Leveling with the Gods

Chapter 245

It was a peculiar ranking.


It wasn't a low rank by any means.

Within this vast tower, being number 418 meant being a presence with notable power and influence on a single floor.


"Still, it's low compared to what I've achieved so far."

YuWon didn't dwell too much on his accomplishments.

Although the ranking department staff, who knew all the big and small facts of the Tower, might consider his achievements even more impressive. But Rank 418 was still too low.

"Because I'm not a Ranker yet."

Strictly speaking, YuWon wasn't a player with the Ranker title, as it was only bestowed upon great Players who had conquered the entire Tower. And the "Ranking" was only awarded to those exceptional players.

However, regardless of his ability, YuWon was still not a Ranked Player, so his ranking would have to be adjusted.

"I did something unnecessary."

YuWon had already reached a much higher position than this before.

Naturally, he had no ambition for the Ranking and would only become more annoyed due to the reactions of other Rankers.


YuWon muttered as he held three flags in his hand.

"With this, I'll be able to go to the 60th floor."


An enormous block of ice filled the testing area.

Along with YuWon's murmuring while sitting on top of the ice block, a message was heard.

[You have captured all the flags.]

[Extra points will be granted for each flag.]

[You have passed the 59th floor trial.]

[You have obtained 200,000 points.]

The Kingdom/Realm of Asgard was known to be the most populated by players.

Warm sun, moderate rain, four seasons, and abundant food.

A world associated with the word "peace."

As such, many Players climbed the Tower, dreaming of settling in this world.

Indeed, it was said that many Players ascended the Tower both to establish themselves in Asgard and to become Rankers.

Therefore, the Rankers in Asgard were understandably proud.

But then...

"Kim YuWon is coming here?"

The 64th floor.

In the world where great warriors resided, Valhalla. Within it, in the Golden Castle that only the mightiest warriors could enter, the Rankers of Asgard gathered.

"I heard he has the Golden Castle Plate."

"How did he obtain it?"

"It seems he got it as a gift from Thor during the destruction of Olympus."

"The destruction of Olympus?"

"Yes, the incident where Zeus was dragged down."

"Oh, that..."

Valhalla stirred.

The fact that a Player entered the Golden Castle was as exceptional as the Ranking bestowed upon him.

"Isn't his Ranking too high, even if that's the case?"

"Ranking isn't always related to skill. His influence and fame as the strongest player probably influenced his Ranking."

"Good point."

This was the Rankers' perception of Kim YuWon.

Considering his potential as a player, his Ranking was established higher than his actual ability.

In fact, if they could defeat Kim YuWon, they could increase their own ranking.

"And where is this Kim YuWon now?"

"On the 63rd floor."

Just then, a familiar voice intervened from behind the group of Rankers gathered in the Golden Castle.

"He probably has his next trial tomorrow."


"Prince Thor?"

The prince of Asgard with a defined golden beard.

Odin's son, Thor, joined their conversation.

"It was me who gave him the plaque."

When the golden eyes looked at them, the Rankers who had been complaining about Kim YuWon averted their gaze.

"Is there a problem?"

"N-No, it's not that."

"It's not that, it's just..."

The Rankers stuttered, unable to find the right words.

Thor looked at them pitifully and waved his hand.


At his gesture, they bowed and hurriedly walked away.

Thor murmured as he watched the backs of those Rankers recede.

"Tsk. What an inferiority complex."

Kim YuWon's public opinion was not favorable within Asgard.

Many Rankers and Players lined up to join Asgard. However, Kim YuWon had been invited to join a Guild like Asgard for quite some time, and he had repeatedly refused.

But now, surprisingly, Kim YuWon had the Golden Castle plaque and had received a ranking. This would surely cause dissatisfaction among the others.

"I guess it's hard to believe without seeing it in person," Thor murmured as he looked at the landscape of Valhalla outside the window of the Golden Castle.

'Probably no one will know why the king, Odin, is interested in Kim YuWon until they see it for themselves.'

[You have passed the 63rd floor trial]

[The trial has ended]

[You have obtained 200,000 points...]

With the message of trial completion, the surrounding landscape changed. The corpses of the countless Dragons disappeared, and the bright red sky transformed into a clear and crystalline blue sky.

The fresh air caressed his nose.

In front of him, he saw long stretches of road, bustling people, and rare smiles on their faces.

At first glance, it was a truly beautiful world to live in.

"Oh, a new player has arrived?"

"Just one?"

"Just one? Really?"

All eyes turned to YuWon as he appeared.

It was not uncommon for new players to join after a trial.

But this time, they couldn't help but be interested.

YuWon was the only one who climbed up.

"Did he really climb up alone without a team?"


"Wait a minute. Isn't that Kim YuWon?"

There were some people who recognized YuWon's face.

On the 64th floor, there shouldn't be many people who were interested in the Murim Championship.

In fact, after climbing a few floors, YuWon hadn't encountered many Players who recognized him.

One reason.

"Is it the effect of the Ranking?"

It was because of YuWon's recent ranking.

"When you reach the 64th floor, people start paying more attention to the Ranked Players. They can't help but be interested in the appearance of new Rankers..."

He could understand it.

It was about time for the name "Kim YuWon" to be engraved in people's minds.

He didn't like the attention.

But now, whether he liked it or not, he had to get used to it.

So, without averting his gaze, YuWon spoke up.

"I'm here by invitation of King Odin."


A golden plate shone in his hand.

"Show me the way."

At that signal, several people in the crowd kneeled down.

The Golden Castle Plate.

It was the symbol of a great warrior of Valhalla.

Asgard was the Guild with the most players in the Tower.

Moreover, the 64th floor was inhabited by countless players under Asgard's control.

And there was a rule for Asgardian Players.

They had to kneel before those who possessed the Golden Castle Plate.

That was a courtesy to the warriors who were able to set foot in Valhalla's Golden Castle.

"This way."

YuWon was guided by the Valhalla players.

Valhalla wasn't very large compared to other worlds.

As they advanced through the streets, they could see a shining and enormous castle at the far end.

"The Golden Castle."

Asgard's Rankers.

And a place where invited free people from Asgard and Rankers from other Guilds gathered.


The residence of Odin, the King of Asgard.

"This is enough."

He had already received enough directions to get here.

Now he could move on his own since he had reached a visible place.

Two players who had guided him hesitated for a moment.

And one of them spoke up:

"Uh... I have something to tell you."


"You probably won't be very welcome here."

He spoke cautiously.

Since YuWon didn't react, he continued speaking.

"Not only members from other Guilds, but also Asgard's Rankers won't look kindly upon you. They feel uncomfortable seeing you undo the path they have walked so hard."

"Because of my Ranking?"

"Yes. I'm sure many Rankers feel the same way."

"There are a lot of people who think that Kim YuWon's Ranking is too high, considering he hasn't become a Ranker yet."

The player beside him chimed in, and YuWon chuckled.

It was nonsense.

In fact, it was quite the opposite.


"Maybe you shouldn't go."

"I don't know where you got that from, but..."

Judging by their reactions, something was going to happen when he arrived at the Golden Castle.

YuWon turned to the two players who were watching him closely.

"But why are you telling me this?"

"Because I'm a fan."

"Yes, I am too."

"A fan?"

He remembered hearing something similar.

The son of Demon King Belial, Mamos.

"Now that I think about him, I hope he's doing well."

He also had quite some talent, so he probably has already reached a higher level.

"We'll have to meet sooner or later."

As for Belial, he was a high-ranking member of the Demon Kings Guild.

YuWon looked at the two men who were standing awkwardly.

They seemed to resemble Mamos a bit.

A small part of him felt curious.

"So, are you my fans?"

"Yes, yes!"

"For Players who have given up on becoming a Ranker, Kim YuWon is an idol."

"We've decided to stop here, but you..."

Praises for YuWon came out of nowhere.

He didn't particularly like flattery, so it went in one ear and out the other.

But still, he wanted to give them something in return.

"I've changed my mind."

The two men looked at YuWon with perplexed faces.

Has he changed his mind?

"Follow me. To the Golden Castle."


"To the Golden Castle?"

In the face of their perplexity, YuWon displayed the Golden Castle Plate in his hand.

"If you want, both of you can enter the Golden Castle as my servants."

"Are you saying... we can actually enter the Golden Castle?"

The Golden Castle was a dream for Asgard's Players.

A place you could only enter if you were a Ranker.

No, even Rankers couldn't enter the Golden Castle depending on their rank.

But this was the only way to enter the Golden Castle.

"If you take us there, we'll do whatever you ask."

"We'll follow you faithfully!"

For Asgard Players, they were quite jovial.

YuWon waved his hand as he walked away.

"I don't need anything from you other than your company. I don't worry about anything else. Just go and see with your own eyes..."

The two happy players suddenly fell silent when YuWon looked at the Golden Castle with a strange expression in his eyes.

"Player or Ranker...".

YuWon squinted his eyes as he gazed at the Golden Castle in the distance. It was as if he was looking at an amusement park.

"That doesn't mean anything."

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