Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 199 Therapy and Thaddeus Winthrop

Chapter 199  Therapy and Thaddeus Winthrop

Next day, the news about what happened at the library was spread throughout the entire academy. Miss Freya did her best to suppress the matter or downplay it, but since other staff and students were also present there, it was hard. Since no one knew what really happened or why Rio suddenly snapped, Miss Freya just used the trauma as an excuse to divert the attention, and put the blame on PTSD of him being trapped in the dungeon. Not many bought it, but that's also the only thing that made some little sense, cause otherwise what would be the reason for a Duke's son to snap at elven royal guards?

"Miss Freya, do I really have to do this?" After the first class was over, Rio ran after Miss Freya and asked her. "You can just double my training time, or give me some solitary treatment or something."

"The fact that you're trying to skip it and asking me this, is all the more proof that you need to go there." Miss Freya said, as she kept walking, "And besides, the decision is made by the council, requesting me now won't change a thing."

"But I'm perfectly fine. Yesterday was just a bad slip up. It won't happen again." Rio requested, as he really didn't expect them to give him the useless punishment.

"You're wasting your time, Rio. Your next class is about to start, so just go for the training." Miss Freya said and entered her next class. "I'll tell Lucius to go easy on you."

Rio just stood by the door, in the hallway thinking if he could find some excuse to escape his punishment.

[I don't get why you're so worried about it. A little therapy might be tone.

"Seriously." Rio said in a surprised tone "You've seen my memories right, and you're still saying that."

[Not every therapist is a hoax out to fool the customers and loot some money. Some are really nice.]

"Not this one. Lucius Delirium is literally the male version of Harley Quinn. No one knows when he'll flip and turn crazy himself. Let alone cure me." Rio said with a defeated smile.

"You've seen the novel right, this guy is no good with his weird ways of treatment. I might just turn more twisted after meeting him."

[Well, you have no choice, do you? Unless you want to openly oppose the academy or expose him.] System said [In both cases, your losses would far outweigh the little gains you'd get.]

Rio understood that point too, as he nodded his head and said "Let's just hope these sessions end up better than the ones back on earth."

what you really need the most right now.] System said in an amused [Or you'll have to think of a way to remove another villain from the academy.]

'I would've done it, if his plotlines weren't necessary for the growth of senior Freya.' Rio thought remembering about the slow burn will they, won't they romance thingy between those two.

Stopping unnecessary thoughts, he started making his way towards the training grounds, where his next class for physical training and techniques would start soon.

Since the technique he was looking for was taken by Saisha, he just picked another archery technique, which was hers in the novel. Leon on the other hand, not finding a suitable technique about archery, he chose another technique about elemental control, called 'Fusion Art'.

Though Rio didn't know anything about this art, as it was never mentioned in the novel. Maybe some extra character chose it, or maybe no one did. Or maybe it was his luck giving him another hidden gem, he wasn't sure.

But after asking around about its origin and uses from the staff at the library, he learned it was mainly focused on fusing different elements together(Elemental Fusion), and merging the essence of one element with your body(Elemental Ascendance).

It's famous for giving a boost to spells casted, or gaining temporal boost depending on the element used on your body.

The downside of this technique was that it required precise control and mastery of elements used for fusion. And it had a huge Mana consumption if one tried to enhance themselves by merging.

From that Rio wasn't sure if the protagonist really even needed this, as in the novel Apollo taught him all that stuff for free, whenever he was in a difficult situation.

[Maybe this time Apollo will teach him archery instead of all that. Plus with this technique he can get more chances and scenes with Professor Freya, this hastening her plotlines.]

"And Lucius's too." Rio said. "That would become troublesome to handle, if Lucius became crazy earlier than he was supposed to."

[All the more reasons for you to go for therapy, so you can keep an eye on him.]

"Damn it. Are you sure my luck hasn't dropped, cause I feel like I'm getting unlucky over time." Rio said, as he remembered all that has happened with him in recent times.

[Your luck is still fixed on 6. Ever since you stopped Noah's prophecy, it's been stuck there.]

"If all this is still happening with my high luck, then I should increase it once phase 2 hits. And the world system gets an upgrade." Rio said.

Even though the system could increase all his stats, it advised him not to try to meddle with luck. Because it might attract the attention of the World's Will.

Besides he only had to wait for 2 years and then with all the 'good deeds' he did till now, and could do later - he can get a ton of World Points and increase his luck in a more legal way.

[Loki is curious about your outburst yesterday, so you should try to act normal for a few days. He's an anomaly and no one knows what he might pull.]

"That slippery bastard. I should deal with him first when phase 2 begins, so as not to bring any more trouble." Rio said.

Somewhere far away from the plane of mortals, Loki who was watching a drama where he made a noblewoman's affair with a soldier public, suddenly had a shiver run down his spine.

His playful expression shifted to one of mild concern. "That's weird," Loki muttered, his voice a melodious blend of coquettishness and amusement. "Did that old man start looking for me again? Or is it that monkey this time?"

He looked around the ever-changing landscape of his realm, filled with mirrors and illusions shifting and swirling. However, aside from a few agitated gods gnashing their teeth at his antics, there was no sign of the source of his discomfort.

To be on the safe side, he decided to change places and go somewhere else. But before he left, he didn't forget to play the final trick, as he snapped his fingers with a devilish smile.

Soon a housemaid came forward for the affair with the lady too, asking to join the lady's harem, and her husband to watch from the side, shaming the nobleman in public even more.

Loki reveled in the mayhem he had sown, his eyes dancing with the satisfaction of a trick well played. His smiling figure fading in the void.

Talking and chatting like that, Rio soon reached the place of the training grounds. When he reached there, almost all of the classmates were already gathered there and forming lines.

The stage was dominated by a burly old man, seated on a chair with his eyes closed, and his head resting on his hand. His age was evident from the long, flowing white hair that moved over his shoulders, interspersed with sporadic black strands. A majestic beard of similar hue further accentuated his aged appearance. He wore a long, jet-black trench coat adorned with intricate golden designs, which seemed to glimmer in the sunlight.

As Rio joined the ranks of his fellow students, the old man stirred. His eyes, a haunting shade of purple, opened, and a piercing gaze scanned the assembly. His mere presence exuded an intimidating aura, and it was clear that this was no ordinary instructor.

Thaddeus Winthrop, the man who commanded this stage, held the responsibility of teaching Class A-3 about weapon arts and physical endurance. He was renowned for his strict discipline and an unyielding demeanor that left few in his wake unscathed.

He was one of the first apostles of apostasy. The man who saw gods for what they truly were. He refused to be the avatar of any deity, relying solely on his own strength to ascend to the high realms of power. HE was a self-made warrior.

'It's been a while, professor.' Rio thought as he met the gaze of the old man, instead of looking away like everyone else.

[Here it comes, host.]

The system's ominous warning hung in the air, and before Rio could fully understand its meaning, a colossal wave of pressure cascaded over them. Thaddeus had released his aura, and the effect was immediate and overwhelming.

Students gasped audibly, the air in their lungs suddenly thinning. They struggled to maintain their composure as the oppressive force intensified. Everyone felt like a mountain was pressing on their shoulders, forcing them to fall down. Some frantically attempted to channel their mana or employ their aura to shield themselves, but under the weight of Thaddeus's aura, these efforts proved futile.

Thud - Thud.

The training grounds echoed with the sound of bodies hitting the ground. Students, one by one, succumbed to the crushing weight, their bodies unable to withstand the immense pressure. The unlucky ones who had bent down to find support by resting on their knees soon joined the fallen, some even sustaining broken bones in the process.

-arghh thud-

Rio looked around and saw that more than half of his class was lying on the ground, while others were trying hard to not fall down.

The rankers and the named characters of the novel were still standing without any problem, waiting for this test to be over. Amaya, Katherine, Valtor, Alaric, all of them were showing no signs of discomfort. Rio even saw Amelia chatting with Rebecca on the side, like she didn't even notice whatever was happening around her

. 'They have no idea,' Rio thought, observing the nonchalant behavior of the select few. As if on cue, the professor intensified the pressure once more, and even the most resilient among the students began to waver.

Rio could see the anger and frustration etched on the faces of his classmates. In their minds, they likely conjured a barrage of curses directed to the instructor who subjected them to this ordeal. They fought to stay upright, their struggle evident in strained expressions and labored breaths.

Rio glanced at the protagonist and other important characters, it was finally time that even they were having a hard time standing straight and keeping their eyes open.

Even Leon, fresh from his rank-up, gritted his teeth and bit his lips, the metallic taste of blood mingling with his determination. Their ability to maintain their stance and keep their eyes open grew increasingly challenging.

[He's batshit crazy.]

'It's time for level 3. How many will fall down this time.' Rio thought, as the pressure increased again. Now even he could feel a little weight on his shoulders.

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