Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 76: Bloody Dusk

Chapter 76: Bloody Dusk

End' and 'Slaughter'?" Badheir walked up to the iron-blooded sword, his body seemed to be trembling.

Some kind of weird power even gave Badheir a sense of terror that his own existence would be wiped out.

"You have my power, you can get close to it." The Giant King urged Badheir to step forward and take the sword.

"Yes!" Badheir stepped forward with heavy steps. The next moment, there seemed to be a bloody one eye on the sword that opened and stared at Badheier.

His "weakness" was completely exposed to this sword at this moment.

If this sword is regarded as a sealed object, then it will definitely become one of the most dangerous sealed objects with the greatest side effects.

But the sword did not attack Him, perhaps because it was suppressed by the power of "Twilight".

Badheir stepped forward and took hold of the hilt of the sword.

For a moment, Badheir even had the illusion of holding the fate of the universe. In his vision, everything was imperfect and had "weaknesses."

"What a powerful force..." Badheir was even a little intoxicated.

But some stronger desire overcame this delusion and brought Him to consciousness.

"Very good! Go find Doom and destroy his ascension ceremony!" The Giant King's voice echoed in Badheir's ears.

"Yes!" Badheir held the sword in both hands and knelt down on one knee.

The Giant King nodded with satisfaction. He was already very tired, and the dusk in his one eye was almost gone. He narrowed his one eye slightly, like a human being dozing off.

"Father God, I have another question." Badheir raised his head and looked directly at the Giant King.

"Ask." Olmir didn't even open his eyes.

"Why is there a sense of guilt lingering in the decaying forest that lasts for thousands of years?"

"Whose identity is the skeleton in the tomb?"

Badheir's voice didn't have any magic power, but these two sentences themselves were a kind of awakening of Ormir's memory, which made Ormir's body stiffen and his mind was confused for a moment.

That was the past that he didn't want to touch, and now it was easily revealed.

"You..." An unimaginable desire for violence and destruction surged in Olmir's heart. Even his eldest son had never been allowed to enter the Decaying Forest!


Ormir opened his one eye, and a bloody "twilight" exploded, and the entire Giant King's Court fell into unprecedented turmoil.

Dusk is rolling and blood is filling the air.

But the next moment, everything stopped.

The dusk solidified like amber, trapping everything. The royal court became a cage, and the giants in the cage were just insects.

The big sword mixed with blood and dusk easily activated "End" and penetrated directly into Ormir's chest.

This big sword also has the characteristic of being alive. After understanding Badheir's mind, it also made its own response.

It wants to give the most fatal blow to the giant king who has oppressed and transformed it for hundreds of years.


This fatal blow mixed with the meaning of decay and war, even the giant king cannot use it, otherwise it will cause terrible consequences.

But now it was activated by the will of the greatsword itself, terminating its creator.

"Unlike you, I don't feel guilty."

Badheir's voice echoed through the dusk palace.


Omi Bella struggled to escape from the underworld from the pursuit of gods and rushed to the Giant King's Court.

He carried the crown of the Giant King in advance, otherwise he would not be able to escape from the underworld.

Because of his identity as the giant queen, the slave gods in the underworld went crazy and chased him, leaving him in extremely bad condition and needing to return to the royal court immediately to stabilize himself.

"Where is the king?" Omi Bella asked the "Silver Knight" guarding the door.

"The king has returned to the Dusk Palace, and the God of Dawn has gone to guard the palace." The two "Silver Knights" replied respectfully.

"Morning light..." Omi Bella suddenly felt uneasy in her heart, and she thought of many things in an instant.

For example, "Honour", such as "Hand of God", these all come from the stone tablet that recorded the formula of the "Giant" path potion, which was exchanged for a huge price.

I don't know when it started, but as a mother, He faintly noticed that there were some bad changes in Badheir's mind.

He was very worried about this and used different methods to suppress Badheir's certain thoughts.

but now...

Omi Bella's divine intuition beat wildly, and she rushed to the Dusk Palace as quickly as possible.

"Unlike you, I don't feel guilty."

Badheir's voice reached Omi Bella's ears, causing the breath of life in Omi Bella's one eye to violently shake. He sensed the disappearance of a powerful life!

Omi Bella broke into the Twilight Palace, and the barrier Ormir had laid was ineffective and lost all its power.

The blood-red sword pierced Olmir's chest, ending all his hopes of life.

"Badheir!" Omi Bella saw the two giants deep in the palace, and a great chill enveloped him. Even when facing "death", he had never felt such a powerless feeling.

Omi Bella's intrusion seemed to have allowed Almir's last spirit to stay for a while, preventing it from being directly killed by Badheir.

Badheir did not expect the Mother Goddess to come back in such a short period of time, so he panicked for a moment, but he soon calmed down.

The Giant King is dead.

Ormir glanced at Omi Bella, and then set his sights on Badheir. There was an extremely complex emotion surging in his one eye.

Hate, regret, or something more indescribable.

Because of the "end", His characteristics have completely collapsed at this time, and he can no longer support the madness of an ancient god.

This gave Olmir a trace of illusory humanity, and this last remaining spirit seemed to have rich emotions.

"Don't you feel guilty?" Olmir looked at Badheir, without asking the reason, he just murmured softly, "You don't feel guilty..."


Something exploded, and several bright and decaying things collapsed from the Giant King's body, as all the aggregate properties poured into Badheir's body.

The dusk that lingered throughout the Giant King's Court had a strange change. It... lost its life.

All the giants, even the Extraordinaries of the "Giant" path, saw a dusk suddenly deactivated in front of their eyes, stained with thick blood.

Dusk is still dusk, but it has lost its vitality and life.

The god that represented dusk and decline died.

All the extraordinary people on the giant path have this understanding, which is shocking beyond words.


Those bright twilight lights approached Badheir.

Materials flew out of his body, and together with a bright light formed a sticky twilight potion, which poured into Badheir's body.

"Hand of God"... Badheir has always been Ormir's most trusted right-hand man, and has been playing the role for thousands of years in advance.

As for the ceremony, Badheir had already completed it secretly.

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