Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 141: Boss Monster Raid (4)

Chapter 141: Boss Monster Raid (4)

Mujahid spent a lot of his free time with Han-Yeol, and both of them usually ended up playing video games together. Also, they watched movies from time to time and the genre they watched were usually gangster movies.

With all that time they spent together, Mujahid began to change the way he called Han-Yeol from Han-Yeol-nim to hyung-nim. It was quite funny to hear him suddenly say ‘hyung-nim’ in Korean while speaking in Arabic.

[So, did we finally accept the raid request from the Hunters’ Association?]

[Yeah, we accepted it.]

[Yes!] Mujahid clenched his fists and threw them in the air.

[Does it make you that happy?]

[Yes! I need to have a good fight whenever my body feels itchy, but I was stuck here waiting for an opportunity. I’m so glad that I will finally be able to vent all of my frustrations on the monsters!]

[Haha… You might act funny at times, but your abilities are top-notch, after all…]

Han-Yeol tried to look into Mujahid recently. Surprisingly, he came across information about Mujahid quite easily, and the prince was quite the celebrity like Tayarana…just in a different way.

Tayarana was known as the Goddess of Africa or the Princess of Egypt. As for Mujahid, he was known as a battle-crazed fiend. He was infamous for enjoying hunting monsters so much that he looked like a madman whenever he started hunting. Once, he had even set a record for hunting two hundred consecutive hours in the pyramid without coming out.

‘He might be a bit aloof, but he’s the best kind of comrade you can ask for in the hunting grounds,’?Han-Yeol thought before he grabbed Mujahid’s right arm and smacked him in the back.


[Ouch! Hyung-nim!]

[Let’s do our best, Mujahid.]

[Yes! I will be in your care, hyung-nim!]

Huh? Isn’t this guy stronger than me…?’?Han-Yeol tilted his head in confusion.

Han-Yeol might have accepted Mujahid as his disciple, since he had asked to be one, but he was not sure if Mujahid was stronger than him or not. After all, they had not compared themselves yet.

Han-Yeol also hadn’t been able to test his full power yet as the Marowaks were simply too easy to deal with.

Should I go check how strong I am first before going for the raid? Ah… But it’s so troublesome…’?he grumbled inwardly as he made his way to the mansion’s dining area.

It did not take him long to be distracted from his initial thoughts. ‘Hehe… The food here is really awesome no matter how much I eat it.’

The food was not as great as the one prepared when Phaophator had visited, but it was still the best Han-Yeol had ever tasted.

I think they mentioned hiring an Egyptian chef who studied culinary in Europe or something…’?Han-Yeol started wondering if he should sponsor a culinary student and later hire them as his personal chef.


The Horus raid party no longer had the luxury to laze around after accepting the raid request. The afternoon was to be spent going through the specific details of the contract with the Hunters’ Association, and the entire Horus raid party had been mobilized.

They flew to Daegu International Airport on their private jet. Not only that, but they even dispatched numerous helicopters carrying support personnel and convoys of trucks with their supplies as well.

“Hmm… Why did we come here, manager-nim?” Han-Yeol asked.

The entire area was now under the control of the association, so Kim Cha-Il had accompanied them as their guide. However, the strange part was that their accommodation or base camp was the Bulguksa Temple.

“This will be our base camp until we hunt the boss monster, the Thousand Armed Bodhisattva,” Kim Cha-Il replied.

“What about the monks?”

The temple might be a famous tourist destination, but it was still a temple nonetheless. It was a place run by monks, so there was no way that they were going to docilely hand over the temple to a raid party.

“Ah, I am not sure if it is a relief or not, but only the head monk remains in this place. The other monks had either run away after the boss monster appeared or they had joined the first raid party that attempted to hunt it. Unfortunately, none of them survived the initial failed raid. Anyway, we received permission from the head monk to use this as our base camp from now on,” Kim Cha-Il explained.

“Hmm… Is that so?”


Tsk… I’m not sure if it’s a relief or not, like he said…’?Han-Yeol clicked his tongue.

The Horus raid party were able to set up camp at the best possible location, but they did not consider it as good fortune. They just heard that they were only accommodated after the monks had died in the initial raid.

[Take a look at this, Han-Yeol,] Tayarana called Han-Yeol.

“Then, I’ll go and do my stuff now,” Han-Yeol bid goodbye to the manager.

“Yes, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim. Please let me know if you need anything. I will be staying at the temporary container we’ve set up over there with the other association staffers.”

“Alright, you’re working quite hard, manager-nim.”

Han-Yeol was the type who made sure not to overly disregard anyone.

“Haha, I am not doing anything. In fact, I am worried that I might be deadweight to the raid party since there is nothing I can do,” Kim Cha-Il replied while awkwardly scratching his head.

Han-Yeol went over to Tayarana after he was done with Kim Cha-Il. He then asked, [What is it, Tara?]

[We’re going to start the meeting to discuss our plans to raid the Thousand Armed Bodhisattva. We have no idea how strong the boss monster is, so we can’t afford to be overconfident just because we have Mujahid on our side. We will need to base our battle plans according to data and analytics.]

[Excellent words, Tayarana-nim.]

[Yeah, I agree with you, Tara. I was actually feeling a bit nervous, to be honest.]

Han-Yeol was unsure if he felt nervous because this was going to be his first time going up against such a strong monster or if he was scared of death. However, he definitely felt a strange sense of anxiety creeping up on his body.

I don’t think we have a way to gauge the boss monster’s strength though…’?

The Horus raid party had requested for the video of the initial raid party’s clash against the boss monster, but their request had been rejected. It was not that the association was keeping the video confidential or anything, but it was just that no such video existed in the first place.

The seven boss monsters that had appeared possessed the ability to disable all electronic devices within a one-kilometer radius of them, and this was the same for the boss monster the Horus raid party was about to hunt, the Thousand Armed Bodhisattva.

That was the reason why the Mulan film crew were not going to be filming the battle despite having tagged along with the Horus raid party. Why did Han-Yeol bother bringing them here then? He planned to start filming after the boss was defeated.

[It will be very risky to attempt to raid the boss monster when we do not have any information about it. We have to find a way to gauge its strength before attempting to raid it. That will be the only way we will be able to minimize our casualties.]

[You’re right, but…]

Mariam was right, but the problem was that the Horus raid party did not have a way to test the boss monster’s abilities. It was dangerous to go near the boss monster to take a peek, so that was out of the question. However, all electronic devices were disabled around it, so it was also not possible to measure its strength from afar.

The best solution would be to get eyewitness accounts from those who had participated in the initial failed raid, but the entire raid party had been wiped out with no survivors being left behind.

Just as the meeting was at a standstill, someone suddenly knocked on the meeting room door.

Knock! Knock!?

An Egyptian Hunter entered and said, [Excuse me, Han-Yeol-nim. A woman by the name Han Yoo-Bi wishes to see you.]

[Yoo-Bi is here?]

Han-Yeol now spoke casually to all of the Egyptian Hunters. He had initially felt uncomfortable doing so, which had him continue speaking to them formally. However, he came to a stop once Mariam had nagged him until his ears bled.

After all, he was speaking casually to both Mariam and Tayarana, so it was definitely wrong for him to speak courteously to those ranked below them.

[Yes, what should we do?]

[Ah, please let her in. It’s a bit difficult for me to leave right now.]

[Most certainly, sir. I will do as instructed.]

Han-Yeol was currently in the midst of an important meeting. However, since the meeting was going nowhere, he had decided to have Yoo-Bi come into the meeting room. Besides, it was not that she could speak or understand Arabic, so she would be clueless about what they were talking about. Also, most of the things they were discussing right now were not confidential information, so there was nothing wrong with having her in the room.

Around three minutes later…

“Oppa!” Yoo-Bi came into the meeting room with a huge rucksack on her back.

“Hi, Yoo-Bi. What brings you all the way here?” Han-Yeol asked as he felt curious about why she had come to this dangerous place all alone.

“Hehe, I finished my first ever creation!”


Han-Yeol could not help but feel both surprised and curious about Yoo-Bi’s first invention. He knew that she had been working on something, but he did not expect her to make something this fast.

“Hehe!” Yoo-Bi smiled brightly and put down the rucksack on the table.


She opened the zipper and took out something from the rucksack.


[That’s just a normal drone, right?]

“Is that a drone?”

“Yes. It might look normal on the outside, but this doesn’t use electricity like an average drone. This runs on a Hunter’s mana, and can be used as an unmanned scouting drone. But that’s not all! There is a camera attached to it that will allow it to be easily operated, and the operator can channel mana into it to use it offensively as well. Oh, but I wasn’t able to arm it just yet since I didn’t have the parts I needed.”

“Wow, that’s amazing!”


“Yeah! It’s really amazing!”

Yoo-Bi awkwardly scratched the back of her neck when Han-Yeol started praising her.

It was an amazing coincidence that Yoo-Bi had come with the exact item that the raid party needed, and Han-Yeol immediately explained what Yoo-Bi had said to Tayarana and Mariam. Of course, this meant that he had to disclose Yoo-Bi’s ability to them as well, but he did not mind it as Tayarana and Mariam were people who he could trust.


[That is truly amazing and it looks much better than the ones we normally use. Hmm… An awakened being who produces gears exclusive for Hunters… I wonder why South Korea gets such unique Hunters when it’s a small country… It’s quite unfair… I believe Egypt will have to learn whatever your country is doing.]

Han-Yeol possessed more than three abilities and was able to get stronger the more monsters he fought while Yoo-Bi was able to craft equipment exclusive for Hunters. The fact that both of them had awakened in the same country was already a wild coincidence.

Erm… I don’t think that’s something Egypt should be saying…’?Han-Yeol felt that Egypt was the one country that did not have the right to complain.

Egypt was probably the luckiest country on Earth after the emergence of the Dimensional Gates thanks to the immense treasures their pyramids held.

[I believe we should purchase or rent that drone, Tayarana-nim. That drone is our only option in scouting the Thousand Armed Bodhisattva.]

[She’s your comrade so you make the call, Han-Yeol.]

“Hmm… Yoo-Bi.”

“Yes, oppa?”

“Our raid party urgently needs that drone. We are going to hunt a boss monster called Thousand Armed Bodhisattva, but we aren’t able to scout it right now. Fortunately, I think it will be possible for us to scout it with your drone.”

“Oh really?”


Yoo-Bi pretended to think about it for a few seconds before she smiled brightly and said, “I’m just the inventor and I get incentivized for making things. The rest is up to you, so you can decide what and how you want to deal with it. I trust you a hundred percent anyway, oppa.”

She knew from the time she had spent hunting with Han-Yeol that he was a dependable person. He was a man of his words and not once did he break a promise he had made or lied to her about anything.

Others would call a naturally kind and nice person a pushover. Han-Yeol might be kind-hearted, but he was definitely not a pushover. He knew how to set his boundaries when helping others and he knew when to hold his tongue when others looked down on him.

In fact, quite a lot of people looked down on him as he usually tried to resolve things peacefully, and people usually tended to step on him whenever he tried to be the bigger person. However, little did they know that he was also the type of person who would definitely get his revenge one way or another.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, she thought that he would probably be a good husband who was going to put his family first above anything and anyone else. When her train of thoughts unexpectedly brought her here, she blushed. ‘Huh? What was I thinking of just now…?’?

[This drone might belong to Yoo-Bi, but I have the right to negotiate its sale.]

[That is excellent news. So, what do you propose, Han-Yeol-nim? Do you wish to lease it to us or sell it instead? We are willing to pay you a handsome price, whichever you decide to do.]

The Horus raid party had already spent two trillion won procuring pets from Han-Yeol, but Phaophator had already replenished their coffers for them. The Horus raid party currently possessed enough funds at their disposal to do whatever they wanted.

“Hey, Yoo-Bi. This is your first invention so it will probably require some adjustments, so what do you think if we lease it for now? Then, we can sell it at an expensive price to all raid parties after you’ve improved it later on,” Han-Yeol asked.

“That sounds good to me,” Yoo-Bi replied.


Feeling delighted, he immediately signed a leasing agreement for Yoo-Bi’s drone at a price tag of two hundred million won per day. The term of the lease was until the Thousand Armed Bodhisattva was hunted.

Fortunately, the drone had the ability to record videos, which made it possible for Han-Yeol to film the rare scene of a boss monster being raided.

“Great job, Yoo-Bi. You’ve invented something really good in such a short period of time!” Han-Yeol said with his thumbs up.

“I’m just doing my best to be of help to you, oppa. I made it in hopes that it will be helpful to you one day, but I’m really glad that it’s able to help you right away,” Yoo-Bi said with a smile.

“You’re a great help. You really came in clutch for us this time. Not to mention, you’re generating us two hundred million won in revenue everyday! We should celebrate once we finish the hunt.”

“Sure, oppa!”

Then, Yoo-Bi decided to remain in the base camp and observe the hunt. Han-Yeol was initially against it since things could become dangerous, but she had managed to easily convince him by saying that the drone would be requiring maintenance since it was only a prototype.

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