Lonely Attack on the Different World (WN)

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Translator: Pink Tea Editor: Ryunakama

Day 62 Midday, Murimuri Castle.

A great uproar, the princess is raring to charge in, the First Princes faction is heading here and the Second Prince faction is locked up in the Capital? Meripapa-san also seems very eager to charge somewhere, but if we leave the place he wont be able to move from here. The First Prince will be the one to act first. Frontier Subjugation Force, an allied force of personal troops of nobles on the Churchs side and the third division of the royal army that belongs to the First Prince faction. Good grief,Subjugationis supposedly an act of pacifying non-obeying party by beating them into submission, and now the guys, that made no effort of subjugating the Great Dungeon or the Evil Forest are coming with an army to bring peace here. Ill gladly welcome and beat them into a pulp until they reach the submission that they seem to like so much.

But if there is a revolt in the capital the nobles would want to head there. The Second Princes forces cant be underestimated and taking the frontier while losing the capital is pointless, but whats more important, their own domains are in danger. However, the Church shouldnt care about anything but the Frontier. They will try to direct them here. If the cooperation breaks down that will play into our hands, their destination will change depending on who is the real leader there.

And as soon as one of them moves, Royal Girl is going to strike. She still hasnt given up on the kingdom. She stated that the royal familys pride is the peace of the kingdoms subjects. She has no intentions of even allowing any war to happen. Im pretty sure its a bit late for that, but she still hasnt given up. She found her resolve. Thats her being hell bent on fighting until the bitter end because thats the only thing she can do.

So fighting prowess is the only thing she has.

And so, lets practice, like, Ive never seen you actually fight, and you havent even had a trial fight with your new weaponry, plus Id like to properly observe the sexy dress? No, I mean, purely for scientific purposes, if there are no problems then there are no problems, but if there are any I will improve and strengthen it? Thats right, I have no ulterior motives at all, is what I cant actually claim, but I have vastly more lewd motives than ulterior ones. Ill be kindly looking over your fight, so dont worry about that. So lets commence the practice (beating)?

Royal Girl + Maid Girl VS Armored Pres-san. The result is obvious even without watching, but I have to observe the sexy dress and the wonderful dynamite body peeking through its slits! Rajingan-san Ill be in your care.

As expected, she is strong. And sexy!

Orthodox school, a combat-oriented swordsmanship pursuing certainty, without any unconventional elements, hence, she is simply strong and efficient. Thats the high road, well, she is a princess after all?

And in the shadows, clearly trying to be as unconventional as possible, is Maid Girl. Their attacks have superb coordination, bordering on the level of telepathy, even if thrown off she immediately handles it, even if shaken, she immediately fights using her quick wit.

This is a swordsmanship meant for war. Fighting as part of an army unit, this strength without any pretense to the point of crudeness, is to show no openings whether one is to face an army or an individual. Thats why she is the Sword Princess.

Well, the opponent is Armored Pres-san. The Sword Princess sword is unable to reach the target, and all attacks from the shadows are immediately shut down the moment she pokes out. Whack-a-mole maid version?

(*Pant, Pant, Pant*) The heck is this strength!

Sparring with pres and the others should be just perfect for them? If given equipment of the same level it should be a pretty even fight. They are anti-human combat and war specialists, while the other party are Cheats with levels over 100.

Earnestly following Armored Pres-sans movements, she earnestly blocked her attacks, and desperately swung at her again and again.

This is the most ideal and suitable training, well the end result is they are still going to get beaten up, but this also has an excellent diet effect, both of them can be expected to have a nice toned dynamite body with a sexy waist followed by round dynamite hips! Eh, WhOa!

Goughaaaah! Wait, you got it wrong! I was properly explaining a fencing technique? Thats right, detailed descriptions are necessary? Or rather, why are you pulling out a morning star in the middle of sword practice and swinging it at the commentator as an off-hand? Come on, it was just a bit, eh! I was saying that aloud? In a triumphant pose? From where? Aaah~ from

Rubbing slippery lotion on those soft and round curves~? So you heardSpreading those wonderful legs and~!too? Well, thats that Im really sorry!

(Currently reprimanded with a morning star)

Although it was supposed to be Royal Girl and Maid Girls practice, even I had to practice (get beaten). Naturally, in my case, there was no room for training at all, and it was a simple gruesome beating.

Onee-sama! That was amazing, the strongest, fantastic, please take me as your student!

Ever since her first breakdown, Royal Princess was strangely attached to Armored Pres, but after the spar (beating) she is even more all over her.

Linking arms with her she is leaning coquettishly against her, following her around while maintaining constant body contact. Id like to do the same, but its dangerous. How about you put away that morning star already?

Well, getting along is nice and fancy, since its two beauties, its fine, but is it really the time to swing an iron ball at me? Royal Girls eyes are totally crazy? Yeah, possibly the greatest danger to Armored Pres-san is encroaching upon her, or rather, touching, or rather, lewding at her? The eyes she has for Armored Pres-san are totally those of someone who meant onee-sama in a lewd way? She is even speaking about taking a bath together, there is a clear threat! A yuri threat! I definitely will have to watch attentively over her, in case the threat escalates! Would you like some lotion with that?

Maid Girl-san, are you sure about ignoring that? Wasnt lewd stuff forbidden because of royal family something something? Whoooa, she is so obviously averting her eyes! Thats definitely a habitual yuri person!

Its apparently the royal familys secret.

Royal Girl turned out to be such a yuri girl that Maria-sama isnt just watching, but intently staring! And Im intending to do the same! [1]

Armored Pres-san is beckoning with a wooden sword in her hands as usual. Looks like for her its practice (beating) over yuri (lewd). Taking stances, we slowly close the gap, closing the distance between us. Royal Girl is watching closely, but she has a totally lewd look in her eyes, so she isnt watching for things to learn from the fight but slowly yurying her way into the seventh heaven. Its like she isnt even here.

I step in with a zero-motion slash straight ahead of me. The attack flies from the right, while I myself am going to the left, it makes zero sense just as usual, but she dodged it with a light sway and in one step closed the distance on me.

Upper left. But Im not going to move, if the future sight shows me moving then Im getting cut the next moment. Reading Armored Pres-sans flow of power and mana I swing the wooden stick to the upper right.

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As if sliding, our wooden sticks overlap and separate only to repeat the cycle again.

I wonder how she does it, but it seems she is reading the attack trajectory of the teleporting wooden stick and while avoiding it she slashes back at me.

Well, at the very least, I dont think that Im being read, since I have no idea where it will go too, but she even reads the timing that I will vanish and easily handles it. While reading through the phantasmagoria of invisible attacks, she reads her opponent that vanishes like mist. Like, her sword technique is so invincible that there seems to be no way to defeat her at all, the prince, nobles, and the church that want to snatch this away are way too recklessly bold.

I clad myself in magic. Wrapping myself in everything I can apply I activate every skill that I can use. The body is repeating destruction, regeneration, instantaneous movement, vanishing, and teleportation.

Im sure its a complete mess, after all, there is no plan or care involved, a crazy boogie with every spell and skill I have thrown into the mix indiscriminately. But even this is seen through, read, and retaliated. She keeps sweeping away, slashing, and cutting through my movements and attacks that cant be predicted, anticipated, or seen even with Future Sight.

Among the delirious storm of countless weird and bizarre attacks of infinite variety a split second of Kyojitsu, activating for a brief moment it forcibly took control, forcing the body moving at zero trajectory into a perfect slashing motion without any ineffectiveness. Armored Pres-san blocked it with a surprised look. This is the first time that I managed to halt Armored Pres-san. This surely has to get a passing mark. But as expected, Im in tatters. (*crush*)

Aah~, it really hurts! My entire body hurts, full body bone fracture, tearing all of the muscles, and total exhaustion on top of a good chunk of MP disappearing as a bonus! This is definitely a bad one, as expected, it destroys the body in one go, this is the one that eventually kills you.

But for a moment I managed to force Armored Pres-san to simply block with a simple slash. I managed to make her pause.

It might not have been useless, but I dont see a way to use this. Thats basically committing suicide in the middle of combat, one attack completely destroys ones body.

And Royal Girl, who was previously looking with lewd eyes, has her eyes fixed on us with a serious expression. It looks like she was able to learn something from observing us.

Regenerating and mending my body, I adjust my physical sensations. Normal fencing withoutTeleportation, its worth observation, and I do seem to have the need to remake Kyojitsu.

As the beating named sparring repeats, the beating named training continues. I definitely demand the revenge War of the Bucket with the reopening of underwater warfare!

However It seems that someone (a skill) is being mischievous? There is something weird in the mix again.

Now, I learned both Royal Girl and Maid Girl movements and fighting styles. Lets adjust and enhance their equipment, naturally, it includes lewdness too! With trial and error it can be said that I mastered transparent and shrinking swimsuit manufacture. Lets go with a perfect fit that clings to the body almost biting in! With a generous bonus of increased transparency!

Looks like Royal Girl and Maid Girl are going to get beaten up again. Finally, their first experience of going X_X.

No plan, no strategy, and no estimates. If Royal Girl and the First Prince are the only ones to act, I can simply tag along. That will be the battleground.

And most importantly, it seems that Royal Girl has the authority of captain of the knights of the royal guard. And those knights have a special female division specialized in protecting female royalty and nobles.

In other words, those sexy female knights are also Royal Girls subordinates. Which means that a combat (wardrobe malfunction) with Knight Princess (dynamite body), her retainer (lewd maid) and sexy female knight order (erorists) all together is also possible! Alright, lets go, it would be a disgrace for any highschool boy not to come to her defense! Thats because one mention ofLucky Slipto highschool boys of the previous world wouldve been enough for them to go on an unstoppable rampage penetrating breakthrough with each one matching the power of a thousand, because that is the true nature of highschool boys!

In that case, Ill have to improve the female knight orders equipment too. Is it finally the time for ultra-lightly armored (bikini armor) female knights order to be born into this world? Theyd probably be able to annihilate the likes of the geeks and idiots while they are still stunned.

[TL Notes:

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria-sama_ga_Miteru The Virgin Mary Is Watching or Maria Watches Over Us.

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