Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 143 Wrong Turn 2

Vincent's admiration for Nathan's progress swelled as he observed his best friend's skills in action. Nathan's positioning, speed, and reflexes had remarkably improved within a short span of time. It was a proof of his unwavering dedication and determination to become stronger.




As Nathan continued to engage his enemy, unleashing a barrage of bullets that found their marks, two individuals fell lifeless to the ground. In that decisive moment, he realized that not all of them possessed Adrenaline Manipulation. His keen observation and analysis of their movements had paid off, allowing him to discern who among them wielded it.

This revelation provided him with a valuable advantage. Armed with this newfound knowledge, he adjusted his approach, targeting those without it first, recognizing that they would be comparatively easier to neutralize.




The shots reverberated through the air as his bullets found their marks, hitting three more enemies.

Unfortunately , his strategy was caught by them, their heightened abilities became evident as they closed in on him, attempting to surround him and overwhelm him with their combined strength. 

"Not good !" he exclaimed, an instinctive feeling of impending danger surged within him. Reacting swiftly, he dodged with fast reflexes, narrowly evading the imminent threat.


In that split second, the tree that had provided him cover was struck by a devastating shotgun blast, erupting in a shower of splintered wood and debris.

"Bastards!" he cursed aloud, his frustration and anger boiling within him as he realized that his enemy had now resorted to using firearms. He swiftly regained his composure, instinctively seeking stability to counter the impending threat.


However, his efforts to steady himself were met with another deafening shotgun blast that came perilously close to ending his life. The shotgun, which normally had a bad long distance accuracy, became a dangerous weapon in the hands of someone who used Adrenaline Manipulation.

"I need to get out of here !" With a quick assessment of the situation, he made a crucial decision to change his hiding spot and create distance between himself and his enemy. Recognizing the need to avoid being surrounded , he summoned all his strength and agility, launching into a swift  sprint.



Navigating through the rugged terrain , he weaved through the cover of trees and dense foliage, using the natural elements to his advantage. Each step propelled him further away from immediate danger, as he focused on creating a gap that would grant him a strategic advantage.

But In an unfortunate turn of events, Nathan's momentum was abruptly halted as he tripped over a concealed rope under the snow, triggering a deadly trap. With a sudden jolt, two massive logs descended from above, hurtling towards him with a deadly force. Reacting swiftly, he rolled down the snow, narrowly evading the collision of the logs as they crashed together with a thunderous impact.


Breathing heavily, he recognized the gravity of his mistake. He had underestimated the ingenuity and ruthlessness of those sick bastards, falling victim to their deadly traps. The near-death experience served as a stark reminder of the dangers that surrounded him.

"That was close," Vincent muttered to himself. With his exceptional agility, he traversed from tree to tree, maintaining a vantage point to assess the unfolding situation below. His keen observation and quick reflexes allowed him to anticipate the dangers that Nathan faced.

When Nathan found himself in the crosshairs of the shotgun, Vincent's instincts told him that his friend was far from being hit by it.  It was a split-second decision, one that relied on his inhuman reaction time . He held back, allowing Nathan to rely on his own skills and instincts, believing that it was for the best.

"I need to get out of here, " Nathan swiftly rose to his feet. Without wasting a moment, he resumed his sprint.

Breathing heavily, he reached the cover of a large, sturdy tree that offered both concealment and a brief break from the relentless pursuit. With his bare hands, he began to climb, skillfully maneuvering his way up the branches until he found a secure perch.

Sitting high above the ground, he allowed himself a moment to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling as he regulated his breathing. From this vantage point, he could survey the surrounding area, assessing the movements of his pursuer and formulating a plan of action.

The tree provided a sense of comfort, a temporary sanctuary where he could gather his thoughts and rethink his strategy. The world below seemed distant, muted by the safety and solitude he found in the height of the branches. 

"I don't know how many times I almost died today just by doing a side quest" he chuckled softly, his voice laced with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. The humor in his self-deprecating remark was a feeble attempt to lighten the heavy burden on his shoulders, a fleeting break amidst the chaos and danger that surrounded him.

But behind the jest, his resolve burned brightly. He knew that he couldn't afford to succumb to fear or doubt. He had come this far, driven by his unwavering loyalty to Vincent, and he refused to let the challenges break him. The trials he faced were pushing him to his limits, testing the strength of his spirit, and shaping him into a stronger, more resilient individual.

However, the sheer number of his enemies was no joke. He had managed to kill a few of them, but now his bullets had finally run out after exchanging fire with them when they discovered his location.

He let out a sigh of frustration as he surveyed the dozen menacing figures encircling him below. Their twisted grins sent chills down his spine, as if they relished the thrill of hunting him down. It seemed like an insurmountable challenge, with little hope of escape.

"You need help? 

Just when he thought all was lost, a voice broke through the tense silence, causing him to startle. Vincent sat beside him as if materializing out of thin air. Even with his enhanced reflexes, Nathan hadn't detected Vincent's presence until that moment.

"How the hell did you get here, buddy?" Nathan exclaimed, a mix of surprise and relief washing over him.

"I've been here all along," Vincent teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You have the power to be invisible?" Nathan asked, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Well, not exactly. But let's just say I have my ways." Vincent chuckled at his friend's funny remark.

"Good thing you're here. I was beginning to get bored up here," Nathan grinned.

Vincent couldn't help but marvel at his friend's ability to change mood. Just moments ago, he had seen him on the verge of tears, and now Nathan appeared like he was just having a simple vacation. 

"You were just sobbing like a baby a few minutes ago, and now you're back to full strength," Vincent remarked with a playful smirk.

Nathan grinned, his earlier vulnerability replaced by a newfound determination. "There was just something in my eyes. I can handle this."

"I know you can handle it. But I think it's time for us to finish this." 

With those words, he leaped down from the tree, his eyes gleaming with a golden hue that revealed his awe-inspiring power. The grotesque creatures below, caught off guard by his sudden appearance, let out wild shouts, thinking they had found another meal on their table.

One of them, wielding a scythe typically used for farming, approached him with a creepy grin. But he allowed him to get closer, biding his time.

"Hehehe," the ugly individual chuckled, reveling in the anticipation of its newfound food.

"Damn, your breath stinks," Vincent quipped, earning laughter from both the creature and Nathan, momentarily distracting them with his lighthearted comment.

Sensing that it was being insulted, the ugly individual roared in anger. In a swift motion, it swung its scythe aiming to kill the person who insulted it . But to its surprise, Vincent effortlessly raised his arm, catching the blade with his bare hand.


"You think this puny thing can kill me?" Vincent sneered, his voice dripping with confidence as he shattered the blade with his bare hands.


Realizing the grave mistake it had made, the ugly creature stumbled backward in shocked. But Vincent was done playing , he swiftly kicked it in the stomach with such force that it soared through the air, propelled like a ragdoll struck by a point-blank shotgun blast.


As the creature mangled body crashed into the snow, the others stood frozen, their grins wiped off their faces. Vincent's display of strength and dominance had shattered their illusions of superiority, leaving them reeling in disbelief.

One of them, sensing the danger, raised its shotgun to shoot.


But in a blink of an eye, Vincent's lightning-fast speed allowed him to appear right in front of it. Time seemed to slow down as his gaze locked onto the barrel of the weapon.

"I can't let you destroy this new jacket," he spoke with a hint humor

With a swift and precise motion, he extended his hand, his palm meeting the shotgun in a devastating clash. The force of the impact was enough to render the weapon useless, leaving his enemy defenseless.

And in one fluid motion, he followed through with a decisive strike. His hand blurred through the air, delivering a devastating blow that severed the enemy's head from his body. The gruesome sight was an evidence to his incredible speed, precision, and deadly intent.

Then what happened next was akin to a scene straight out of a superhero movie. Vincent moved like a lightning, effortlessly dispatching each enemy with ease.




With each strike, his fists became a blur of motion, delivering devastating blows that mangled his enemies body to chunks. His punches were executed with impeccable accuracy, killing anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path.

"Incredible," Nathan mused in awe, his voice tinged with pride. "My bestfriend is too OP! "

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