Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 282: Tamra and Gurkha (5)

Chapter 282: Tamra and Gurkha (5)


It was a brief conversation, yet Sahas managed to acclimate to Kim Tae-San's overwhelming mana during that time. Afterward, he released the thug's arm, assumed his lowered stance once more, and readied himself for the impending fight.


Arrb…! Grua…!”

The thug, having lost a significant amount of blood, was now foaming at the mouth and convulsing, rendering him no longer a threat to Sahas.

Kim Tae-San shook his head and clicked his tongue in dismay at the sight. "Tsk tsk… I can't believe someone like him was a captain in my Tamra raid party. I should initiate a complete overhaul of the raid party once I've dealt with this troublesome incident."

He only appointed the best candidates to crucial positions in his faction, but he understood that stagnant water would eventually become tainted. It was time for him to replace those who had served their purpose. Of course, he intended to profit from the extravagant bribes he would receive.

"I initially thought you'd be useful due to your strength, but it seems you're as clueless as a rock," Kim Tae-San remarked nonchalantly, then raised his finger and added, "Die."



Sahas felt as though time had frozen, and his entire body screamed that he was gradually succumbing to dominance.

“Oh right…” Kim Tae-San muttered.


Sahas was exerting all his strength to avoid passing out, and he was caught off guard by something Kim Tae-San mumbled, as if he had forgotten to mention it. However, that didn't mean Sahas let his guard down.

"Do you know what my ability is?" Kim Tae-San inquired.


There was no way Sahas could have known that Kim Tae-San's ability was classified. In fact, it was more accurate to say that all Master Rank Hunters, except for those who operated their own broadcasting channels, kept their abilities concealed.

It was common knowledge that Master Rank Hunters who established their own broadcasting channels caused quite a commotion among the executives at the Hunters' Association.

"I've always been open about my abilities to others, but do you know why no one knows anything about them? That's because those who don't submit to my authority never live to share the stories of my capabilities."



Sahas instinctively curled up in response to a powerful burst of mana that swept across his body.

"Sound travels at a speed of 340m/s in air. Isn't it amazing? Sound can cover a distance of three hundred forty meters in a mere second, striking you before you even realize what's happening. The vibrations from sound will penetrate you at a cellular level, ultimately leading to your demise from within. Sound is undeniably the purest form of art, and right now, you are experiencing this art," Kim Tae-San elaborated.

Then, he nonchalantly shrugged and declared, "Now that you've had the honor of understanding my ability, it's time to meet your end."


He pointed his index finger at Sahas.


A pulse of sound waves emanated from Kim Tae-San's fingertip.

"Heok…!" Sahas gasped for air, convulsing in agony as the pain radiated from deep within his body.

Nevertheless, he refused to close his eyes, driven by the Gurkha's code of honor, which forbade dying with one's eyes shut on the battlefield. They believed that doing so would transform them into faceless spirits haunting the earth with an unquenchable thirst for vengeance.

At that very moment, Kim Tae-San's ability was about to strike Sahas...


A powerful gust of wind blew and…


It was a familiar voice.




The sound wave heading toward Sahas was deflected by a man who appeared suddenly in front of him, redirecting it back toward Kim Tae-San.

Kim Tae-San was taken aback by the sudden turn of events but managed to hastily dodge out of the way.

"You are..." Kim Tae-San muttered, his expression contorting into a demonic visage.

It was only natural for him to be incensed at this point. He had purposely chosen this hunting ground based on reports that the arrogant individual he sought was not present, intending to send a warning by eliminating his subordinates who had encroached on his turf in Jeju Island.

“Hey, long time no see!”

“You arrogant…!”

Kim Tae-San gritted his teeth and thought, ‘I really hate this bastard’s guts…!’

Kim Tae-San had never been fond of Han-Yeol from the moment they first met. Back then, Han-Yeol had been an insignificant individual who should have never dared touch the sole of his foot, yet he had the audacity to meet his gaze squarely. What's more, Han-Yeol was steadily gaining fame and was on the verge of surpassing him, a fact that wounded his pride.

Han-Yeol was someone he genuinely wanted to eliminate, and he had numerous justifications for his desire.

And now...

"Stop acting so comfortable in my presence!" Kim Tae-San bellowed in a fit of anger.

Even the second-strongest Hunter in Korea wouldn't dare to appear so at ease in front of him. Yet, this newcomer, who had just achieved the status of a Master Rank Hunter, acted with such composure? Kim Tae-San refused to tolerate this affront. His pride as the tyrant who reigned over South Korea would not permit such disrespect.




The sound waves showed no discrimination, rupturing the eardrums of both the Tamra raid party members, regardless of whether they were allies or foes.


Nonetheless, Han-Yeol managed to effortlessly neutralize the sound waves by swatting his hand and creating a thin mana barrier. It went without saying that he shielded not only himself but also his subordinates.

Of course, this only further infuriated Kim Tae-San, as his own side had suffered the consequences of his attack.

"Haha, how foolish," Han-Yeol commented.


After being laughed at, Kim Tae-San seethed with anger. He had intentionally launched the attack, regardless of the collateral damage on his side, as he didn't place much value on ordinary Hunters in a battle among Master Rank Hunters. However, the fact that Han-Yeol dared to insult him because of this only intensified his rage.

“I will kill you, Lee Han-Yeol. Mark my words.”

Kim Tae-San had once been an average fisherman in Jeju Island. However, his life had been anything but ordinary, as he had grown up in extreme poverty. Raised by his single mother, who worked as a haenyeo[1], he had endured bullying throughout his childhood due to his family's circumstances. The torment had continued even into adulthood, exacerbated by the influx of wealthy Chinese buyers purchasing land in Jeju Island.

Everything changed when the dimensional gates emerged, and he awakened as a Hunter. Not only did he awaken as a Hunter, but he immediately achieved the status of a Master Rank Hunter, instantly becoming South Korea's top Hunter.

Over the decades of his reign, he acquired everything he desired, which gradually transformed him into an extremely impatient and impulsive individual. In fact, he had grown so accustomed to getting his way that he impulsively reacted to Han-Yeol's provocation.

Wooong… Boom!

Kim Tae-San harnessed sound waves from his entire body, using them as a propellant to launch himself forward. While the average speed of sound was 340 m/s, it could be further accelerated with the infusion of mana.

"Meet your end with my sound waves!" he declared.

One of the secrets behind Kim Tae-San's status as the strongest Hunter lay in his incredible speed. Not even a Master Rank Hunter with exceptional mana control could hope to defend against Kim Tae-San's extraordinary velocity, which exceeded the speed of sound itself.

Unfortunately for him, Han-Yeol possessed the overpowered skill known as the Sixth Sense.


A burst of soundwaves, sharper than a dolphin's wail, surged forth from Kim Tae-San's hand.

‘I can see it.’ Han-Yeol could perceive the attack clearly, thanks to the potent combination of the Sixth Sense and Demon Eyes.

The attack may have been exceedingly swift, but there was no way it could outpace Han-Yeol's vision.

‘It might be a challenge if it were at the speed of light, but this is quite manageable,’ he thought.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Han-Yeol moved and avoided the soundwaves.


Kim Tae-San was astonished to witness his attack being effortlessly dodged. He was aware that his shockwave attacks were not invincible, but never had someone evaded them with such ease, especially while remaining stationary.

“Hey, don’t you have anything more entertaining up your sleeves?” Han-Yeol asked.



“You son of a bitch!” Kim Tae-San growled as his eyes started becoming bloodshot from anger.

Tsk tsk… His ability is really good but his mind is quite weak,’ Han-Yeol thought.

He felt remarkably at ease in the present moment. While Kim Tae-San's ability was undeniably potent and terrifying, he proved to be a rather straightforward opponent due to his weak mental state.

Han-Yeol might have struggled against him a year ago when he had just become a Master Rank Hunter, but he possessed a secret known to only a few, which made this battle exceptionally straightforward for him.

‘There were many warriors in the Bastro Dimension who were far more powerful than Kim Tae-San, but all of them succumbed to their weak minds in the end.’

The current situation was vastly different, as Han-Yeol had gained significantly more experience compared to Kim Tae-San. Kim Tae-San had enjoyed the privilege of being South Korea's strongest Hunter for the past two decades, living a life of tyranny and luxury. In other words, his experiences from the last twenty years were entirely irrelevant on the battlefield.

So, what about Han-Yeol, who had lived as Harkan in the Bastro Dimension?

He had to fight for his survival and claw his way to become the Dimension Lord of the Bastro Dimension. However, even after becoming the strongest warrior in the dimension, his life remained far from comfortable, as the Bastrolings placed far more importance on strength than on money or influence. Thus, his days were filled with constant battles to defend his throne as the lord.

On the other hand, Kim Tae-San's combat experience consisted of leisurely going on hunts once a week while waiting for tributes from his subordinates to fill his pockets. It was ironic that someone like him was now calling Han-Yeol a greenhorn.

‘Honestly, Kandir was just like Kim Tae-San. He was blessed with exceptional physique, talents, and skills. However, his mentality was so fragile that he often lost his reason in combat,’ Han-Yeol reminisced about the beast he had defeated, but that was the extent of his thoughts.


“Die! Lee Han-Yeol!”

Kim Tae-San appeared in front of Han-Yeol and shot another sound wave at him.



Han-Yeol successfully evaded the attack, but the sound waves managed to pierce his eardrum and rattle his brain. It was a highly potent attack, one that would likely result in a concussion for most individuals.

‘This is becoming interesting,’ Han-Yeol smirked, finally sensing that he was in for a challenging battle.

Force Shield!’


Han-Yeol stood right in front of Kim Tae-San, preventing him from using his chain or sword. In response, Han-Yeol opted to employ one of his skills, even though it wasn't among his primary abilities, after deciding it was the most suitable course of action in this scenario.

The reason Han-Yeol was overpowering wasn't solely due to the potency of his skills; it was also because he possessed a diverse array of abilities that enabled him to select the most appropriate one depending on his opponent.

Ah, I should also use this.’


The surroundings suddenly grew cold.

“Ha! Try all the tricks you want!” Kim Tae-San exclaimed.

Han-Yeol's skills were widely recognized, thanks to his livestreams, which was in stark contrast to Kim Tae-San, whose abilities remained shrouded in secrecy. The multitude of skills Han-Yeol possessed had become synonymous with his identity, and this was precisely why Kim Tae-San remained unfazed, even when he witnessed Han-Yeol using a skill he had never seen before.



A screeching sound that would pierce anyone’s brain shot out from Kim Tae-San’s hand.


Unfortunately, everything was within Han-Yeol’s calculation.

1. Female divers that harvest clams and other marine resources for a living. More information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haenyeo 👈

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