Leveling up the World

Chapter 44: Merchant Tombstone

Chapter 44: Merchant Tombstone

The bodies were buried without much fanfare. Once they were gathered in one spot, the Cleric did something making the ground open up and swallowed them up. Seconds later a clay tombstone emerged, marking the place and giving a very brief description etched on the surface.

Merchant Caravan

Killed by chainling

Year of the Seven, 1205

Shortly later, the hunting party was on the march again. The groups formation changed again. Dame Vesuvia, along with the strongest soldiers of the group, were in front leading the way, while the Cleric had joined the volunteers in the back. At first Dallion thought the albino was sent here to be safe, but after a while he realized the obviousthe Cleric was protecting them.

With the limiter echo gone, Dallion could remember the details of the Order, such as he had heard them. It was said that when the Seven Moons granted the gift of awakening to the inhabitants of the world, the Order was established to guide the chosen and protect the world from chaos and destruction. Since then, it had spread throughout the known world, helping people, advising rulers, taking care of those that no one else would. Their monasteries were open to all, granting them sanctuary from pursuit, food, and if they wished knowledge and the ability to join their ranks.

Everyone should have been happy that someone of that stature had joined the hunting party, yet what Dallion could see above all else was a reluctant fear of his presence. If anything, Veil was the only one who had dared get close to him. Even Havoc kept a safe distance.

Just look at him, Gloria hissed under her breath. Just because he found a sword doesnt mean hes anything special. He should have given that thing away, not argued to keep it.

He didnt exactly argue.

More likely it was a stubborn pleading that had earned him the right to carry the weapon until things calmed down.

Can he use it?

Oh, Im sure hes already tried. Even back home hed be the one trying out all sorts of weapons in his awakened state. Mother was proud, but father despised him for it.

Of course, he would, Dallion thought. The chiefs son hadnt managed to awaken. Being the linking generation between two awakened, while not one himself, must have been quite shameful, especially for someone of the Luor family.

How are you? Dallion asked. Soldiering on?

Im fine. Gloria raised her chin. Im a level four. I have a better chance of surviving than all of you.

That wasnt what Dallion asked, but he nodded nonetheless. Even with his meager perception, he could see her tenseness.

What do you think of the chainling? he changed the subject. Definitely tougher than the thing we fought in practice.

Gloria went silent. For half a minute she didnt say a word, walking on, eyes on the ground.

Theres no beating it. The Dame could probably survive the fight, maybe the Cleric, but none of the rest of us will, each word was uttered in a whisper so faint that only Dallion could hear it. The rest of us are walking to our own slaughter.


Theres no hope. The only reason Im sticking to the group is because itll be even worse if I run off. The soldiers know it, even the other rejects know it.

Gloria, were not rejects

And how could it be any different? Were village bound, we were never supposed to leave the village. Nothing protects us here. Nothing

It was obvious that Gloria still had an echo, and its grip over her was getting stronger. The emblem Dallion had received had initially reduced the echos influence, but fear had somehow reactivated it. Now, there was only one thing Dallion could do to help Gloria get stronger.

Personal Awakening

This was the first time Dallion had invited anyone in his awakening room. It was far easier than he had expected, though strange nonetheless. Thankfully, the blue rectangle displaying his level was nowhere around.

Gloria blinked several times, then froze, then finally shook her head, as if rinsing the fear off her hair.

Youve got an echo, dont you? Dallion asked.

The blonde girl nodded.

Everyone has. Usually, I can negotiate with it about things, but the last few days

Yeah. Dallion put his hand on her shoulder. Ever since the chainling got close. You dont have to put up with it. With the dartbow you can just shoot it and

I know youre trying to be a friend, but youre ignorant.

For some reason the words stung.

An echo guides and protects. If I destroy it, Ill be left on my own. You cant always rush at things head on. Sometimes you need to pause and think a little.

It worked out so far.

The worst part was that Dallion had no way of knowing whether Gloria was right, or was the echo weaving a web of lies to protect itself.

Also, you wont be alone. Im here. If anything happens, Ill take care of it. Just like we did in the awakening shrine.

This is more serious than an awakening trial. Glorias voice softened a bit. here we can actually die.

Only if we let it happen. Weve been doing pretty well in training lately. And that was just three of us. There will be a lot more.

The caravan had a lot more. Look what happened to them.

Not all of them were awakened, Dallion lied. There was no way to know for sure. So far only part of the weapons had been special, but that was far from a guarantee. You dont need an echo to help you. Once you get rid of it the world will be a whole different place. Trust me on this.

Gloria didnt say a word. The struggle was written all over her face. She wanted to believe him, but also didnt dare to.

You can trust me on this. Here. He put his dartbow in her hand. Use this. Just like you did to get my silver coin. When in doubt, resort to humor. Ill be waiting here.

No. Gloria pushed the weapon back in his hand. I need to do this alone, or not at all. If Im to be the groups scout, I cant rely on others.

The pair went out of Dallions awakened state.

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