Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 180

180 Last message

“Where’s the contraceptive pill I asked?”

Doctor Catherine pursed her lips. “Is that girl in this villa, sir?”

Christian nods slowly. “Yeah, she’s in her room. But you can’t see her now.”

“Why? Is she sick or...”

“Our room is a mess and I don’t want you to see it, I think she’s taking a shower right now.” Christian cuts off Catherine’s words casually.

Doctor Catherine, who understands where Christian’s conversation is going, thins her lips, not wanting to say more. Doctor Catherine slowly takes out a paper bag containing contraceptive pills that she has prepared in advance as Christian requested.

“In this bag there are 30 contraceptive pills that must be taken every day and the instructions for consumption are clearly stated on the packaging because there are clear instructions, so you don’t need to explain anymore to Miss...”


“Miss Elena.” Doctor Catherine repeats Christian’s words with a smile. “If on the second day of taking this pill Miss Elena shows signs of incompatibility you can contact me directly, young master.”


“Not suitable? Are there people who are not suitable for taking contraceptive pills like that, doc?”

“Of course there are, sir. Because of that there are various types of contraception, some are directly consumed like the pill I gave to Miss Elena, some are injected, some are implanted in the body and some are inserted directly into the uterus or usually with an IUD,” Catherine answered gently with a smile.

Christian nods his head trying to understand Doctor Catherine’s explanation, because all this time the person who has always taken care of his women is Kainer. It was Kainer who took care of all things related to the doctor, to avoid unwanted things from his former lovers.

Doctor Catherine answers all questions Christian gives very gently and carefully, knowing Christian long enough to make Doctor Catherine try not to make a mistake. After all his curiosity was answered, Christian then took doctor Catherine to go home. Christian doesn’t want the doctor to meet Elena, Christian still limits Elena’s interactions with many people. Christian does not want Elena to take advantage of his meeting with Catherine’s doctor, even though he knows that Catherine will not betray him by helping Elena escape from the villa, but Christian still does not want to take the risk. Right now he has lost the weapon to hold Elena after the death of Jody and Camila Wilson, that’s why the only way to keep Elena in the villa is to protect her by not interacting with anyone including her trusted people.

“Give this to the woman,” Christian says quietly to Romaria who is standing beside the stairs. “Make sure that woman drinks it every day, I want you to make a documentation and report it to me while she is drinking it.”

Romaria stares at the paper bag Christian just gave her in bewilderment. “This...”

“Those are birth control pills.” Christian speaks again, answering Romaria’s curiosity. “I don’t want that woman to carry my precious baby, so you have to make sure she doesn’t miss any of the pills in that pouch.”

Romaria nodded her head quickly in an attempt to get rid of the pain that was gripping her.

“Good, now you take good care of her. I’ll go to the office and remember Romaria, don’t repeat your mistakes again. Make sure I’m the first person you tell about the woman’s condition. I don’t want something like yesterday to happen again” said Christian coldly , gave a stern warning to Romaria even though Romaria was actually innocent. He is the one who is at fault for not checking his cell phone all day.

“Yes sir, I won’t repeat the same mistake.”

Without responding back to Romaria’s words, Christian then walked quickly to the front yard. He had to get to the office immediately to take care of the assigned work, since Elena wasn’t working, Christian and Kainer had to work extra hard. That’s why Christian doesn’t want to waste his time relaxing all day at the villa with Elena, Christian still has many opportunities to do that in the future.


The public cemetery of the city of Echternach.

Bianca, Tommy and Jason seemed to support each other when Jody and Camila Wilson’s bodies were buried in the ground, neither of them spoke. The three dissolved in a feeling of great emotion.

Since Jody and Camila Wilson weren’t from the town of Echternach, no one attended their funeral except for the funeral parlors and a few local church members who came with a pastor Jason asked for help.

“Thanks for the help, Father. I don’t know what else to say other than thank you very much,” Tommy said in a trembling voice to the priest who had prayed for Jody and Camila Wilson’s bodies before burial.

The old priest gently tapped Tommy’s shoulder with a smile. “Don’t say that, it’s part of my duty as a servant of God.”

Tommy immediately hugged the priest’s body tightly, as well as Jason and Bianca who were already waiting behind Tommy. Because his job was done, the priest then left the burial area with several church officials who came with him.

“After this what are you going to do?” Jason asked quietly to Tommy and Bianca who had officially become unemployed again after their workplace was destroyed by fire.

Tommy shook his head. “I’m confused.”

“Don’t worry, you still have me. You two can stay with me for a while in the dorms before finding a place to live and work,” Jason said quietly.

“Is it okay if we stay with you?” Tommy asked quietly.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m the head of the fire department in this city. The city government provided a family-type dorm for me, there’s still one more room you can use for a while. Please don’t refuse, I just don’t want Claire back living on the streets,” Jason replied. half forced, what Jason said was true. The dorm that Jason used was the dorm type for a small family with one child, therefore there were two rooms in the dorm. That’s why Jason wanted to give a temporary ride to the husband and wife who had lived on the streets before being helped by Jody Wilson two years ago.

Hearing Jason’s words made Bianca cry with emotion, all her fears and worries finally disappeared after Jason offered to live together.

“Thank you Jason, thank you very much. I really don’t know what would have happened to us without you,” Tommy said softly as he hugged Jason tightly.

Jason patted Tommy on the back. “You don’t need to thank me, Jason. I’m just trying to do a little good, so don’t overdo it.”

Tommy tightened his arms around Jason, his eyes welling with tears. Tommy, who had a special message from Jody Wilson, had to stay in Luxembourg to deliver it to Elena as the last message from the late Jody Wilson. That’s why Tommy tries to keep working so he and his family can return to Luxembourg.

“I must have conveyed all your messages to Elena, Mr. Jody...”

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