Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 231: The Fool” Joins the Religion

Chapter 231: The Fool” Joins the Religion

Doubled salary... Klein's face was solemn, he turned to Dunn and asked, "Captain, if I want to join, what are the conditions?"

"All it takes is the bishop's nod." Dunn smiled, "This does not involve belief in the goddess. In fact, all Nighthawks are dream believers."

"As the bishop said, this is a benefit, not an obligation."

"Very good." Truman raised his eyebrows, "You have become a member of my dream sect."

Very well, all the "Lord of Mysteries" have chosen to join the Dream Sect. There is no way to escape the fact that this "Lord of Mysteries" was once an angel under the "Supreme Dream".

There was a joy that could not be concealed on Klein's eyebrows.

In a world where formal attire is ridiculously expensive, doubling the salary will be enough to greatly improve the living conditions of him and his family in the coming days.

"Then what do I need to do?" Klein felt that he had to do something to be worthy of this salary.

"If you can, come here once a week and listen to the dreamy voice." Truman said.

"Okay!" Klein nodded solemnly.

The matter was settled, and Dunn quickly left St. Selina Church with Klein and returned to the Blackthorn Security Company.

"Captain, is this dream sect so... rich?" Klein couldn't help but ask.

The divine robe worn by Bishop Truman just now, coupled with the doubling of the salary of all Nighthawks, all indicate a fact.

"Well..." Dunn Smith smiled and took out a gold coin from his pocket wallet.

Klein didn't know why.

"Theoretically, all gold coins, even today's paper currency, gold pounds, etc., originated from the Dream Sect."

"In the Solomon Empire, there is a dream castle, which is the financial center of the entire world and formulates the financial rules of the entire world."

"Loen's currency system is based on the rules of Dream Castle."

"Hiss!" Klein gasped, shocked and speechless.

Controlling the financial rules of a world is indeed the richest place!

"I can feel that the bishop attaches great importance to you. If you can, you can also be more inclined to the Dream Sect."

Dunn Smith suddenly said that he was aware of Klein's family situation and knew that he needed to improve his family situation.

"You can learn more about the Dream Sect. There are various tasks there, and you can get extremely generous rewards if you complete them. The rules there are also very suitable for young people with active thinking like you."


Dunn Smith glanced at Klein, as if he had thought of something, and his expression was a little strange.

"The Dream Sect holds a special and safe path to Beyonders."

"A safe way to be an Beyonder?!" Klein had already learned some occult knowledge in this day, and he was a little confused about the word "safety."

"Yes, safe." Dunn Smith replied, "We have never even encountered an out-of-control Dream Path Extraordinary."

To be honest, Klein was very excited.

"Of course, it's very difficult."

"In fact, except for those who believe in dreams wholeheartedly throughout their lives, the rest have little chance."

They had returned to Blackthorn Security Company, and a young man sitting in the company lounge also heard the conversation and added something aloud.

This young man is almost the same age as Klein. He has black hair and green eyes. He has a soft and handsome appearance and a romantic temperament like a poet.

Leonard Mitchell is also a member of the "Nighthawks".

"Believe in dreams with all my heart..." Klein nodded slightly, but this was very difficult.

"Anyway, let's resolve the ancient notes incident involving you first." Dunn Smith brought the topic to the case.

"What's in that notebook?" Dunn Smith and Klein both sat down, and the atmosphere became serious.

"That seems to be a notebook written by a Solomon noble in the Fourth Age..."

"Noble Solomon?" Leonard Mitchell sat upright and became more serious.

"Yes, it seems... Antigonus?"

This surname has a very important weight in the entire mysterious world. In the Fifth Age, it gradually faded out of the Solomon Empire and settled in the Hornakis Mountains. However, in the Fourth Age, it was one of the most prominent surnames in the Solomon Empire.

So even if this notebook is only from a member of this family, it is still very dangerous, which seems to be beyond the scope of what the Tingen Nighthawks team can deal with.

Dunn Smith's face became solemn, and after some careful thinking, he said, "We may need some help."

"Is it Ms. Daly?" Leonard suddenly laughed and looked at Captain Dunn with a meaningful smile.

"...It should be her." Dunn nodded slightly.

"Captain, why don't you just obey her? She has been pursuing you for so long." Leonard folded his hands and teased with a smile.

Klein raised his eyebrows slightly, sensing the aura of gossip.

"...It's working time now." Dunn forced the topic back.

"Ms. Dailey is a very good extraordinary person. With her help, we will be more relaxed." Dunn explained to Klein.

But the keen Klein had already noticed that the captain's tone seemed to change when he mentioned Ms. Daly.

"That's it for now. Klein, please recall the whereabouts of the Antigonus Notes. I'll go make a report and apply for it now."

Dunn stood up and hurried away.

Klein looked at Leonard. This colleague seemed to have a desire to talk, and he happened to be a good listener.

"Ms. Dailey is one of our seniors, and she is a very good one. She has now gone to Backlund Parish."

That's really impressive. Backlund is a historic city as famous as Solomon's Imperial Capital... Klein nodded in agreement.

"It is said that after Ms. Dai Li joined our company, she launched a fierce offensive against the captain."

"She even claimed to be guided by dreams..."

Leonard and Klein got together to communicate. After several eye contact, their relationship became a lot more familiar. Talking about such topics is the easiest way to bring people closer.

"Okay, I have already sent an application to my superiors, and support from above will arrive soon." Dunn came over quickly.

It's just that when he entered here, he saw two colleagues sitting upright.

"Klein, do you remember any key points? For example, what is recorded in the notes?"

Dunn didn't care too much, but looked at Klein and asked.

"Some." Klein quickly sorted out the memories in his mind and told his two colleagues.

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