Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 153 Rank SSS

Perched atop the mountain, Nathan sat patiently, his mind consumed by worry for his best friend. He couldn't help but envision the dangers Vincent might have encountered, fearing that his friend was now injured and in need of assistance.

"I must become stronger so that I can support him. I'm certain he's facing someone really powerful enemies" Nathan murmured, his thoughts spilling out into the open air.

Unbeknownst to him, Vincent had already returned and now stood just behind him. Oblivious to his friend's presence, Nathan continued staring into the horizon, lost in his own thoughts.

Vincent, however, felt a tinge of frustration. Why did everyone always assume he had faced insurmountable hardships? While it was true that he had his fair share of trials, the reality was far from the exaggerated tales they imagined. He contemplated burying himself once again in the snow, hoping to escape the assumptions that clouded his friend perceptions of him.

"Nathan," he called out, his voice cutting through the crisp mountain air.

Startled, Nathan spun around, his face lighting up with excitement at the sight of his friend. But instead of a wounded Vincent he had imagined, what greeted his eyes was an entirely unexpected scene—a visibly blushing Vincent, with an otherworldly beauty clinging to his arms.

"What in the world, buddy? Was your mission to pick up some baddies?" Nathan exclaimed, his surprise evident in his tone.

Vincent's cheeks burned even brighter as he found himself at a loss for words. The situation before him was far from what he had anticipated, and he couldn't help but share in Nathan's bewilderment. The unforeseen encounter had certainly deviated from his expectations, leaving him momentarily speechless.

As Nathan gaze lingered upon the stunning woman before him, he couldn't deny her captivating beauty. It was undeniable that she possessed an otherworldly allure that could ensnare the hearts of any man. Her charm was off the charts, capable of leaving anyone spellbound in an instant.

Yet, Nathan, with a sense of self-awareness, acknowledged that true connections extended beyond superficial attractions. He knew that beauty alone could not define a person's worth or compatibility. 

His ability to restrain his primal urges spoke volumes about his character.

Indeed, these two best friends couldn't be more different from one another. Nathan and Vincent possessed contrasting personalities that complemented each other in unexpected ways.

"Hello, my name is Erika," she introduced herself with a warm smile, extending her hand in a kind gesture. "Vincent has told me so much about you. He speaks of you as his beloved brother."

Nathan's face flushed with a mix of surprise and bashfulness as he scratched his head. "Oh, really?" he stammered, feeling a touch flustered.

"I'm Nathan, Vincent's loyal brother. It's a pleasure to meet you," he replied, accepting Erika's handshake. 

Vincent, observing the interaction between them, couldn't help but marvel at Erika's ability to effortlessly manipulate a person. He found himself amazed by her skills, realizing that she possessed a level of cunning and influence that surpassed his initial expectations.

After the introductions, the trio made their way down the mountain. Nathan, eager to continue their conversation, suggested talking as they descended. 

As they began their descent, Erika showcased her impressive powers, creating an ice path that spiraled downward. The trio marveled at her ability to manipulate the elements, as she effortlessly blocked the sun's rays with her icy creations. Vincent couldn't help but notice that her powers granted her a greater tolerance for sunlight, a characteristic he found fascinating.

"Wow, this is even more awesome than riding you, buddy!" Nathan exclaimed with childlike enthusiasm, sliding down the shimmering ice path.

Vincent couldn't help but sigh at his choice of words, realizing the unintentional double meaning. He knew his friend meant it innocently, but the potential for misunderstanding was clear.

"Perhaps you should word that differently next time," Vincent replied, offering a subtle hint with a wry smile.

Erika, always quick-witted and mischievous, seized the opportunity to tease him. With a playful tone carried by the wind, she whispered,

"Don't worry, darling. I still prefer riding you," her voice laced with a teasing allure that only he could hear.

Vincent's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at her teasing nature, yet there was a sense of compassion and lightheartedness that brought a smile to his face.

Unbeknownst to the trio, a series of monumental events was unfolding, silently setting the stage for a future filled with consequences. The seemingly innocent encounter on that chamber and their lighthearted banter served as mere glimpses of the larger fate that awaited them.

Deep within the currents of fate, forces were aligning, weaving intricate threads of destiny that would entwine their lives in ways they could not yet comprehend. The echoes of ancient prophecies resonated through the realms, hinting at a forthcoming upheaval that would test the limits of their strength, loyalty, and resilience.

Unseen by their eyes, shadows danced across the world, signifying the presence of hidden adversaries and formidable challenges that lay in wait. 






Deep within the arid plains of Turkmenistan, where the scorching sun beat relentlessly upon the land, a sinister gateway to the underworld beckoned with an otherworldly allure. This place, known as the "Door to Hell," held an eerie fascination for those who dared to venture near.

The Door to Hell was not a natural formation, but rather a terrifying reminder of human curiosity and what happens when we interfere with the unknown. This barren location, which was the result of a failed drilling expedition in the early 1970s, had evolved into a burning abyss that was constantly ablaze with seething flames that danced across the arid soil.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate landscape, the flames of the Door to Hell grew more pronounced, their vivid glow illuminating the night. A sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air, as if the very fabric of reality had been torn asunder, revealing glimpses of a realm far more sinister.

Curiosity and dread mingled in the hearts of those who dared to approach this infernal pit. Scientists, adventurers, and seekers of the supernatural all converged upon this unholy site, driven by a morbid fascination with the unknown.

But all of their assumptions were wrong .

Deep within the fiery depths of Turkmenistan's Door to Hell, a truth hidden from the world silently awaited its revelation. Contrary to the popular belief that this place was a gateway to another realm, it was, in fact, a prison—a prison designed to confine an ancient and malevolent entity.

"AGGGGGGGH!" With a furious roar, the colossal figure known as Diablo broke free from the confines of his long-standing prison.

Standing at an astounding height of ten feet, his imposing humanoid form radiated raw power and an unquenchable thirst for vengeance. His crimson eyes mirrored the flames of hell, blazing with fury, while the giant horns adorning his forehead served as a testament to his indomitable power.

Memories of his arch-nemesis, Xavier Originem, flooded his mind, fueling the fires of his wrath. Xavier, once an ally, had turned against him, betraying their sacred covenant and dooming him to his prison. The betrayal seared through his very being, igniting a hatred that consumed his every thought.

"Xavier!" he roared, his voice reverberating with a thunderous intensity. "You will pay for your treachery! I shall hunt you down and exact a righteous vengeance upon you!" His words dripped with venomous anger, promising retribution for the sins committed against him.

But his rage extended beyond Xavier alone. The siblings of his mortal enemy, bound by blood and loyalty, would not escape his wrath unscathed. He vowed to eradicate every trace of their existence, to ensure that the Originem lineage would be forever tarnished and extinguished.

"You have chosen the wrong side; you will regret siding with those stupid sisters of yours!" he sneered in contempt.

With each step he took, the earth burned beneath his immense power, echoing the fury that burned within his heart. Diablo, a force unleashed upon the world, will become the harbinger of destruction—a relentless force set on obliterating all who stood in his path.




Los Angeles 

"Did you feel that?" a sexy woman with dark skin and short hair asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Yes, my dear Haze, I certainly did. It appears that your ex has finally managed to escape from his prison," Lucifer replied, a sarcastic smile playing on his lips.

Haze's raised her eyebrows as she voiced her thoughts, her connection to the depths of hell allowed her to sense Diablo's overwhelming power. It was a familiar sensation, for they had lived together for thousands of years in the past.

"Should we consider aiding Evangeline? Diablo's power is far beyond what they can handle with their current firepower." Haze's concern deepened as she contemplated their course of action. The sheer power of her ex-husband was not something that a bunch of Rank S could handle.

Only five beings in existence had proven capable of challenging him throughout his long and tumultuous existence: Xavier, the Blood Monarch; Fenrir, The Moonlight Overlord,  Hades, the God of the Underworld; Michael, the First Archangel; and, of course, Lucifer, the Lightbringer. These formidable individuals were revered as gods in their own right, a testament to their immense strength. The fact that Diablo stood on par with them served as a stark reminder of the magnitude of his power.

Lucifer leaned back, his demeanor seemingly unperturbed.

"Fear not, my dear. I'm confident that Evangeline has a plan in motion. She wouldn't have broken those seals without good reason," he assured, his voice tinged with amusement. He took a leisurely sip of his wine, thoroughly relishing the unfolding events.

While Lucifer maintained a nonchalant demeanor, the news of Diablo's emergence spread rapidly across the globe. Like wildfire, the information blazed through the various organizations, creating a sense of urgency and alarm.

"A Rank SSS has emerged! The end of the world is near"

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