Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 224: A Surprising Miracle (5)

Chapter 224: A Surprising Miracle (5)

The commander could no longer berate the captain for opening the barricade for Han-Yeol. Normally, he would have concocted various reasons to vent his anger, but he didn't have the luxury to do so this time, as he had to devise a plan for Han-Yeol's next course of action.


[Damn it! This is your final warning! Don’t ever let anyone else pass through!]

“Yes, sir…”

That marked the conclusion of the transmission. According to protocol, a captain was expected to offer a verbal salute to the commander before ending the communication. However, the captain chose to skip this formality due to his sour mood. Such interactions between soldiers and officers were a familiar sight.


The captain delivered a forceful punch to the whiteboard beside him, causing the soldiers standing nearby to instinctively recoil at his abrupt display of anger.

Both the captain and the commander were often regarded as unconventional individuals by the soldiers.

‘These crazy bastards... Hmph, I could take them on anytime, even without their uniforms,’?was a recurring daydream shared among soldiers about their superiors within the military hierarchy.

Phew…?Why the hell is he so confident when he’s going away in six months?!” the captain clenched his fist and shouted in anger.

Despite his intense frustration, he had to suppress his anger, considering the other party was a commander.

While the world had seen significant progress, a distinct hierarchy still prevailed among soldiers based on their ranks. The captain couldn't risk jeopardizing his position as a soldier, especially given the current job market challenges. Finding stable employment had become increasingly challenging in recent times.



Han-Yeol employed his Demon Eyes to scan the Cheolwon hunting ground, quickly spotting something unusual.



"I can't detect any signs of monsters. All I see are animals. It's as though the monsters have been replaced by animals..."

"I see..."

"But these animals also possess mana stones within them..."

"What?!" Mujahid exclaimed, his shock nearly causing him to stumble backward.

Mana stones were extraordinary gems that had propelled humanity's advancement, exclusively extracted from monsters. The notion that such mana stones could be found within ordinary animals defied all logic Mujahid had ever known.

Nonetheless, Han-Yeol's Demon Eyes were unfailing. He observed mana stones embedded within the bodies of wild boars, elks, rabbits, raccoons, and various other creatures inhabiting the Cheolwon hunting ground.

"They're quite small, comparable to the ones from the Volaxes."

"That's... more comprehensible," Mujahid stammered, relieved that the normal animals didn't bear larger mana stones, a revelation that might have caused him to faint.

Still, the size of the mana stones didn't belittle the significance of the discovery.

"Hyung-nim," Mujahid began.

"Yeah," Han-Yeol replied, raising his hand.

He employed one of his skills and...


Oink! Oink!


A wild boar concealed behind the thicket abruptly lifted into the air, its body writhing in a desperate attempt to break free, its confusion evident.

Soon, the animal's instincts kicked in, recognizing that the humans drawing near didn't harbor benevolent intentions. Regrettably, no ordinary creature could elude Han-Yeol's grasp through Psychokinesis.


Han-Yeol pulled out his sword after reaching a few steps away from the wild boar.


Han-Yeol didn't derive any satisfaction from needlessly causing harm to animals. Thus, he opted to swiftly end the wild boar's life with a single, precise strike. The strike was executed so seamlessly that the wild boar likely departed without experiencing any pain.

Subsequently, he activated his Demon Eyes and scanned the lifeless body of the animal.

Sukeok! Tak!

He excised the section containing the mana stone and employed Psychokinesis to extract it, avoiding any bloodstains on his hands for the day.

Tsk… It would have been awesome if I could use water-type skills to wash this thing…’?Han-Yeol clicked his tongue and grumbled.

He recognized the inconvenience of having to travel to a restroom or water source for cleaning, which he found bothersome. Strangely, he noticed a trend of growing laziness with the accumulation of new skills. Yet, this wasn't unexpected, given his inherent inclination toward laziness from the outset.


Although the mana stone extracted from the wild boar's remains was relatively small and lacked exceptional purity, Han-Yeol displayed no signs of disappointment. On the contrary, he appeared genuinely intrigued by its characteristics.

Hmm… Will these animals produce offspring that possess mana stones as well…?’?he wondered.

The prospect of cultivating and harvesting mana stones safely held the promise of a profound revolution for humanity. Presently, hunters worldwide placed their lives at risk to gather mana stones from monsters. However, this primitive "hunter-gatherer" approach fell short of meeting the global demand for these vital resources. It was this scarcity that underpinned the exorbitant prices of mana stones.

Yet, what if a method existed to safely procure mana stones, even if they were smaller and of lesser quality? This potential development had the potential to usher in a transformative era, reshaping entire industries.

High-quality mana stones could find use in critical sectors and applications, while the lower-quality stones obtained from animals could satisfy less crucial industries and uses. The resulting efficiency boost across various sectors could drastically reduce the cost of mana stones, rendering them more accessible than their current pricey status.

While such a shift might spell adversity for hunters, it held tremendous promise for the entire human race, offering widespread benefits if realized.

‘Who would've thought that the land where the next revolution could unfold belongs to me,’?Han-Yeol mused, a wry smile playing on his lips.

“Wow, this is amazing…” Mujahid said while looking at the mana stone. Then, he added, “I guess Lady Luck really loves you, hyung-nim.”

“To be honest, I think so too.”

“Haha!” Mujahid laughed loudly at Han-Yeol’s honest admission. He then asked, “So, what do you plan to do with this place?”

"What's next?" Han-Yeol contemplated aloud, his expression thoughtful. "I'm going to establish a ranch here and observe whether these animals can produce offspring with mana stones as well. If that occurs, I won't hesitate to expand the ranch further."

“Hmm… I see… Then, hyung-nim!”


Mujahid hesitated for a second before he asked, “I… Can I invest in this business?”


"Absolutely, I've been looking for a chance to start something new and invest, and I believe this venture could be quite enjoyable in its own right. I'll cover all the construction expenses if you allow me to become an investor."

"That's a compelling proposition."

Han-Yeol had reservations about entrusting construction work to others due to concerns about trust and quality. However, he held a different view when it came to Mujahid's Goblin Group, knowing they would deliver both quality and punctuality. Furthermore, having Mujahid as an investor would provide substantial support against potential critics or opportunists attempting to exploit the business.

"How much equity are you aiming for?"

"Hmm... How about eight percent?"

"Sounds reasonable."

"Hahaha! Thanks, hyung-nim!"

Given that Han-Yeol didn't anticipate substantial profits from this venture, he readily agreed to allocate eight percent to Mujahid. It was implicit that Mujahid's share also encompassed the cost of the construction services he was providing for free.

"But before anything else... Should we deal with those intruders on my land?"

"Hoho! I'm all for that!"

Han-Yeol activated his Demon Eyes, scouring the area for any signs of trespassers.

Crack… Crack…?

The Cheolwon hunting ground remained blanketed in snow, although not as densely as during Han-Yeol's previous hunts. The intense cold that once rendered this area uninhabitable had dissipated, now resembling any other winter destination in South Korea.

The sun emerged from behind the clouds, its gentle rays commencing the gradual thawing of the snow.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!?

"Commander! Our mana detection devices have registered two significant mana signatures. It appears to be Han-Yeol Hunter and Mujahid Hunter, the ones granted access by the soldiers."

"Damn it!"


Lt. Colonel Kim Sun-Cheol, the commanding officer overseeing the exploration of the Cheolwon hunting ground, slammed his fist against the truck's door in frustration.

"Why must this land fall into his hands of all people?!"

As far as he knew, this territory was owned by the TK Group. He vaguely recalled rumors of the company considering a sale due to the lack of Hunter activity in the area. Unfortunately, there had been no concrete information about the land changing hands. While local companies could typically be coerced into collaborating with military operations, the dynamics shifted when the landowner was a Hunter—especially a Master Rank Hunter.

The immediate assessment of the land's value following the dimensional gate's closure would be within the Master Rank Hunter's grasp. Traditional tactics of military or governmental pressure were unlikely to sway someone of his stature.

"Have we heard anything from the Hunters' Association?"

"No, sir. Apart from an instruction to await their response, we haven't received any further communication."

“Those crazy bastards! Why am I going through this in the first place? I’m doing this for them! I’m setting the table for those imbeciles!”

Lt. Colonel Kim Sung-Cheol was a man of great ambition. Having not graduated from the military academy, the prospect of attaining the rank of general appeared nearly insurmountable. However, he possessed a keen intellect that allowed him to strategically forge connections within the Hunters' Association using his military position.

Kim Sung-Cheol harbored aspirations of securing a favorable position within the association by the time his retirement rolled around, effectively trading his services for a comfortable role. This very ambition drove him to assert his authority over the Cheolwon hunting ground on this occasion.

Regrettably, his plans didn't unfold as anticipated.

Thud… Thud… Thud… Thud…?

Han-Yeol, accompanied by Mujahid and a group of twelve others, arrived at the scene.

"Salute! What brings you here?" a patrolling soldier inquired, adhering to protocol and seeking clarification from Han-Yeol.

Han-Yeol, however, turned the tables, asserting his authority over the situation. "I believe it's I who should be asking that question. You and your group are presently trespassing on private property. What brings you to my land?"

The soldier found himself utterly dumbfounded, struggling to formulate a coherent response. His lack of a clear purpose for being there left him at a loss.

"Could you summon the person in charge here?" Han-Yeol requested.

"Yes, of course," the soldier replied, quickly signaling to a private.

"Sir, yes, sir!"

The private promptly hurried off to notify their commander. Informing their superior, he said, "Salute! Han-Yeol Hunter is requesting to speak with you, commander!"

Tsk…?So he’s already here…” One of the adjutants clicked his tongue.

Argh…”?Kim Sung-Cheol gritted his teeth and groaned.

He might have been an experienced officer accustomed to dealing with diverse individuals, but the opponent he was facing now was of an entirely different caliber. Managing a regular Hunter would have posed challenges, yet the individual before him was none other than South Korea's most renowned Hunter—a supposedly Master Rank Hunter, no less.

"I will personally meet him," Kim Sung-Cheol declared.

"Yes, sir! Salute!" the private responded, then returned to his designated position.

Kim Sung-Cheol was neither audacious nor foolhardy enough to command a Master Rank Hunter's actions. Thus, he opted to extend a greeting to Han-Yeol.

"Salute! What brings you here, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim?" Kim Sung-Cheol inquired, though his salute appeared somewhat lackluster.

Han-Yeol, however, was unconcerned with such trivialities. In fact, it could be said that the commander was inconsequential enough to not warrant Han-Yeol's attention.

"We should be asking that question. We understand that an unusual incident has occurred here, but why are you on another person's property without obtaining the owner's consent or even informing them?!"

Surprisingly, it was Jason Kim who interjected, assuming a more fitting role in such situations.

Kim Sung-Cheol flinched momentarily at Jason Kim's forceful outburst, yet he swiftly regathered his composure and responded, "The vanishing of the dimensional gate could potentially pose a threat to our national security! This is a situation where arguing over land ownership is secondary. In fact, you should consider surrendering this land to the government as a display of your patriotic allegiance!"

Kim Sung-Cheol asserted himself vigorously.


However, Han-Yeol simply laughed in response.


Kim Sung-Cheol could not get angry at the sudden insult. No, he must not get angry at all.

How old-fashioned can this guy be? Talking about patriotism and all that cringey stuff… Does he really think this will convince me?’?Han-Yeol wondered.

He found it puzzling that the commander would raise such a nonsensical argument in this context. Soldiers were trained to achieve the seemingly unattainable using any means necessary, and it appeared that Kim Sung-Cheol's immersion in this peculiar culture over the years had somewhat skewed his rational thinking.

Ironically, Kim Sung-Cheol appeared genuinely persuaded by his own 'logical' reasoning, displaying a smug demeanor as he awaited a response.

Regrettably for him, engaging in a battle of wits with Jason Kim, a Harvard University graduate, held no chance of victory.

"Tell me, is there any specific law that explicitly permits the military to seize private property during an emergency? Furthermore, is there a defined legal framework for determining what constitutes a state of emergency that warrants such appropriation? Lastly, do you possess the authority, as a Lieutenant Colonel, to declare and enforce such a state of emergency?" Jason Kim's questions were pointed and precise.

“T-That is… Argh…”?

A complete defeat.

Kim Sung-Cheol had barged into the Cheolwon hunting ground under the assumption that the TK Group wouldn't challenge his actions. Legalities, regulations, protocols, authority, ownership—none of these concerned him in the slightest. He had given no consideration to the potential complications that might arise, rendering him unable to address Jason Kim's pointed queries.

"We will officially report this incident to the Ministry of Defense. How dare you attempt to unlawfully seize a Hunter's property! Our actions won't be confined to filing a mere complaint; we intend to thoroughly investigate this matter and bring it into the public eye!"

"Th-That's..." Kim Sung-Cheol's predicament was dire.

The prospect of this incident becoming a public spectacle was his worst nightmare. His ascent from the bottom to his current rank hung precariously, with only a few steps left to secure a comfortable position within the Hunters' Association.

However, if this incident escalated into a major controversy, all his achievements would crumble to dust. The thought of losing everything he had diligently worked for due to this incident was utterly inconceivable to him.

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