Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 50: Conquest of the Abyss

Chapter 50: Conquest of the Abyss

The morning light flowing like mercury formed an airtight cage on the sea, trapping every drop of the devil's blood inside.

The devil naturally wanted to send out a certain drop of blood and leave some backup, but at a certain moment Truman reached out and grabbed it, stole all the blood he sent, and crushed it gently.

Badheir faced the reassembled demon in the cage. Behind him, an orange-red storm capable of destroying everything rose in the cage, tearing apart everything in it!

"Death!" The giant's roar echoed through the sky, and the colors of dawn and dusk dyed the battlefield orange.

It's like the setting sun disappears and will eventually return to nothingness.


The devil naturally knew that it was time to fight, and he automatically gave up his extra reason in exchange for more powerful power!

Blood-red and orange-red fight each other in the cage, gradually mixing into the same red.

In the end, the demon was unable to escape and became a blood-colored crystal in the hands of the God of Dawn. Within the crystal was a drop of black-red blood that looked like magma, exuding an aura of depravity and filth.

"Hmph! It's you again, Dream!" Badheir looked at Truman, who naturally noticed something that happened during the battle.

I'm not happy with Truman's participation in his battle, but it's not easy to fight with Truman, and of course I can't beat him...

He took a deep look at Truman, turned around and left.

Truman ignored him and just wrote in the book.

"The Demon King died in the hands of the God of Morning. One can imagine what will happen next..."

The quill is writing rapidly on the dream book, writing a reasonable development for everything that follows.

By now, many things have been decided.

So even though the story written this time involved two ancient gods, it went very smoothly, and the words gradually disappeared on the page.

Truman nodded with satisfaction and put the things away.

"Thank you for saving me!" As if the roar of a giant monster rang in his ears, Truman subconsciously took two steps back.

Leodro didn't care whether these two steps were serious or not. At this time, he was full of gratitude to Truman.

When facing the projection of the abyss, the angel was still weak. In his opinion, it was Truman who saved him, and Laoge remembered it in his heart!

Truman was a little embarrassed and coughed twice, "It's okay, you can't just die without saving your colleagues!"

"I will remember this time!" Leodro said solemnly. His character can be called violent, which is very suitable for the "Storm" path, but he also attaches great importance to commitment.

"Okay..." Truman twitched the corner of his mouth and decided that he would never let Lao Ge know that he had Alsuhod's pen.

"Let's go, this place will soon become the center of the war storm." Truman and Leodro stayed away from here, and even moved away to a human city-state.

Just when the demon angel was killed by Badheir, the abyss far away in the boundless sea suddenly shook.

A will awakened, and an indifferent gaze cast from the bottomless abyss, falling on Badheir who was returning to the Giant King's Court.

Buzz! A gentle buzzing sound sounded, and a ray of dusk light came, protecting Badheir and pushing back unceremoniously.



The two ancient gods roared in the air. They had conquered each other countless times, and each had their own victories and defeats. However, the power of the giant family in this era has reached its peak!

"My servants, go and sacrifice the flesh and blood of the giants for me!"

The demon monarch Fabuti opened the abyss, and countless demons surged out, descending on the Giant King's Court area through the spiritual world or ritual power.

In fact, when Truman brought "Honor" and Demon Angel Guidance together, the battle between the two ancient gods was inevitable!

The subsequent deception of Leodro only provided a reason for the Creator to intervene later.

The two ancient gods, one a madman and the other at his strongest moment, didn't know the reason why, they just fought!

In the past few hundred years, the major extraordinary races have been roughly divided into two relatively powerful races: dragons and giants, and the world has been peaceful for a long time.

But the previous divine war and the following war will once again tell everyone that war is the theme of the second era, and the previous peace is an illusion!

"This time, except for Meng who stays behind, the rest of the angels will participate in the war!" Saslier read out the oracle of war.

"Yes!" Leodro thought that the war was launched mainly for his revenge. He was so emotional that he couldn't help but sing a song to express his gratitude.

Fortunately, Medici was quick and stuffed a ball of ice directly into Leodro's mouth.

"Countless believers almost died gloriously under the attack of the Wind Angel." Medici clapped his hands, shook off the frost, and said to Ourolius next to him.

Ouroleus and Osykus both nodded in agreement.

Saslier covered his face with his hands, and Truman couldn't help laughing. Where there is Medici, there is always joy!

Of course, you first have to make sure that the person he mocks first is not you, otherwise the fun may be yours.

"Let's go!" Saslier's stern eyes made Leodro press the violent thunderbolt, gave Medici a hard look, and led a team of Extraordinaries to the battlefield.

Several angels are setting off one after another, which will put great pressure on the demon side, forcing the demon monarch Fabuti to take action himself.

"You make your own timing." Saslier glanced at Truman and nodded lightly.

"I know." Truman turned and returned to the dreamland.

He sat on the shoulders of his idol, grabbed it in his hand, and an unfinished ritual appeared in his hand.

This is a ritual to summon demons, which can connect to the abyss.

Truman stole it to establish a connection with the abyss at the right time, and he could use this connection to teleport directly there.

The abyss hangs alone overseas, and even the demon lord Fabuti, forcing his way in is basically equivalent to facing the ancient gods, which is too unwise.

He sat here for a long time, and he didn't know when a faint figure appeared beside him, and Lilith also came here.

During the war, Sasril could not leave the entire Creator Kingdom behind, so it could only be the three of them.

"Abyss..." Truman was also very curious about this. In his memory, there were too few records about the entire place, and only a fierce man who even dared to go to the witch had searched for it.

"Angels have joined the war." The intensity of the war has finally intensified. Angels have entered the scene. If there are no corresponding angels to stop them, they can cause unimaginable damage.

After the angels from the Creator's side joined the battlefield, several angels from the demon clan retreated one after another, making it difficult to resist!


Without any warning, the demon king Farbuti rushed out of the abyss and fought with the giant king Ormir.

In the star realm, two ancient gods fought, dusk corroded the void, and corruption polluted the star realm.

The two forces are eroding each other, and their respective powers are colliding.

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