gather ten tons of gold in that short period of time.

On the other hand, he finally felt free from his responsibilities as a Hunter. He had already contributed quite a lot, and it was now time for him to go and focus on his own business.

“Let’s go, Sung-Jin. We need to hurry and make up for the lost time,” Han-Yeol said.

“Alright, let’s go,” Sung-Jin replied while still doubting his eyes.

They went back to their van and were about to drive away…

“E-Excuse me!”

The mother of the child Han-Yeol had saved shouted while holding the child in her arms.

“What is it?” Han-Yeol asked.

“I… I cannot give you anything, but may I please know your name at least?” the woman asked.

“Ah, sure. My name is Lee Han-Yeol,” Han-Yeol replied.

He thought, ‘I’m already famous anyway, so…’

“Lee Han-Yeol-nim…”

“Then, goodbye,” Han-Yeol said with a nod before driving away in his van.

He did not have the luxury to sit around and chat as the situation at Sung Jin Factory had not been resolved yet.

Han-Yeol was able to get a good look at Seoul’s current state while driving through its streets.

The monsters tried to use their numerical advantage to fight against the demons, but he had summoned a thousand demons.

The demons were also quite clever in that they never traveled in numbers less than fifty no matter how weak the monsters were. In the end, the monsters could not use their numerical advantage and were getting one-sidedly massacred by the demons.

“Wow… The demons are really killing the monsters,” Sung-Jin said in amazement while looking out the window.

Bam! Bam!


Munch…! Munch…!

A demon grabbed a monster by its neck and devoured it alive.

[Kehehe! Delicious!]

“At least they’re worth the cost…” Han-Yeol grumbled.

“Huh? What did you say?”

“No, it’s nothing…”

Han-Yeol decided to keep the gold part a secret as Sung-Jin was definitely going to want to contribute as well.


They arrived at the familiar factory after driving for an hour. It seemed that the demons did not make it this far as there were only Hunters and monsters fighting on the streets.

Han-Yeol even used Demon Eyes to check just in case, but all that he found were a few Hunters and a lot of monsters.


Huh?! intermediate and high intermediate monsters?!’?Han-Yeol was shocked after picking up the mana of stronger monsters in this area.

“Let’s go, Sung-Jin.”


Click… Clack!

Sung-Jin checked his rifle again to overcome his nervousness.

Tak… Tak… Tak…

Han-Yeol led the way by running at a slow pace, and Sung-Jin followed right behind him. They passed the factory gates and went inside to the factory grounds.


The monster inside was not a praying mantis but a humanoid monster with armor that resembled a horned beetle. It also had a spear in its sword.


Han-Yeol materialized his chain, and the weapon he attached at the end of his chain was not a mace but a large hammer. He thought, ‘This will be more effective right now than the mace.’



The monsters in the vicinity swarmed toward Han-Yeol and Sung-Jin.

Sung-Jin immediately ran for cover while shooting whatever he could aim at.

Ratatata! Puk! Puk! Puk!?

The HSK-447P infused with Han-Yeol’s mana proved to be quite effective in dealing damage against the monsters, which fell one by one every time Sung-Jin pulled the trigger.

Sung-Jin could not help but be surprised while feeling a rush of adrenaline when he saw the monsters die from the bullets he shot.

The monsters were an object of fear to him, but his fear of the monsters was slowly wiped away with each time he pulled the trigger. Now, he gained enough confidence to confidently aim and snipe the monsters to his heart’s content.

Sung-Jin covered the left flank while Han-Yeol took care of the monsters coming from the right and in front of them.

Whoosh… Whoosh… Whoosh… Whoosh…?

Han-Yeol spun the hammer-attached chain before swinging it at the monsters.

Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk!?

Dozens of monsters lost their heads from a single swing of the chain.


“Bring it on! Show me what you got!”

“Ah… Don’t taunt them too much, you bastard!”

The sound of the monsters shrieking and Han-Yeol’s provocations mixed in the air. Meanwhile, the confident Sung-Jin still appeared to be nervous somehow. He tried his best to calm Han-Yeol down and stop him from further agitating the monsters…

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