Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 173: Hunter Assembly And (4)

Chapter 173: Hunter Assembly And (4)

“Let’s go, Mavros.”



Mavros jumped onto Han-Yeol’s head after his name was called.

“Let’s go, Purva.”

“Yes, sir!”

They entered the main hall of P Resort, with the Mulan film crew following them closely, equipped with their normal cameras.

This time, the V Ticket users were unable to switch screens as they usually did. The Mulan film crew had no choice but to limit the camera angles, as they were currently on private property with other people present, which raised concerns about privacy.

Murmur… Murmur… Murmur… Murmur…?

“Oh! It’s Lee Han-Yeol Hunter!”

“Lee Han-Yeol Hunter!”

One by one, the reporters waiting outside started shouting as they spotted Han-Yeol walking toward the main hall.

All of them were from news outlets affiliated with the Hunter Assembly, tasked with writing positive articles about the event. However, they couldn't care less about it.

‘People aren’t interested in these boring gatherings of Hunters.’

‘Everyone knows how arrogant Hunters are and that they usually treat ordinary people like animals, so why would they care about some event?’

‘Tsk tsk… They still have no idea what the people think about them…’

The reporters cursed the Hunters hundreds of times in their heads, but they couldn't voice their thoughts openly as these Hunters belonged to famous raid parties and guilds.

There were many ordinary people who watched the broadcasts of these Hunters, as the videos of their hunts contained more action than most action or war movies. After all, a mere computer-generated graphic could never compare to the real skills exhibited by high-ranking Hunters.

However, the only aspect most people were interested in regarding the Hunters was their hunting prowess, and they didn't care whether the Hunters were hosting a pretentious and boring event for themselves or not.

A few reporters started asking Han-Yeol absurd questions that he didn't feel the need to respond to.

"How do you feel now that the Horus raid party has returned to Egypt?"

"Are you really in a relationship with Tayarana?"

"They say that Tayarana is secretly your wife and Mariam is your concubine. Don't you think you're being too immoral?"

"We've heard that you're receiving over a hundred calls from all over the world for one of your monster pets. Do you have any intention to sell them?"

"Please give us an answer!"

The major news outlets would have sent only a ragtag bunch out of formality if this were just the Hunter Assembly's event. However, upon hearing that Han-Yeol was attending, they dispatched some of their most tenacious reporters this time.

Han-Yeol had become somewhat of a 'national celebrity' thanks to his image as a just Hunter who stood up for the weak, unlike most Hunters known for their questionable personalities.

Furthermore, the media were practically 'worshiping' Han-Yeol as the key to ending South Korea's economic crisis, given his potential role as a mediator between the country and African nations, thanks to his connections in Egypt.

While these were still unfounded rumors, they weren't entirely baseless, as Han-Yeol indeed had significant connections with key figures in Egypt. After all, Tayarana, the second highest-ranking person in Egypt, happened to be Han-Yeol's closest Korean companion.

“I came to attend the event. I didn’t come to give an interview,” Han-Yeol replied.

“B-But you can still answer a few of our questions, right?”

“That’s right! The people have a right to know! It’s your obligation to respond to our questions!”

Most famous people found it hard to deal with reporters, as a single article could potentially damage their reputation. This was especially true for celebrities and politicians. However, Han-Yeol was an exception to this rule, as his occupation did not rely on his fame or the public's opinion of him.

That was why he could simply ignore the reporters, even if they threatened to write a negative article about him. Such actions wouldn't affect him significantly, and it was now the reporters who found it difficult to deal with him instead.

"Then you should agree to an interview when we ask you," one of the reporters said.

Suddenly, Han-Yeol sensed a sharp object flying toward him at rapid speed.

Fshwoooo! Puk!



An arrow flew in an arc that defied all laws of physics and embedded itself in the ground between the reporters and Han-Yeol. Immediately, all of the reporters retreated upon seeing the arrow, but Han-Yeol was already locked in a gaze with the perpetrator who had shot it.

The reporters followed Han-Yeol's gaze, their hearts filled with fear of another arrow flying toward them, yet there was only one thing on their minds at that moment.

An exclusive!’

‘Everyone will be interested to see a fight between Hunters!’

‘This is going to be a hit! The people are going to go nuts if it’s a fight between a Hunter and Lee Han-Yeol!’


If there was one thing that people constantly debated about on community forums, it was probably this...

[Who is going to win if Hunter A and Hunter B fought?]

People loved debating over who among the Hunters of the same rank was stronger, and any post on the community forums would inevitably explode with discussions within a matter of hours. The fascination with comparing Hunters was immense.

However, these debates never progressed beyond the 'debate' stage, as it was prohibited by law for Hunters to engage in fights among themselves.

"It's the Bow Master, Jung Woo-Hyun!"

"That's the famous S Rank who's nearly a Master Rank, right?!"

"They say he's quite short-tempered... Seems true, considering he shot an arrow before saying anything."

"I... I think we should be careful..."

The Hunter with the arrogant title 'Bow Master' leaped down from his elevated position as Han-Yeol looked up at him.

"My bad, my fingers slipped," he said with a smirk, evidently provoking a fight.

However, Han-Yeol simply smiled and replied, "It happens."

Then, he used Psychokinesis to extract the arrow from the ground and returned it to Jung Woo-Hyun.


Jung Woo-Hyun snatched the arrow that was floating toward him. He believed it would give him the upper hand and intimidate the newcomer, but it turned out to be a significant miscalculation. He had no idea about Han-Yeol's exceptional mental fortitude.

Han-Yeol was tougher than most individuals, and he was not easily rattled by others. In fact, he excelled at getting under people's skin.

"These things can happen if you lack experience with a bow. I know a young kid who dreams of becoming an archer, and he frequently makes the same mistake," Han-Yeol smirked and sneered.

"What did you just say?" Jung Woo-Hyun grimaced in response.



‘H-He taunted him…!’

‘That guy’s too reckless!’

Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!?

The reporters unleashed a barrage of flashes as they captured photo after photo of the two individuals, but their breaths were held in anticipation of what would unfold next.

"You have a way with words," Jung Woo-Hyun growled.

"Really? I was simply describing things as I observed them," Han-Yeol replied, pretending to be oblivious.

Jung Woo-Hyun, true to the reporters' perceptions, exhibited a short temper and aggression. While he had initiated the confrontation with Han-Yeol, he grew visibly agitated after losing the verbal exchange.

"Do you want to settle this?" Jung Woo-Hyun shouted as he swiftly drew an arrow and nocked it on his bow.




The reporters gasped in horror and hastily retreated after witnessing the volatile nature of the Bow Master up close. They were acutely aware that, at such a close range, the arrow could easily penetrate Han-Yeol's heart with a simple movement of Jung Woo-Hyun's fingers.

Jung Woo-Hyun was not fully utilizing his mana at that moment, with only a fraction of it emanating due to his anger. However, an arrow from an S Rank Hunter still possessed lethal potential and could prove fatal to an ordinary person.

Then, suddenly, a low voice said, "Quit it, Jung Woo-Hyun."

The sound seemed to resonate right next to their ears, causing Han-Yeol, Jung Woo-Hyun, and the reporters to scan their surroundings, searching for the source of the voice.

Thud… Thud… Thud… Thud…?


The entire place fell into a profound silence as a charismatic swordsman made his presence known.


The reporters nervously gulped upon seeing the swordsman, and then their voices erupted in exclamation.

"J-Jung Soo-Hyun!"

"Yeah, if Jung Woo-Hyun is here, then Jung Soo-Hyun must be too."

"It seems the Hunter Assembly has gone all out for this event...!"


Initially, the reporters had attended the event somewhat reluctantly, mainly because of Han-Yeol. However, upon witnessing the presence of both Jung Soo-Hyun and Jung Woo-Hyun, a fire ignited within them. This gathering offered a rare opportunity to see numerous high-ranking Hunters, who were not typically seen in public, all in one place.

Jung Soo-Hyun maintained a stoic expression, but it was evident he was attempting to discern something through his piercing gaze directed at Han-Yeol.

"It appears my brother has acted impulsively. I apologize on his behalf for his immaturity," Jung Soo-Hyun said.

"Not at all. I must admit, your brother is quite the entertainer. I, on the other hand, envy the fact that you have siblings. I have none.”

“Is it?”


Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!?

It felt as though sparks were flying between the two, despite the calmness of their conversation. A battle of wits ensued between the Hunters.

The two S Rank brothers, Jung Soo-Hyun and Jung Woo-Hyun, attempted to pressure Han-Yeol, but there was no chance that he would back down from them.

I can’t back down now, even if I’m guaranteed to lose against them in a real fight,’?Han-Yeol thought.

The two brothers were renowned for being S Rank Hunters, just a step away from attaining the coveted Master Rank. They were acknowledged for their exceptional strength, comparable to that of a Master Rank Hunter. However, their lack of versatility in abilities had led them to fail the Master Rank test on three occasions.

Consequently, people often unofficially referred to them as SS Rank Hunters, despite there being only the S Rank below the esteemed Master Rank.

Just as the battle of wits was on the verge of reaching its pinnacle, someone in the vicinity abruptly commenced applauding.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!?



The three of them ceased their battle of wits, or rather, they were compelled to halt it upon hearing the sound of applause. Han-Yeol was convinced that the mere act of clapping contained a tremendous amount of mana, which instantaneously neutralized all three of them for a brief moment.

It’s a Master Rank Hunter.’?Han-Yeol was certain who it was without having to look at the person.

Thud… Thud… Thud… Thud…?

A man walked out from the main hall of the resort and made his way toward the reporters.


Then, the reporters swiftly dispersed in opposite directions, creating a path for the imposing man to walk through. Standing at a towering height of one hundred ninety centimeters, his dark blond hair was slicked back, and he sported round glasses that concealed his sharp eyes. Ironically, despite his tall stature, he had a lean physique and was dressed modestly in a white t-shirt and jeans.

However, the combination of his slender frame and piercing gaze emitted an unexplainable charisma and an undeniable aura of pressure, akin to a snake fixated on its prey.

"I believe that will suffice from the three of you," he uttered in a low, authoritative voice that brooked no disagreement.

"Master Hydra..." Soo-Hyun murmured.

"Hoho... You brothers always indulge in the same mischief with others. Ah, I believe this is your first time attending this event, Hunter Lee Han-Yeol, if I'm not mistaken. I kindly request that you show more respect to your seniors henceforth," Master Hydra said with utmost politeness and eloquence, yet his eyes fixated on Han-Yeol as if he were a potential prey.

In an instant, Han-Yeol sensed that this event was not going to unfold as smoothly as he had initially anticipated. He thought, ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have come…?’

With his motto in life always prioritizing safety first, the current atmosphere made Han-Yeol exceedingly uneasy.

Ah… Maybe I should’ve leveled up a bit more before coming…’?he clicked his tongue inwardly and regretted it.

Nevertheless, Han-Yeol found himself in a predicament. He had already made his presence known and had managed to draw out Master Hydra. Walking away at this point would not only tarnish his image, but it would also be a blow to his pride.

Drawing from his past experience as a Porter, he understood that retreating now would only result in him being further relegated down the hierarchy.

It’s a hassle, but I guess I have no choice…’?he let out a sigh before raising both of his hands.

“I guess you are right. I cannot come and cause trouble on my first day, right?” he said with a smile.

“Hoho, excellent choice I must say. Now, what about you brothers?” Master Hydra smiled and said before he turned his gaze toward the two brothers.

Others might think that he was asking for the brothers’ opinions, but it was obvious from his gaze that he was not going to take no for an answer.

That’s probably the ‘gaze’ that all Master Rank Hunters use…’?Han-Yeol thought while observing Master Hydra’s eyes.

A Hunter who had ascended to the esteemed rank of a Master Hunter possessed the ability to exert dominance over those of lower ranks with a mere gaze. The intensity of their stare alone was enough to send shivers down the spine of anyone who found themselves at the receiving end.

Tsk…?I guess we have no choice… Let’s go, hyung. And, I’m going to kill you if I see you next time,” Jung Woo-Hyun growled.

“As you wish,” Han-Yeol sneered in response.

“Let’s go…” Jung Soo-Hyun said.


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