Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 194 A faceslap routine??

Chapter 194  A faceslap routine??

"You guys can choose your own techniques, I'll meet you back outside." Rio said to everyone and left them.

"You can come to help me, if you find something for yourself." Rebecca said, after looking at the long section of shelves piled up with books related to spear arts.

"You were in a hurry to come here. So choose for yourself, I'm going." Amelia said and left towards the section of magic arts.

Takashi went towards the section which stored the books on meditation or spiritual arts. While Ayla followed Amelia, as she needed to take a look at the arts based on her wood element. Or maybe find something that can help her in alchemy.

"Come on. You guys. I'm serious." Rebecca said, as she saw everyone leaving. She already had a 6* technique on her water element, what she lacked was a close combat fighting technique. She had learned some from her family, but they were too tough to understand, and she was still stuck on novice mastery. So she wanted a chance to look at something compatible and easy to master.

'Idiots' she said, to all of them and busied herself, in looking through the books.

The techniques stored within the great library would be given out to students without any cost. But they could only keep it until they remained in the academy. After the final year they would have to return the books to the academy, and they would have to find a fault in it and perfect it, as part of a test.

If they couldn't find any faults, then they'd need to share some insights they had, which makes mastering that technique easier for the next students. If anyone couldn't even do that, then they'd either have to give the academy a technique of similar rank or they'll have to do some other tasks for the academy as compensation.

Overall nothing was free for anyone, the academy got their arts perfected, and some side effects and skills improved, or they got some new skills in return - so no one was suffering a loss.

Even the poor commoners or people without any resources and backing were happy with this method, as it gave them a way to learn strong techniques passed down for centuries. As for returning some new technique, what's so hard about that, after they successfully passed from one of the best academies.

<Those who failed, dropped or died in between the years, the academy would suffer a loss, but as they say, not all loans gets paid back in full. But those that do, come with great interest.>>

Rio, was walking happily towards the section of techniques based on archery.

Apollo was a well known God famous for his talent in archery. In Greek myths, aside from his sister Artemis, hardly anyone could match his talent in it. And that's what he planned to teach Leon in the beginning of the novel's plot.

The novel was different from others of similar genre, because it broke the typical trope of a swordsman protagonist. But that was only for a while, as the time passed, and more gods and more enemies came - sword became author's main focus and Leon became another cliched swordsman hero.

The last time Rio entered the library, he also looked for the technique of the protagonist but he couldn't find it anywhere. Thinking that maybe it was with some other student Or was only placed in the library, when the plot started - Rio gave up and chose the technique his character chose in the novel.

Starfall Strike – a 3* sword art, which mainly focused on swift and precise attacks. It's a style that emphasizes fluidity, agility, and perfect timing. Practitioners of this art are often likened to shooting stars, leaving a trail of light as they move swiftly and strike with pinpoint accuracy.

Rio already knew all about this method and how it would progress further.

In the novel this technique was divided in 4 parts, with 3 parts of it placed around the great library on different floors, while the last part was found in a tower.

He would find its second part on the next floor of the library after he became a second year student, but instead of waiting like that, Rio just hired a second year student and asked him to bring the second part for him.

With him already mastered the foundation sword art, created by his father, his understanding of sword techniques was much higher, coupled with his talent and no disturbances from anyone, Rio had already learned the 3* technique completely and successfully started practicing the next version of it.

Silence Star – a 4* sword art. Upgraded version of the Starfall Strike. It is known for its sheer unpredictability and swiftness. Practitioners of this art are often seen as celestial dancers on the battlefield. The technique involves silent, sweeping motions that mimic the descent of stars from the sky.

With his time in the dungeon, and the stupid zombies which became his practice partners, he had practiced it till fundamental level of mastery. If not for the effects of corrosive energy of the red sun, which started to affect his senses, he might've mastered it a little more.

But there was no need for him to worry, he could use his points to perfect it any time he wanted.

But he chose not to, there was no need to waste the precious points on something trivial he could do himself. He can't just laze around and leave it all for the system.

'I'm such a hard worker, yet everyone calls me lazy. They really don't know a thing.'


Rio looked at the system's panel which suddenly popped up and he closed it instantly.

'Even this system is dumb' He said and reached the section he was looking for.

After reaching there Rio started going through the books, looking for the first opportunity of the protagonist in the academy.

'Eagle's Dive Shot'

'Hunter's Moon'

'Whispering Wind Release'

'Hawk's Eye'

'Star Shower'

"Where is it?" Rio said as he checked every book on a long shelf, but couldn't find that one. "Did something change unexpectedly? But I don't remember anything regarding that technique anywhere else. And I didn't change anything related to that clan, so where is it?"

'Did Leon came before me and got it?' Rio thought, but crossed that idea. According to the novel, Leon was supposed to go after Professor Freya to ask about some doubts on elemental magic, and would only come here much later with her. He had seen him talking with Miss Freya, that's why he was in a hurry to come here and steal that technique, before he came.

'But where is it?'

[Maybe someone else took it?]

'What is that - a cabbage on the roadside.' Rio scoffed at the system for giving a useless solution. How can anyone else take the technique designed for the protagonist? Especially since the plot has started, it's simply preposterous.

[Maybe fate acted in his favor, and someone took it for now. And Leon will get it from them later.] System said, as even it was surprised with this development.

Hearing system's suggestions, Rio thought for a second, if that could be possible, but then he shook his head. 'Every student would have to record the technique in their names after taking it. One technique can't be shared between 2 students. Especially since the staff would assess everyone's performance over the mastery of the technique recorded here, every month. So it's not possible that 2 students would share one technique. They wouldn't allow it.'

[Then maybe someone picked it from here and..]

'Is now waiting for Leon to come and take it.'

The system started speaking as it thought of a certain scenario from other stupid novels and Rio understood and finished its words.

"It's a fucking faceslap scenario." Rio couldn't help but mutter aloud as he understood this whole routine.

Over the years he had come across many flashback scenes and storylines that changed and altered a little to make things more interesting than the novel. He could just blame it all on heaven's playfulness or his interference.

And now here it was again.

A faceslap routine, where some stupid young master or side stepping stone, got something good and the protagonist set his sights on it too. Then they will both either have some kind of bet or a competition or another useless argument, which would end up with protagonist shining brighter and getting the rewards. While the stepping stone could just cry and vow for revenge in the corner.

'Is this the way of fate to give Leon some limelight since I stole that in the entrance ceremony.' Rio couldn't help but think.

[Whatever you do, you should hurry up, cause Leon would be coming here soon.]

System spoke, with some interest in its voice. This is what it was waiting for, finally a scene where the villain system could watch the wait for full 8 years for any fun drama to begin.


drama between the protagonist and the villain. Everytime it got binded to a host, some kind of plot would already be happening, so it would always be interesting to watch, only this time, it had to wait for full 8 years for any fun drama to begin.

'Damn it, which bastard stole that technique' Rio cursed the luck and started looking at every student who were standing near that section.

A little far from where Rio was searching around, a beautiful girl was standing alone, waiting for her subordinates.

"Your highness, did you find a technique for yourself?" A handsome elf came near her and asked her in a polite way.

"I have, let's leave." The girl said, while showing the leather printed book with an arrowhead mark on it. With the title of the book written in some old letters - Aurora Volley.

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