Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 163: The Reason for Leaders of Society (2)

Chapter 163: The Reason for Leaders of Society (2)

“Secretary Kim.”

“Yes, Han-Yeol-nim?”

“What time is it?”

“It is two fifteen.”

“I see, we aren’t late then.”

“Yes, we are not.”

Han-Yeol got out of the car and used Demon Eyes to check his surroundings. He then spotted three Hunters giving off powerful mana at the meeting place, but…

I guess the Americans always cover their bases,’?he thought after scanning his surroundings.

He found that the three Hunters were not alone despite being extremely powerful. There were twenty other Hunters in the vicinity, and Han-Yeol could tell that these American Hunters were together no matter how hard they tried to pretend they were not, thanks to Demon Eyes.

Also, it was quite easy for him to tell as this area in Pyeongtaek was densely populated with ordinary people, and it was quite rare to find Hunters here. It was possible to see one or two Hunters in the area, but seeing twenty at once made it quite obvious that there was something going on here.

Not that it matters.’?He shrugged off the thought.

He was not sure what was going to happen later on, but he was certain that the United States was not his enemy for now. He was currently closer with Egypt than the United States, but both of those countries were on friendly terms, so it did not really matter.

However, the reason that Han-Yeol was not particularly concerned was that…

Those twenty-three Hunters won’t be able to do anything against me now that?I have gained?one hundred levels,’?he confidently thought.

He was on good terms with the United States, but there was no way to guarantee that nothing was going to happen. Still, he was extremely confident that he could win against all twenty-three Hunters lurking around.

“Let’s go. You wait in the car, Purva.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jason translated in English to Purva, and the mercenary bowed in typical Korean fashion to Han-Yeol before going back into the car.

The Purva that was driving was different from the leader, Purva. It was quite common for Nepalese people to have the same name due to their culture, so it was going to be easier to differentiate the two by calling them Driver Purva and Team Leader Purva.

Han-Yeol went up the elevator with Jason and arrived at the meeting place.

Ding… Dong…!

“Who is it?”

“My name is Lee Han-Yeol?” Han-Yeol replied.

He thought, ‘Look at these bastards asking that question when they know full?well that?it’s me.’

He laughed in disbelief to see that they were feigning ignorance despite being aware of what was going on.


A white-haired middle-aged man opened the door for Han-Yeol.

“Oh, hello,” he greeted Han-Yeol with a hint that made it sound like he was oblivious of the meeting.

Han-Yeol went into the unit and saw two men who were acting quite obviously like secret agents. He then thought, ‘Well, it could be because I already knew that they were secret agents…’?

[So, what does the United States want from Han-Yeol Hunter-nim?]

Of course, Secretary Kim was translating for Han-Yeol since that was his main purpose for tagging along to this meeting after all.

Han-Yeol went straight to the point as he was not the type that liked to beat around the bush.

[Hmm… I wish to congratulate you first. Ah, my name is Paul.]

[Ah, okay…]

[I heard that you have successfully raided a boss monster that appeared in South Korea with only S Rank Hunters. I think both South Korea and Egypt have a bright future ahead of them! Haha!]

Han-Yeol went straight to the point, but the American Hunter decided to beat around the bush.

[Thank you, but we just got lucky, that’s all. I was hoping to see Scarlett, but is she busy somewhere else?]

That did not mean that Han-Yeol was an impatient fool who only knew how to get straight to the point. He was quite skilled at beating around the bush if that was how his counterpart wanted to proceed with things.

Secretary Kim tried his best to precisely translate everything Han-Yeol said. Most translators usually tweaked the words they were supposed to convey, but Secretary Kim was not a professional translator, so he focused on relaying exactly what Han-Yeol said word for word.

[Hahaha! I heard that Scarlett has a ‘hot’ relationship with Han-Yeol Hunter-nim. I guess it was true!]

[Well, I can say it’s not completely false.]

Their meaningless chatter went on for a while, and it was only when enough time had passed that they finally went for the main agenda.

[The United States wishes to purchase ten monster pets from you.]

[Ten monster pets…]

[Our credible sources told us that Han-Yeol Hunter-nim possesses numerous other abilities aside from taming monsters, and we have decided to come to you directly for that matter.]

[Oh, that’s indeed great news.]

[However, we would like to request that you only deal with our government when exporting any of your creations. We cannot risk placing such a valuable ability in the hands of a single private corporation.]

[Well, I will think about it in a positive manner.]

[Hahaha! You are quite easy to talk to! I would have asked you for a glass of whiskey if we were not meeting on official terms.]


[Yes! Hahaha!]

Fortunately, the discussion went smoother than Han-Yeol expected it to be. The requests of the United States were not as bad as what Han-Yeol expected, so he figured that granting them a few of their requests and making them his ally was not a bad idea at all.

[So, do you accept our request to purchase ten monster pets?]


On the other hand, Han-Yeol had some concerns regarding this matter. The United States Government, as he knew it, was likely not purchasing these ten pet monsters with good intentions in mind. They were probably planning to use them as test subjects, hoping to determine if they could also tame monsters.

Han-Yeol had already made up his mind to prioritize ethical considerations, but the current issue was that the other party held significant power. Although he had gained one hundred levels and become vastly stronger compared to his previous self, it still wasn't enough to provoke the United States as an enemy.

Well, it didn't mean that refusing to sell them the ten monster pets would instantly turn them into enemies, but it would certainly lead to complications in the future.

‘Well... I suppose I have no choice. I can't suddenly start labeling monster pets as animal pets and advocate for animal rights out of nowhere... Selling them for the highest possible price seems to be my only option.’ Han-Yeol felt a slight pang in his conscience, but he reasoned that immediate profit would outweigh ethical considerations.

‘Yeah, monsters already fall outside the boundaries of ethics, so I can't pass up personal gains just because of that.’ He acknowledged that he couldn't always rely on his conscience to navigate this world. He needed to know when to set aside his moral compass for substantial gains.

Moreover, animal testing had been prevalent worldwide, so acting on conscience in this particular case wouldn't make a significant difference. In fact, conducting tests could provide valuable insights into monsters, benefiting humanity as a whole and potentially safeguarding them from future dangers.

Recent events, such as dimensional holes and rifts, had caused numerous strange occurrences, making every country in the world cautious about monsters.

Han-Yeol chose to perceive the United States' interest in purchasing the monster pets as an intent to conduct tests on them. Upon making such a decision, he said, “Alright, I will sell ten monster pets to the United States Government.”

Secretary Kim translated what Han-Yeol said directly to the American Hunter.

[Oh! As expected, you truly are a nice guy, Mr. Lee! Hahaha! I never expected you to make your decision on the spot!]



[The price will be three billion dollars per monster pet.]

[!!!] The American Hunter couldn't help but be astounded by the price tag mentioned by Han-Yeol.

[W-We are certain that you charged one billion dollars per monster pet to the three Egyptians, but why did the price triple in such a short period?!]

It was only natural for Paul to be offended by the sudden increase in price, but only amateurs in negotiations would think that way.

[It is only right for the price to increase. Why are you feigning ignorance?]

[Ehem…?Ah, still... three billion dollars for each monster pet would amount to a total of thirty billion dollars! That's too much!]

The grammar in the provided text is correct:

The budget of the United States Government was around nine quadrillion dollars, so thirty billion dollars was a drop in the bucket for them. However, it did not change the fact that paying that amount to a single person was going to cause quite a stir.

Nevertheless, the United States needed to acquire the monster pets at all costs for conducting tests. They were undoubtedly still the world's best, but in today's world where mana stones existed, there were numerous uncertain variables.

When the dimensional gates first appeared thirty years ago, the world was plunged into great peril, and the United States experienced a deeply shameful moment in their history. Despite being hailed as the world's greatest superpower, they couldn't defeat a single monster on their own, dealing a severe blow to their pride. Having to depend on aliens and accept their assistance further exacerbated the damage to their reputation.

The realm of mana was incredibly mysterious, rendering modern-day science useless in its presence. It was as if the world had to learn everything from scratch when it came to mana, and that necessitated extensive research on monsters.

This was the primary reason why obtaining these monster pets was crucial for the United States Government.

[Hmm... three billion dollars per pet... I will report it to my superiors for now, but please be aware that it is still a very burdensome price…]

The budget allocated to Paul for this mission was only ten billion dollars, so he needed to obtain permission from his government to agree to the thirty billion dollars that Han-Yeol was asking for.

[Sure, as you like.]

On the other hand, Han-Yeol was not bothered at all since there were plenty of other customers willing to pay the amount he was asking for if the United States government refused to meet his asking price. Besides, he could hatch a monster pet anytime he wanted as long as he had a monster egg, the fruit, and mana, so losing a client wasn't a big deal for him.

[Oh right, Mr. Lee.]


[I suggest that you visit the United States when you have time. Our country would be more than glad to welcome you.]

[Haha! Alright, I will think about it. I have always wanted to visit the United States, after all.]

[Oh! That is truly good news for us! Hahaha!]

The discussion with Paul concluded.

Han-Yeol felt a bit troubled by the fact that he sold the monster pets, fully aware that they would be used as test subjects. However, he chose to shrug it off since he ultimately benefited from the transaction. While the profit he stood to gain was significant, the most valuable outcome for him was establishing relations with the United States.

They might attempt to negotiate the price, but in the end, he would remain firm, considering this a virtual monopoly market for him.

The price will decrease if I sell a large quantity of them, so I'll have to sell them gradually at a high price to ensure that their value remains high. Moreover, if I know that there aren't many of them available, my conscience won't be as troubled. However, it would be a good idea to donate a portion of my profits to wildlife foundations...’?

Han-Yeol understood that killing the goose that laid golden eggs was not an option, but he also recognized that refusing to take the golden eggs would be foolish.

With the emergence of monsters, many people in the world were suffering. However, there were even more animals suffering due to the loss of their habitats and becoming prey to the monsters. Numerous organizations were dedicated to protecting these wildlife species, and Han-Yeol made the decision to donate to them in order to alleviate some of his guilty conscience.

[I hope we can meet again and have a great time.]

[I hope so too, and I hope that Scarlett will be here to join us next time.]


Paul thoroughly enjoyed his conversation with Han-Yeol.

Despite Han-Yeol's direct approach, Paul's experience helped lighten the atmosphere and made the conversation flow smoothly between them. They had a wonderful time together.

[Then, I will take my leave now.]

[Okay, please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything from the United States.]

[Thank you.]

Han-Yeol shook hands with Paul before leaving the unit.

Secretary Kim's eyes sparkled with admiration as they traveled back to Seoul.

"You were truly amazing, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim! I had only seen you in videos, but I never imagined you would be so confident when dealing with the American Government!" he exclaimed, his gaze filled with reverence as he looked at Han-Yeol.

What kind of country was the United States? They were the world's greatest superpower, unafraid to wage wars if it served their interests. They were both a righteous ruler and a tyrant, possessing unmatched power that no other country could stand against.


China had long sought to surpass the United States as the global superpower, but they had failed to catch up in technology, particularly in harnessing mana stones, a crucial factor in determining a country's strength in the present era.

In other words, the United States remained the strongest country in the world, whether before or after the emergence of the dimensional gates, and Han-Yeol stood on equal footing with their government.

Secretary Kim, being born in the United States, knew firsthand how formidable they were. Seeing a single individual standing up to them made Han-Yeol seem godlike in his eyes.

"Well, it's not so strange considering they are striving to solidify their position as the greatest superpower. They weren't particularly respectful to me because of my strength or anything, but rather because they needed my ability," Han-Yeol replied nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

Perhaps it was destined for the United States to become the greatest superpower, as the top three strongest Master Rank Hunters in the world were all Americans. Of course, this ranking was unofficial, as Master Rank Hunters never clashed with each other directly.

The prohibition against clashes between Master Rank Hunters was rooted in the understanding that such conflicts would result in cataclysmic destruction, capable of toppling mountains and rending the earth. Consequently, it was deemed illegal under international law for Master Rank Hunters to engage in direct combat. Instead, any disputes were to be resolved through the International Hunter Tribunal, a legal requirement that all Master Rank Hunters were obliged to abide by.

However, despite these regulations, the age-old habit of ranking individuals persisted among people. The media, fueled by the desire for views and attention, played a significant role in creating and promoting rankings of Master Rank Hunters worldwide.

Nevertheless, according to various news outlets, the top three Hunters in the world were all Americans.

"That does make sense. After all, the United States was the first country to establish negotiations with the aliens, granting them the opportunity to be the first nation to subdue the dimensional gates within their borders. Moreover, they quickly discovered the awakening process, enabling them to exponentially increase their Hunter population during the early days. It's evident when you consider that they possess a third of China's Hunter count, despite having only a sixteenth of China's population."

"But the crucial point here is that I am the only one capable of taming monster pets."

"Yes, and it has truly dawned on me how remarkable the Hunter I am currently serving is."

"You're only realizing it now?"



Han-Yeol finally relaxed on the journey home after concluding the meeting with the Americans.

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