Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 141 Cold Journey

The cold wind whipped through the air, biting at their skin as Vincent and Nathan stood side by side. Both of them had donned thick navy green winter jackets, their bulking form shielding them from the freezing temperatures.

Vincent, with his powerful body, could withstand the cold without any discomfort. However, Nathan insisted that he wear the jacket, believing it added a touch of coolness to their overall appearance.

He couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's insistence, knowing that Nathan's sense of style often influenced their choice of attire. While the coat provided an extra layer of warmth, he couldn't deny that it did have a certain aesthetic appeal. It accentuated their rugged style, and perhaps, in a strange way, added to the thrill of this expedition .

As the wind howled and the snowflakes danced around them, Nathan adjusted the collar of his coat and glanced at Vincent.

"Are you ready to go, buddy?" Nathan exclaimed with bubbling excitement, his eyes shining with anticipation as he meticulously readied his vibrant green [ Arctic Cat ZR 9000 RR] . With tender care, he caressed the sleek curves and flawless lines of his beloved machine, treating it as if it were a beautiful woman deserving of his undivided attention.

Vincent, sporting the equally sleek red variant of the vehicle, couldn't help but chuckle at his best friend's antics and his infectious enthusiasm . It was as if they were embarking on an exhilarating field trip, rather than a potentially perilous operation that had the potential to bring them face-to-face with another colossal monster, like the one he fought in Puerto Rico.

"I'm always ready," Vincent replied with a confident smile . This was the first time that the duo will go in an adventure again . The memories of their past escapades danced in his mind, reminding him of the exhilarating moments they had shared before he entered the supernatural world.

"I'm glad that we can do this things again, Nathan" he muttered to himself , his words carried a deeper meaning as he reflected on the significance of this moment. 

His thoughts turned to the people he held dear. Sophia, Isabella and Evangeline, his pillar of support, had stood by him through thick and thin, providing unwavering love and encouragement. Nathan, with his genuine loyalty and brotherly love, had become an integral part of his life, and countless others had shown him kindness and assistance along the way. Each person held a special place in his heart, and he felt a deep responsibility to protect them all.

Initially, his desire for power stemmed from a simple need for survival. The supernatural world was a dangerous place, filled with uncertainties and threats that could easily overwhelm the unprepared. Recognizing this, he sought strength to ensure his own safety and security. However, as time passed, his motivations underwent a profound transformation.

He realized that merely surviving wasn't enough. There were people, and experiences that he deeply cared about and cherished. The thought of losing them ignited a newfound determination within him—a burning resolve to protect everything that held meaning in his life. It may have seemed like an "shallow" reason to some, but for him, it became the driving force behind his relentless pursuit of power.

Sensing his best friend deep in thought, Nathan couldn't resist breaking the silence by teasing him. With a mischievous grin, he playfully nudged his shoulder and quipped

"Hey, deep thinker, what's going on in that brilliant mind of yours? Are you forming a master plan for our epic adventure, or just lost in daydreams?"

"I'm just pumped up " Vincent replied with chuckle. 

"I'm more pumped than you, buddy!" Nathan grinned, his excitement radiating from every pore.

"Alright, alright, I give up. You have me beat on the excitement meter, Nathan," he conceded, a warm smile playing on his lips.

"You cant win against me, buddy " 

The interruption and playful banter had momentarily distracted them, but now the focus shifted back to their expedition .

As the two of them prepared for their journey, their focus extended beyond their own equipment. They had assembled a capable team of five individuals, carrying ample supplies of food, water, gasoline  and medicine. With a long journey ahead, they were keenly aware of the need to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

The modern era had provided them with the means to ensure their safety and comfort during the trip. They carried an array of advanced gear and gadgets, from GPS navigation systems to high-quality camping equipment. Their collective effort was a testament to the meticulous planning and consideration put into this expedition .




The vehicles revved with a powerful hum, ready to take on the snowy terrain that awaited them. 

"Let's go!" Nathan shouted as he revved his snowmobile and took the lead. Vincent chuckled as he also swiftly accelerated to follow his friend's lead.

The powerful engines roared to life, their sounds blending harmoniously with the cold landscape surrounding them. The crisp air whipped against their faces, heightening the thrill coursing through their veins. With each twist of the throttle, they propelled forward, enjoying the thrill of driving in this snowy land.

As they reached the outskirts, the guide, well acquainted with the terrain, accelerated ahead to lead the way. Recognizing the need to follow their experienced guide, Nathan gradually slowed down his snowmobile and gracefully fell in line behind.

Vincent, maintaining a safe distance from Nathan, also adjusted his speed to match the lead. Their destination lay ahead, a massive mountain that stood tall, its majestic presence beckoning them from a distance of 110 kilometers away.

The journey continued for 3 hours , their snowmobiles gliding smoothly through the snowy expanse. 

"Let's stop here for now!" The guide's voice crackled through the radio, signaling the need to refill their rides for the 4th time. Vincent and Nathan, aware of the importance of maintaining their snowmobiles, watched from the sidelines as the guide and the rest of the team attended to the engines.

The altitude had taken its toll, causing the air to grow colder, a stark reminder of the challenges they faced in the higher reaches of the mountain. Vincent, remaining vigilant, tried to sense any fragments of his medallion that may be lingering in the area, but for now, the surroundings remained calm and undisturbed.

"Everything is finished, sir," the guides announced as they approached them.

"Let's go ,Nathan " With a shared glance, they knew it was time to set forth on their journey once again. But as Vincent mounted his ride, he caught a peculiar scene in his peripheral vision, prompting him to turn his head and retrieve his binoculars.

He focused his enhanced vision and the powerful scope of his binoculars on a particular location in the distance. There, his eyes widened at the sight of a group of individuals engaged in an unsettling activity. Ugly faces and dark intentions were evident as they dragged what appeared to be a lifeless body in the snow. Even from afar, the ominous trail of crimson blood left no doubt, casting an eerie confirmation of a sinister act taking place.

"Tell me those abominations don't actually exist in real life," he muttered to himself, a hint of disbelief seeping into his voice. But then it hit him—his own existence, his very being, was a testament to the unfathomable in this world. The likelihood of this eccentric lunatics actually existing in the real world was many times bigger than werewolves ,vampires and witches ,he sighed at this ironic realization .

Curiosity also getting the better of him, Nathan noticed Vincent's focused gaze and inquired,

"What's caught your attention, buddy?"

Vincent paused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before replying, "Remember that movie we used to watch? The one where a group of friends gets gruesomely murdered in the snow?" He hesitated, then continued, "I think... I think it's happening right now. I just witnessed a group of ugly people dragging what seemed to be a lifeless body." 

Nathan's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief and indignation.

"No way," he exclaimed, the intensity in his voice rising. "If those sickening acts are playing out in front of us, we can't just stand by! We have to confront those heartless monsters and show them the consequences of their actions."

Vincent reluctantly lowered his binoculars and nodded .

"You're right. We can't let this slide. " he declared

"We're heading to that location. I'll take the lead!" his voice cut through the air, drowning out the surrounding noises, as he bellowed with a commanding presence .

He knew that time was of the essence, but he also understood the importance of their safety. He turned to face Nathan and the others, reminding them with a stern gaze.

"Never go in front of me." he ordered, emphasizing the gravity of his command.

"Roger," the team of five guides replied in unison, their voices resolute and unwavering.

As the last word left their lips, Vincent's grip tightened on the handlebars. He felt the vibration of the engine beneath him, a powerful beast eager to be unleashed. With a swift twist of his wrist, he unleashed the full potential of his machine, and it responded with a triumphant roar.





The sound of the revving engine filled the air, blending with the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He cast a final glance at Nathan, their eyes locked in mutual understanding.

"Let's go!" Vincent's voice boomed, carrying a hint of urgency

With a fierce acceleration, he released the clutch and unleashed the full force of his machine. The wind whipped against their faces, the scenery becoming a blur as they raced forward.

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