Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 358: Three Questions

Chapter 358: Three Questions

"Um...is that okay?" Klein was suddenly startled.

"Of course, you can ask me three questions, and I will answer them truthfully." Truman nodded slightly, raised his hand, and asked Klein to sit on the high-backed chair opposite him.

Klein sat on the chair with a frown on his face. He must seize this hard-won opportunity. There are too many mysteries surrounding him.

"First question, why did you lead me on the 'dream' path?" Klein asked after being silent for a long time.

This is asking about the past.

Being able to take the "dream" path is undoubtedly his advantage over other people and even time-travelers.

"This is the will of the 'Supreme Dream'." Truman said, that's what he said, there's nothing wrong with it!

This shows that "Supreme Dream" may have discovered my existence when I traveled through time... Klein pursed his lips.

"..." Klein was silent for longer this time.

"I want to know if I can escape the shackles of my final fate." Klein finally gritted his teeth and asked this question at the risk of being exposed.

This is asking about the future.

The strange phenomena he encountered when he was promoted to "Secret Puppet Master" kept Klein unable to relax.

And if Truman's image in Klein's heart hadn't been strong enough, Klein wouldn't have been able to ask this question.

"...'Supreme Dream' said, no." Truman frowned and said again.

Klein's body stiffened and his expression suddenly fell. It took him a long time to adjust to his condition.

Truman shook his head helplessly. He was still far from being omniscient and omnipotent in the true sense.

At least he couldn't tamper with the connection between "Origin Castle" and Klein.

Those are the rules set by the "Lord of Mysteries".

As long as Klein boards the "Origin Castle" after traveling through time, the connection between him and "Origin Castle" will be unshakable.

The kind that even Bethel, Amon, and Truman couldn't steal despite all their efforts!

This is also one of the arrangements of the "Lord of Mysteries" at the end of the Fourth Age. Only several competitors can snatch the "Origin Castle" from Klein's hands through reasonable snatching.

What does "reasonable" mean? It is the control of "Origin Castle", which means awakening the "Lord of Mysteries". Whoever awakens more of the will of the "Lord of Mysteries" in his body will be able to gain an advantage in the battle for "Origin Castle".

But similarly, anyone who obtains the "Origin Castle" must face a "Lord of Secrets" who gradually awakens in the body.

This is the "Lord of Mysteries" who scares the djinn, scares the outside gods, and scares "God" and "Mother Goddess"...

As for preventing Klein from boarding the "Origin Castle" from the beginning, just like Truman stopped other time-travelers, that would be even worse.

Do you still want the "source essence" of the Western Continent? If Truman does this, the gods, even Amanysis and Lilith will have objections.

Of course, you can also choose other time travellers, but if you choose a fun person and directly let the "mystery" get involved, then no one should play.

Klein is the best choice with the fewest variables.

"That's good." Klein suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. "Supreme Dream"'s judgment is probably the most accurate. There is basically no hope for things that he can't do.

The problem with this answer is that it completely shattered Klein's illusions and left him with no room for retreat. This doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

"Then what should I do most now?"

This is asking now.

The Zaratul family, the Abraham family, the Antigonus family, these families are all looking for him, and now he is in a very dangerous situation.

"Are you still holding that 'Dream' card?" Truman suddenly asked, "I remember before you left, I reminded you to pay more attention to things related to 'Dream'."

"Uh..." Klein was ashamed. Bishop Truman did remind him, but he didn't seem to understand his intention at that time.

He had always thrown that "Dream" card into the pile of debris on the gray mist...

"Carry that 'Dream' card with you. It is the blessing of 'Dream'. With it, you can avoid most prying eyes on your destiny."

"Yes!" Klein stood up with a solemn expression and bowed slightly to Truman to express his gratitude.

"Okay, the three questions have been asked, you should go home." Truman pointed in the direction of a window in the study.

With the help of the money sent back by Klein, Benson and Melissa have moved to Backlund and bought a small manor next to Truman Manor.

Now Klein is Truman's neighbor.

"When I'm free, I'll come visit the bishop again." Klein suddenly felt that his longing for his family had penetrated the gray fog and projected into reality.

He said goodbye to Truman, put his hand on his face, and returned to his original appearance. He returned to Moretti Manor. As soon as he came to the door, he saw Melissa busy pruning shrubs in the garden.

"Melissa, why don't you hire more maids?" Klein tilted his head, remembering Melissa's thrift, but now that she lives in a big villa, this thrift can be used elsewhere.

"It's too expensive. It's not like I can't do it." Melissa subconsciously retorted after hearing this. Then she suddenly realized something and raised her head to see Klein.

"Melissa, I'm back." Klein smiled.

"Welcome home." Melissa pursed her lips and then showed a bright smile.

"Klein?!" Benson also walked out of the manor at this time and was surprised to see Klein.


Truman withdrew his gaze and tapped his fingers on the desk.

After the "Bound God" reorganized the Rose School of Thought, Truman returned to this manor, and oh, there was also an eldest niece.

"It turns out that he is the one chosen by uncle!" Bernadette walked in from outside the study and sat directly opposite Truman.

"If he had just asked you who you were, how would you have answered?" Bernadette asked curiously.

"What else can I do?" Truman shook his head gently, "Just tell him everything."

He didn't think that he could hide it forever. After all, he would be discovered sooner or later, so it didn't matter if he was a little early.

"Just like you and dad did back then?"

"I never lied to your dad."

"Humph, who knows? Unless you teach me Chinese and let me read his diary."

"No!" Truman rolled his eyes. Bernadette's mentality has not changed since she was a child. She has always wanted to learn the weird square characters from him or Russell for various reasons.

Even the word "Chinese" is known.

Eldest niece, it's not that I don't want to teach, but I have taught you. I'm afraid your dad will fight for me...

"I heard that dad has been helping some people recently?" Bernadette said suddenly.

"Don't waste your efforts. You can't get the corresponding knowledge from those people."

If such a large number of time-travelers suddenly appeared in this world, there would definitely be some commotion, and then it was quite reasonable for someone to discover that they were unusual.

It's just that Russell has been covering up for them, but it hasn't caused any big incident yet.

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