Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 196

196 Protect Elena

Elena opened her eyes when the sun was already in the middle of the day, a small smile growing on her face when she saw Christian who was still lying on her favorite sofa. Even though the tension between the two has melted a little, Christian chooses to sleep on the sofa, he doesn’t want to be on the same bed with Elena and Elena herself doesn’t mind it. Seeing Christian not coming home as usual already made Elena quite happy.

With a slightly heavy head, Elena got off the bed. Her steps stopped when she almost reached the sofa, for fear of waking Christian who was sleeping very soundly. Elena continued her steps towards the bathroom to expel the contents of her stomach that had been forcing out. Since Elena didn’t close the bathroom door tightly, Christian’s voice was heard, who was sleeping. Christian, who would wake up immediately when he heard the voice, immediately opened his eyes when he heard Elena who was vomiting.

“Christ...” Elena is shocked when she feels Christian’s hand on the back of her neck.

Christian smiles looking at Elena through the glass. “Go on, I’ll help you.”

“You’re not disgusted?”

“Why should I be disgusted?”

Elena’s intention to continue talking was stopped when the nausea came again, with her right hand holding her hair which was starting to get long, Elena again took out the contents of her stomach which was only water. Christian himself immediately gives a small massage on the back of Elena’s neck, hoping that Elena will feel better.

After making sure that the nausea would not come again, Elena then came out of the bathroom with Christian who helped her walk. As if there was no problem, Christian put the blanket back on Elena who was already lying down carefully.

“I will ask Romaria to come and help you,” Christian says quietly.


Elena shook her head. “No, I don’t need Romaria.”

“Don’t argue, Elena. You’re not okay right now, you need someone to...”

“I don’t need Romaria when you’re here, Christ,” Elena answered honestly, Elena didn’t want to part with Christian yet.

Christian shakes his head slowly. “I can’t help you, Elena.”


“I have to go to the office, I have some work to take care of.” Christian interrupts Elena’s words by bringing up office problems as an excuse that Elena definitely won’t be able to break. “If I can finish the work faster today, I will come again.”

“Is that true?”

Christian nodded. “Yes.”

“Okay then,” Elena said softly, a smile spreading across her pale face that was still dripping with sweat.

Not wanting to make things even more difficult, Christian grabs the phone and jacket that he took off last night before going to bed. When he was about to get ready to leave, Christian suddenly felt so heavy. There was a feeling that really bothered him when he was about to leave Elena, because he didn’t want to make things more out of control, Christian then walked towards Elena who was looking at him expectantly.

Unexpectedly, Christian suddenly touched Elena’s stomach and landed a soft kiss on Elena’s forehead. “Be good, if you need anything tell Romaria.”


Christian smiles, after which he forces himself out of Elena’s room. Christian tries hard to fight his inner voice asking him to take care of and accompany Elena, his disappointment in Elena is still so heavy and can’t be removed.

When Christian reaches the first floor, Romaria and the other maids are already lined up to greet him.

“Let me know right away if there’s anything wrong with Elena,” Christian says quietly to Romaria.

Romaria nodded quickly. “Okay young master, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”

Christian smiles and says. “Take care of them for me.”

Romaria, who didn’t expect to hear such a sentence come out of Christian’s lips, opened her lips wide, as did the other four maids who also looked so surprised. Seeing the expressions of his servants, an amused smile appeared on Christian’s face who soon continued walking towards his car which was in the front yard.

“I’m not dreaming, am I?” Bertha whispered quietly to Romaria as Christian’s car drove away toward the gate.

Romana shook her head slowly. “No, it seems that the presence of the baby brings its own blessing for the tension that exists between the two parents.”

“The baby really came at the right time,” said Bertha, full of emotion. “Looks like God heard Miss Elena’s prayer.”

Romaria nodded slowly. “Hopefully they can go back to how they used to be.”


From the second floor, Elena agreed to Romaria’s words along with the other four maids. Using her left hand, Elena felt her stomach. “Thanks for coming, honey. Thank you so much, Mommy owes you a lot.”


Clarke Enterprise.

Even though he’s been in the office for two hours, Christian still can’t get Elena’s face out of his head, the beautiful smile of the woman who is pregnant with his baby is deeply ingrained in his mind.

Kainer, who realized that Christian was not focused, moved quickly by taking over the ongoing evaluation meeting. He didn’t want the managers who were reporting on their work for the past week to be disappointed because the CEO didn’t listen to their reports.

“Ok, thank you for your hard work. I hope you all can increase your productivity so that you can give maximum results,” Kainer said quietly when closing the meeting which lasted almost an hour.

Not long after Kainer gave the closing sentence, one by one the meeting participants left. Even though they knew that during the meeting the CEO was not paying attention to them, but, no one dared to comment. Their desire to be able to stay with Clarke Enterprise is still bigger than the disappointment they feel.

As soon as the meeting room door closed, Kainer gently tapped the shoulder of Christian who was still sitting silently.

“Yeah..what’s wrong? Is there a problem that...” Christian doesn’t continue when he realizes that there’s no one else in the room besides him and Kainer.

Kainer smiled. “The meeting ended five minutes ago, sir.”

“Oh my God...”

“Is there a problem, sir?”

Christian shakes his head slowly. “Nothing, I’m fine.”

“I have served you for more than ten years, sir. I know you better than anyone else,” Kainer said quietly.

“,” Christian grumbled, annoyed. “I’m just thinking about Elena and the baby, Kainer. As soon as I know that there’s a baby growing inside Elena right now, things are getting more complicated. Everything feels so heavy, I can’t be between a difficult choice like this. Suri is indeed my sister but that baby... that baby is my flesh and blood, who was created from me.”

“Are you sure about that, sir?”

Hearing that makes Christian turn his face quickly towards Kainer, the look in his eyes turning to anger.

“Sorry sir, I didn’t mean to...”

“Elena was still clean when I touched her, I’m her first man,” Christian says coldly.

Kainer immediately lowered his face. “Forgive me, sir.”

Christian ruffles his hair roughly. “I should welcome the baby with gratitude, I should be the happiest man in the world not like this. There is an uncomfortable feeling inside of me, there are two opposing sides fighting inside my chest right now, Kainer. ”

“Would you like me to double-check the photo, young master?” Cainer asked quietly.

“For what? Even Ronin, who is already so skilled, still gives the same results, right? The latest photos and videos that Ronin got seem so clear that the girl who came out of the hotel where Suri was held captive was Elena, their physical and facial similarities were almost perfect. So what else do you want to do?” Christian asks hoarsely.

Kainer lowered her head slowly, she forgot that Ronin, Christian’s mainstay hacker, couldn’t find the slightest difference between the photos and videos and Elena. No matter how much he double-checked, the result would still be the same. Elena and the masked girl were really one person.

“The only way I can do to keep the child is to hide his whereabouts as long as possible from Daddy,” Christian says again. “I know Daddy is as ambitious as ever to take revenge on Elena the same as I did with Elena first.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if we asked Miss Suri again, sir?”

“Kainer,” Christian growls warningly. “Even though Suri is currently fine and can be declared cured of her panic attack, the psychiatrist who handled her still forbids us all to discuss the incident with her. The psychiatrist is worried that if Suri is reminded again about the terrible incident that happened to her, her psychological condition would be disturbed more than before and I honestly don’t want that to happen, that’s why I decided not to ask her any further details about what happened. The evidence of the existence of the masked girl that Suri said was clear enough to show that she had actually been kidnapped , then what else is there to ask her again? Nothing else, Kainer.”

Kainer was silent.

“That child is mine, I will take good care of him as best I can until he is ready to be born,” Christian added hoarsely, after hearing the sound of the heartbeat of the fetus that was in Elena’s womb last night made Christian’s anger at Elena fade little by little. Plus the incident this morning where he saw how difficult Elena was dealing with her pregnancy. The existence of the baby really makes Christian fall.

“So you will forgive Elena, sir?”

Christian immediately closed his eyes. “It’s the only thing I can do for my baby.”

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