Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 346: Arrival

Chapter 346: Arrival

Life at sea is boring but it has an end. After half a month of sailing, a boatload of people arrived in East Balam.

East Balam is not anyone's colony, but a branch of the split Balam Empire.

At the end of the Fourth Age, the "Emperor of Hades" fell, the "Archon" disappeared, the "state religion" Witch Sect withdrew silently, and the Balam Empire at its peak collapsed instantly.

But after all, it is one of the strongest families with multiple angels. After a game between all parties, the Balam Empire was divided into two. East Balam was founded with the support of major churches and countries.

In contrast, Xibailang was the Pluto Emperor's orthodoxy and was established under the leadership of the Eggers family.

The southern continent outside of East and West Balam is occupied by many small countries and tribes, the two most powerful of which are the Highland Kingdom and the Parth Kingdom. This is also the area where the Rose School has been operating for thousands of years.

"The southern continent, East Balam and the northern continent should be about the same."

East Balam is the main place of worship for major churches in the southern continent. Assimilation is very serious, and not many traces of the Balam Empire can be found.

The landing points chosen by Klein and others were Hatis City and Pass Port, which are located in the south of East Balam and are already quite close to the Highland Kingdom and the Pass Kingdom, which are the hinterland of the Rose School of Thought.

It is also a transportation node and an important hub from East Balam to the Kingdom of Pas.

"What are your plans?" "Star Admiral" Cattleya, like many pirates, wants to participate in this hunting feast.

Klein looked at Miss Sharon.

Miss Sharon's expression management was a little unstable today. She was not as puppet-like as before and had some humanity.

Maric also looked at this land with a complicated expression. They escaped from here, and then continued to flee to Backlund.

Now they finally set foot on this land again.

"Zatwin, Maihams." Miss Sharon said these two names.

"Zatwin is the black hand behind the Celestial Sect of the Rose School of Thought, while Maihams is a student of the 'God of Evil' and an important member of the Rose School of Thought."

"Besides, they're both demigods."

Maric added on the sidelines.

"So you want to hunt demigods? Or two?" "Star Admiral" gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose to cover up the overflowing purple light.

"..." "Star Admiral" looked at the four-person team in front of him, and he was completely qualified to do this.

One demigod, three sequence five, one of whom is dual-path, qualified to compete with two demigods, of course, the success rate is unknown.

"Can I participate?" "Star Admiral" lowered his head and thought for half a minute before asking.

"Of course!" No one would give up on a pirate general's ally.

"Okay." Cattleya made a decision, hunting demigods or two. This was definitely a crazy decision.

"Then let's get started." Miss Sharon said softly, with a kind of dominance and confidence that had never appeared from her before.

That is to say, when Klein, Sharon and others began to plan to hunt the demigod, the rest of the place was in place.

Klein had met before, "Sea King" Yan Cotman, the demigod archbishop of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" church, as well as the demigods and extraordinary teams from other churches, all heading towards Pa. advance to the Sri Lankan Kingdom and the Highland Kingdom.

Also moving are the entire church forces in East Balam. The entire world has seen the Dream Sect's determination to eliminate the Blood Worship Cult, and they are happy to help. What's more, the rewards for this matter are very tempting. people.

Among them, the Church of the Night, which is closer to the Dream Sect, even faced off against the Church of the God of War, and at the same time dispatched the "Sword of the Goddess" and the "Eye of the Goddess".

"Eye of the Goddess" is one of the thirteen archbishops of the Church of the Night Goddess and the head of the East Balam Night Diocese. He is a Sequence Three "Bishop of Fear".

In the same situation, the Eternal Sun Church and Moss Ascetic Order also dispatched multiple demigods.

If the Rose School dares to believe that the Blood Worship Cult should have the consciousness to oppose half of the world of extraordinary people.

"It feels like 'six major factions besieged Guangmingding'!" Russell commented sharply on this.

"This place is very close to the Paz Plateau." Truman did not answer Russell, but stood on the deck of the "Future" and looked at the dark clouds in the distance.

It is no more than three hours' drive from the Pas Plateau. For Truman, this is the doorstep of his home.

And in this process, he allowed his malice to be completely hidden, hiding it from all the true gods, and also from the "Mother Tree of Desire".

After all, he was the master of the "Abyss" path, and the "Mother Tree of Desire" definitely has an incredible sense of consciousness that is comparable to the laws of the universe.

This unreasonable ability allows him to interfere with the "Origin Castle" even though he is outside the barrier, and can see Klein.

Therefore, even if Truman wants to have some thoughts, he must hide his thoughts and erase his cause and effect.

The "Mother Tree of Desire" was also cautious, and it was even possible that it sensed something was wrong through some incredible way, so it sent Si'a to take a look at Bernadette as its eyes.

Obviously, this "old man" did not notice Truman's existence through this method.

Afterwards, Truman also arranged for Klein to be on the "Future".

Klein is still unable to completely hide the traces of his gray mist, and will be seen by the "Mother Tree of Desire", so along the way, Truman is actually under the nose of the "Mother Tree of Desire"...

This is the best way to hide.

After all, the "Mother Tree of Desire" wants the Blood Worship Cult, wants Fabuti, and even more wants the "Origin Castle".

As long as the "Mother Tree of Desire" cares about the "Origin Castle" at all, then it will not prevent the "Future" from approaching the Paz Kingdom.

If Klein could enter the Paz Kingdom, even the "Mother Tree of Desire" would probably be happy.

Due to various reasons, Truman has arrived at his door.

"Come here." Truman looked at Russell, who nodded slightly.

Then Russell began to influence the world through the power of his "Knowledge Emperor".

To be on the safe side, He didn't even use the power of the illusion world.

The information flow was conveyed to the church of the Dream Sect through the authority of the "Knowledge Emperor", and then this world-wide sect began to use its most powerful power.

The first person to receive the message was Bernadette. After confirming that the message was correct, she looked at Azik Eggers.

"Your Excellency 'Death Archon', how are you handling the conflicts in your family?"

They are now in West Balam, separated by a continent from Truman, Klein and others.

And this is the territory of the old royal family of Balam, not far from the Star Plateau under the control of the Rose School of Thought.

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