Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 144: Twelve Zodiac Legion (2)

Chapter 144: Twelve Zodiac Legion (2)

Ddru… Ddru… Ddru… Ddru…?

Just as the ground started to shake, Han-Yeol used Demon Eyes and saw a huge mass of monster rabbit mana making its way toward them.


[I’m going to annihilate them,] Tayarana said as she spread the wings of her Horus Suit.

She had been leisurely hunting the monster rabbits until now. After all, they were nothing but petty mobs to her even though most of the Hunters had difficulty fighting against them. There was no reason for an Osiris Rank Hunter like her to feel threatened by the mere monster rabbits.

[I guess it is time for me to show my true strength.]

Then, the other Osiris Rank Hunter, Mujahid, stretched his arms and took a step forward. He, like Tayarana, had been casually fighting against the monster rabbits with physical attacks and had not used any of his abilities.

Han-Yeol initially wondered if Mujahid had awakened with bruiser-like abilities that enhanced his physical powers, but he soon realized that the rabbits were simply not strong enough to force him to use his abilities.

However, it was now time for Mujahid to finally show his true powers.

[Fifth Star.]


Two blue embers appeared behind Mujahid after he used his skill with outstretched arms. He grimaced and grumbled after seeing the two blue embers, [Tsk…?I got hit so many times but there are only two embers? I guess these rabbits are just really weak.]

It was evident in his expression that he looked down on the monster rabbits.

He might act aloof and was usually carefree, but he appeared to be quite different when in battle. He was fiercer than anyone else on the battlefield, and his ability was simply so powerful that the only moniker people could think of made him seem like a berserker thirsting for battle.

He was known as the Tyrant. After all, his love for battle had everyone in Egypt already aware of his madness.

The Tyrant has made his appearance,’?the Egyptian Hunters thought after seeing Mujahid get serious.

The President of Egypt, Phaophator, had a lot of children just like most men from polygamous-approved countries would have. In fact, Tayarana had twenty-three siblings, including Mujahid, but he was the only Hunter among all of her siblings. Most of her siblings were not fond of the idea of risking their lives fighting against monsters when they could comfortably live with the billions of dollars of wealth they had been handed at birth.

There were talks in Egypt that either Tayarana or Mujahid were going to become Phaophator’s successor since they were awakened beings, but neither of them were really that interested in the position.

[Bring it on!] Mujahid exclaimed as his eyes glowed blue after activating his ability.

[Fifty monster rabbits incoming!]

[Roger that!]


Han-Yeol, Tayarana, and Mujahid were the main combatants in this detachment left behind to protect the raid party’s rear. Most of the eight Hunters with them were either Supporters, Tankers, or ranged DPS, and three out of the eight were the same Hunters who had cast their amplification skills on Han-Yeol a while ago.

C-Crack…! Chwak!

Han-Yeol already resolved not to hold back his Enhance skill during this boss raid. He would have normally been hesitant to use the mana stones since they were his main source of income, but he currently sat atop a comfortable pile of cash after having sold three monster pets.

Not to mention, there were quite a lot of Hunters and wealthy individuals inquiring about purchasing a monster pet for themselves. This was despite the hefty price tag of one trillion won.

That was the reason why he no longer had to skimp on using mana stones to use Enhance during battles, and this, in turn, boosted his MAG from +111 to more than double to +219. There was also no reason for him to ever run out of mana from now on during combat, and his attacks were going to be much more powerful than before.


Ddru…! Ddru…! Ddru…! Ddru…!

The Hunters spotted the monster rabbits appearing from between the trees in front of them.


The first to make a move was Tayarana, who flew almost at the speed of light and smashed the front-most monster rabbit.

[I can’t lose!]

Then, she was followed by Mujahid.


Geez… Mujahid is one thing, but Tayarana turns into a completely different person in a fight,’?thought Han-Yeol as he shook his head.

He was now in charge of the eight other Hunters since the two siblings had charged forward. He was forced to become the commander since Tayarana preferred to fight at the front lines and usually passed these kinds of responsibilities to Mariam, and Mujahid was technically an outsider to the raid party.

He might not be able to flawlessly command the Hunters like Mariam, but he knew that he could do a better job when it came to the actual combat itself.

Mariam was extremely skilled at assessing the situation and relaying commands to the Hunters, but her combat experience was not as great as him. After all, she was not a combatant herself.

[We will stay at our spot and pick off any monster rabbits that slip through Tayarana and Mujahid. You three, cast your amplification skills on me again like you did a while ago.]

[Yes, understood!]

[Yes, sir!]

The Egyptian Hunters had initially been wary of Han-Yeol and had treated him as someone who had only risen up the ranks thanks to his connections. However, they now acknowledged and respected him as their Vice Leader.

As for the reason why they started to acknowledge and respect him? There were quite a few.

He’s the only normal one…’

‘He’s better than the super picky demon lord Mariam-nim and the battle-crazed Tayarana-nim…’

These were some of the aforementioned reasons.

The Egyptian Hunters were under a lot of stress from serving the two beauties. They were extremely patriotic to their country and were loyal to Tayarana, but they could not help finding her personality to be quite eccentric. On top of that, even her adjutant was as eccentric as she was.

All of a sudden, a foreigner then joined their raid party as their new Vice Leader, but he was able to communicate with them fluently and even tried to get along with them. In the end, Han-Yeol became the most leader-like person they looked up to in the raid party.

Of course, he was not always with them since he was a special member. Still, they truly depended on him and looked up to him whenever they hunted together.

Han-Yeol was quite mature thanks to his difficult past and the struggles he had to endure to become a Hunter, and this maturity he possessed had quite a positive effect on the Egyptian Hunters.

In short, Han-Yeol no longer had any problems with making the Egyptian Hunters listen to his command. In fact, they seemed eager to follow his commands these days.

[Hakim! Pyramid of Light!]

[Yes, sir!]

The Egyptian Hunter named Hakim immediately responded and knelt on the ground to draw a triangle on it.

Shyak! Shyak! Shyak! Wooooong!

Then, a pillar of light shot up from the ground Han-Yeol and the eight other Hunters were standing on, and the light turned into a triangular shape that enveloped them. The three faces of the triangle let out a translucent blue hue, so there were no differences between inside and outside the pyramid.


[Thank you, sir!]

The Hunter named Hakim was specialized in defensive skills as all three of his skills were defense-related. This blue pyramid he had summoned just now was also one of his defensive skills that protected anything within it. It was a skill that allowed people to pass through but made it impossible for monsters to do the same.

This might sound like an extremely cheat-like skill, but it had a downside. The downside was that Hakim could only summon one of these and that a monster could attack it until it was destroyed. Thus, this skill could become a cheat-like skill or a useless skill depending on where and when it was used.

Click… Clack!

Han-Yeol secured the butt of his HSK-447P on his shoulder and used Demon Eyes. His skill did not directly influence how his bullets would travel, but he could indirectly influence it by combining it with Homing Bullets. This combination allowed him to shoot anything within his range that could be spotted by Demon Eyes.

Well, I guess this works as well,’?Han-Yeol thought as he marked the monster rabbits with Demon Eyes before pulling the trigger.

Bang! Puuuk!


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Puuuk! Puuuk! Puuuk!


He did not miss a single shot. Rather, it was impossible for him to miss as his bullets zipped through the air thanks to Homing Bullet and accurately dug themselves into the monster rabbits’ heads.

Of course, the monster rabbits were quite strong. They did not die from a single bullet, but the agonizing pain they felt was more than enough to stop them in their tracks.

It was important to note that the HSK-447P was not a sniper rifle but an automatic rifle, and this meant that it was possible for Han-Yeol to empty his magazine in a matter of seconds. There was the limitation of him not being able to shoot out bullets like a machine gun, but he could rapidly fire nonetheless. The result of that was a monster rabbit would fall to the ground whenever he pulled the trigger.

Han-Yeol created the opening for Tayarana to capitalize on.

Whoosh… Sukeok!


Tayarana swooped down like an eagle and targeted the monster rabbits that Han-Yeol had already damaged, beheading them and then flying back up.

Wow… As expected, she is quite quick…’?Han-Yeol could not help but admire Tayarana’s combat style whenever he saw it.

Tayarana was quite powerful as an individual, but what made her even more fearsome for land-dwelling monsters was the fact that she was basically invincible against them with the help of her wings. She would usually spot her prey from the skies before diving down once they were distracted to cleanly cut their heads off.

[Oh! Tayarana-nim is in action!]

[She is truly beautiful and powerful.]

[It is truly an honor to serve someone like her.]

The Egyptian Hunters might think that Tayarana was lacking as a leader, but they would immediately change their minds as soon as they saw her in combat.

[I can’t lose to noonim! Here I go!]

The other Osiris Rank Hunter, Mujahid, immediately charged at the monster rabbits Han-Yeol had incapacitated. The two blue embers were still following him around.

‘I wonder what those are…?’?Han-Yeol wondered while continuously shooting at the monster rabbits.


Bam! Pukeok!


‘Oh?’?Han-Yeol noticed that Mujahid had become even more powerful after summoning the two blue embers.

[Ah… As expected of the Tyrant. His combat style is as barbaric as ever…]

[Well, it’s barbaric but quite effective. Don’t you think so?]

[Haha… you’re right…]

Bam! Bam! Bam!?

A small crater formed on the ground and trees were felled whenever Mujahid swung his arms and legs. His surroundings were getting gradually destroyed the longer he fought.



He not only used his arms and legs as weapons, but he would even pick up the carcass of the monster rabbits and use those as weapons.

His ability is focused on physical enhancement, and those blue embers are probably the ones enhancing him.’?Han-Yeol could immediately deduce what the Osiris Rank Hunter’s ability was thanks to his ample experience as a Porter.

He had seen so many different kinds of Hunters while having worked as a Porter that he was able to tell what kind of ability a Hunter possessed simply by observing them. Well, it was not that great of an ‘ability’ anymore as he now possessed Demon Eyes, which allowed him to gauge his opponent even before fighting.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!?

Han-Yeol, Tayarana, and Mujahid were quite successful in holding back the fifty monster rabbits, but they could not stay here and fight forever.

Just then…

[We have arrived at the gorge.]

Mariam sent a telepathic message to Han-Yeol. It was quite surprising that she was able to accurately relay her message with her skill despite the several kilometers of distance between them.

[Alright, time to retreat.]

[Yes, sir!]

[Leave it to me!]

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