Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 173

173 a Fire

The solemnity of the night into the morning was disturbed by the screams of several people who finally woke the other residents in the area when the fire they saw began to grow and consume all the simple buildings on the outskirts of Luxembourg. The sound of crying children who were frightened because they saw the fire made the atmosphere even more tense until finally the firefighters came, the officers immediately worked trying to prevent the fire from spreading to the houses in that place. The firefighters and the people who were there could only surrender when the fire that was out of control razed a two-story house which for the past few weeks had not seen any activity.

Some women who knew the owner of the place that was being engulfed by the red rooster could only cry sadly, they really couldn’t do anything at this time but what was so terrible it really couldn’t be extinguished with anything.

Not far from the fire that was going on, two men in black hats were seen smiling slightly, one of the men took out his cell phone from his pocket to take photos and videos of the fire which was 100 meters from where they were standing now.

“Let’s go, the sun will rise soon,” said the man who was holding a cell phone to his friend.

A small nod from the man finally made the two of them walk towards a car that did not have a license plate near them, the white car then moved quickly towards the streets of Luxembourg which were still so empty.

News of the fire which was quite shocking spread quickly, because several media, both print and electronic, immediately presented the fire as their main headline this morning. Several maids who were working in the villa where Elena was currently in shock were shocked when they saw the news that was broadcasting, some of them even stopped their work and turned off the stove in order to take a closer look at the fire that had completely destroyed the one-two-story house.

“It’s terrible, I hope the owner of the house is safe.”

“It’s impossible for anyone to survive a fire as big as that.”

“Oh my God, the fire really destroyed that house. Let’s pray that the owner of the house is safe.”


Romaria, who was panicking because she couldn’t find Elena in her room, went straight to the kitchen where the other friends were working.

“Why are you gathered in front of the television like this when you’re not working?” Romaria rebuked the other four friends.

The four maids who were watching television immediately turned to Romaria at the same time.

“What is it?” asked Romaria again.

“We’re looking at news of a terrible fire, Romaria.”

Romaria raised one eyebrow. “Terrible fire?”

“Yes, see for yourself. Almost all television stations are broadcasting the news of the fire right now,” the head chef replied to Romaria quickly, as quickly as his hand reached for Romaria to get closer to the television which was showing the news of the fire as they had just said.

Romaria immediately covered her mouth with both hands when she saw the news that was shown on television at this time, but the one so big it actually consumed an old building that was said to be a residence and a home-made cake shop belonging to a simple family which had been closed for the past few days. .

“Oh Jesus, how awful.” Romaria mumbled a little, commenting on the impression she was currently watching.

Romaria, who was actually looking for Elena, forgot to ask her friends where Elena was, the news on television that she was currently watching really distracted her.

Elena who accidentally fell asleep on the sofa finally woke up, the sound of Romaria and other maids woke Elena from her sleep. Elena, who had only slept for an hour, could at least hear noise, that’s why she woke up as soon as the maids watching television not far from her started squealing a little, commenting on the fire that was engulfing a poor house on the outskirts of Luxembourg. With her head feeling so heavy, Elena walked towards the kitchen. After crying for almost a night now Elena is suffering from such an excruciating headache, her suffering has really multiplied this time.


Not only Romaria, the four maids who were staring at the television turned their heads simultaneously towards the source of the sound. The five of them were shocked when they saw Elena’s pale face who was already standing two meters away from them.

“Miss, where have you been?!” cried Romaria in surprise, seeing Elena made Romaria’s memory come back.

Elena tried to smile even though her head was hurting so much right now. “I was by the pond and fell asleep on the couch after seeing the koi fish.”

“Oh my God, Miss. You almost broke my heart,” cried Romaria honestly.

“I’m not going anywhere, Romaria. You don’t have to worry,” said Anne sadly. “Oh yeah, what are you guys doing? It’s so unusual for you to get together like this?”

“We are looking at the news of the fire, Miss,” answered Romaria quietly.

Elena tilted her head. “Fire news, what fire?”

Romaria led Elena over to the television, joining a few other maids. Even though the maid knew that Elena’s current status was Christian Clarke’s mistress, none of them dared to be rude to her. They all respect Elena so much, they know that Elena and Christian’s relationship is not just a master-slave relationship. They know that Elena is a special woman who is making Christian angry, because if Elena is a prisoner like most people out there how could Elena get such special service from Christian. No prisoner gets good clothes, good food and a comfortable bed.

When Elena arrived in front of the television, the news program they were watching suddenly stopped because of a commercial advertisement that would certainly appear frequently when there was important news like this.

Seeing that, Romaria then grabbed the television remote and changed the regular TV channel to a pay TV channel which was also discussing the fire incident this morning. Elena’s eyes immediately narrowed when she saw the fire that was so big on the television screen, Elena felt familiar with the place where the name of the fire occurred. Elena’s chest suddenly hurt when she recognized the place that was appearing on the television, Elena’s legs felt weak. But Elena tried to be strong until finally Elena suddenly collapsed when she saw clearly the burning house again.

Romaria and the other maids screamed at the same time when they saw Elina fainted, the two maids immediately took Elena’s body to a more comfortable place so that Elena could breathe properly, while Romaria immediately took out her cell phone to call Christian. Only Romaria was given cellphone facilities by Christian at the house.

Romaria starts to panic when Christian doesn’t receive her phone calls, several times she turns to look at Elena who has been lying on the sofa. Elena’s pale face and cold sweat made Romaria and several maids in the villa panic, Elena was the only reason they were and worked in that place. If something bad happens to Elena then their fate will be at stake considering how many rules Christian gave them before they entered and started working at the villa, especially the rules to serve Elena.

“Romaria, how are you?”

Romana shook her head slowly. “Young master can’t be reached, could it be that Young master is still sleeping, huh?”

“Oh yeah, it’s still too early. Looks like the young master is still sleeping,” said a maid who had previously moved Elena to the sofa in a panic. “Looks like we should call the doctor, Miss Elena’s body is so cold, Romaria.”


“Come here, touch yourself if you don’t believe me,” said another servant.

After running Romaria walked over to the sofa, where Elena was lying. Romaria’s eyes widened when she felt the coldness of Elena’s body.


Romaria swallowed her saliva, she looked confused. “Wait, I will call the young master once more. If my call is not received again, then I will immediately contact the doctor.”

The four maids who were surrounding Elena nodded at the same time, Romaria called Christian again but again the call was ignored by Christian. Worried about Elena’s condition, Romaria finally got up the courage to contact one of the Clarke family doctors. Romaria stammered a little talking to the doctor, until finally Romaria took a deep breath when the doctor agreed to his request to come to the villa immediately.


Romaria, who had just put her cell phone back into her pocket, nodded slowly. “The doctor will be here soon and we’d better take Miss Elena to the room now.”

“How about we ask the guards outside to take Elena’s name to the room, Romaria? I’m afraid something will happen to Miss Elena if we take her up to the second floor ourselves.”

Romaria was silent, she seemed to be thinking about the words of one of her friends. Even though Elena’s body was slim, it would be too risky for them to bring her back to the second floor themselves. Moreover, through the stairs that were not so wide, after thinking for a long time, Romaria finally ran towards the exit to ask one of the guards for help. Some of the guards outside were shocked to hear about Elena’s fainting from Romaria, even though they had never seen Elena in person, but they knew that the girl who was being forced to stay in the villa meant a lot to their master.

Without waiting long the two guards who were on pilgrimage to talk with Romaria immediately ran into the villa to take the others to the second floor, at first they seemed reluctant to lift Elena who was wearing a nightgown, but because Romaria guaranteed everything would be fine in the end one of them from the guard dared to touch and took Elena back to her room which was on the second floor. Romaria immediately followed behind, following the two young men to Elena’s room which she had tidied up earlier.

“Ok, thank you. I will take care of Miss Elena now,” said Romaria quickly when Elena was laid on her big bed.

The two young guards nodded their heads quickly and then hurriedly left Elena’s room to resume their work, when the two young men came out another maid came with a clean towel and a bowl of warm water as Romaria had requested.

“Need my help?”

Romana shook her head slowly. “No need, I can take care of Miss Elena myself. You stay on guard downstairs, waiting for doctor Roggy to come.”

The maid nodded slowly and hurriedly left in front of Romaria to wait for the doctor whom Romaria had contacted earlier, as soon as Elena’s door was closed again. Romaria began to carefully remove Elena’s nightgown to change into cleaner clothes. Romaria had to make sure Elena was well when the doctor arrived.

“What’s the matter with you, Miss? Why did you faint all of a sudden?”

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